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Obama Caught Lying About Republican Senators Payroll Tax Cut Vote.

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posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:42 PM
How many times can this guy lie? Well, I guess as long as he gets away with it, as many times as he wants would be the answer.

So now he flat out lies about what other people are saying as well. Big brass ones on this one.

Damn, this (insert your label here) has got to go!


Today Obama told reporters, “Virtually every Senate Republican voted against the tax cut last week.” Wrong. 20 Republicans voted for the tax cut extension last Thursday night.

edit on 6-12-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:47 PM
Add it to the list of lies and unfulfilled promises.....

Promises Kept....
Create secure borders - mmm....nope
Ensure freedom to unionize and fight for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act......nope
Double federal funding for basic research over 10 years.....nope
Insure more Americans, provide a range of insurance options accessible through an exchange, and end insurance company abuses......nope
Secure all loose nuclear materials in the world within four years....nope
Make a sustained push to support Israel and achieve the goal of two states — a Jewish state in Israel and a Palestinian state....nope
End the war in Iraq within 16 months....nope
Ban torture and close Guantanamo....nope
Improve education by making math and science a priority, reforming “No Child Left Behind” and streamlining the financial aid process....nope
Reverse Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans....nope
Raise the minimum wage, index it to inflation and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit for the working poor....nope
Give the Federal Reserve greater oversight over the financial institutions it has been called on to bail out...nope
Enact a windfall profits tax on excessive oil company profits to provide a $1,000 emergency energy rebate to American families....nope
Create or save 1 million jobs with a $25 billion investment in infrastructure projects....nope
Reform government spending by slashing earmarks and conducting a line-by-line review of the federal budget...nope
End the practice of writing legislation behind closed doors and close special-interest corporate loopholes...nope

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by mileslong54
Add it to the list of lies and unfulfilled promises.....

Promises Kept....
Create secure borders - mmm....nope
Ensure freedom to unionize and fight for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act......nope
Double federal funding for basic research over 10 years.....nope
Insure more Americans, provide a range of insurance options accessible through an exchange, and end insurance company abuses......nope
Secure all loose nuclear materials in the world within four years....nope
Make a sustained push to support Israel and achieve the goal of two states — a Jewish state in Israel and a Palestinian state....nope
End the war in Iraq within 16 months....nope
Ban torture and close Guantanamo....nope
Improve education by making math and science a priority, reforming “No Child Left Behind” and streamlining the financial aid process....nope
Reverse Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans....nope
Raise the minimum wage, index it to inflation and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit for the working poor....nope
Give the Federal Reserve greater oversight over the financial institutions it has been called on to bail out...nope
Enact a windfall profits tax on excessive oil company profits to provide a $1,000 emergency energy rebate to American families....nope
Create or save 1 million jobs with a $25 billion investment in infrastructure projects....nope
Reform government spending by slashing earmarks and conducting a line-by-line review of the federal budget...nope
End the practice of writing legislation behind closed doors and close special-interest corporate loopholes...nope

Yeah, too bad the pages aren't big enough here to print ALL his lies.


posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:49 PM
Turn around the horrible, weak, broken Country left to him by Bush....nope.

He made it worse

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by jude11

Since he has no record run on, he has no choice but to do this as a campaign strategy. Ironically the Internet that got him elected last time will hopefully defeat him this time. It's too easy to compare facts with statements. He's betting his base of illiterate voters will accept his false statements and he is likely right.

The entire reason the Progressives spend so much time pandering to the illiterates is that they know they can be turned into groupies who accept everything they say without question. Without them they cannot get elected and the best way to control them is through fear and lies.

Nothing new about this. He's securing his base knows don't bother to be informed. They just look for the "D" after the name and vote for that name. I could however say the same about the similar base in the Republican Party. They are also groupies who look for the "R".

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by jude11

Since he has no record run on, he has no choice but to do this as a campaign strategy. Ironically the Internet that got him elected last time will hopefully defeat him this time. It's too easy to compare facts with statements. He's betting his base of illiterate voters will accept his false statements and he is likely right.

The entire reason the Progressives spend so much time pandering to the illiterates is that they know they can be turned into groupies who accept everything they say without question. Without them they cannot get elected and the best way to control them is through fear and lies.

