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Before the planes hit the Towers on 9/11 ,passengers on board were taken in Heaven.

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posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
I don't understand why God would take them to Heaven milliseconds before impact since their deaths would have been instantaneous anyway. I mean, they're not exactly going to suffering much during that millisecond.

Easier to just take them to Heaven the old school way. Once they passed.

Maybe a proof for believers,why not such a thing happen,no DNA was found!

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by diamondsmith

No DNA was found because these people were pretty much instantly incinerated. If a deity of some sort wanted to prove to people as you suggest in that moment that it was here and looking out for its pets don't you think it would have made since to zap up everyone who was about to die? I mean the people on the planes weren't the ones about to be in pain, but I am certain that there were some in the buildings who suffered horribly before their deaths.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Majiq
The people in the planes were different from those in the buildings!

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by diamondsmith

Well I broke one of my own rules and took an ATS thread at face value assuming that the author had a clue as to what they were talking about without doing a check for myself. I am now reminded of why I never assume anyone on here has a clue as I did a simple Google search and found out very easily that in fact pieces of remains and DNA from passengers were in fact found... So no, your fairy tale sky daddy did not zap their bodies up milliseconds before impact.

The impact and subsequent fire caused the North Tower to collapse, which resulted in hundreds of additional casualties. During the recovery effort at the World Trade Center site, workers recovered and identified dozens of remains from Flight 11 victims, but many body fragments could not be identified.

That is a snipit from the Wiki page concerning flight 11. The full Wiki Page is here. If that isn't enough you can do your own Google search and find many other sources confirming that while most could not be identified remains of the victims and DNA were found...

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by digitalbluco

I assume you meant the Pentagon.

And yes, they released security footage with a millisecond frame of a plane coming in to hit the building on said footage. The frames before and after that showed first the nose, then the tail as it collided with the wall.

Interesting theory OP but I'm afraid that if there was a God, what would make those on the planes that hit the WTC special to be taken before death while billions throughout the centuries have suffered?

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Majiq
reply to post by angeldoll

I agree with you on one point, it is a nice thought. It would be great to believe that people would be spared the agony of their final moments but reality and personal experience has shown me without question that it just isn't so.

My grandmother was a very faithful, and loyal christian. I dare say that there was never a person who met her that she didn't touch their life in some positive way. I was with her at the hospital when she died, and I watched her in agonizing pain as her lungs and kidneys slowly shut down. Luckily her doctors did not harbor any of these belief that she would be zapped up before she could suffer any longer, and in her final hours they put her on so much morphine that she couldn't have felt anything.

I am sorry for the loss of your friend, and I hope that their death was, like those on the plane, quick, and as painless as possible. A merciful god who takes us before we can suffer the pains of death though... No, he doesn't exist, and if he does he doesn't care.

But Majiq, you don't know whether your grandmother was "present" or not. For all we know she was above her bed watching, wondering why everyone was in such a tizzy because she knew she was fine.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by angeldoll

I absolutely know that she was there. Well, until the doctors thankfully increased her pain meds and put her in a medically induced coma. She was in horrible pain but she was still alert enough to recognize people, and somewhat communicate. (She couldn't speak to us because she was on a respirator at the time)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Majiq

