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Electrogravitics: the REAL Reason It Went Into Black Ops

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posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 03:01 AM
really i just watched ats recap and seen this on there. i was about to go to bed, now im going to be up late looking up on this topic. thanks for bringing this to light and makeing me lose some sleep.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 10:15 AM
Great thread!
Not through all of it yet so i will first adress some issues....

The removal of energy costs from the economic model will have a MASSIVE impact, that much should be obvious.
As Aim64c puts it "time and resources would become your ultimate measures against currency."
Time & resources WILL eventually be the currency, since the energy involved in all other aspects of life will be free.

Yes, Bonch, we need oil, but not to burn or make plastics from, we have survived 10,000+ years without plastic, it's not essential to life, far as i know.
In any case bio-plastic, bio fuel, it's all available right now.
These technologies are essential as a stop-gap measure until we really master nanotechnology.

Getting back on topic, i am still reading the Townsend Brown stuff, most of it is not new to me.
Especially where it goes into the properties of charge (q), this is my 'chosen specialised subject' as they say.

Specifically, my research indicates that charge can be de-coupled from the mass it is normally associated with, it can operate outside the normal dimensions of time & space.
Charge also appears to exhibit superluminal phenomena, as does gravity.
At last, we have a link.
I also believe there is compelling evidence to suggest that Brown's model, based on Bohr's model, may be correct.
It ties in with a lot of things like ZPE and the Ever-So-Elusive-But-Much-Desired Higgs field.
There are 2 more cents i would like to add;

Spin; if 2 like particles having opposite spin collide, they pass right through each other with no interaction at all, nuclear, electric or otherwise.
This has been proven at Argonne national lab (texas?) and blows a huge gaping hole in our classical physics model.

Correlations with the magnetic model; Again, experiments have shown that certain magnetic anomalous effects similar to the charge model, the only difference being the absence of superluminal activity, or at least none to date.

One fly in the ointment (well, 2 really) is that Kefalonia thing, it does not IMO show a gravitational anomaly, merely that the area is geologicaly active, there's an active volcano, Nyssiros, nearby, and there are hot springs on Kos, the whole area is seismically active, and a periodic reversal of water currents, the boulder moving etc, can be explained by this.
The other fly is Brown's sudden declaration that his 'graviton motor' was producing overunity, and in abundance

This has yet to be verified, since the charge gravity ratio seems quite low to me...

Here it starts to get vague. Brown goes off to work for the navy, and was in Philadelphia around the time of the fabled experiment, and changes jobs 3 more times.
I'm still reading & correlating with the stuff i have, i will post some links to similar books if you like.
In the meantime, i will see if i can scrounge together the 150Kv needed for some test runs on the dielectrics.
Most of these i have, but Barium Zirconium Titanate tiles are a little hard to come by.
Will the bathroom variety work

Watch this space....

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Aim64C

..Your materials argument is flawed, you can easily replace silicon-germanium with metal oxides, thats already been done. The litho method of printing chips may be old fashioned, but it works fine.
You could make practically anything from 5 basic elements that are in huge abundance.
Gold? well it certainly makes more sense to use it for chip connections than wear it around your neck.
So hand it over, it's for a good cause

and THAT'S the problem.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Love it

Zeitgeist in a nutshell.
The fact that you can build & run a local village using local materials, and even acheive a high level of technology seems to have escaped many posters here, the use of robots & the 3 law ethic should in any case be given serious thought.
The true wealth of any person or group is knoweledge, information and this also, should be freely shared.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Aim64C

'No - business ethics are rape! We should use a betterment ethic, which is not!"

"Well, this is a true statement."

"It's quite apparent that you do not understand business ethics (which are not predicated on employment. Employment is a contract labor agreement; you are contracting your labor, experience, knowledge, etc to another person who has the capital and need of assistance. Your labeling it as slavery only highlights the fact that you have allowed yourself to be deluded by the conspiracy in education that squelches the entrepreneurial mindset)."

"It is wage slavery. Your failure to see this shows that You have no grasp of how the elite control Us. And... Business "ethics" are all about profit - NOT true ethics. (A corporation's #1 mandate legally is to make the highest profit possible.) Also... Contracts are used to define the wage slavery. That is all. "

"When all resources are free and can be created if in short supply, if You need a resource, it is Yours. No One will have access to things Others cannot access. This is a non-issue."

