January 2015
CARDS: Knight of Cups, 6 of Wands.
A notable romance will take place, but as this occurs, there will be a major conquest. The 1 conquerors will demand loyal service, but there will be
continued 2 efforts to thwart them.
The conquerors will have much good news and financial advantages during this time. There will be many professional strides and initiative on the part
of the conquerors.
(1) Characteristics of “Conqueror”
CARDS: King of Swords.
He’s a cruel man with an impossible fight ahead of him. He has much perseverance and has a 3 painful memory which turned him sour. He makes swift
decisions with no emotional response. (Janu)
(3) Painful Memory
CARDS: 4 of Pentacles.
A treasured heirloom was taken away. His prosperity and privilege was also taken away.
(2) Efforts being taken
CARDS: King of Wands.
They will seek to deceive him by sending in someone he might trust.
February 2015
CARDS: The World, Ace of Cups.
There will be much hostility and 1 obstacles to success. There is notable 2 imperfection and a possible reversal of fortune. Luck and divine
protection is on the side of the Conqueror. He will be victorious and fulfill 3 his desires.
There will be a celebration with plenty of joy and feasting. This will drive 4 some insane and a desire towards autonomy. Some will be
(1) Obstacles to Success
CARDS: Ace of Pentacles.
Money is always an obstacle. There are also problems with 5 obsession and wasted funds. 6 Something rare has been hidden which is also leading to
(5) Obsessions
CARDS: The Hanged Man.
There are illusions being weaved and separation taking their tolls. Sadness and a 7 painful trial have already taken their tolls. These obsessions
have a self destructive turn and have created doubts in this person.
(7) Painful Trial
CARDS: Temperance
Something incomprehensible happened that causes continued instability in his life.
(6) Rare Object
CARDS: 2 of Cups.
This might not be as much and object as it is a 8 person of affection to 9 somebody.
(8) Characteristics of “Person of Affection”
CARDS: The Star.
She has always been protected by an unseen force. She has a love of nature and has a tenderness to her that brings out a subtle beauty and
creativity. She’s had many defrauded hopes, mistrust and a lack of compatibility. She’s experienced a lot of lies.
(9) Characteristics of “Somebody”
CARDS: The Chariot.
This man is a free spirit and has a lot of vitality in his personality. He enjoys thrilling adventures, glory and travel. He has been defeated many
times and has been hindered in his quest. He is also arrogant and conflicts with others a lot.
(2) Imperfections
CARDS: The Hierophant.
There are fears of reality and pessimism. There will be mental troubles and lateness taking their tolls as well.
(3) Conqueror’s Desires
CARDS: 7 of Swords.
He desires to simply conquer the Earth and reprimand the human race. He also seeks to wage war on humanity.
(4) Characteristics of “Insane People”
CARDS: Ace of Wands.
They are optimistic and possibly sterile. They have energy and support which leads them to begin a 10 new project. They are plagued by deceit and
professional failure. They are in ruin.
(10) New Project
CARDS: 8 of Swords.
This project involves a crossroad in the lives of humanity, but there is a lot of misfortune involved here. This will lead to frustration.
March 2015
CARDS: Justice, 8 of Wands.
This will lead to absolute tyranny and false charges being placed upon innocent people. A wrongful 1 judgment is passed upon humanity and a 2 harsh
punishment is passed. This is a time of political resettling as the Alien Presence takes a permanent stance here on Earth.
Peace and calm are settling into the minds of those in charge. The Global Elite will have time for leisure. There will be a state of uncertainty and
loneliness. The Elite will by now regret what they have done.
(1) Wrongful Judgment
CARDS: Ace of Wands.
This judgment has to do with human business practices.
(2) Harsh Punishment
CARDS: The Emperor.
Humanity will be controlled with mind control. The sheer will of the punisher will attain the goal of overbearing control. This might be a hive mind
type of mind control.
edit on 2-4-2012 by ramle because: too much text and it overflowed.