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WHO issues Europe measles warning

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posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 08:06 PM

WHO issues Europe measles warning

The WHO report says there were over 26,000 measles cases in 36 European countries from January to October 2011.

Western European countries reported 83% of those cases, with 14,000 in France alone.

In England and Wales, there were just under 1,000 confirmed measles cases in that period - compared with just 374 in the whole of 2010.

Altogether, measles outbreaks in Europe have caused nine deaths, including six in France, and 7,288 hospitalisations
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 08:06 PM
Congratulations to the anti-vaccination ignorati - you've managed to get 6 people killed and thousands sick from this preventable disease.

I guess this is the price for having free speach where any idiot can campaign against public health under the pretence of some invented conspiracy or other.

It makes me sick! (sic)
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 4-12-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Maybe this is why?
Personally I wouldn't trust the WHO as far as I could throw them. Just my opinion

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Yeah right - every vaccine is contaminated and Hep vaccines caused AIDS.....

so you don't trust WHO - does tha mean you think ther ewere no measles cases in Europe??

edit on 4-12-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

I think my opinion counts for little amid medical experts but I think it just the same

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 09:18 PM
to the gaul Do you have kids do you have any idea how many kids have died from those wonderful shots I have a son 5 years opld has had no shot and wont and I donot know were you get the right to tell me or anyone else what we must do or not until that day kiss my ass we recently had an outbreak of measeles in the states and none of the kids who got sick had missed one of thier shots not one unimmunized child got sick I am sick and tired of people trying to tell me what I must do or not my son has all of the anti sick stuff he needs from his mom who breastfed our child another thing these same doctors have for years mtried to stop

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by 1322hawk

It used to be that millions caught measles every year - in the USA alone 3-500 people a year would DIE from it. Elsewhere hundreds, thousands DIED from measles every year.

I have 2 sons, 15 and 17 years old - both vaccinated. I was vaccinated as a child.

People who deliberately do not vaccinate and thereby expose others to the disease are criminal.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul

Congratulations to the anti-vaccination ignorati - you've managed to get 6 people killed and thousands sick from this preventable disease.

I guess this is the price for having free speach where any idiot can campaign against public health under the pretence of some invented conspiracy or other.

It makes me sick! (sic)
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 4-12-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

So very true. What'll really be 'interesting' is if (perhaps when, but I sure hope not) heard immunity starts to break in some of the low-vaccinated groups. Then maybe they'll start to see the light!

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

If you were a doctor and assulted my child with a leathel weapon I would say that was your last act on earth,
Eat chips and die you silly bird flu lover

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by killemall

Just as well measles vaccines are lifesaving and not lethal weapons then isn't it.


posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Firstly, piercing the flesh of another human being against their free will and/or permission is an assault,
Secondly, using a sharp pointed object is and assault with a deadly weapon
Thirdly, injecting proven life altering man made poisons is also attempted murder.
As I said, if you were to try that on my child it would be your last act on earth.

The vaccine strain of measles virus has been found in the guts of 85 percent of autistic children in a New York University School of Medicine study.

The finding renews concerns that the triple combination vaccine of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) given to children may not be entirely safe.

In the study, biopsies of gut tissue were performed on 82 autistic children who had serious intestinal inflammation. Seventy of these showed evidence of the measles virus.

Similar results were found by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who found the measles virus in the guts of 12 autistic children in 1998, and pathologist John O'Leary in 2002.

In the UK, over 2,000 parents say their children were developing normally until they received the MMR vaccine when they were 12-18 months old. Afterward, the children developed autism. Some theorize that the virus may pass through the gut and into the bloodstream, from which it is able to attack the brain.

Mainstream scientists maintain that there is no evidence linking the MMR vaccine to autism, however, in the UK concerns regarding MMR's potential side effects have driven vaccination rates to as low as 70 percent.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 06:01 AM
I agree that it's the parents and when the kids get older, their choice to get immunized. The real issue is parents who have kids that get sick and don't take care of them or get them checked out. I for one, if my kid is severely sick they go to the hospital instantly, and if not that severe, but sick for a few days, they go to the doctors. That said I have had my kids vaccinated, but they do not get the flu vaccine and I did not give them the chicken pox vaccine.

Vaccines are definitely a double edged sword. My wife was pregnant with twins, they were worried she might get the swine flu so they went to give it to her, right before doing so she stopped them and asked what was in it. The doctors were confused, but let her know, and then she was able to inform them she couldn't get it as she's allergic to stuff that's in a lot of vaccines.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
People who deliberately do not vaccinate and thereby expose others to the disease are criminal.

Then why don't the "others" get vaccinated so they are "safe"?

I never understood why vaccinated people feel threatened by non-vaccinated people. Especially when they claim this:

Jean-Yves Grall, the Director-General for Health in France, said: "France can simply not afford to have deaths, painful and costly hospitalisations, disruptions to work and school from a completely vaccine-preventable disease."
edit on 3/1/12 by NuclearPaul because: added link

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 08:05 AM
Ten Facts Everyone Should Know About Vaccines

Vernon Coleman

Here are ten basic facts about vaccination that most people don't know but should know:

1. Vaccines cause brain damage - and can kill. Since the 1970s the British Government has very quietly handed out tens of thousands of pounds to parents of children suffering from brain damage caused by vaccines. If you inject potentially toxic substances into small children you will get problems. The Government secretly admits this.

