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Cameron says he will protect CITY of London

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posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 04:33 AM
I have tried to find a video link to PM question time yesterday, may be someone else here can have better luck?

Basically, when questioned about giving the UK a referendum on the Merkel/Sarkosi 'new Europe' plan, Cameron's answer was "I will do everything in my power to protect THE CITY OF LONDON". Not one MP asked "What about the rest of the UK?"

As we all know the City of London is a 'law unto itself'. Talk about a secret/coded message to the Elite by Cameron!
As you can see from this quote in The Express today (with no mention of City of London)
"But Mr Cameron insisted a poll was unnecessary, claiming the Franco-German plan would not transfer any powers from London to Brussels."

Think we have just been sold up the Swany River chaps....amd without a paddle!

PS I will keep looking for a video link so you can hear it for yourselves

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 04:44 AM
I think France and Germany will destroy everything.When people are in panic they made mistakes!

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

The eu summit only going to have one task and thats
save the euro at all costs which usually means the
little people well being gets sacrificed to keep the
status quo ok.

If the treaties do get changed there not going to be
a referendum as that will put at risk anything that
will come out of the summit.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

It is essential we protect the sovereignty of the "wealth creators" in The City of London Corporation. As long as the interests of the rich are protected, Cameron will be doing his job.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:00 AM
I've always felt this to be an open secret, no matter where you are in the country we'll be screwed over while they protect their wealth.

Tho I guess that plays into the divides the establishment has created down the centuries to ensure that we do not act as one people across these Isles and to ensure they can say, only they know what is best for everyone.

And we certainly won't get a referendum until they decide it is in their interest to hold one.

edit on 8/12/11 by thoughtsfull because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Here are a couple of links to videos of it. the second one has a transcript but it's not clear who is speaking, when.

I couldn't get either of them to play but maybe you can?

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Whilst i get what you are saying, the plans put forward by Merkel and Sarkozy would rip money from the City. The problem with that is that, owing to the continued problems in the Eurozone, we have not yet been able to reconfigure the make up of our economy - over 25% of our GDP still comes from the city (the plans to go into a more manufacturing based economy have been destroyed by the problems in the eurozone, who account for about 60% of our trade).

As such, at present Cameron has no option other than to protect the City as best he can.For all those (like me) that want economic reforms, the stark reality is that it just won't happen until the conditions are present to allow it to happen.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:14 AM
you can watch the full prime ministers questions on i player as i did last night =)

Iplayer - Prime Ministers Questions

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
I've always felt this to be an open secret, no matter where you are in the country we'll be screwed over while they protect their wealth.

Tho I guess that plays into the divides the establishment has created down the centuries to ensure that we do not act as one people across these Isles and to ensure they can say, only they know what is best for everyone.

And we certainly won't get a referendum until they decide it is in their interest to hold one.

edit on 8/12/11 by thoughtsfull because: (no reason given)

I think David Camerons background is like an open secret too. His G grandfather Ewan Cameron was a powerful financier who made a fortune helping the Rothschilds sell war bonds in WW2. Reminds be of George Bush's business dealings in WW2. He is related to various prominent people, financiers and stockbrokers in his family tree and king William of England. He's a multi milionaire as was his wife when they married.

I just wonder where his motives and sympathies lie? ( a rhetorical question by the way!)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by DrHammondStoat

I guessed it was
tho they all seem the same regardless of what colour tie they wear.. 2 words always spring to mind when I look at the establishment, "self serving"

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by Flavian

The financial service industry in the UK which is centred on the City of London contributed $53bn into the UK coffers in 2010. The touted EU deal being pushed by Sarkozy and Merkel includes a "transaction tax" which would have an impact on the ability of the City of London to generate wealth, which goes into the UK Treasury.

I am pleased that Cameron will support the UK on this. I am pleased he will not sacrifice the City of London to the Eurozone nations who have allowed themselves to make a mess of things.


posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by angelchemuel

Whilst i get what you are saying, the plans put forward by Merkel and Sarkozy would rip money from the City. The problem with that is that, owing to the continued problems in the Eurozone, we have not yet been able to reconfigure the make up of our economy - over 25% of our GDP still comes from the city (the plans to go into a more manufacturing based economy have been destroyed by the problems in the eurozone, who account for about 60% of our trade).

