The New Bull In The China Shop
Thanks for both the cheers
and jeers. I learn from all of them.
There's a lot of perks that come with the job, even as the new Junior Deputy Assistant Under-Admin, Fourth Class (okay, I just made that up), and when
the owners handed me the Key to the Executive Washroom, I was very excited. When they immediately followed that up by handing me a mop and bucket to
go along with it, I was perhaps a little less excited, but still, come on... Executive Washroom, baby!
Of course as
Executive Admin, Djarums gets a corner office, a company car and (I suspect) a country club membership or two, so I should
probably kiss up and see if I can become his golf caddy.
So what's being an ATS admin like?
Well, the first thing I had to do is see what all those extra buttons are for. I mean hey, carpe carpum,* take the initiative and learn by doing,
So I see this button labeled DEATH RAY.
Death Ray? Hmm, this looks interesting. Of course I figured it was just a gag, and that it would pop up
Rick Astley video or something. There was even a little note underneath that said WARNING: DO
NOT PUSH. So naturally I pushed it.
What happened? Well, let's just say I'm really,
really sorry about that, Cleveland.
Anyway, if you should try logging in to ATS in the future and find a smoldering, debris-strewn crater instead, I swear it wasn't me. Okay, it
probably wasn't me. At least, not on purpose. All right, who am I kidding? Let's assume it was me. I'm sure Bill would be able to fix those
sorts of minor boo-boos. Eventually. I think.
Aside from a few extra responsibilities and a modest shift in focus, my overall role probably won't be much different than as a mod. As a super, I
always considered it my duty to support the forum mods, who are the experts on their respective forums and the best judges of the specifics. As an
admin, I consider it my duty to support all the mods, back up the other admins and, ideally, not screw anything up
too much.
And as staff members, it's up to all of us to not only enforce the
terms &
conditions, but also promote civil topical discussion, help members when problems arise and help make ATS a fun and interesting place to be
(although it is our membership as a whole which actually does that).
On a slightly more serious note, being an admin for my favorite site on the Internet is a pretty humbling responsibility, and makes me feel like I
might need to act a little more grown up from now on. But only just a
little, and perhaps only when absolutely necessary.
Thankfully, I'm not on my own, and have plenty of backup from the team. In addition to the many, many valuable lessons I've learned from my fellow
members over the years, I also have many great role models among the staff, and a lot of good examples to follow.
In particular, I have always admired the patience (which I have often tested), maturity (I'm still working on that) and poise the owners have
demonstrated under even the most trying of circumstances. They truly are worthy of the utmost respect.
But I think my best role model was
William One Sac. He was always patient, kind,
understanding and forgiving. Despite having to endure a terrible and painful ordeal with cancer, he never had an unkind word for anyone. When things
got crazy, you could always count on him to stay cool and lead by his excellent example.
He was the kind of admin I want to be. And while those are some very big shoes to fill, and it may be more than a little presumptuous to make the
attempt, I like to think he would still appreciate my trying.
P.S. Henceforth, ponies are mandatory. I repeat, ponies are mandatory. That is all.
* Carpe Carpum: Seize the Carp! (in Very Low Latin)
edit on 12/4/2011 by Majic because: (no reason given)