"I believe it has been fairly well demonstrated how this crux of your argument is horribly naive and in ignorance of the reality."

For a start, i see Aim's point.
I earn money by hiring myself out to customers, i make their factories more efficient, they pay me for it.
The upside is the factory runs smoother, there is less stress on the workfloor, the whole situation is improved (providing it is sensibly managed).
The downside is you may be working for some big company like C@ca C@la,
Producing poison for the masses & paying for next year's election campaign

I would much rather spend my time doing something useful like building machines to better our lives, or hands-on work like an irrigation project, so that we will have food this year.
In a sense it IS wage slavery, robbing me of the time & energy i could put to better use for society.

The first years of the Resource model will be shaky at first, and will doubtless be based on precious metals, until the full impact of free energy & resources is felt.
Anyone found hoarding or misusing resources (like building battle tech robots) will simply be denied further resources until he comes to his senses or starves

How's that for reality?

We seem to have gone off-topic again, if we had antigravity, free energy etc then we could easily mine & live on other planets.
First on the agenda would be to go & have a conversation with the Greys, ask them if we stand a chance of developing into a type 1 civilisation

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by playswithmachines
Great thread!
Not through all of it yet so i will first adress some issues....

The removal of energy costs from the economic model will have a MASSIVE impact, that much should be obvious.
As Aim64c puts it "time and resources would become your ultimate measures against currency."
Time & resources WILL eventually be the currency, since the energy involved in all other aspects of life will be free.

And I say We have (or can produce) resources to provide for needs at least 10 times over (food) and thousands of times over (housing, clothing), and surely plenty of stuff for beyond survival needs. And it is the energy We use that gives all of this "value" in the energy-scarce society We have always had throughout Our present history. Time... I contend that it is what We do with Our time that gives it "value." And with the energy costs removed from resources, making them free, Betterment uses of time will be valued, and paid for in appreciation, name recognition, and Self satisfaction (think Linux if You doubt People would work for these payments). Money will become moot.

As for the rest of Your post... Have You looked into subquantum kinetics?

And have You seen this thread of Mine:

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

In case you were wondering, my only fully working tesla coil is running the lighting upstairs, 120W of tubes from a 24 watt coil (25 if you include the infrared sensors)-my electric bill is going down each month.
It's amazing what some voodoo & a soldering iron will do

I whish you luck with your project, but don't place too much faith in the 'classical' physics model, yes, it works on the surface, but it is deeply flawed.
They know this & perpetuate the myth.
Hutchison's work ties in with Brown et al on many levels, surely that is worth investigating further?

By the way, my next coil needs silver plating on the tubes, so hand that over as well

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I agree 100%, except the cynic in me says a whole lot of people will be killed/enslaved in the transition, it's inevitaable, methinks.
Havent yet read all the material, i have a whole bunch of stuff, mostly already linked in my other threads, so we both have some reading to do

Subquantum kinetics resembles Beardens 'virtual particle flux' as far as i can see but i will need to read more to be able to be subjective.
I will post some links soon.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:54 PM
OK here we go;




De Aquino




Notice i left out Searl, Steorn, and that italian cold fusion dude, none of them pass inspection

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by Aim64C
reply to post by Amaterasu

Ok. And Your point…?


Plenty of resources were once very scarce. Now they are as (if not more) abundant than water. We still have 'elites.'

We still live in energy scarcity. Whatever resources do, if energy is scarce, We need to account for it. And that means exchange of things We account for it with - today it is money. (Money = meaningful energy expended.)

Once We add abundant free energy, the need to account for it vanishes.

(And BTW… I test well above even the 99th. For whatever that’s worth. And I have studied deeply economics for 50 years and synthesized the solution on that foundation.)

Please. Testing into the 99 percentile is really as far as it goes. It's much like IQ tests - which become heavily distorted the further deviance there is from 100. An IQ of 115 and 120 are farther apart than an IQ of 135 and 140, using most standard tests.

Well... On a test where 100 was average and 130 was the 99th percentile, I scored 159. For whatever that's worth.

Not really. I guess You are unclear on the general meaning as it is used on this site. See suggestions for alternatives above.

I'm clear on it. I'm telling you that it's a piss poor term to use to ambiguously describe a nameless and faceless group you direct your frustrations toward.

