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Jackson County budget leaves out dogs, cats

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posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Seems like there should be enough concerned individuals that would take matters into their own hands instead of relying on government to do it.

There are many so-called animal rights groups that raise tons of money, that should be able to help out also.

Leave the government out of this.

Same with the homeless mentally ill, the poor, the needy, the crack orphans and child prostitutes.

Animals do have "rights", whether you think they do or not. What is a "so-called animal rights group"?

A gathering of people who detest cruelty to, neglect of, indecent captivity, excessive work, and exploitation of animals?

And don't get me started on the reasons government has HAD to do it. (They're mostly on Wall Street gambling with fake money to spiff up their yachts or repave their pools rather than assisting their less affluent HUMAN fellows.) President Reagan shut down the facilities for the mentally ill, and sent them out into their "communities" for care like old-time almshouses. Remember that? Or were you born yet?

The problems we have today are mismanagement of positions of power and asinine policies that trickle down to the most humble puddle of water. Humans, humanity, as a whole, are barbaric. And I, for one, am grateful that I was reared to be kind to all. There are too few of us, and it is a painful existence in many ways. But I have literally lost count of the thankless efforts I have made to help others -- plants, animals (both wild and domestic), and humans -- and received nothing tangible in return. The rewards are spiritual.

Haters have no value whatsoever. And there are no animals who are haters, save the human one.

edit on 8-12-2011 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Animals are not less important than humanity as a whole. They are EQUALLY important, and MORE VULNERABLE.

No. They are not as important to Humanity as Humanity itself. They are less important. Just as Human problems do not worry cat society as much as cat issues.
People need to care about people more then about animals. I do not know how one can see it any different. Of course, it is easier both physically and emotionally to help a dog or a cat then a person. People demand much more attention. People can hurt one more than most animals. But it is because we are on the same playing field with same social laws.
And it makes it much harder.

edit on 8-12-2011 by ZeroKnowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

You are mistaken. And one day you will know that. It is not my job to add to your Zero Knowledge if your heart and ears are stubbornly and ignorantly closed.
But thanks for presenting your case. Good luck with the stellar examples of "humanity" that are beseiging your tiny corner of the planet.
Try stroking a cat, or having a dog welcome you home. It helps the soul and eases the relentless pain of being human.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Try stroking a cat, or having a dog welcome you home. It helps the soul and eases the relentless pain of being human.

Less then kids ,wife or friends? The truth is that it is easier to stroke a lonely cat and then not care what happens to it then to speak with lonely person.
It takes much much more effort to help the people who need much much more input then animals. So i understand all the need for white lies one uses to convince him/herself that helping animals rather then people is not simply so much easier, but it is just as (or even more) important and makes one feel just as good about her/himself.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:08 PM
A 22 year old man has killed a 4 year old boy and discarded the body in a sewage area. One of the only things this young man was found guilty of in the past was stealing animals and abusing them, killing them.

Do you suppose this man had good intentions in his start towards murder? I think not.

Man charged for murder of 4-year-old

HARTVILLE - A 22-year-old Wright County man has been charged with killing a little boy and discarding his body in a sewage lagoon Tuesday night. Terry Joe Volner faces charges of first degree murder, armed criminal action and abandonment of a corpse, according to online court documents. Bond has been set at $1 million cash. The victim has been identified as Dusty Guenther, 4. His body was discovered early Wednesday in the lagoon behind his home on Route Z between Competition and Hartville near Jerktail Road. A probable cause statement from the prosecutor's office alleges that Volner called his mother early Wednesday and confessed that he had killed Dusty Guenther, Dusty's mother, Gina Guenther, and the rest of the family. Volner sent his mother a picture via a cell phone of the boy with his throat cut, according to the statement.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 05:14 PM
Now I am first to admit that if an intruder came into my home to kill either my pets or family, I would protect the family first and foremost, any sane person would, but if our pets were murdered it would be tragic nonetheless.

So trying to compare the senseless murder of stray animals because they are a nuisance and protecting human beings, our first responsibility is to human beings but I just do not see how the very same people responsible for the care of innocent animals can drop the funding to help keep the stray population down will turn around and place those funds in the hands of the needy.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

You have apparently not read my responses. I have worked closely with both: animals in need, and humans in need. The humans are the less appreciative. They hate, they war, they injure, torture, maim, kill, abuse, exploit. Would I choose my animal companions over my own children and husband? No. But I would strive and lay down my life for ALL of them, to a member.

Our animal companions do not shoot one another down in cold blood for making some stupid remark about their mothers. They do not cook up drugs, or behead their own, or abandon or maim or sell their own offspring. They do not rob, cheat, lie, steal, or collude to have their own "disappear" or to gain "so-called" wealth at the expense of someone else.

Now, you tell me, which are the nobler species???

Like I've said, I have worked with both: Humans and Animals. The animals love unconditionally, like children. They are loyal, accepting, forgiving, and always welcoming.

People? Not so much. Animals are not capable of having "hidden agendae". They do not set up their peers for disaster or death. They may upon occasion become angry, but only when warranted.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Tell you what - You pay this community what it lacks to take care of these poor animals out of your pocketbook and everyone is happy.

edit on 8-12-2011 by Garfee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Garfee
reply to post by wildtimes

Tell you what - You pay this community what it lacks to take care of these poor animals out of your pocketbook and everyone is happy.

edit on 8-12-2011 by Garfee because: (no reason given)

To the best of my ability, I do just that. Out of my own pocketbook, I take in as many animals as possible, and give them warmth, food, safety, affection, and attention. All of which they give in return. (Yup, even the food, although I pass on their offerings).

Cool? And yeah, everyone here is happy.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by antar
Prove it.

Fine. I'll go to the library tomorrow and post the newspaper articles.

Prove it. and who is "We"? As feral cats do not just make cozy with any human being let alone a mass build up of alleged children. Sounds like propaganda to me...

We are the people who live in the same neighborhood as I do. Take your propaganda statement and shove it. One of the kids was my two year old great niece.

If there is such a program out there which I doubt then those who are trying to keep and reduce the feral population down are to be commended and called clowns for their efforts.

Your are right. Calling them clowns is an insult to clowns.

What state is that? Do you mean your city?

The State of Pennsylvania requires all dogs to be licensed. A Rabies shot is a requirement for licensing.

So you admit to animal cruelty? this is punishable by law you know right? Admitting that you take pot shots at defenseless animals and then take their bodies for testing is also something you will have to prove to me because I think your action stops or stoops at shooting any animal that has the misfortune to cross your deadly path.

It isn't punishable by law when a Rabies quarrentine is declared. My town has had a Rabies quarrentine for the last five years. I take the carcasses to the Police station, where they are turned over to the County Health Department.

Is this before or after you shoot them?
You are a masochist and an animal hater, torturer, what next? children?

I won't stoop so low as to answer this.

edit on 9-12-2011 by JIMC5499 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2011 by JIMC5499 because: (no reason given)

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