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FIVE QUESTIONS: The Twin Towers and a Controlled Demonlition: HOW?

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posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy
I do believe that the people in the buildings would have noticed if all of the important HVAC equipment had been ripped out of the building. Not meaning that they would notice it leaving the building... that would have been done "secretly".

I mean that the people working in the towers would have noticed the total lack of air conditioning and ventilation between the time that the equipment was removed and the day of the disaster. It is difficult enough to please people in a large building, as far as temperatures and air quality is concerned, when the equipment is in good working order. Here we have someone saying the equipment had been removed from the buildings!

Interesting logic, the mechanical equipment was no where to be found in any of the debris, the bodies were turned to dust, the contents could not be found, fire fighters described bigger debris piles from 10 story buildings, yet some people still can't imagine the buildings were emptied. The stories about "cities within cities' were simply lies, but the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.

Here you go:

False Fronts For A False Flag

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by nuttin4U
Are you people still discussing this? My God! No wonder why things are so messed up in this wonderful world of ours. The towers....DID NOT COLLAPSE. I repeat, THE TOWERS DID NOT COLLAPSE. They were TURNED TO DUST! Stop saying the towers 'collapsed'. Building 7 collapsed....via controlled demolition. Towers 1 and 2 WERE TURNED TO DUST! Again, i repeat.....THE TOWERS WERE TURNED TO DUST!
See for yourself! You people are still living in the stone ages.

They did indeed TURN to DUST.
But the technology must be exposed , or else a vast majority will never comprehend HOW.
The technolgy is how creation operates, how matter and mass are first created and then what We call rot away or wear away.
By super concentrating this technolgy the wear and rot half have been speeded up to almost instant.

Everything in creation is held together by a MEMORY FIELD, when You die this field collapses , and the memory field of the earth then slowly takes over and re-organises Your body into becoming the planet.
Ashes to ashes, DUST to DUST.
Basically every atom and groupings of atoms are held in a kind of magnetic field of attraction, the technology employed on the towers is thus a very powerfull flow of one half of a duality of magnetic resonance, thus most of the BINDINGS holding matter and mass together litterally instantly FORGOT.

For the very best of reasons this technology has been kept super secret for a very long time.
Now it has been weaponised it must be recognised and exposed to all to thus enable it to never be used again as a weapon, because it could easily split the planet in two halves , in the blink of an eye.

As Nikola tesla realised.


I do not use that name lightly.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by septic
reply to post by MaxJohnson

Sorry Charlie, those mechanicals are located in the basement. Only lighter items like heat pumps, heat exchangers, exhaust ducts, and vents would be at the highest point on the building.

Nice underhanded tactics but you can't fool me. The pics are of enormous boilers with hundreds of thousands of gallons circulating throughout. That is in no way comparable to lightweight power distribution as suggested by the mechanical plans of ELECTRICITY designated for the 41st floor

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 12:32 PM

Nice underhanded tactics but you can't fool me. The pics are of enormous boilers with hundreds of thousands of gallons circulating throughout. That is in no way comparable to lightweight power distribution as suggested by the mechanical plans of ELECTRICITY designated for the 41st floor
reply to post by MaxJohnson
I think those objects in the drawing are motor/generator sets.

I have been trying to find info for boilers that may have been in the WTC, but the Steam for heating was supplied by Consolidated Edison through piping from the street, as in many NYC buildings.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by butcherguy

The heating is described in here,
I am a heating eng if You need any details of this explained.
They did purchase high pressure steam , and this was reduced and sent through exchangers to convert it back to hot water, then used to heat via convectors around the perimeter.
I wonder where all the pipework etc went, puff like magic into dust....I am afraid there should have been the most almighty mess of tangled metals...there wasn't, and aprox 1700 bodies are said to have VAPORISED, again I have worked on creamatoriums and know the temperatures and timings required to vaporise humans.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by NotPsyOpsed

There were no planes hitting WTC..

Utter nonsense. There are videos, and photos and EYE witnesses!!!

ACARS confirmed in many posts here on ATS, and other forums, the planes were still flying long after the second tower

And that claim is a lie, based on a deceptive interpretation of certain facts, and those misinterpretations are being mis-used to make invalid claims that are complete rubbish.

There is an "agenda" afoot on this topic. And, the so-called "truth" organizations are oxy-moronic.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by nuttin4U
Are you people still discussing this? My God! No wonder why things are so messed up in this wonderful world of ours. The towers....DID NOT COLLAPSE. I repeat, THE TOWERS DID NOT COLLAPSE. They were TURNED TO DUST! Stop saying the towers 'collapsed'. Building 7 collapsed....via controlled demolition. Towers 1 and 2 WERE TURNED TO DUST! Again, i repeat.....THE TOWERS WERE TURNED TO DUST!
See for yourself! You people are still living in the stone ages.