So... I gave You alternatives. And I do not "direct [My] frustrations" anywhere. I plan to even the field.

Your point here is completely obscure to me.

Not unexpected. Unfortunately, there's not much that can be done to help you.

Cute. Oblique rudeness.

However, for those reading along - my point is that many resources have been excruciatingly vital and rare in the past. Salt was used as a form of currency. Now we throw it on the roads to melt ice - something that would have been unthinkable in Roman times (where you would have gone out and shoveled the stuff). It was modern mining operations and supply lines that have made salt, almost literally, as cheap as dirt.

It's NOT about resources. It's about money/power/energy - three forms of the same thing, like ice/water/steam.

Are there enough People, having all They want when They want it, who would choose to monitor? If not, build robotic monitors. Geez. Why is this an issue for You? Do continue the list. Please.

Who would design and monitor the robots?

I know MANY who love to design and work on robots. It is Their bliss. Those are the Ones. If They have all They need and want, They will choose to spend time with the robots.

Somebody has to do something - if not by demand, they will do it by choice, and eventually develop something that requires human involvement.

The necessary things no One wants to do can be done by robots. All else will be done by Those whose bliss is to do them. Simple enough.

Best start with subquantum kinetics, eh? It has produced far more in the way of testable (and tested) predictions than Relativity has…


So, after reading this book, I will know all I need to know in order to build one of these free energy devices, if I am to interpret your statements correctly.

Likely, yes. Presuming You are reasonably bright as You so claim.

Else, I have to accept that the books do not do an adequate job of describing the theory - as you "test above the 99 percentile," have read the books (and understand the theories)... yet have not built one of these devices.

Initially it requires money for resources (parts, etc.) and lab space. (Once enough devices are built, such resources and space will be free as the cost of energy is removed down the line.) I am living in a shelter and literally do not have a penny to My name. Makes it difficult to build anything.

A curious set of circumstances, to say the least.

Just the luck of the draw (read Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers to grasp that the biggest role in success is luck).
edit on 12/12/2011 by Amaterasu because: tags

I agree with everything you are saying so far in this thread.
Are you saying you could build a FE machine if you had the funds?
How much do you need, I might be able to help?

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by playswithmachines
reply to post by Aim64C

I whish you luck with your project, but don't place too much faith in the 'classical' physics model, yes, it works on the surface, but it is deeply flawed.
They know this & perpetuate the myth.

One of the biggest flaws in Einsteinian physics I see is that We must take on faith, with no explanation of how and why, that mater "bends" space-time. Subquantum kinetics explains what We see without that, also predicting the Biefield-Brown Effect, and has made more testable (and tested) predictions than relativity, quantum mechanics and string theory combined.

I recommend reading Sectrets of Antigravity Propulsion linked in My OP. It's an eye-opener and gives the foundations of subquantum kinetics.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by mandroids
it makes sense. you can fly anywhere anytime for free; freedom!!

More than that, You won't have to pay to fly. Nor pay for Your housing, pay for Your food, pay for Your clothing, pay for Your tools, or anything. Just order it all on the Web.

You can get up when You want, do what You want, go where You want, and sleep when You want. Truly: freedom!

Establish the three Laws:

-----Do not willfully harm or kill another Being (Human or ET)
-----Do not willfully take or damage another Being's property
-----Do not willfully defraud another Being

Supplant the "work ethic" (the slave's ethic) with the Betterment Ethic (the noble Being's Ethic).

Open source all public works.

Focus on organic (in the true sense and not a trumped up legal sense) food.

Create robots to do all necessary work no One wants to do.

This will free Us from planned obsolescence (giving Us freedom from waste), hidden cures (allowing Us health freedom), good food (freedom from hunger and unhealthy chemicals), and having to give up on Our bliss to find a job (freedom from wage slavery).
edit on 12/13/2011 by Amaterasu because: format

Sorry, for clarity, can you expand on law number 2. When the monetary system is gone, won't we be able to move into a paradigm of non-ownership. If all is freely available, why would I consider something MY property, and even more appropos, why would I ever take something away from someone else when I can get my own delivered immediately from the local depot.

Isn't law 3 (don't defraud) also an offshoot of the monetary system? What kind of fraud could or would be committed in a free society where all needs are met for all people?

Not trying to be argumentative here, just wondering if we can slim the guidelines/laws down to a single one: Do your best not to harm anyone!

