posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 08:11 PM
January 2012
CARDS: Empress, Page of Pentacles.
There will be false stableness and a bad leader will begin to make a campaign. Good advice will be given, but it’s not clear if it will be noticed
in time. There is a solution to the NWO problem but it will be mocked and made fun of.
People will be working for the greater good, but a lack of concentration will hinder them. There will be increases in public knowledge of the NWO and
the false leaders.
February 2012
CARDS: Justice, Queen of Swords.
Law and authority will come crashing in on the people. There will be much conflict and disorganization among the people and authority will take fast
control. This is possible 1 Martial Law. The innocent will be charged with false crimes.
An important decision will be made. The Global Elite will take a big step forward in their plans to slander the populous. There will be a lot of
cruelty in this time as the Elite tighten the noose.
(1) Possible Martial Law
CARDS: The Lovers, 3 of Swords.
A choice will be made that will influence future events. This will bring unpleasant encounters with the police that will betray the trust of the
The authority will restrict individualism and scorn free thought. There will be a lot of skepticism and treachery. This will also bring about vile
behavior and contradiction and error in the system.
March 2012
CARDS: The Hermit, 10 of Cups.
People will stand divided. Freedom will be hindered greatly and the populace is in 1 general decline, economic or possible die off will take place.
The Global Elite will have 2 hidden protection and portray restraint.
There maybe a war. There will be hope for a better future and positive changes. There will be disagreements among the nations of the world as the
Elite tighten their grip. The people will feel abandoned by their leaders.
(1) About the Decline
CARDS: 3 of Pentacles, 4 of Wands.
There is simply a lost opportunity and humiliation in the business world. There will be corruption and concerns of corruption. There will at some
point be something that will bring great rewards later.
(2) Characteristics of “Person behind Global Elite”
CARDS: The World, 5 of Cups.
This person has divine protection and is a traveler of sorts. She has obstacles to her success and unpleasant relationships in her life. She has
general good luck, but is hindered by imperfections and a possible reversal in her good luck. Money and love are issues with her. She has gone
through a painful ordeal and deals with frustration in life. Though happiness and harmony have been found, they do have draw backs for her. She also
has money issues, but has alliances to deal with her faults. (Possible Agian Siin, leader of Blood Raven)
April 2012
CARDS: 9 of Wands, 6 of Cups.
There will be a sense of accomplishment and a period of rest from further acts by the Global Elite. The public will loose motivation because of
declining health as a whole. 1 Old enemies will awaken on the world stage as patience runs thin.
The world as a whole sticks hard to old ideas and are forgetting the coming changes. The public becomes immersed in a utopian future. Confusion and
anxiety about the future becomes wide spread. (Possible 2012 propaganda.)
(1) Characteristics of “Old Enemies”
CARDS: The Empress, 4 of Wands.
They are clever and creative in their methods. They have vanity issues and are a false friend to whoever knows them. They are good motivated
business men who will bring good rewards later. They have had a lot of professional success.
May 2012
CARDS: King of Swords, Knight of Wands.
A rash of Quick decisions will be made that might lead to war. A 1 twisted man will appear during this time that will draw our attention. Something
will be made certain during this time and it’s likely to be against our best interests.
A quick decision will come that will lead to conflict and failed plans of positive change. (Occupy or similar movement will have strong presence and
fall.) Things will look favorable and jobs might be created. An unpleasantness will cause a decline in travel for some and more for others with the
means. The social environment changes for the better.
(1) Characteristics of “Twisted Man”
CARDS: Ace of Swords, Page of Cups.
He is courageous and clever and is seeking a new beginning. He’s made some sacrifices in his life and the dynamics will bring tyranny to him. He
has a strong sense of achievement and success. He is a shy and reserved individual and is young. He is easily seduced and is a victim of an
illusion. He’s had romantic complications. (Possible cheating, broken marriage or home.) He may have a few faithful friends who are intrigued by
his resolution.