Nothing new about this. He's securing his base knows don't bother to be informed. They just look for the "D" after the name and vote for that name. I could however say the same about the similar base in the Republican Party. They are also groupies who look for the "R".

If people keep getting their news only from the MSM, I have to agree with you. They see one thing on CNN or Fox and don't see what others find out behind the scenes on the net.

The TV then becomes the only truth for many.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:25 PM
I gain zero sense of satisfaction having watched this whole debacle unfold with the Teleprompter King.

It's like he doesn't have an original idea in his. He just does as he's told what to read.

Now Newt is the frontrunner? yikes. Where are some LEADERS??

Let's let some Leadership going without this same divide and conquer 2 party crap. We better get to the middle pretty quick.

I know older repubs and dems getting fed up.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:27 PM
The majority of the republican senators still voted against it...
He said "virtually every republican senator," he didn't say "Every republican senator." That's a pretty weak "lie."
lol, Fox News accusing someone of lying. That's the pot calling the kettle black.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 06:26 PM

vir·tu·al·ly    [vur-choo-uh-lee] Show IPA adverb for the most part; almost wholly; just about: He is virtually unknown.

78 nay votes 20 yay votes so "for the most part" the republicans voted it it makes sense now!

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I have never in my life met one Republican who has been a "groupie," and voted for the "R." Of course, that was prior to the freaking neo-con takeover and Sean Hannity types...

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by jude11

If people keep getting their news only from the MSM, I have to agree with you. They see one thing on CNN or Fox and don't see what others find out behind the scenes on the net.

The TV then becomes the only truth for many.

You mean like how you got this from Fox News?

When Obama uses the word "Virtually every" can't really call that a "lie". Maybe an exageration...but not a "lie".

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by jude11

If people keep getting their news only from the MSM, I have to agree with you. They see one thing on CNN or Fox and don't see what others find out behind the scenes on the net.

The TV then becomes the only truth for many.

You mean like how you got this from Fox News?

When Obama uses the word "Virtually every" can't really call that a "lie". Maybe an exageration...but not a "lie".

No, more like the source in the OP:

Me+Fox= )*(%@#$%^&

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by jude11

And your source is quoting the Fox News report.

Do you honestly not see this?

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by jude11

I'm talking about the Democratic base that does not watch or read any news. They vote only because it is a Democrat and most could not even tell you who their own Senator or Representative is. They don't even know the issues or anything about the person they vote for. They simply vote based on Party and that is what I mean by illiterates. I'd use the word ignorant which is likely more descriptive but people seem to not understand that word these days.

I see the Right as being no better with a group of illiterates who do the same and vote based on Party not having a clue what is going on. I'm equal opportunity on that issue.

With the Left however it is somewhat different as they have complete control of the schools and unions. Ironically even though they have that control, true Progressives are still a small minority even of the Democratic Party. They just happen to be in control of that Party at the moment.

I expect Obama will tell many whoppers as the election gets closer. They are for internal consumption by people who he knows will vote for him without questioning anything he says. He knows they won't bother to check him out on what he says. He relies on their ignorance of the topic. It makes no difference people who are informed will know he is lying and why would he even care about that. Cheating and Lying are second nature to him. He see's himself as so superior that he is doing us all a favor when he lies. You about have to be a genuine sociopath to even run for high office in the first place.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by jeichelberg

It's always been that way. Many simply vote for whoever their Parents vote for and don't consider it beyond that. They were born into a Republican family and that's how they vote. Most can't be bothered to interrupt their social lives by actually knowing anything about the people they vote for. That much is common to both Parties.

Part of waking up in my opinion is realizing both Parties are genuinely corrupt and in many cases in collusion with each other. Much of it is an act I believe.

We the People do have the power to fix this for now, but only if we lay partisanship aside and work together. They know that will never happen. They work hard at keeping us at each others throats.

Being an Independent in the truest sense, I see proof all the time. Depending on the discussion it's assumed I'm a Democrat or a Republican depending on the topic. If I criticize Bush I get yeah but what about Obama, if I criticize Obama, I get yeah but what about Bush. As long as it's that way and they keep people brainwashed into hating each other, nothing will get fixed. You can't have a meaningful conversation or debate with a person who is a partisan and can't see beyond that.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by jude11

This is the bill he was referring to, not the one your article links to...and he was not lying.


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