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by RogerT
reply to post by Amaterasu

I agree with everything you are saying so far in this thread.
Are you saying you could build a FE machine if you had the funds?
How much do you need, I might be able to help?

I would need space (lab), materials, something to live on while I work... And some machining. I suspect that just obtaining materials will get Me (more) noticed by TPTB.

The exact amount that I need, starting from zero, may be $100,000, but Others, who have lab space and a job might be as little as $1,000 if They also have machining capabilities. (I haven't priced the materials lately...)

Being mostly an economist, writer/editor, and graphic/multimedia designer/artist (unemployed, homeless), I would be a less obvious choice to do this, but I would do My best. (Have You seen My thread here: ?)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:18 PM
I've had this free energy argument so many times, both here and on YooToob.
So here's my take on it;
Yes, overunity/antigravity etc are totally possible.
Yes, it is being repressed on all levels from peer pressure scorning, from deliberate falsification/editing results, to downright murder. The reasons for this should be apparent to a 12 year old.

Yes, the information is now flowing so fast that they can't stop it, drastic measures are needed, like SOPA.

There are hundreds of inventor forums & discussion groups that i'm aware of, i also host a small forum of inventors, we study everything from string theory to homebrew HHO kits, to fridge magnet motors, you name it.
We have had some interesting results to say the least, i am trying to filter out the true & relevant facts for you, some of which are likely to cause uproar

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by RogerT

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by mandroids
it makes sense. you can fly anywhere anytime for free; freedom!!

More than that, You won't have to pay to fly. Nor pay for Your housing, pay for Your food, pay for Your clothing, pay for Your tools, or anything. Just order it all on the Web.

You can get up when You want, do what You want, go where You want, and sleep when You want. Truly: freedom!

Establish the three Laws:

-----Do not willfully harm or kill another Being (Human or ET)
-----Do not willfully take or damage another Being's property
-----Do not willfully defraud another Being

Supplant the "work ethic" (the slave's ethic) with the Betterment Ethic (the noble Being's Ethic).

Open source all public works.

Focus on organic (in the true sense and not a trumped up legal sense) food.

Create robots to do all necessary work no One wants to do.

This will free Us from planned obsolescence (giving Us freedom from waste), hidden cures (allowing Us health freedom), good food (freedom from hunger and unhealthy chemicals), and having to give up on Our bliss to find a job (freedom from wage slavery).
edit on 12/13/2011 by Amaterasu because: format

Sorry, for clarity, can you expand on law number 2. When the monetary system is gone, won't we be able to move into a paradigm of non-ownership. If all is freely available, why would I consider something MY property, and even more appropos, why would I ever take something away from someone else when I can get my own delivered immediately from the local depot.

Let's say You live in a family home. Having Others move in would not be acceptable. Or maybe You have an heirloom, or a piece of art, or a collection of something. Others cannot take or damage these things. Yes, what is produced will be freely available, but once You acquire something, it is Yours and subject to Law number two.

But You're right in that the removal of money will cause most People to naturally obey these three Laws. They are merely in place for any aberrant behavior as a guide for prosecution. Mostly, no One will break these Laws.

Isn't law 3 (don't defraud) also an offshoot of the monetary system? What kind of fraud could or would be committed in a free society where all needs are met for all people?

Not trying to be argumentative here, just wondering if we can slim the guidelines/laws down to a single one: Do your best not to harm anyone!

I prefer the three (and Let's face it... Three is better than the millions presently on the books...) because They are reasonably specific. Like I said, few will break any of the three, with motive removed in most cases.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by playswithmachines

I thank You for Your efforts. [smile] I am very aware of most of the information You are providing, and also had a father that taught Me about His work, coming home all excited to tell Me about an experiment He worked on, or trying to teach Me about how electrogravitics works, or describing what the world would look like as I grew up. He was an electrical engineer (graduated from CalTech) at a top aerospace company, one of the top companies working in electrogravitics in the 1950's (and beyond).

He would talk about flying cars, floating cities, "jet" packs (without the jets), and free energy. I absorbed His descriptions of the future best of all.

Then one night in late 1959, early 1960, He came home late from work and woke Me up to tell Me We couldn't talk about flying cars, floating cities, "jet" packs, or free energy anymore. We couldn't even say the word, electrogravitics, anymore. "They want it secret for now."