If the towers turned to dust, then what the heck was being cleaned up for months after 9/11? Also, do you know how I know that Judy Wood is not genuine? Her website is immediately trying to sell you things. Big blinking warning sign there!

You know a ship was built out of the steel recovered from the towers on 9/11, right? But wait, you thought it all turned to dust! Stop reading lies and nonsense and pay attention to the common sense explanations behind the behavior of large structures. Gravity goes down, things are heavy, dust from fireproofing and shattered rock is not heavy.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by lunarasparagus
reply to post by beijingyank

Originally posted by beijingyank
reply to post by lunarasparagus

The questions are very provoking when dealing with the realm of fallacy.

It is not a question of "how." It is a question of "who."

The forensic science is in. It is indisputable scientifically. There is no question the towers were brought down in a controlled demolition because of the forensic science. Super nano thermate is in the dust. This fact blows away the fallacy of "how" and moves the question to "who."

"You're telling me that the scientific community is generally in agreement regarding the evidence for a nanothermite controlled demolition of the towers? That it's indisputable because no legitimate scientists/physicists/chemists/engineers have disagreed with such findings nor have offered any possible alternative explanations for the findings? If so, that's incredible information."

"But it's difficult to believe. The word (or notion) "indisputable" is not one commonly used by those doing scientific research. Most researchers are more comfortable speaking of probabilities, hence I'm always skeptical when I'm presented with such claims.

"You're telling me that the scientific community is generally in agreement regarding the evidence for a nanothermite controlled demolition of the towers? That it's indisputable because no legitimate scientists/physicists/chemists/engineers have disagreed with such findings nor have offered any possible alternative explanations for the findings? If so, that's incredible information."

This is correct. The scientific paper put together by Dr. Niels Harrit and his team have been in the sunshine now for over three years. To date, there has been no one from the scientific community to publish a peer reviewed study contradicting the evidence.

It's good to be skeptical and to engage in critical reasoning. But we are talking about evidence, not theory, not probabilities, but a fact.

Probabilities deal with the fate of the draw in cards. But once you have your cards, it's indisputable what hand you have, just like the forensic evidence from 911.
edit on 7-12-2011 by beijingyank because: format

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:02 PM
The report below sheds a lot about the "how" the towers were brought down.


By Susan Lindauer, former U.S. Asset and 9/11 Whistleblower
Late on the night of August 23, 2001, at about 3 a.m. security cameras in the parking garage of the World Trade Center captured the arrival of two or three truck vans.
Visual examination determined the vans were separate and unique from trucks used by janitorial services, including different colors and devoid of markings. More curious, all the janitorial trucks had pulled out of the Towers by about 2:30 a.m—about half an hour before the second set of vans arrived.
According to my high level State Department source with a top security clearance, who disclosed the unusual nightly activity, no vans matching that description had entered the World Trade Center at such an hour in any of the weeks or months prior to that date. It was a unique event.
Security cameras caught the vans leaving the Towers at approximately 5 a.m—before the first wave of AAA personality types on Wall Street, driving Mercedes and BMWs, arrived to track the markets.
For the next 10 to 12 nights, the same mysterious truck vans arrived at the World Trade Center at the same mysterious hour— after the janitorial crews had left the building and before the most fanatic robber barons on Wall Street showed up for work. The vans appeared at the World Trade Center from approximately August 23, 2001 until September 3 or 4, 2001. After that last night, they never appeared at the Towers again.
The vans were never heard of again, either. The 9/11 Commission was never informed of their surprising presence in the Towers three weeks before the 9/11 attack. Most of the 9/11 Truth Community has no knowledge of this extraordinary nightly activity, either.
For all the public’s ignorance, video from the security cameras could be the most significant missing part of the 9/11 puzzle. This State Department source was convinced the mysterious trucks were used to transport explosives into the building, and that an unidentified orphan team wired the World Trade Center for a controlled demolition in those late night hours. He has stayed quiet to protect his job, his retirement pension and his reputation—knowing that others who spoke up have gotten fired or thrown in prison (myself included).

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by beijingyank

Harrit and Jones' paper was not peer reviewed. It fails in many ways, not the least of which is a general incompetence in the area of analytical chemistry. What they found was chips of the red paint that had covered the steel structure of the buildings.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by gravitor
reply to post by butcherguy

The heating is described in here,
I am a heating eng if You need any details of this explained.
They did purchase high pressure steam , and this was reduced and sent through exchangers to convert it back to hot water, then used to heat via convectors around the perimeter.
I wonder where all the pipework etc went, puff like magic into dust....I am afraid there should have been the most almighty mess of tangled metals...there wasn't, and aprox 1700 bodies are said to have VAPORISED, again I have worked on creamatoriums and know the temperatures and timings required to vaporise humans.
No need to explain, I am in the business also.