2. The number of vaccines is rising rapidly. American children now receive around 30 vaccinations before they go to school. Today there are vaccines against all sorts of non-deadly diseases such as mumps and measles which were traditionally regarded as inconvenient. When a vaccine is introduced a disease stops being a minor childhood disease and officially becomes a serious killer. The authorities issue scare warnings in order to frighten people into having the jab. The number of children diagnosed as suffering from autism has rocketed just as the number of children being vaccinated has risen. This isn't just true of the UK, its true of all countries where children are vaccinated. Autism is a disorder which involves brain damage. And remember no 1 on my list of facts: vaccines cause brain damage. Now, here's the killer fact: when a research project was set up to establish a link between vaccination and autism, drug companies applied to a court for an injunction to stop the research. Now, why would they do that? And vaccines don't seem to cause only autism. It now seems possible that vaccinations may cause diseases such as arthritis, eczema and irritable bowel syndrome - because of their interfering with the immune system. It's difficult to get research done on these because most research is paid for by drug companies and the government and neither want to pay for this type of research.

3. Doctors and drug companies make large amounts of money from vaccines. GPs get bonuses if they can force enough of their patients to have vaccinations. It is not unknown for doctors to throw patients off their list because they won't accept vaccinations - because this affects the GP's earnings.

4. No one knows which vaccines interact badly. No one knows what effect all these vaccines have on the immune system. No one knows how safe they are. They don't know because no one has ever tried to find out. What is beyond dispute is that vaccines can and do kill people. One anti-flu vaccine which was given to over a million Americans contained a monkey virus which causes cancer.

5. Many of the diseases which we are told have been extinct by vaccines were disappearing or controlled long before the vaccines were introduced. For example, the number of deaths from polio fell before the first polio vaccination was introduced. Look at the figures and you'll see that the incidence of polio went up after the vaccine was introduced. In Tennessee the number of children who got polio before vaccination was introduced was 119. The year after vaccination was introduced it was 386. Traditionally, deaths from whooping cough occur among very young babies - who are too young to have the vaccine anyway.

6. Vaccines are developed using material taken from animals. Tissues include brain tissue from rabbits, kidney tissue from dogs and monkeys, blood from pigs, protein from hens eggs. This can be dangerous because cell cultures may be and sometimes are contaminated. During the 1990s children received vaccinations prepared using material which could have been infected with BSE. The British Government was warned of the hazard. We won't know whether this is serious or not for another decade. Some vaccines are made with aborted human foetal tissue. No one knows what diseases might be in that tissue.

7. Many vaccines contain thimerosal which contains mercury. Mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to man. The World Health Organisation says there is no safe level for mercury in the human body.

8. Between 20% and 50% of people who are vaccinated don't get a resistance to the disease against which they have been immunised. So they are put at risk to no benefit.

9. Epidemics of foot and mouth disease always start in countries where vaccination against foot and mouth is compulsory. The evidence suggests that the rabies vaccine is keeping rabies alive.

10. Vaccines are now compulsory in some countries - eg America. This week I received an e-mail from the Czech republic asking for permission to translate material on vaccines from my website - where incidentally all the information is free and there are no ads - because, I'm told, vaccination is now compulsory there and there is no anti-vaccination material available. Governments are enthusiastic about vaccines because they believe that vaccinations help stop the spread of diseases in a community and therefore save money. When kids have measles their mums stay off work. That

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 08:07 AM
That costs the economy money. Vaccines are given to minimise disruption and to save money. If your child is vaccinated then you are allowing the government to use your child to protect the economy by reducing the incidence of disease in the community. Child A is vaccinated to stop child B or C getting the disease and to stop the parents of B or C having time off work. The authorities are now even talking of giving the rubella vaccine to young boys to help cut the incidence of that disease among pregnant women.


Remember, if these facts weren't true I would either be sued or struck off the medical register. Remember, too, that over the last 40 years I've made a lot of enemies who would be only too happy to report me - and, indeed, who do so frequently in vain attempts to stop me telling the truth. And remember that I have no vested interests. I don't represent anyone. If I thought vaccines were marvellous I would say so and attack the people trying to oppose their use. My only interest is the truth. My concern is that I believe that the amount of illness and the number of deaths caused by vaccinations far exceeds the amount of illness and the number of deaths which vaccinations might prevent. The information on my website is all available free of charge and I don't accept advertisements or sponsors for any of my books.


What to do if you or your child is having a vaccination:

1. If your doctor wants to vaccinate you, ask him to confirm in writing that the vaccine is both essential and safe and that the person having the vaccination is healthy enough to receive it. And get the doctor to tell you the batch number of the vaccine. You will probably notice his enthusiasm disappear.

2. If you do have a vaccination keep the name of the doctor, the date and time and batch number safely. Lawsuits against doctors, drug companies and the government usually fail because people don't have this information.

3. I believe that if children scream or show unusual signs after a vaccination then there is a real chance that they will develop autism. Sadly, its too late to do anything about it then. But videotape children before and after vaccination and you will be better placed to sue for damages.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:06 PM
And what do you say to the people who die or suffer brain damage from measles??

Sorry - you obviously missed the bit above where it was pointed out that measles killed hundreds of people a year just in the USA, and inflicted brain damage on THOUSANDS more...every year.

Just wondering why y'all think that returning to that state is a good idea??

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