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Illuminati symbolism MSNBC

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posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 03:33 PM
Right now on Martin bashir there is a piece running entitled "no place like home" with the image of a rainbow over the white house and a yellow brick road leading up to the white house......this comming from the network who has as it's symbol a rainbow peacock......

I have the tv on mute, so I just saw the image.......the image was so illuminati it almost smacked me in the face!

Just thought I Would share that because only a conspiracy theorist would appreciate the symbolism

I have not made up my mind on the illuminati/nwo conspiracy, but if it is true, how insidious is it that they show off their symbols and flash them around everywhere....most people do not even know how symbols affect them day in and day out or how symbols play on and manipulate them emotionally.

Symbols are so powerful, and the meaning attached to them strike at the core of who we are....that is why "brands" are so important and now we even refer to people as being a "brand" aka a symbol. People talk about the politicians "brand" being hurt....Sounds to me like a politican is nothing more than a symbol, an ideal represented by a human in order to convey a message.

Whenever I think of symbols I think of the cross, and how that one symbol dominated an entire culture for hundreds of years and it is still one of the most powerful symbols today, amazing all the meaning contained in two criss crossed pieces of wood.

Sorry about the tangent, I just kinda ran with this one.....What do you guys think of symbolism in the media/marketing/advertising and how or why it is used?

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Mijamija

I have not made up my mind on the illuminati/nwo conspiracy, but if it is true, how insidious is it that they show off their symbols and flash them around everywhere....most people do not even know how symbols affect them day in and day out or how symbols play on and manipulate them emotionally.

What's so insidious about it? And how do symbols affect you day in and day out?
Seeing the all-seeing eye might make you think, but it's not going to control you.
What have the illuminati done to you that's so evil? As far as I can tell, all they've done is help you.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 03:43 PM
I'Ve been trying to find out what these 5 symbols mean on Rothschilds webpage...heres the link

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Mijamija

Symbols are very powerful, however they are only as powerful as the concept/meme which is attached to them and the knowledge (or lack their of) of the observer pertaining to said symbol. I have said this many times before on ATS dealing with this subject matter "Symbols are all about Interpretation". If an individual sees an All Seeing Eye and was taught (by someone or by some material) that it is a symbol of knowledge than that is what it is, if another individual looks at the same symbol and was taught that it was Lucifarian in origin than that is what it is, and another might look at it and just see an eye and a triangle with no greater meaning attached to it, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".

This is how our brains work. Shapes, colors, sounds all titillate our imagination make us think outside the borders of natures programing, and is why we place such great significance on them despite the lack of true significance. There is no divine law dictating the meaning of certain symbols, I could draw 5 circles interwoven together and say that's what God is, but that same "symbol" might have 100 different meanings in a variety of different cultures. This is a basic tenant of mysticism or "The Great Art", to create your own reality, your own beliefs and hold your own opinion.

reply to post by mik3ymik3

Those are quite interesting fairly familiar looking though, being on the Rothschild website these would keep the PCT's quite busy

Looking at the symbols again, they seem to be inspired by middle eastern and far eastern designs (maybe a little Celtic influence). Although there is reasonable ground to speculate that this is "Black Sun" symbolism, but that's reaching
edit on 6-12-2011 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Openeye

Few weeks prior to that, I had gotten on Rothschilds webpage and they had a map of the U.S on there main page which had several,but not many red dots across the U.S map.If anyone could find that thread and post it for me I'd appreciate it.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375

Originally posted by Mijamija

I have not made up my mind on the illuminati/nwo conspiracy, but if it is true, how insidious is it that they show off their symbols and flash them around everywhere....most people do not even know how symbols affect them day in and day out or how symbols play on and manipulate them emotionally.

What's so insidious about it? And how do symbols affect you day in and day out?
Seeing the all-seeing eye might make you think, but it's not going to control you.
What have the illuminati done to you that's so evil? As far as I can tell, all they've done is help you.

I am not convinced that there even is an illuminati....This post is more about me pondering ideas about the conspiracy that I have researched.

I am not referring to the typical illuminati symbols, i was referring to the symbols that your average guy would not even recognize as illuminati. That's what I mean by insidious....sneaky.....The wizard of oz has many symbols in it according to the illuminati conspiracy lore.

I said symbols can affect us emotionally.....Influence us......but not control us.

I would not say they have done anything evil to me....sneaky perhaps, manipulative yeah.....evil is a strong word. Although if they do exist, ya got to wonder....

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Openeye

I agree 100% which is why when most people see a peacock it is simply a peacock and nothing more and it has no other significance to them.

When other people see a peacock it might have a whole other meaning....

Interpretation is the key. Symbols have zero influence unless we believe in them.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by mik3ymik3

Is this what your talking about? Interactive World Map

ATS thread about above map

I don't see any red dots, but it just looks like the offices they have in the US.

I just looked at the site map page for the Rothschild website big all seeing eye in the middle of the compass...gotta love it

edit on 6-12-2011 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by mik3ymik3

I see only decoration there, that's just my interpretation though. ; )

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Openeye

it was only the U.S and they were red dots,and their were more. Thanks for the link tho.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 03:34 AM
I wouldn't be so certain that this is Illuminati, but considering the Wizard of Oz imagery it could be a sly jab at the "man behind the curtain". If that's the case, it would actually be the opposite of some group of people risking exposure just to try to rub their control in people's faces.

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