I'm so sorry. When I hear accounts such as this, and also what happened to my friend, it makes me question karma. It simply doesn't work in these cases. In fact, I think I've gotten off the fence on this issue. I don't believe in Karma anymore. Everything is random.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:23 PM
Hello Diamondsmith, Your mind is about half the way home. Congratulations! Yes, you have solved half of a great mystery. Now, I've posted something along this line, before, but it dropped through the cracks, here on ATS. God did ameliorate things on 9-11, 2001. We got a narrow window into a Pearl Harbor class event, instead of the bio-warfare massacre that the conspirators had plotted. But while the casualties went above the Dec. 7th, 1941 attack, they were virtually the same as the number of G.I.'s miraculously saved on D-Day + 5 in the English Channel, back in 44. A U.S. inf. Division, the 66th, was sailing in three scows, with no escort, and set upon by German forces. Two ships were sunk, leaving a single survivor who floated out of the pilot house, on a stretcher. The third ship had about 2800 and change, G.I."s and they picked up the floating stretcher, and made it the rest of the way to France. But the Army was so freaked at losing an entire Division, they sent the "lucky ship" back across the Channel to England, and it was six months before the re-animated 66th Div. was sent back to France. So, here is a Karmic debt of Americans, who should have been eliminated back in early June, of 1944, but who were saved from that betrayal and conspiracy, and went on, soldiering through the ETO. campaigns. Now, fast forwards to 9-11, where almost to a man, the same number of Americans gave up their lives. Both events were scripted to kill many more Americans, and both conspiracies were "horse collar tackled", by heavenly forces. 9-11 should have been much, much, worse than it was, and the 66th Div. should have been totally wiped out, on 6-11, 1944. All of the extra 9-11 casualties should have occurred in downtown Washington, D.C., when Flight 93 crashed into the Capital Bldg.. What hasn't been openly admitted, is that there was a small military jet hiding in the radar shadow of Flight 93, and which brought the big airliner down prematurely, when the passengers were rushing the cockpit. This was done with pirate chips that allowed the airliner to be remotely controlled. But these guys didn't foresee the rapidly advancing cell phone networks that allowed the Flight 93 passengers to communicate with family members independently of the Flight Deck, which was being held down by the Muslim Thugs. The little jet caused the big number to do a flat stall and crash within five miles of the campground where KDKA T.V. reporters interviewing several campers, reported on the second small jet. That T.V. interview came over the air here once on 9-11, but was never heard again. You can't even get confirmation from KDKA, Pittsburgh, about their interview. But that little plane was hidden behind the heavy and could have easily followed it right on into D.C. airspace and made a couple of circles over the Gov't campus, and dumped the very same Anthrax onto the heads of the civilian government workers, that showed up in Florida, and slipped through the mails. Factor that into the mix, and suddenly you get over 10,000, but probably no more than 50,000 casualties. But all, but the 2800+, including the Flight 93 passengers and crew, would have been the nuts and bolts of our National Civilian Gov't, who were serving in Washington D.C., in or around the U.S. Capital Grounds. Then that little military jet could have just flown out to sea, and been ditched in really deep water. No more U.S. civilian Gov't, DUH! So, if you look at the really big picture, our Heavenly Father really did ameliorate things on 9-11. But I believe the American circle is complete between 6-11, 1944, and 9-11, 2001. I don't see any great number of souls saved on 9-11, since it was a decision of the conspirators themselves to kill Flight 93, before the heroic passengers stormed the Flight Deck, and then started to scream over their cell phones, that the controls wouldn't respond to any movement of the controls. This means that all the bogus Flight School antics of the hijackers were just window dressing, to explain to a gullible public media, how a bunch of murderous thugs could jump into the pilots' seats and fly the four big airliners into precise targets. This whole stinking mess had to have originated at Wright Patterson AFB. This is where the developments of our drone fleets were engineered. And this is where the little military job had to have come from. It was never concealed from the West, as these two were flying East, towards D.C.. The W-P radar net, would see the little job as being in front of the heavy, looking from the back side. Whatever was on the little jet, was removed when it returned and landed somewhere on that giant AFB.. So, the only folks who were murdered by the Anthrax, got it in the mail. Last week the Gov't admitted, in court, that they had illegally weaponized quantities of this germ at Fort Meade, Maryland. They were bound by treaty, to only store samples in test tubes, for comparisons, and testing.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by carpooler
WOW,thanks for the appreciation,nice thought from you,and nice link between the facts.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 01:10 AM
Thank you Diamond Smith. There is more to this than I'm willing to post openly. Give me a P.M. if you are interested in taking this further. But my gist is that 9-11, 2001 wasn't nearly as bad as it was supposed to be. Like Adm. Yamamoto's trying to knock us out of the Pacific, by his attack at Pearl Harbor, both fizzled out, and had the opposite effect. But the heroic passengers of Flight 93, certainly did perish in a field at Shanksberg, PA.. Only a bit of dis-info anthrax, spread by mail, was left. Just last week, the Gov't rolled over in court, and has tried to settle a law suit, by the estate of the editor in Latana, Florida, who was murdered by illegally weaponised anthrax, which had to have come out of Fort Meade, Maryland. Since this happened on W's watch, I don't think the Repugs in Congress, will try and bring things to light. But I really did see the KDKA interview, over the Spokane, WA., CBS affiliate news feed on that fateful day. But only once, and then it disappeared, for good.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 03:38 AM

TextBut my gist is that 9-11, 2001 wasn't nearly as bad as it was supposed to be.
reply to post by carpooler
It was very bad,it change the world irreversible,in a bed way,on the wrong road.Many soldiers died,and will die further.many civilians dead,and countries destroyed irreversible ,and no one will reconstruct!

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by carpooler
"evil is powerful but the good will always win"


posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by diamondsmith


One point of speculation after the next...

Why did you make the thread again???

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by diamondsmith

Originally posted by OrNaM3nT
Do you think clearly ? Why God would take them away in heaven , and not take the rest of the christians who die in numerous accidents around the world , christians that are tortured to become muslim etc .

Crazy stuff in your head .
Because that was the day to change the world!

Erm... wasn't that the whole point of Jesus being crucified?

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 12:04 PM
Diamond Smith, Again you're looking at only half of the problem. Both the Pearl Harbor attack and the 9-11 attack mis-fired. If Pearl had been what Adm. Yamamoto wanted, we would have been knocked out of the Pacific, right then and there. The Japanese would have put an airbase on one of the Hawaiian Islands and forced us to demilitarize the entire archipelago. Then they would have simply forced us to withdraw from all the other Pacific Islands, including the Philippines. They would have been able to hold all the Americans' in the Pacific Theatre, hostage, to force the U.S.'s hand. Australia would have crumbled, and they would probably ran the Brits out of India. But the really scary part is that they should have attacked Stalin in Eastern Russia, to begin with. That's what their anti comintern (AXIS) alliance was supposed to be about, in the first place. Then the AXIS would have won WWII, period. Over 5000 Americans were killed while they thought this country was at peace, in these two atrocities. But the blood of all these Martyrs, lead directly to the imminent defeat of the aggressors. With Pearl being knocked completely out, the Nazi's would have gotten the A bomb first, and the Russians would probably have gotten it second. So, please look beyond a couple of crashed airliners to the much bigger picture. As I noted in the earlier post, ameleoration can take place, when the Karmic balance in the world needs righting. The same number of souls, made it across the channel on 6-11, from a betrayed and doomed Inf. Division, as were harvested on 9-11. So now these two have cancelled out each other. We still have our civilian national government, good and bad. But before 9-11, we were asleep at the switch, just like before Pearl Harbor. It will take a couple of elections to rid ourselves of the fools who let this happen, but we are steaming on our way to another Battle of Midway. And when we finally get focused, we are darn hard to whip.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Mister_Bit

Originally posted by diamondsmith

Originally posted by OrNaM3nT
Do you think clearly ? Why God would take them away in heaven , and not take the rest of the christians who die in numerous accidents around the world , christians that are tortured to become muslim etc .

Crazy stuff in your head .
Because that was the day to change the world!

Erm... wasn't that the whole point of Jesus being crucified?
Because that was the day to change the world,in our life time!

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