So I have personal awareness of what They have had in black ops for over 50 years. And a fury that I did NOT see the future My father promised Me. I want MY daughter to see that (She will be 9 in a few days). I want to free Humanity from the power the evil Ones hold.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Actually, We will have a SOCIAL currency in the form of fame and veneration. If Your bliss is to cook for Others, You can earn "currency" by serving awesome culinary experiences, and Your name will be on many tongues when the question of good food comes up. And so on.

Once people get into their 'bliss' as you term it, they won't even need fame or veneration.
Doing what you love in service of others is its own reward. A thank you is nice, but not necessary.
Surely everyone has at least some small measure of experience performing some random act of kindness to a stranger to verify this as true?

Most people will struggle to understand these concepts which are self-evident to those that can use their imagination to create this kind of future for humanity.

Money is a dying paradigm already, IMO and IME. Those who have succeeded sufficiently in the money game to know it is unwinnable and ultimately limiting and disabling (rather than the myth that it offers freedom and enables) can tell you from direct experience

Yes, money enables tyranny, corruption, violence, abuse, un-natural expression of power and force, and all the other stuff we don't like, but the other end of the see-saw is surprisingly empty once you get up their to experience it.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 02:06 PM
Like that Anon thread a lot

I also liked your 3 laws;

Do not willfully hurt or kill another Being

Do not willfully take or damage another Being's property

Do not willfully defraud another Being

They are similar to mine, which are an adaptation of Asimov's robot laws, actually there are 4..

Do not harm, or through inaction, allow others to come to harm.

Do your best to help others, except where that conflicts with the first law.

Seek to better yourself & your surroundings, except where that conflicts with the first 2 laws.

You are free to do whatever you like, so long as it does not violate any of the above laws.

Then we have the so-called Zeroth law; The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
This last one gives the most problems, and has been adressed countless times, unfortunately, us humans still have yet to decide what 'the needs of the many' are, and if it's worth 'the few' that will pay the price.

Right now, it's 'the few' that dictates the needs of 'the many'; now that can't be right

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by RogerT

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Actually, We will have a SOCIAL currency in the form of fame and veneration. If Your bliss is to cook for Others, You can earn "currency" by serving awesome culinary experiences, and Your name will be on many tongues when the question of good food comes up. And so on.

Once people get into their 'bliss' as you term it, they won't even need fame or veneration.
Doing what you love in service of others is its own reward. A thank you is nice, but not necessary.
Surely everyone has at least some small measure of experience performing some random act of kindness to a stranger to verify this as true?

Oh, I agree. Seeking "currency" will abate, but currency in these forms will still flow. And the biggest will be Self satisfaction. [smile]

Most people will struggle to understand these concepts which are self-evident to those that can use their imagination to create this kind of future for humanity.

Money is a dying paradigm already, IMO and IME. Those who have succeeded sufficiently in the money game to know it is unwinnable and ultimately limiting and disabling (rather than the myth that it offers freedom and enables) can tell you from direct experience

Yes, money enables tyranny, corruption, violence, abuse, un-natural expression of power and force, and all the other stuff we don't like, but the other end of the see-saw is surprisingly empty once you get up their to experience it.

In abundance, We all will have the opportunity to express Ourselves within the three Laws. Pursue Our bliss. Work under the Betterment Ethic. No motive to break the Laws, even.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by playswithmachines
Like that Anon thread a lot

I also liked your 3 laws;

Do not willfully hurt or kill another Being

Do not willfully take or damage another Being's property

Do not willfully defraud another Being

They are similar to mine, which are an adaptation of Asimov's robot laws, actually there are 4..

Do not harm, or through inaction, allow others to come to harm.

Do your best to help others, except where that conflicts with the first law.

Seek to better yourself & your surroundings, except where that conflicts with the first 2 laws.

You are free to do whatever you like, so long as it does not violate any of the above laws.

Sounds like the three Laws combined with the Betterment Ethic replacing the slave's work "ethic..." [smile] Virtually identical.

Then we have the so-called Zeroth law; The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
This last one gives the most problems, and has been adressed countless times, unfortunately, us humans still have yet to decide what 'the needs of the many' are, and if it's worth 'the few' that will pay the price.

Right now, it's 'the few' that dictates the needs of 'the many'; now that can't be right

Well... In abundance the needs of the many are met, and the few will have no power unless Betterment is involved.

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