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Operation Rescue

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posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 08:15 PM
Hello All,

I have decided to suspend for now my focus on the Black Triangles. It's been a year or so since I first heard of them and since then I've learned much, not only about BBTs but about the UFO scene in general, mostly as a result of managing the "Say Hello to ET" project from Feb. 20, 2011 until July 20, 2011. Then, as most of you know, after that there was the relatively quick follow-up with the "UFO Reboot" project which ran for three weeks endind on 11/11/11. These exercises opened up the world of UFOs, and the folks that believe in them, in a way that, in retrospect, would have otherwise taken years to understand. Though I am not a believer myself, even after this past year and it's events, What I have learned from the many Forums and their members is that there is a plateau that has been reached, which was actually reached decades ago, in which no one has really progressed beyond.This is not to say that more of everything UFO has not been the case for indeed there IS more of everything WRT UFOs. But If I was to give an overview, standing back and looking at the whole picture of the last 50 years or so, I just don't see much in the way of any new revealations.

One of the most prominent aspects of the current picture that appears most disturbing, albeit only to myself and a few others, is that the focus of the subject still remains at the level of the UFO itself. It seems as if everything is frozen on that particular aspect and subject cannot free itself to move beyond that point. It is my opinion that achieving the next level of thought would be a necessary step one might take in the evolutionary sense of understanding the UFO enigma.What might that next level of thinking entail? Well for one, a believer will still likely believe in the existence of ET in spite of the two previously-mentioned project which resulted in two no-shows. I have nonetheless not seen discussion threads anywhere that have seriously address that particular outcome.

It comes to mind that believers do not need proof of Alien exist because they already know existence to be a fact. It's not fact and we have all heard both sides of that issue many times. It's another one of those circular discussions that is and will be difficult if not impossible to resolve to everyone's satifaction. So, where does this leave the dialogue in the Forums? It simply comes right back to the UFO again. The sightings on MUFON, NUFORC, YouTube, etc and the focus once again remains there with no data to stimulate anything that would launch the phenomenon to the next tier of investigation. The UFO industry is completely satified with this situation as most of you are well aware and it has no desire to break out of something that is comfortable and has been almost like a tradition for over 40 years. But it's just not working in the intelligent believer of today who's exposed to so much information.

At this point I would an present an idea for your consideration as believers:

1) If ETs exist, as believers say that they do, then it is apparent by now after 60+ years that they are NOT here to invade us.

2) If ETs exist, as believers say that they do, then it is apparent by now after 60+ years that they are not here for our resources as the universe has everything we have- and in great abundance.

3) Then they are here for a reason no one has thought of yet but whatever it is, it is NOT to harm us.

4) That being said, if I was a believer, it would be apparent to me then, that they are here for a NECESSARY reason.

I think this is a good place to pause and to leave that last thought with all of you for a while. Believe me, there is much more to this picture as you will see but absorbing the idea for now of ET being here out of necessity is more important.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 08:41 PM
Do you not think they could possibly be here (if they are here) to try and learn from us? We could afterall be far more intelligent than them... crazy I know

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 09:57 PM
For most of you puzzled by the UFO phenomena and limited in your thinking of what it means or does not mean, it is probably the best solution to consider the ufolk god-like and duty-bound to free us from our worst human attributes. --Or perhaps more correctly phrased merely as, our "human attributes."

That is about the gentlest way to view the situation without getting into the personal horror most of you would feel if you really understood what it is all about. The best thing I can do for you is to suggest that you read Arthur C. Clarke's old novel "Childhood's End." It is a beautiful story about human destiny far beyond anything most of you can or will ever imagine.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 10:04 PM
Hello fairguy,

Originally posted by fairguy
Do you not think they could possibly be here (if they are here) to try and learn from us? We could afterall be far more intelligent than them... crazy I know

Of course, and you know why? Because anything is possible. Especially if they exist.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 10:08 PM
Hello Aliensun,

Originally posted by Aliensun
For most of you puzzled by the UFO phenomena and limited in your thinking of what it means or does not mean, it is probably the best solution to consider the ufolk god-like and duty-bound to free us from our worst human attributes. --Or perhaps more correctly phrased merely as, our "human attributes."

That is about the gentlest way to view the situation without getting into the personal horror most of you would feel if you really understood what it is all about. The best thing I can do for you is to suggest that you read Arthur C. Clarke's old novel "Childhood's End." It is a beautiful story about human destiny far beyond anything most of you can or will ever imagine.

Where this thread is going is bigger than that, truth be known. And not nearly as ambiguous I assure you..


posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:33 AM
Perhaps they are interested in our personalities , culture , art, music ? Maybe star trek has it right , there is a prime directive where they can observe but not influence or interact with is ? My 2 cents for today ! : )

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by hiflier

Hi Op!

