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What Would You Do

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posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:25 PM
Just make sure your home is safe and secure and your get-away vehicle is in prestine condition.
You are going to want to make things last as long as possible.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:34 PM
Pray for peace. Today before WW3, and certainly during and after.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
ww4 will be fought with sticks and stones
i found a self sharpening stone skin scraper
theres my sign

Might want to go ahead and give credit where credit is do for that partial quote

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:40 PM
am far out in the middle of nowhere away from all that idiocy..
will carry on as usual.
not my concern that the primitives want to slaughter each other .. let them..

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:46 PM
I think WW3 has a stronger possibility of happening than most people are lead to believe. IMO the events leading up to World War 3 are happening right now even if the official war doesn't happen for another 20 years. But here in the United States when World War 3 happens to kick off I think will we be dealing with the effects of economic and social collapse before we start worrying much about invading forces.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:04 PM
I would start digging an underground cavern under my house. I would fill it with animals and pretty ladies. We'd play jenga until the humans have wiped themselves out. Then we would wait 1000 years for the radioactivity to dissapear and then repopulate the earth using my sperm.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by mik3ymik3

I'm young, smart, and bold. I'd probably go for military research and or construction.

No reason to waste my life on the front lines, though in my short life I've proven capable of ability.

Simply put, I'd go where life put me. And work my best.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by mik3ymik3

First off, I'd like to say damn good looking dog in your avatar.

Now on topic, I'd carry on just like normal.
Nothing effects me until they are off of our coast or on our borders.
Seeing as how the last few (few is more than three) wars have been a lie from the start.
Once a threat is here I will mobilize and cook for the militia.
Just cuz I'm fat, old, and broken does not mean I'm 100 percent combat ineffective.
An army travels on their stomach and good food helps with good morale.
But I would not join a US Gumment force, I do not like the idea of being a US citizen shooting Americans just because I wear a blue helmet.
I will say that even if there are no enemy on the border or coast, I'd pick off any blue helmets as we know what they do.
Peacekeepers my fat shiny ***.
edit on 5-12-2011 by g146541 because: bad spellification

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

If that is the way you feel, the NWO has got you behind the 8 ball, you are beaten.
The idea is to make us so sick of war that we would surrender everything to be at peace.
I pity you.

reply to post by mik3ymik3

If you truly agree, see above.
As for the chinese army, think back to ww2 when Russia had a huge army but no motivation and not enough weaponry to outfit their soldiers, they were highly combat ineffective and had huge losses inside of their own homeland.
Imagine being that distraught thousands of miles from home.
Chinese don't have too much love for their Gumment, and it would seem Russia isn't too far behind.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by crazydaisy
We have long time provisions and
would stick it out at home. I do wonder
where people will go that say they are
leaving. Where would you leave to that
would be safer than where you are?
Why do you not feel you should stay
where you are? Just wondering.

Wanna know a secret?
Wanna be safe?
Go where Soros goes, or the Rothschilds go or any of the elites.
After all, this is their theatre.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:43 AM
Provided that I am not at the heart of where it was starting at..meaning that I wasn't at ground zero..
I would do like I do everyday, get up, go to work, come home and go to your life like you do now...even during the first 2 world wars, people still did there jobs and supported there families while the war was raging..even all around there area and town.

For those that think you can go to the store after IT happens and get the B list of supplies, and everyone one else will be wanting to do the same thing...Black Friday would be a joke compaired to what you would face once everyone gets scared #less...The prices for things would go way if your needing or wanting something, its far better to get it now...rather than after IT happens...what do you do if all shipping comes to a hault? they grounded airplanes on 911...what if they stop railroads and semi's also? That is a possibility.

Some have said that they would watch whats happening via internet..yeah good call, except for there might not be internet...then what? You should think outside of the box alittle and look at short wave radio's or some other means of getting information, because cyber wars are very likely....I am just putting that out there for what does the USA and any other country do first once they go into a country?.....They take over communications, gain footholds in areas with large airports, or shipping bring in supplies and resupply the troops on the the regular supplies to the area are stopped, because the invading force is now using it.

I guess what I am saying is that if you need or want something, if you can ...get it now....
Otherwise live your life and enjoy your life, for its the only one you have.
If your leaving your area, you'll get a gut feeling on when to do that...listen to it.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by mik3ymik3

I would instantly pack up all my gear and go and live off the land in the Scottish Hebrides or if unable to get that far Wales would be a good bet, I cant see anyone bombing or invading Wales.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by saltdog

I understand your point of view... and agree with it, but your paradigm is skewed.

If things go nuclear, our entire world changes in mere minutes, if not hours.... all bets are off, and unless you live in a bunker and a good one at that... it is over.

As for an invasion. It would have to be swift and totally unexpected in order to happen in the time frame you present. That is almost impossible. The sheere logistics to ensure success alone are overwhelming. The USA is a giant country, it is not like Europe. Just to drive from north central NC to east Missouri took us 15 hours on the interstate at top speeds. Plus, the one advantage we have is we have the ocean between us and prospective enemies.

Airborne invasion is possible, but not on the level needed to even begin to take this country. Maybe a land invasion from Mexico, but again, the build up of troops and supplies would be readily apparent. Very possibly, subversive and terrorist cells would be activated against multiple soft targets.... schools, shopping malls, businesses, infrastructure. This where it would get dicey for US citizens as martial law is activated.

Most likely, we are looking at EMP over the US, the seaborne invasion of US assets like Taiwan, Phillipines, Hawaii, maybe Alaskan coast or Aleutians...possibly the tactical use of battlefield nukes in Afghanistan and Iraq.

