No offence, dood, but you did not invent the Denver Airport Mural conspiracy; it's been around for years. Yours isn't even the first thread on ATS
about it.
Help me out - I watched the 3:06 mark and didn't see any reference to ATS... just a satirical look at the Denver airport. What part of it is yours?
Are you the guy who says "For airplanes to take off and land?"
If you were the only one who used that exact quote in an ATS thread, then yes Steven did use your thread as a reference... to poke fun at ATS and
those who believe in the Denver airport conspiracy.
I would feel honored to be ridiculed by Steven Colbert.
lol they quoted my title and had the ATS logo right above it at 2.22
It might be a good idea to insert that information into your opening post. I watched the entire 7+ minutes and couldn't figure out why you were
connecting the Colbert Report to ATS or your thread. That image flies by very quickly.
Added: OK, I see you just did that..
edit on 6-12-2011 by tabularasa because: (no reason given)
Oh OK, after you changed the time info I see what you are talking about. Good job!
You should put up a screenshot of it or clarify your original post a little if there is still time for editing because its cool but you didn't set it
up very clearly.
Even though Colbert mocks or makes a parody, it's still attention and gets people thinking about conspiracies, and other fringe news.
But still....
Pretty cool! I never used to watch Colbert, he annoyed me. But after watching his show a few times and his comedy style, I kind of got hooked.
The video was comical