posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:53 AM
A new political conspiracy is crystallizing in the 2012 Presidential Race.
TPTB are conspiring against Ron Paul behind the scenes and in the shadows.An evil secret plot that was formulated well before the GOP race started is
in motion. A TPTB political defense system designed to protect the oligarchy from the threat that is Ron Paul. The plot was comprehensive in
accounting for any and every possiblity. Nothing was left to chance.
Below I present a condensed summary of the 'Plan B Theory' . Plan B the last piece in the overall conspiracy against Ron Paul. Plan B is the TPTB's
red button. The TPTB last line political nuke.
-- The effort TPTB have gone to to distract the masses from Ron Paul is telling. You can debate about what it is possible for him to achieve all day
but it is fact that he wants to take on the Fed and the IMF. They are both TPTB oligarch tax-payer funded piggy banks. TPTB dont want the public to be
thinking about the IMF and the Fed let alone have them become election issues. Ron Paul continues to defy the odds and keep his steam up.
So since Ron Paul is a real threat I think it is logical that TPTB would have a back up plan. If Ron Paul actually won the GOP nomination the whole
Ron Paul thing would snowball.He would roll straight over the top of Obama. Especially if there were a one on one dual. But what if another contender
stepped into the race as independant at the last minute? A loud attention grabbing duo. One that could eat into Ron Pauls base. That could divide his
It is possible that Ron Paul will win the Republican Presidential Nomination and go on to threaten Obama. Surely TPTB have factored that in. They
would have an ace up their sleeves. I think that ace is Trump and Palin. If you watch fox news you would know that Greta Van Susteren and Sean Hannity
grovel to and fawn over both Trump and Palin as though they are not worthy of the attention of the great Trump and Palin. You also may have noticed
the staged sideshow of GOP candidates seeking Trumps approval as though it was all important. The msn/Fox are presenting Trump as superior to the
Republican Candidates. As some sort of mesiah.
I have no evidence of conspiracy other than what I see on Fox News. But if you watch Fox News you can see that it is a TPTB playbook. You see that
TPTB telegraph their next move through Fox News. If you have ever seen a 'Special Report' with John Stossel you know what I mean. The agenda behind
his 'Specials' is so blatantly obvious its insulting. He thinks people are stupid. The agenda's are obvious but they are also telling. I think the way
Fox News presents Trump and Palin as mesiahs may be ground work for a not so obvious hidden agenda. Preperation for when TPTB are forced to go to
'Plan B'. You know they must have a Plan B in the current unpredictable political climate. I think it is 'Trump Palin 2012'. Is there a more logical
'Plan B' ?
edit on 5-12-2011 by theovermensch because: typo
edit on 5-12-2011 by theovermensch because: typo