posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by jude11
hi from new zealand,
me and some friends have been watchin the so called "politicians" from the USA,
one question was why do we never hear about Ron Paul over here in NZ.
last night on the network news there was a story about your elections and ron paul was excluded from the list.
we used to think that anyone who made sence was instently removed from the race as only the jack asses got coverage.
we were always confused that the best candidate was always malingned and no coverage was possable.
i guess what im trying to say is thank god americans can see this guy RON Paul is the answer.
we have been trying to understand how a guy like newt "old boyz network" sellout is even a realistic candidate?
i know understand that he is not a real candidate, but all the others have self destructed,
and newt has enough experience not to self destruct, but is this the only reason he is being portrayed as the new best leader?
the fact the MSM now supports NEWT is very telling to us KIWIs
this guy is the same as the last guy and all before him.
this is intended to show our dismay not to endorce a politician or political party!!!!!!
just to let you guys know that the rest of the world is watching,
and we are taking a very active interest.
anti NWO politicians club of NZ
edit on 4-12-2011 by XPLodER because: (no reason given)