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Ron Paul Assassination Hoax: Is It an Israeli Threat?

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posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:21 PM
link chsandp=0&scsrch=0reply to post by captaintyinknots

The Jewish Chronicle

The Habo talent factory

What do Sacha Baron Cohen, Mike Leigh, David Baddiel and Seth Rogen have in common? They are all former members of the socialist Zionist Habonim movement. So how does one Jewish youth group create so many stars?

You can check Zionist Habonim movement on wiki; it is a weird racial supremacist and socialist movement. As for the second part of the above snip; many of the members of the Zionist Habonim are selected for greater heights in the host communities where they can do cultural vandalism like with the grotesque, Brüno.

The article itself clearly shows how nepotism is used to progress zionist socialist Habonim members;

True to its socialist philosophy, “Habo” alumni also frequently join forces to help one another. Rogen, known for his improvisational comedy, helped Baron Cohen script the final series of Da Ali G Show in America, and claimed to have made uncredited contributions to the filming of last year’s hit Borat movie. Literary agent and ex-Habonim member Jonny Geller represents Baron Cohen as well as journalist and writer Jonathan Freedland; and dramatist Mike Leigh has performed work by playwright Arnold Wesker, also a former member of the movement.

It is so incestious, it is indecent and when these people turn on Ron Paul, GAME OVER!

Republican Jewish Coalition Bars Ron Paul From Presidential Debate, Saying He's Too "misguided and extreme" (December 1, 2011 blog posting)... aul-banned-from-the-december-7-2011-republican-jewish-coalition-debate

Ron Paul is a target of zionists in the UK and the US. Ron Paul is finished.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Helixer

So, he's a former member of a group, so that makes him a Zionist who is bent on assassinating Ron Paul?

Also, your source is hardly any others to back it up?

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

How come you are inverting what I said? Does the truth hurt you?

Sasha Baron Cohen is a zionist; I made that assertion and you challanged me on it. I provided proof that he was a zionist since he was a pup and you can't stand the truth.

Not only is Cohen a zionist, the zionist group he was in helped him on his career. Nepotism and connections for manufacturer of cultural grotesques.

When Sashs Baron Cohen targeted Ron Paul, was he doing this on the behest of zionist in the US that he was networking with? Quite possibly.

Do you know that an American Zionist group banned Ron Paul from a presidential canditate debate. Are these Zionist Jews bending the will of the American people? Yes.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Helixer
reply to post by captaintyinknots

How come you are inverting what I said? Does the truth hurt you?

Sasha Baron Cohen is a zionist; I made that assertion and you challanged me on it. I provided proof that he was a zionist since he was a pup and you can't stand the truth.

Not only is Cohen a zionist, the zionist group he was in helped him on his career. Nepotism and connections for manufacturer of cultural grotesques.

When Sashs Baron Cohen targeted Ron Paul, was he doing this on the behest of zionist in the US that he was networking with? Quite possibly.

Do you know that an American Zionist group banned Ron Paul from a presidential canditate debate. Are these Zionist Jews bending the will of the American people? Yes.

I'm not "inverting" (you may want to check on the meaning of that word...dont think it is what you think it is) anything.

You stated that there was an israeli tie between supposed (it came from Sorcha Faal, which means it is fake) assassination threats against Ron Paul...then post a bunch of material about Sasha Baron Cohen.

I'm just trying to figure out how you got from point A to point B. There doesnt seem to be any link between the title of the thread, and the body of it.

You did not provide proof that he was a zionist. You provided a link to a VERY biased source that claimed he is a FORMER member of a group, and therefore must be a zionist. That is not proof, friend, that is propaganda.

Why is it only at the behest of the zionists when Cohen targets Paul, and not when he targets dozens of other politicians?

Seriously, it sounds like you cant handle that someone made fun of your man, so you created some fantasy to vilify that person. You havent provided one single fact to back up your claims...

And again, Im still just trying to figure out how you got from point A to point B....the two seem to have nothing to do with each other.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Djarums

little Israel in Golders Green.

Unless you can show me an official location known as "little Israel" in Golder's Green I am through interacting with you.

Referring to a location by a derogatory name based on who you believe lives there is pathetic. It's no better than Jesse Jackson calling NYC "HymieTown" in the mid 80's.

I suppose it didn't take too long for your true colors to show through, but there they are.

I'll pass on debating with a bigot.

No sweat dude.

When it comes to phospherous spraying Israel I am a bigot - 100%. I am also a bigot against Nazis, child molesters, zionists, hypocrites and liars.

No doubt because you are a moderator, you will delete my account. It has been fun but censorship is stiff now a days.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Because you are inventing your discourse I will make my own now;

Thanks for conceding defeat. I knew the truth will crush your weak assertions. Not all zionists admit to their weak positon like you.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Helixer
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Because you are inventing your discourse I will make my own now;

Thanks for conceding defeat. I knew the truth will crush your weak assertions. Not all zionists admit to their weak positon like you., you need help. So far you have made a post whose title and body are completely different, have avoided the burden of proof, you attack the poster instead of debating the post, you refuse to back up your statements, you lack comprehension of the english language, and you throw out insults and ad homs like they are candy.