What I am picking up from your opening post is you're clumping alien visitations into one group with perhaps one purpose (which after 60 years hasn't been established according to you).

I also think you're understandably but arbitrarily choosing 1947 as your launching point too.
This approach is like looking at one section of the cosmos, at a certain time of the year and trying to figure out the entire Universe (multiverses)

It's my opinion, like everything else, these intelligent Beings, who have been a part of our existence for billions of years, have multiple purposes. However, we're too lineage to think that way.

If we don't even know our own soul purpose(s) how are we equipped to figure out theirs?

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by fairguy
Do you not think they could possibly be here (if they are here) to try and learn from us? We could afterall be far more intelligent than them... crazy I know

1. I doubt they are intelligent at all.
2. The very fact they are here proves it as far as I am concerned.
3. The human race is a stupid, greedy, and arrogant breed.

Unless of course, they are here to learn that trait, then we are back to point 1 above.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:16 AM
Hello All,

This thread's concept will encompass ALL of Human history. The idea to include ET in the mix would be an inevitable addition WRT the believer so in that respect ET is in. I'm working with a colleague who IS a believer though I myself am not. It makes for an interesting dynamic as my scientific approach emphasizes hard data. My colleague agrees that that is required in order to establish fact for any working model in order to have any credence.

The ET factor has to fit seamlessly within the context of the theory if it is allowed to remain. As part of the picture, and since ET presence is so widely believed in, this model is endeavoring to use the dynamics involved in the history of Earth and the events that have shaped it's evolutionary aspects WRT the present day look of things by including ET. How Humans managed to survive world catastrophies to be here by studying the geologic record to determine a major incident that would otherwise have wipe out every living thing causes one to wonder at the survival of Humans and how that may have occurred.

So the story yet to unfold here does not start in 1947 even for modern day believers. Novices maybe but not seasoned proponents of the ET enigma. BUT one doesn't have to be a believer to see the entanglement UFO people can get into. The UFO community is rife with fear and conjecture and, for the most part, is ruled by emotion as opposed to hard data. This thread will present a factually-based theory which may be one of several because as far as I know, other senarios possess little to back them up.
edit on 8-12-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-12-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-12-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-12-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-12-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by hiflier

Finally someone has asked the right questions! S & F for you even though I do not subscribe to such a "political" reference.

You gave a big big hint when you titled your thread. Operation Rescue. Yes, you hit the nail on the head.

What do you think "passes over" at Passover?

And "passover" is not a designated day. It is a different day for each one destined to "travel". Passover is the darkest day of those who will be "ascending".

There's more. But that is all I can say for now.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 11:30 AM
Hello Alethea,

Let me take a minute or two to bolster the idea. During the disclosure project there were military figures that said they would testify before Congress that UFOs showed up at a missle installation and shut down the armed missle system, deactivating the missles themselves. I found this to be an interesting piece of the puzzle because if ET is in the "save the Race from total extinction" biz then the story now makes more sense. It appears to be not just an isolated incident any more. It is well known that a nuclear winter created by a Global nuclear war would be the absolute end of the Human Race. So ET gave a little slap on the back of our wrist as if saying "that just WILL NOT HAPPEN!".

Will an event occur that will wipe out most of us? Sure that could happen. Will ET step in? NO! Why not? Because the event, unless we are at risk of total and complete extinction, will not be interfered with. Our species will adapt to changes in our environment so we will not be saved from devastation by our own hand. But if the senario gets bad enough that only pockets of Humans are left then intervention to save the remnants, according to this working model, will occur.

P.S. I edit for spelling because I'm an idiot!.
edit on 8-12-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-12-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Cynic

Originally posted by fairguy
Do you not think they could possibly be here (if they are here) to try and learn from us? We could afterall be far more intelligent than them... crazy I know

1. I doubt they are intelligent at all.
2. The very fact they are here proves it as far as I am concerned.
3. The human race is a stupid, greedy, and arrogant breed.

Unless of course, they are here to learn that trait, then we are back to point 1 above.

I dont really get what you mean, some of us may be arrogant, greedy and even stupid, but there are billions of us.
Some of us are genuine, sincere and smarter than the average bear, we vary greatly.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by hiflier

I have never seen a UFO. Should I discount the existence of them based on that? Many do, but I think that is a rather foolish basis of criteria. I find there is more evidence to support the possibility than not and the evidence begins with subtle hints from ancient sources.

Many people think that the technology we have today is new---that it has never existed before. My opinion is that such belief is arrogant and ignorant. It has been said "there is nothing new under the sun."

