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Iran shows video of downed US Spyplane

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posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

I agree the vents in the front of it would give a crossection of the plane and lessen the stealth capability. It does seem a bit fishy. We will have to see what the US has to say about it.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 03:19 PM
I attended Engineering school with many Iranians back when the Shah was running things for the USA and assuring the OIL revenues were flowing to Exxon's and BP's coffers.

They are very intelligent and well educated and could finish exams way before most of us Americans could.

They studied and earned the same engineering degrees as us Americans did and have the same degree of knowledge as us Americans.

This act of intercepting the Drone AND safely bringing it down is representative of what they are capable of doing technologically.

To demean them as being inferior is more Propaganda and is simply based upon ignorance by many who have never even met a Persian let alone having worked or studied with them.

For if you had/have you'd think entirely differently of them.

I can only say that after what recently occurred in Libya, I wish that all of us could leave one another alone and to learn to live in Peace.


posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:41 PM
! don't know why, but the Trojan Horse keeps coming to mind with this. GPS "pingers" fabricated into the components of this drone would sure help locate any advanced manufacturing facility which could be used to try and reverse-engineer or disassemble/copy it.

If it was lost by the controllers in Afganistan a week prior to being acquired (however) by Iran, could it have just ran out of fuel and landed on it's own with minimal damage?

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