As for our allies... not so good. Probably nukes mounted on Scuds... terrorists attacks on a massive level and coordinated. Maybe massive invasion of China towards west Asia and Taiwan, N Korea moving south, Russia moving unimpeeded back into the old Soviet bloc countries.

And considering the level and swiftness of destruction and the amount of supplies and resources needed, I think it would end or stalemate after a couple of weeks. We would not have time to retool factories and churn out tanks by the thousands like WWII... what you have is all you are gonna have to fight with. And after the display of NATO in Lybia... it doesn't look good for the west.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

I agree with you too, the thing is we don't have any idea if it will happen or where...we don't know what weapons will be used or who will be the enemy...yet.

If nukes are used we are all screwed..all you have to do is hit the west coast and let the wind carry the radioactive fallout to the rest of the people to the east...but again, I don't think that is something that any country wants to do because they won't wanna send there troop into that, the troops won't wanna go into it, so that should hopefully not be an option...I think it would be a cyber atttack and with terror cells throughout the country, with specific targets and ways to terrorize the avarage person...making it like the middle east now...with car bombs and get the point.

But again...who knows what or if it will anyones guess, the fact that you read and post here, means that you realize that there are things that can happen to any country...thus you do what you can to be safe ..and keep thoses safe that you care about.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 01:43 PM
WWIII is inevitable, if not now, than later(horrible candy). Although I think, we as Americans have a disconnect when it comes to the impact of a War such as this. How long has it been since there was War on American soil? (Redundant question)
In recent memory and generations, we have had the ability to stay in our homes and continue living life as we did the day before. I don't think this would be any different if WWIII broke out tomorrow...would people be shocked? Without a doubt, but they would still wake up the next morning, get ready for work as usual and continue their life. We won't see an obvious move by the general public until War is brought to American soil, or something catastrophic lights a fire under our @$$.
That's why I feel it is important to stay as close, and informed to the situation as possible. I want to at least give myself an opportunity to make an informed decision to stay, or GTFO before the masses panic. I won't make a decision to "Bug out," so to speak, if the decision does not need to be made. Preparation's are not cheap, and we will need to preserve energy and equipment as possible if the doodoo start flying....
edit on 12/5/2011 by TheRealTruth84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by mik3ymik3

WW3 huh? Leave... I would rather not be in a populated targeted area of attack.

No point in staying and hoping thing's get better, pretty sure it'll be the last world war ever.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by TheRealTruth84
WWIII is inevitable, if not now, than later(horrible candy). Although I think, we as Americans have a disconnect when it comes to the impact of a War such as this. How long has it been since there was War on American soil? (Redundant question)
In recent memory and generations, we have had the ability to stay in our homes and continue living life as we did the day before. I don't think this would be any different if WWIII broke out tomorrow...would people be shocked? Without a doubt, but they would still wake up the next morning, get ready for work as usual and continue their life. We won't see an obvious move by the general public until War is brought to American soil, or something catastrophic lights a fire under our @$$.
That's why I feel it is important to stay as close, and informed to the situation as possible. I want to at least give myself an opportunity to make an informed decision to stay, or GTFO before the masses panic. I won't make a decision to "Bug out," so to speak, if the decision does not need to be made. Preparation's are not cheap, and we will need to preserve energy and equipment as possible if the doodoo start flying....
edit on 12/5/2011 by TheRealTruth84 because: (no reason given)

I agree with you. It won't be until people have it here in there country or at there front door, that they realize...oh damn...what do I think people rely on the government now...wait till something like that will bring out the true person in everyone...
I hope that I never see that day, but you never be prepared for you and yours, because it would be a very rough road ahead for us all.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 07:56 PM
couple links.



(I didnt cap them)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by mik3ymik3
What would you do if WW3 began tomorrow?
Would you go about your everyday life?
or would you pick up and go dig in somewhere remote?
Would you call uncle sam and offer your services?
What would you do, I'm curious to read the opinion of fellow ATS members.

As for me I'm packing up and headed out.

edit on 4-12-2011 by elevatedone because: removed caps.

Your plan is my plan if it goes nuclear.

There will not be enough wood to burn to stay warm in the nuclear winter,
only those who go underground will not die from the cold if they live
thru the gamma, beta, and alpha radiation.

I have been making plans for this event for sometimes and I am just
glad the event in Georgia did not trigger it, or Cheney's false flag attempt
with the small boats and Iran.

WW3 is coming, no idea when or why, but the pieces are moving.

I don't know that I will survive it, but I think my odds are higher than most ppl.

I think the alpha particles in the dust in the air and eventually entering the plants
like around Chernobyl will slow kill more ppl than the bombs themselves.

Some of the particles like Strontium 90 and Cesium 137 have half lives of over 30 years.

They will be washed down somewhat, but they will be concentrated in odd ways like
was seen after Chernobyl.

To know what your up against read up on that and realize most rad equipment like Gamma
meters won't pick up things like alpha emitting particles.

It takes special gear to do that, and its not cheap, and post collapse it may be
hard to get parts and or ppl to service it all.

Hermetically sealed aquaculture and hydroponics may be the best way to go.

The first 10 days to 2 weeks will be the critical time to hide from fallout, after that is
the alpha particles dust all over the place even in the air itself blowing as dust.

The plants and trees around Chernobyl are even radioactive.

It ended up concentrated in boar meat in Germany.

For those who want to make it read up on chernobyl, read and the free online
book Nuclear War Survival Skills.

There is a lot of other info out there, but those two are pretty damn good.

The death cult is marching us toward their Georgia Guidestones goal.

Good Luck to all the good ppl of the world !!!

edit on 6-12-2011 by Ex_MislTech because: content

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 01:50 AM
I wouldn't tell anyone my plans.........

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