"Big Brother" is watching. You have always been watched. The only difference is that now the cameras are visible to you. We have hints originating from ancient mythology of this technology already being long in existence. The Eye of Cyclops, the Eyes of Argus/Argos, and Helen's peacock. In each of these stories, the "eyes" were always on watch and knew the secret deeds of man.

Scriptures make reference to these "watchers" as well. The Eyes of Ezekiel's wheel was a metaphor for a system of reporting visual information and documentation. And in Revelation we are told about a Sea of Glass.

Seas have always been a metaphor for "peoples". Taking into consideration John's attempt to explain the technology he saw in his vision and using a comparison to what was available as a reference in his day (the mirror had not yet been perfected)...could not a "sea of glass" be a reference to people seen within a glass screen, such as a television screen or a computer monitor?

Was this same idea of the Sea of Glass being a means of surveillance shown in The Matrix?
It is one thing to have documents, recordings, photos, and other evidence of mans deeds. These are tangible things. But with computers, this transcends tangible evidence and reveals the innermost part of people---their minds and hearts. Maybe it's not just "DARPA iz in your brainz". This may be for a very good reason if there is a Rescue Operation going on. A mans mind, attitude, sincerity or evil intentions are surely to be revealed on a massive scale through internet forums, emails, blogs, etc. I suspect that the internet plays a part in the winnowing process.

Yes, someone has always been watching you. And he knows who has been good or bad. Ceiling Cat is real.

Which brings us back to why "they" are here. Operation Rescue. Will the righteous be removed from among the wicked? Has it always been ongoing? Is it so close to being over now that the UFO's are allowing themselves to be seen?

edit on 8-12-2011 by Alethea because: add one sentence

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:36 AM
Hello Alethea,

What you say is in keeping with the spirit of this thread. The question I've been kicking around is if this data WRT why they show up has historically been known then what happened to the knowledge by the time it got to us? Somehow it became corrupt to the point that the UFOs that have been around for the last few decades are a mystery to us. This is what my colleague has brought up and has been pursuing for a number of years.

The basic idea has involved the thinking that perhaps an event occurred in the past that Humans who knew about the ET program as it was passed down to them expected them to show up as promised. But the event was not so serious that ET saw the need to intervene. In other worda there was no risk of total extinction so rescue was off the table. The Humans thought otherwise because of their local situation perhaps and decided that the data passed to them was wrong so they changed it to fit their situation.

Now I know all that is a bit of a reach. But the concept seems to fit and does easily include old stories of great floods and, in the Earth record,a relatively sudden reversal of the last Ice Age and such. So in a nutshell my part in this is looking at the geoligical record which does show cosmic bombardment at varying intensities over the eons and IMHO deserves closer scrutiny.
edit on 9-12-2011 by hiflier because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:17 AM
The major failure in this line of rationale is that you are imposing human attributes/motivations to something that is inherently "non-human". You also imply that some higher morality (which is another human construct) guides ET. It is the prime reason there is so much conflict when religions attempt to describe thier gods to each other. It could be the ET came here and found that they could create a new power source from bananas for all we know. The best way I could equate itr to you in pop cultrue terms is the opening scenes of "Mars Attacks!". Be very careful what we assume about the nature and or motivations of non-human entities.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:30 AM
Hello djvexd,

Thanks for responding. ET existence hasn't even been proved yet. In this theory my colleague has stated that ET has played a large role here. My angle is the science. Especially the geological record for the data concerning cosmic wave bombardment and it's possible roll in ending the last Ice Age. That may have been the smoking gun for the ancient great flood stories that are prevalent in written histories. we are on the ground floor here or at least I am and the data should prove interesting now that there is a backdrop to work with.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by djvexd
The major failure in this line of rationale is that you are imposing human attributes/motivations to something that is inherently "non-human".

And do you not know of the reference of ancient texts to "glorified bodies"? Bodies that do not know corruption and decay?

Originally posted by djvexd
You also imply that some higher morality (which is another human construct) guides ET.

Yes. There are some inter-galactic rules of protocol. ET has not come to "save everybody" nor to "save the earth". They are here to rescue those who wish to join the Family.

Originally posted by djvexd
It is the prime reason there is so much conflict when religions attempt to describe thier gods to each other.

This has nothing to do with religion. Religion is a man-made construct using superstition and peer pressure, etc. to control and manipulate the masses. ET will not get involved with anyone who has made a commitment to another authority over them.

Originally posted by djvexd
It could be the ET came here and found that they could create a new power source from bananas for all we know. The best way I could equate itr to you in pop cultrue terms is the opening scenes of "Mars Attacks!". Be very careful what we assume about the nature and or motivations of non-human entities.

You seem to "assume" a fearful attitude about what you do not know. That's OK. It seems to be a part of human nature. Fear of the unknown is the very thing that guides superstition.

