posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 04:48 PM
I am personally involved regarding the (INSIDER) whistleblower reports on the 3 x 20kt ex ARMSCOR stock PELINDABA Battlefield ready, gravity drop
Nuclear Bombs.
The 1989 Sanctions busting visit by Cameron, Sir Ken Warren (Aero Engineer) Dr David Kelly to arrange the removal of the 9 remaining 20 kt Nukes from
South Africa before the handover in 1994 to the Black ANC Government.
The Deal: The go-between ARMSCOR and Conservative Party
ex Rhodesian Weapons Broker and close friend of "Iron Lady" Maggie Thatcher and her Son, Sir Mark Thatcher.
(He had a house in the same street as Maggie and Sir Mark was a Director of BMARC an ASTRA interlock fronted by (Rhodesian) MI6 Stephanus Adolfus
6 Nukes were to be shipped Directly to Chicago for decommissioning, removal of the fissile material which would be returned to RSA to be used in a
massive PR show to the World, how the ANC Gov of Mandela would scrap their Nuclear Weapons programme.
3 Nukes were purchased by the Conservative Party on a Urgent Operational Requirement Order UOR.
Divered for a fixed Price OMAN overseen and under the Watch of Dr David Kelly
(Required for the retake Kuwait)for a two way scam.
(1) The Purchase would cover a massive Conservative Party fraud to enable a deliberate purchase overcharge to the Treasury.
(2) A select group of Tory Grandee's and VIP's were given an opportunity to put up £ Millions in cash to get in on the Nuke deal and make a pile of
The Loading -Shipping Operation 1990
Dr David Kelly was instructed to oversee the loading, shipping and safe arrival sign off of the 9 Nukes.
All 9 were secured into individual specialist weapons transit cradles, locked onto sets of parallel rails and bolted to the floor pans of 9 x 20foot
ISO Shipping Containers and railed from Pelindaba to Durban Harbour.
At the Durban Docks, the Millions in Private Investors raised cash changed hands before the release of the Nukes. The 9 Containers were ship loaded, 3
containers diverted off-loaded OMAN and 6 onward shipped Chicago.
The 3 OMAN Nuke containers were off-loaded in a poor secured transport freight storage yard and the UOR Signed off by Dr David Kelly. The Sign off was
a signal for John Arnold Bredenkamp to as pre-arranged, launder the deliberate Conservative Party overcharge to the H.M Treasury back into the (EMPTY)
Conservative Accounts.
£17.8 million.
While the retake of Kuwait went without a hitch and the threat to use the Nukes in retaliation had Sadam used Chemicals or Bio agents against
coalition forces was never thankfully required.
There must have been many in the UK, RSA and GULF States rubbing their hands thinking they had got away with this massive covert fraud and nuclear
weapon crime.
Oh Dear, they had forgotten, ex Rhodesian weapons broker, John Arnold Bredenkamp was a known Kleptomaniac. He and a group of ex SAS (Executive
Outcomes) managed to enter the OMAN Storage facility and spirit away the 3 Conservative Nukes, moving them initially into Iraq then into Syria.
After the Kuwait War, Dr David Kelly was sent to Oman to arrange the Forward transport of the 3 Conservative Nukes to be shipped to Chicago like the
other 6 for decommission. When Dr Kelly checked the Containers, the Nukes had gone and replaced with concrete blocks.
What could the Leaders of the Conservative Party say, (Nothing) they'd been stitched up big time. They had lost 3X 20 kt Easily transportable, simple
operation Nuclear Bombs.
John Bredenkamp was no dummy, he and his mates got paid twice, they sold at least one on the open market to NORTH KOREA who detonated it on the 25th
May 2009.
However, all had not been covered up by the MI6 Thatcher Brigade, Cameron, Warren, Peter Lilley and the Cabal of Private Tory Grandee Investors
including ASIL NADIR.
had been recorded in Documents, copied by a DTI intelligence Officer working directly for Ken Warren & MP Peter Lilley.
Circ 1989-1994
ex Arms to Iraq Investigator
ex Intelligence Advisor to the Select Committee of the DTI
ex Sister-in-Law of MP Peter Lilley
"Secret and Classified" Document "Runner" between the DTI and Number 10.
One of 4 daughters of deceased Senior Conservative Sir John Biggs Davison.
For reasons known by the writer, Ms Tara Andrea Davison turned against her Conservative Employers and became a Labour Party SPY. She Copied masses of
Secret Docs and forwarded to LORD DOUG HOYLE, Margaret Beckett, Peter Hain and others.
One of the Documents was the UOR for the 3 Nukes (3 CYLINDERS) She herself had no idea what they were but the Doc provided the evidence and money
trail for the H.M. Treasury Overcharge and deliberate fraud.
The £17.8 Million laundered into the EMPTY Tory accounts by JOHN ARNOLD BREDENKAMP
HANSARD JUNE 22 1993 Col 197