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US Goverment Executes 16 Year Old From Colorado

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+28 more 
posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:21 AM
Just two weeks after killing confirmed Pentagon asset and American citizen Anwar Awlaki, the United States government executed Awlaki’s 16 year America son via a drone strike in Yemen.

The U.S. government is now targeting and executing American citizens, without due process, who they have labeled as terrorists with little to no evidence.

While we do not know if Awlaki’s son was the intended target of the drone strike(the U.S. government won’t say) it simply smacks in the face of the Constitution of this once great country to target areas with any U.S. citizens, much less a 16 year old kid.

In the video below, put together by RevolutionNews, and featuring the Young Turks, the horror of what our government is currently doing in their so called war on terror becomes frighteningly clear.

Sadly, besides Congressman and 2012 Presidential candidate Ron Paul, Congress has been largely behind the assassination of American citizens without due process as long as they have been labeled as terrorists by the very intelligence agencies that have themselves been involved in acts of terrorism.

I could not find any other news sorce on this artical. Maybe MSM will come out with the in the days ahead.

Whats scary is the goverment is killing americans in other counties without trial. This is freighting as Congress just sit back with its arms crossed. Im really losing all hope for this Country. We really need a guard change!
edit on 6-12-2011 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

And one more thing, why the (bleep) are we in yeman anyways? is this another obama war front? how many war fronts is this guy going to open before the media speeks up?
edit on 6-12-2011 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:25 AM
I'm not surprised. The government does whatever it wants with no regard to rights of the individual!

A new guard? Perhaps.

A clean slate? Even better!

+19 more 
posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:29 AM
Awlaki was a treasonous traitor to America. A crime punishable by death during war time according to the law. If you don't want to be targeted, don't be a traitor and trick the youth into blowing themselves up for your cause. Not only was he treasonous, but he was a coward (as all of those pieces of feces are) who trick their youth into becoming suicide bombers.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by camaro68ss

I hate it that, more and more lately, the things that used to surprise me about this once great country do not surprise me any more. I hate that, at one time, it didn't matter which party was in the oval office - I was still a happy American. Now - no matter which party is in the oval office, America is in desperate need of cleaning out all of the douchebags that are supposed to be representing us.

I hate it that I am so cynical about my country now.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
I'm not surprised. The government does whatever it wants with no regard to rights of the individual!

A new guard? Perhaps.

A clean slate? Even better!

You will be the next one they take out with a drone strike. Not that youre wrong, but i think we've seen that this government will go above and beyond killing its own countries citizens ot stay in power. Damn, looks like theyre going to get me after they get you. Small world...

+36 more 
posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
Awlaki was a treasonous traitor to America. A crime punishable by death during war time according to the law. If you don't want to be targeted, don't be a traitor and trick the youth into blowing themselves up for your cause. Not only was he treasonous, but he was a coward (as all of those pieces of feces are) who trick their youth into becoming suicide bombers.

how do you know the son was a traitor? he was no suicide bomber other wise this would not be a story. Wheres your source? how do you know he was a traitor? do you just belive what the goverment tells you? Its people like you is the reason we have a constitution and trials by peers.
edit on 6-12-2011 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

so what string of words do I have to say to get on the execution list?
all words and FREE SPEECH should never be something to be killed over do you think about the constitution and if the words can get you killed WE are next how long till we hear wheres so and so he hasnt been on in awhile...
edit on 6-12-2011 by freakshowfatty because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by freakshowfatty

Very true words spoken.
I f I go back in time in my memory, a lot of things have changed for the worse, especially in the USA.
A war on drugs, while the CIA is the worldwide biggest drugs trafficker and trade controller
A war on terrorism that starts on 9/11 after a false flag operation.

You guys, especially your dads and grandfathers, saved our asses in ww2.
I am still grateful that I am free and can speak German when I want, not because it is a must.

Who is gone save your asses, that you can only do yourselves.

+18 more 
posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
Awlaki was a treasonous traitor to America. A crime punishable by death during war time according to the law. If you don't want to be targeted, don't be a traitor and trick the youth into blowing themselves up for your cause. Not only was he treasonous, but he was a coward (as all of those pieces of feces are) who trick their youth into becoming suicide bombers.

Wasn't confirmed in a court of law. Treason is never punishable by death without a trial. The very act of killing an American citizen without arrest and trial flies in the face of our constitution and traditions and is criminal in itself.

So what office do I need to hold to be able to say that someone... maybe Camaro... is a terrorist and then murder him and get away with it?

(no offense Camaro

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by camaro68ss

Its because of people like you....

So, personal attacks because I speak the truth? Nice.

reply to post by freakshowfatty

Try digging up some of that cowards videos and see for yourself. When you proclaim Jihad against America as an American, you have committed treason. According to the law, this act MUST be witnessed by at least two people. He recorded it and put it on the interwebs for all to see. So he had millions of witnesses to the fact.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by camaro68ss
if you read the laws, the law of war, if you are a combatant and are a US citizen you give up your rights and Citizenship therefore he was not a citizen but "fair game" as the Gov would see it.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

Maybe it's not enough coffee, but I am not able to find these laws anywhere. Do you have a link?

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by rogerstigers

Article three of the US Constitution.

You can also go here to see a list of the US Code of Law that pertains to Treason and Sedition.
edit on 6-12-2011 by DerbyCityLights because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
reply to post by rogerstigers

Article three of the US Constitution.

You can also go here to see a list of the US Code of Law that pertains to Treason and Sedition.
edit on 6-12-2011 by DerbyCityLights because: (no reason given)

You first must be found guilty, denounce you citizenship is not a treasons act.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Section 3 - Treason Note

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Yup there it is.. two witnesses and all you have to do is provide material support to the "enemy". Given that this war on terror can make anyone an enemy and the witnesses can be covert agents (although, I get that in this case, he was making videos on the internet), it seems we are back to the age of tyrrany where ANYONE can be called treasonous, but to be convicted still requires a court appearance, no?

That is, of course, unless there are federal laws somewhere that describe the process more fully..

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
reply to post by rogerstigers

Article three of the US Constitution.

You can also go here to see a list of the US Code of Law that pertains to Treason and Sedition.
edit on 6-12-2011 by DerbyCityLights because: (no reason given)

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

How exactly does one give testimony without being in a court of trial and while not being under oath?

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:39 AM
Soon it will be on American soil, these acts of terror must be stopped and those responsible held accountable, not the innocents they use as scape goats.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:41 AM
Doesn't matter what country they are from...

Who kills someone without due process unless directly being attacked?

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by antar
Soon it will be on American soil, these acts of terror must be stopped and those responsible held accountable, not the innocents they use as scape goats.

Its going to happen.
Paul to Congress: “Someone Who Has Guns, Ammunition, 7 Days of Food” Can Be Considered a Potential Terrorist

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by CALGARIAN
Doesn't matter what country they are from...

Who kills someone without due process unless directly being attacked?

Who wages war against an amorphous, non-governmental entity with no clear leadership or set goals?

For all intents and purposes, this really is not a war by any traditional sense of the word. We are in uncharted lands here.

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