posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:08 PM
The whole FB thing with relationships is shady for many imo.
My ex didn't even want me on his FB and later on I found out why, he was having convos with chicks he shouldn't have been having! This was when FB
first came out....Now it seems like it's worse.
If your husband is having some kind of emotional bond, sexual or otherwise with another female online imo that is cheating but on an emotional level.
If you have told him how you felt then he needs to respect that and if he doesn't then he isn't showing any respect to you.
If it's nothing like that and it is just a porn thing then it's just that.
If he is concerned about viruses on your computer with porn then get DVD's or something, IDK it just sounds like a slight excuse because with his
phone only he would really have access all the time unlike the computer.
Also some men are embarrassed that they look at porn and don't want their spouse to know. Personally I know men will look at porn and i don't care,
heck I'll even buy it for them. I don't take it personal BUT if it were your situation I'd be a little upset as well...
Hope you get things worked out