posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:32 AM
So here's yet another grand example of media's bias against Paul, but there's something different going on here once you get down to the comments
At least half of the comments below this CNN article are about their blatant bias against anything and everything Ron Paul. Whether you support him or
not, you can now see how out of control it's getting and so can many readers of a corporate news site like CNN.
As one commenter put it -
"Gingrich first.... Romney third!
This whole ignore Ron Paul thing is starting to get ridiculous! There is a good reason why he is polling so high despite getting next to zero
coverage. For those of you who have heard rumors about "crazy Ron Paul", I challenge you to actually check out his website and see for yourself why he
seems such a dedicated following. When you are on his site, take a look at his plan to balance the budget within three years. Now go onto the other
candidate's site and find their plan to balance the budget. Can't find it? That's because they don't have a plan. They talk about how important it is
to balance the budget but have no way of getting there. It is just an empty promise.
Ron Paul never flip-flops, he doesn't have any skeletons in the closet (looking at you Gingrich), and he actually has a plan to balance the budget. If
you do your own research instead of relying on the news, you will see why Ron Paul's supporters are so enthusiastic."
So while this is going to continue to be an uphill battle for Paul supporters, at least it looks like the media bias is becoming pretty common
Take a look for yourself before the comments are taken down - on 4-12-2011 by
Hawking because: (no reason given)