As such, at present Cameron has no option other than to protect the City as best he can.For all those (like me) that want economic reforms, the stark reality is that it just won't happen until the conditions are present to allow it to happen.

To be honest I feel that will always be true and that we (as a nation) will never be in the position to change that, it is our Achilles heel. So I wouldn't be surprised if the threats to the city where not made to ensure Britains compliance with whatever is being proposed.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by paraphi

I agree with you 100%. Ideally, we would be moving towards a more balanced economy, with manufacturing and technologies taking up a larger percentage of the GDP. However, this simply just isn't possible when our major trading partners are struggling to the point they are not buying.

I think we have all come to the point where we we want change and a more balanced society / world, with less disparity between rich and poor. We have to realise though that under present market conditions, it just won't happen.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

I kind of understand where you are coming from but this reliance on the City is a more modern phenomenon (last 20-30 years). We need to become more balanced and it will not even begin to happen until the world is in recovery (economically).

I am actually optimistic about this in the long run as it suits us as a nation to reconfigure the economy - therefore in my mind it will happen (just a question of when).

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

It will always be about these wealthy elite as our societies are run on the basis of money. The Tories used to actually be Conservative but ever since the Thatcher regime with the triumph of the Wets your Right has been turned into some sick Classical Liberal economic movement with internationalism thrown in the help the cosmopolitan bankers, traders, and the other scoundrels. To assume there is anything ‘Conservative’ or even uniquely British about the Conservative Party and its allies is a joke.

Not to mention Labour has gone from a party of workers to a party of manipulating elite who cater to big business through their multiculturalist dream, anyone with a brain can figure out that mass immigration serves only one purpose: to undermine native labor and benefit big business. Labour, Lib Dem, Conservative, you are going to be sold down the river no matter who you choose. Pick the name you want to be sold under and set sail.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Flavian

I personally see it slightly differently, the City has gone (in my opinion) from owning/trading the physical to owning/trading the intangible.. and it is that latter part that is the main issue in my book.

I worked at the BoE (note: as a contractor) in the late 80s early 90s and it was beginning to be really evident back then that the City appeared (in my limited sight) to be moving from financing real goods to becoming the worlds paper pushing capital.

We certainly need some balance in our economy but feel we are in a catch 22 cycle that needs to be broken and in my opinion the City needs to move away from pushing papers around world and refocus it's attention on the real and tangible otherwise when this mess hits the fan it (and us) will have nothing to keep us afloat.

These are just my meandering thoughts on this after looking at how some of the bigger boys actually work.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:52 AM
Its been clear ever since webcameron "gained" control of the U.K. that he was going to look after his rich friends at the expense of everybody else. **snip** His whole persona reeks of weakness and EVEN! with the corporation of london's backing (which includes fleet street BTW) couldn't deliver a clear election victory.
Both the U.K. and the U.S. have so many sad little corporate puppets running things that the western political machine now resembles sesame street.

Viva la revolution, our time is coming!!
edit on 9-12-2011 by getreadyalready because: removed ill-mannered portion

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:57 AM
The City of Snakes have destroyed the United Kingdom. These people contribute nothing to society, they merely leech from the rest of the honest world.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

I honestly agree with what you are saying. My point of contention has been that this is just not possible at the moment. We cannot reconfigure our economy into a more manufacturing based one until the Eurozone is recovering as they are responsible for around 60% of our daily trading. If they are sinking, they aren't buying so there is no point setting up a manufacturing firm to sell to them yet.

I also agree entirely about the change in emphasis in the City. However, i see similar problems here in that as it is responsible for such a large proportion of our GDP, i just do not see reforms (ie away from paper pushing false finance) at the present time - for fear of rocking the boat (no wish to kill off the golden goose until there is a viable alternative).

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by 5mok3r
Its been clear ever since webcameron "gained" control of the U.K. that he was going to look after his rich friends at the expense of everybody else. He is nothing more than a worthless power rat who will hopefully soon go the way of his retarded 8yr old son. His whole persona reeks of weakness and EVEN! with the corporation of london's backing (which includes fleet street BTW) couldn't deliver a clear election victory.
Both the U.K. and the U.S. have so many sad little corporate puppets running things that the western political machine now resembles sesame street.

Viva la revolution, our time is coming!!

What an abhorrent comment about a disabled child. Congratulations.

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