If you actually wish to discuss this, id be glad to. If you are going to continue with this useless, baseless, STUPID drivel, well, im done.
edit on 5-12-2011 by captaintyinknots because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:08 PM

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:10 PM


posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:36 PM


posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:40 PM


posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:47 PM


posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:54 PM
The intent of the OP is the article from Veteran's Today, it is a very good article with a valid point. The same intelligence network that planted pro-Gaddafi articles and sentiment on the Web appears to be the same one behind the Ron Paul assassination rumors.

Ron Paul has the potential of being the POTUS and this allegation needs to be taken a lot more seriously then some of you in this thread quibbling over Borat.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

I'm simply trying to connect the dots as to why Borat was included at all.....

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I understand, including the Borat videos was very distracting as they had nothing to do with the Veteran's Today article. The OP hasn't been on this site that long, probably wasn't aware how the ATS culture operates. A valid point being made in the OP was lost due to that. (Personally I love Borat, he's great in Sweeney Todd and Hugo)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 07:04 PM

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 07:06 PM
Any american loyal to Israel, is committing treason. It's like they want people to get shot and killed in their defence just so they can play the victim.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by LordBaskettIV
Any american loyal to Israel, is committing treason. It's like they want people to get shot and killed in their defence just so they can play the victim.

I would tend to agree with you on that.

What is galling is that zionist Jewish organisations are now dictating who can be in the republican debates! They have banned Ron Paul!

What if some Muslim groups banned Ron Paul from a televised debate? Why can zionists get away with it and no one dare raise an objection?

What has happened to America?????

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Helixer
reply to post by captaintyinknots

1)Your baseless accusations are making you look foolish.

I proved a number of things; zionist Jews target politicians like Ron Paul with everything from slander, to humiliating stunts to veiled threats.

2)What makes you think I abuse Ron Paul, Muslims, Palestinians, or you? I have abused no one. Your accusations are weak.

Your make persistant ad hominems simply because I discuss Jewish networks, coordinated behaviour and their banning of Ron Paul from the debates. You have a horse in the race dude.

3)Speak of karma all you like, mine is in very good order.

Most human beings have a conscience, you zionist Jews have schadenfreude. The memory of the Holocaust must deform the spirit

4)I hate no one-you, however, wear your hate on your sleeve, and it is quite ugly. Hate will get you no where.

Oh but you do. You are agressive and energised by this thread. No doubt you derive schadenfreude from the suffering of others, particularly the Palestinians.

5)I am not jewish. What made you think I am? And why would it matter if I was?

Even worse then because you are just a zionist. You are a non-Jew zionist in America which makes you like a turkey who always votes for Thanksgivings. Please pay you taxes to sustain the zionist terror state while your country goes bankrupt.

6)I dont worship myself, or anyone else. Do you just make this garbage up as you go?

Selfworshipping is an aspect of narcissistic pathology as you find amongst certain zionist Jews but you stated that you are not a Jew, therefore, this assessment is no longer applicable.

You have showed yourself for who you truly are....quite vile....

I am not too concerned if a zionist thinks I am vile. I rejoice because I am doing some right.

Reported again.

Reported to whom. Is this another one of your zionist type sanctions? A threat? Slander?

Zionists are well known for viciously attacking critics but one must never back down from a bully. Notice how the Palestinians fight back even with their bare hands. They are heroic people.
edit on 5-12-2011 by Helixer because: Spelling

1)You havent proven anything. You certainly havent proven any of the things that you have accused me of.
2)Again, you apparently dont know what ad hom means. I have only asked you to back up your statements. You refuse to do so, and then reply with, thats right, ad hom attacks.
3)Again, not a zionist or a jew. You just keep digging deeper. Sad. Truly sad.
4)No, i dont. I try and deter the hate shown by people like you in posts like this. I hate no one.
5)Again, not a zionist, but your insistence that, because I question you, i must be, shows you, again, for exactly what you are. Living with that kind of hate will ruin your life. Try and let it go.
6)Reported to the mods, for your personal attacks, ad homs, and blatantly racist remarks.

Are you trying to claim that I am bullying you? If so, please explain.

Also, your assumptions are truly going to be your downfall....please, look through my profile at my previous posts. I am very anti-zionist. But i also recognize A)the utter bigotry embedded in the anti-zionist movement (you would be a great example); and B) that not all propaganda is true (you would be an example of someone who cannot differentiate).

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by LordBaskettIV
Any american loyal to Israel, is committing treason. It's like they want people to get shot and killed in their defence just so they can play the victim.

Agreed, although, it is important to remember that israel is a political body, not a jewish one.

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