I am surprised that no one complained of a lack of domestic hot water (and cold for that matter) if all of the piping had been removed from the building.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by butcherguy

I am surprised that no one complained of a lack of domestic hot water (and cold for that matter) if all of the piping had been removed from the building.

Have you verified the buildings were indeed occupied?
FOIA WTC Tenants List

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by septic
reply to post by butcherguy

I am surprised that no one complained of a lack of domestic hot water (and cold for that matter) if all of the piping had been removed from the building.

Have you verified the buildings were indeed occupied?
FOIA WTC Tenants List
I'm guessing that the people shown leaping to their deaths (during the fire but before the collapses) were in the building that day.

They would have noticed lack of typical comforts like HVAC, hot water and that sort of thing.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by butcherguy

I'm guessing that the people shown leaping to their deaths (during the fire but before the collapses) were in the building that day.

Have you verified the stories? Have you verified the images are genuine? Are you certain the footage was taken at the time they claim?

There is much that goes into researching such things, so most folks find it easier to believe what they're told.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by septic

What would count as verification to you? You've already stated that witnesses are all liars in another thread.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Varemia

You are repeating like a parrot that which You believe.
You have no idea where the steel to build any ship origonated from.

The steel that did remain after the demolition was hurridly removed and sent to India and china, which in itself is a clear indication that they were afraid that the steel would be weighed if a correct investigation had been undertaken.
by removing what was left and having nothing but bits of paper saying whatever weights upon them ,is not the actual physical steel.
When a plane crashes every morscel of remains are collected and kept, and a very in depth investigation is undertaken.
none of this happened because it couldn't be allowed to happen as the residue would reveal the transmutation that took place.

You appear frantic to comply with the tale told.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by gravitor
reply to post by Varemia

You are repeating like a parrot that which You believe.
You have no idea where the steel to build any ship origonated from.

The steel that did remain after the demolition was hurridly removed and sent to India and china, which in itself is a clear indication that they were afraid that the steel would be weighed if a correct investigation had been undertaken.
by removing what was left and having nothing but bits of paper saying whatever weights upon them ,is not the actual physical steel.
When a plane crashes every morscel of remains are collected and kept, and a very in depth investigation is undertaken.
none of this happened because it couldn't be allowed to happen as the residue would reveal the transmutation that took place.

You appear frantic to comply with the tale told.

So, your evidence that a lot of the steel became dust is that you don't know how much steel was in the pile. That sure is damning... or perhaps you are making assumptions.

They used 7.5 tons of the steel in the USS New York

Here's a nice link with a quote:

Some 185,101 tons of structural steel have been hauled away from Ground Zero. Most of the steel has been recycled as per the city's decision to swiftly send the wreckage to salvage yards in New Jersey. The city's hasty move has outraged many victims' families who believe the steel should have been examined more thoroughly. Last month, fire experts told Congress that about 80% of the steel was scrapped without being examined because investigators did not have the authority to preserve the wreckage.

Now, this shows about how much steel was removed by 2002. How much did you say turned to dust again?

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Varemia

You have just repeated that which You have been told.
Anyone can say any tonnage they like, it's nothing but heresay.
YOU BELIEVE what has been TOLD.
Please stop repeating, repeating, repeating.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by gravitor
reply to post by Varemia

You have just repeated that which You have been told.
Anyone can say any tonnage they like, it's nothing but heresay.
YOU BELIEVE what has been TOLD.
Please stop repeating, repeating, repeating.

And you believe whatever Judy Wood tells you. We're two fish in the sea, man.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Varemia

Originally posted by gravitor
reply to post by Varemia

You have just repeated that which You have been told.
Anyone can say any tonnage they like, it's nothing but heresay.
YOU BELIEVE what has been TOLD.
Please stop repeating, repeating, repeating.

And you believe whatever Judy Wood tells you. We're two fish in the sea, man.

You do not have any justification for stating what I believe, I think for Myself.
I do not simply repeat what others say.
The steel was the critical evidence in determining what occured, those who organised however much was removed need to be jailed as accessories to murder.

It is so blatendly obvious that a very well organised coverup of the truth was undertaken , and that in itself reveals that there was a need to do such.
There will be a very close estimate of the overall weight of metals that was involved in all of the demolished towers, and every inch should have been weighed and examined.
SHAME on America for been so wrapped up in a blood lust for revenge whilst the real truth was removed and destroyed.
pieces of papers saying certain weights are not the real stuff.

The method of demolishing these towers lies in a transmutation process, and that is what this thread is about.
Not how You want to believe.

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