posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 11:18 AM
How could it be a Demolition?
Well, we could offer how it COULDN'T be a normal collapse; the rate of fall means that a "pancake collapse" is out of the question. Sure, the
"suspended flooring" using the inner core and curtain wall as support, leads to a "faster collapse" -- but that would require the vertical
supports to turn to jello. The resistance to collapse is the same for floors unaffected by heat -- and they barely slowed down the onslaught of
floors. WTC 7 was designed as a normal office building -- so there was no pancake collapse, yet video evidence showed it fell at near free-fall speed
(which the officials had said did not happen in their models -- and when faced with the video evidence admitted they lied, however their model did not
>> Without some "advanced" demolition device or DARPA weapon, here's how I THINK that it was done;
>> Neal Bush, was a part owner of the company that started WTC security AFTER Silverstein bought it from Ports Authority for just under $200 million
(if memory serves). Not that this was a White Elephant -- there were perhaps $1-$2 Billion of necessary work to remove Asbestos from the building, so
I'm sure the Ports Authority was relieved to dump it. Silverstein must have looked like a fool. He then doubled the insurance for "terrorist acts"
in July (just mention these things in case someone didn't see other fishy things going on).
>> Likely, a group like "Controlled Demolitions" -- the same group that investigated for evidence of demolition, might have been hired to work as
Security Guards for WTC at night. They would have had months to prep the building.
>> When setting the charges, it was likely MUCH of the columns would be simply "repainted" -- as Jesse Ventura has said; a new nano-thermite looks a
lot like paint, and goes on wet. Though you might find Jesse tilting at windmills and not a credible source -- it seems to me that a compound of
aluminum and iron can take on a lot of forms. Shaped charges, using something like C4 and copper, would be placed at key joists or to destroy columns
- likely with a "sharp angled cut" -- not flat because you don't want the floors to 'stick'. An angled cut cannot possibly happen from a collapse
-- and this started a lot of controversy in the beginning as photos of angled cuts on steel frame made their way to the internet. The Deniers claimed
this was standard for "cleanup." Since we don't have any untampered evidence photos of 9/11 -- we can't really prove this one way or the other.
Also, having a steel beam from the collapse with an angled 'shaped charge' cut would be obvious, because you would have deposits of melted ash from
the collapse and nothing from an arc welder. Once again -- we can't prove this one way or another because all the steel was shipped to China for
recycling even though a Jersey smelter offered more money. It's really HARD for me to believe something wasn't covered up.
>> The only explosion that might be detected would be the destruction of the Core supports at the base of the building -- if it were me, I'd time it
for when the plane hit the building. Reports of a few survivors reveal that they had heard huge explosions in the basement. Pyroclastic dust was found
in the lobby when the Firemen arrived and this is consistent with this theory -- there has been no REASONABLE alternative explanation of the dust
before the collapse to my knowledge.
>> Setting off the shaped charges in sequence would likely be controlled by a wireless system from a computer -- not difficult at all.
>> The LACK of explosions doesn't surprise me; unless a shaped charge were NOT focused in towards the building, it wouldn't show any debris or dust.
It's sound wouldn't be any louder than something like an M80 firework (about ten firecrackers) -- nobody who wasn't within 100 yards of one of
these shaped charges would have heard it.
>> Removal of the Curtain Wall joists might have been the trickiest -- shaped charges would be too close to the exterior. The MOST LIKELY technique
for those, would be some sort of acid or binary solution that dissolves steel. Maybe Hydrofluoric Acid in a container that ruptures with a "very
tiny" charge -- no more than a firecracker; 15 minutes before you set off the shaped charges, you rupture the acid to destroy joists and start a
charge (electric or flame) that would set the painted on Thermate on fire to start removing the cylindrical columns.
>> I've seen a couple Mythbusters episodes that showed how Thermite could NOT destroy a column (their 911 special), and I've seen them use Thermite
to go through an entire engine block like a hot knife through butter -- so WHICH episode should I believe?
>>>> There were a thousand and one strange coincidences on 9/11 -- like security cameras failing, that make me suspicious. I believe it's an absolute
fact that current techniques can be used to demolish that building -- otherwise HOW COULD A PLANE DO IT BETTER THAN SET CHARGES? Symmetrical and fast.