posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 06:36 AM
All talk of NWOs and Illuminati aside, your dollar is already worthless. it became so as soon as Nixon took us off the gold standard, now that one
dollar in your pocket is only backed by the reputation of the US government. Maybe you don't need to hoarde gold, but investing in it is a sound
idea, since the price of gold fluxuates contrary to the USD. Dollar goes down, gold goes up
But that's just diversification of your investment
Why does anyone accept our money? Becuase the US, like most countries, is on what I like to call "the oil standard" and we just happen to own more
oil than anyone else. To back that up we have the "strategic oil reserve" and Seward's (oil rich) Folley: Alaska
Countries are not about to drop the USD for the Euro because IMHO the Euro was a horrible mistake, nay, the whole EU was a mistake. The overall value
of the Brittish pound in the world market used to be dependant upon England's economy. But now the value of the Euro is dependant upon the
economies of the member nations of the EU. that could end up like Mexico adopting the USD (not like they haven't already )
So really we could be pumping out trillions of dollars of debt but ultimatly it doesn'tmean anything at all. So China is gonna call up one day and
say ""Hey US, we want our money back or we're gonna blow your ass up" if they blow us up then the dollar is worthless. We're not paying them
back. If a country allows us to be in debt to them it's their fiscal illiteracy. Most of those debts are probably paid off with stock options, oil,
military actions or equipment, etc. Remember, money doesn't have to be a liquid asset. If the US is "on the verge" of bankruptcy we wouldn't be
in the dark about it, well, we would be in the dark, we wouldn't have any electricity, we'd also be starving, I'd like to reference Russia in
regards to this.