But....are there good ET's and bad ones? Do they really look creepy like the depictions of the grays? Do some appear beautiful with luminous shining? Idk. I have yet to see one.

Fact is...there does seem to be observers in our atmosphere. Why are they here? Well...The Truth is Out There.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by hiflier
Hello djvexd,

Thanks for responding. ET existence hasn't even been proved yet. In this theory my colleague has stated that ET has played a large role here. My angle is the science. Especially the geological record for the data concerning cosmic wave bombardment and it's possible roll in ending the last Ice Age. That may have been the smoking gun for the ancient great flood stories that are prevalent in written histories. we are on the ground floor here or at least I am and the data should prove interesting now that there is a backdrop to work with.

Cosmic wave bombardment? Could you be referring to cymatics? The scriptures say "God spoke" and thus, it came into existence. I think the word "spoke" is a simple reference to the science of cymatics. I also wonder if all the frequencies we are surrounded by today influence mans aggression and confusion.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by hiflier

From and scientific point of view, and you would be hard pressed to find anyone in the field nowadays to refute it, it almost a certainty of ET-life. Now while some bicker about whether they could be visiting here is a whole other matter. My point was made from the aspect of there is, E.T. out there somewhere. Thier context, point of view, influences, motivations, etc. cannot and should not be equated or compared with humanity, our emotions or any other psychological construct we take for granted.

my analogy about opposing religions is quite valid. Here is another example of something, which if exists, is so far beyond comprehehnsion, that in order to grasp even a shred of what it could be we assign human attributes to, and each is as different from each other as everyone's interpretation of various E.T. races. Why? Becasue as you so duly noted fear is not a pleasant emotion and when dealing with the unknown it is 'human nature" to assign familiar traits to the unknown. I merely warn against that, lest we be truly surprised when the time comes.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 11:10 PM
Hello All,

The word coincidental carries with it the sense that when things occur together, or within a certain time frame, that they are not necessarily related events. But, for this thread, bringing in an adaptation of the word is key to understanding the position of the idea presented. So i'd like to introduce "co-incidental" to describe the point that events actually ARE related. For starters:

At 40,000 years BP (before present) these things occurred:

1)The geological record shows an extremely large spike in beryllium 10, the isotope created when cosmic rays interact with Earth's atmosphere.

2)A very large eruption in the Phlegrean Fields (southern Italy) of what is called the Campanian Ignimbrite took place.

3)A dramatic deterioration in the climate of at least that hemispheric region in addition the Laschamp excursion in which a geomagnetic reversal took place,

4)The Heinrich Event 4 (HE4) which was the fourth of six floating-ice-shelf periods evidenced by rocks in the seabed that were dropped when the ice floes melted.

5)Water levels before the warming were about 100 meters lower than today allowing for coastal settlements which were later inundated.

6)The migration of Cro-Magnon peoples into the European continent (was occuring with the apparent advantage of having language).

7)Neanderthals which had been on the European continent for 90,000 years (themselves becoming extinct 10,000 yrs. later) were losing there habitual food supply (meat) due to over harvesting and hyper-concentration as a result of reduced land space. The animals they depended on for food and shelter, along with Neanderthal, were being squeezed into southwestern Europe by glaciers and the advance of Cro-Magnon.

8-Weather patterns also possessed a split jet stream causing more cold across glacial regions tying up more moisture and leaving the more inhabitable lower latitudes suffering in prolonged drought which had stimulated the north migration of Cro-Magnon in the first place.

All in all, the stresses imposed by nature, competition for food and space, and conflicts created and environment at risk for disease and self destruction. If there was an oportunity for extinction this was a major senario. Then too, the evidence of a concentration of beryllium 10 in core samples indicates that a cosmic superwave struck the Planet as well.

Not a very pretty picture IMO and if ever Believers in ancient Alien presence and aid wanted a situation that called for intervention this would be a prime time for it. It also would be a fine example of what this thread is attempting to convey. For some this may not be a good enough argument for a rescue senario but at some point the Human population of that era also experienced a tremendous surge of creativity along with an advance in tool making and, as mentioned above, language. Gradual processes of contact with ET?

However it's a good theory nonetheless. And for ancient-Alien proponents looking for a solution for current UFO presence, this at least could make for some very interesting and thought-provoking discussion WRT the many points of the co-incidental factors mentioned. It is a good argument for "why" ET might be here. These past events no doubt witnessed great Human suffering and placed the Race at great risk for our extinction.

After this time period there was a sudden shift to warming which presents it's own set of dynamics as one can only imagine. It's diffucult to imagine what it must have been like. In the warming cycle the tectonic actions created volcanic activity along with earthquakes as a result of the great weight of ice being removed from the land masses. As fresh water got dumped into the oceans over time, stopping their currents, the cycle would repeat.

I'm now working on the next time period.

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