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400 people gather in downtown Portland for rally and march to set up a new Occupy Portland cam

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posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:27 PM

400 people gather in downtown Portland for rally and march to set up a new Occupy Portland cam

Nearly 400 people have turned out at Salmon Street Springs fountain for a "reoccupation" forum and march to set up a new Occupy Portland camp, despite the mayor's opposition to another encampment in the city.

Members of the Occupy movement put out a call Friday for supporters to meet at the fountain at Tom McCall Waterfront Park for a 2 p.m. rally, followed by a march to an unnamed park for a two-week stay.

At a Friday morning news conference, Occupy spokesman Jordan Ledoux said that having a central place for the movement is essential for cash and food donations. Police closed down t
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:27 PM
I must say that the Portland occupy movement sure are determined.

I'm not as strong a supporter for the occupy movement as I was in the beginning but I'm still a supporter of their right to protest what ever they feel is necessary. I didn't buy into all the hype demonizing the movement.

The mayor said he didn't want another encampment but they still went ahead and set up camp. This looks like a confrontation waiting to happen. I hope it stays peaceful.


It looks like there is a lot more than 400 people. It's still early there too, it's only 4:30 PM.
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 3-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:36 PM
save tax dollars..
let them set up then cordon off the area put up quarantine signs.. wait and let the inevitable disease outbreak due to poor sanitation and hygiene take them out.

that way we wont have to listen to them whinge that their rights are being violated and that the police are bullying them..
the police would then be able to do their job and make their routine patrols. everyone wins...

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:44 PM
Great to see they havent been dis-heartened by the shutdown,but they will get moved on aiwthin a week i reckon,or perhaps this is the standoff,the turning point were the protestors really clash with cops,riots maybe even

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:54 PM
I love their determination but I'd love 'em more to look for alternate ideas for protest that haven't run their course into jail cells not once, but repeatedly. The camp idea has about run into the ground for a few of these cities. Give it a bit more time and they will stop playing kid games with the protesters and start dropping high class felony charges on them instead of penny ante misdameanors which vanish after a fine.

I support their right to protest...but c'mon Portland. Find a new idea. Shake up the system... Go for something entirely different they won't just yawn at, dial in the riot cops for yet another sweep for what is becoming a warped routine there and elsewhere.

edit on 3-12-2011 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I think that if they want to get anything done they should regroup over the winter and come back in the spring with a game plan. The only problem with organization is that it allows infiltration. If they could get a solid non corrupt leadership that cannot be touched then maybe they could get some results.

The thing that worries me about this scenario is that with all these laws the U.S. keeps passing pretty soon any appointed leader will be considered a terrorist and end up in Guantanamo or some other camp.

If they ever started making a real difference they would be labelled as terrorists and taken out.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I certtainly agree with you. If they fall back, regroup and come back with the energy and numbers they've begun with, they may get somewhere serious with it.

I also agree with the way things are shaping up to target and remove anything that smells like an organizer or leader. I think the best thing they can do in that is simply stick with what worked to start the movement. Keep the groups at the city level, even if they move to D.C. (as I'd love to see). Maintain dierct leadership and handling of each group AT that very local very city base level...and simply take some guidance and standards suggestions from a national leadership group but nothing more. That makes infiltration a question of hundreds and hundreds of little groups...not just a couple big ones like TTP.

Just my idea on that one, but's time to fall back and regroup for phase two unless they want to bum rush D.C. for Christmas....and I'd 100% support that too. D.C. needs to feel that NATION's worth of Occupy, not simply the local D.C. contigent they can screw with and marginalize.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I agree with all the points you made, but I especially like the idea of all the cities going to DC.

They should occupy DC and the fed at the same time.
edit on 3-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

reply to post by Corruption Exposed

That's already happening on march 30th. The beginning of the Amerikan Spring.

ATS Thread
edit on 3-12-2011 by because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by

I think my largest fear is that by playing camp between now and March, there won't be many Occupiers left by then to stage things. They'll be occupying State Prison Cells on the felony charges the Feds start pushing local jurisdictions to throw down on them. Mark my words...THAT stage is only a short time off at this point. Felony level charges are defined by min. sentences of 1 year or more. Getting arrested isn't a game anymore when that starts.

I think thats even more likely when you've announced when you'll be arriving in D.C. to make their lives a true living hell...and in the start of the true election season too. Nothing wrong with advanced notice.....unless of course Occupy plans to offer themselves up as juicy targets to take out on a regular basis between now and then. Expect the feds to take you up on your offer of being the Turkey for their table and don't be surprised when they make a point of destroying OWS before that march 30 date. Now both sides have a deadline to work toward......Please don't give the Feds the easy route for removing Occupy as any form of challenge.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by

I think my largest fear is that by playing camp between now and March, there won't be many Occupiers left by then to stage things. They'll be occupying State Prison Cells on the felony charges the Feds start pushing local jurisdictions to throw down on them. Mark my words...THAT stage is only a short time off at this point. Felony level charges are defined by min. sentences of 1 year or more. Getting arrested isn't a game anymore when that starts.

I think thats even more likely when you've announced when you'll be arriving in D.C. to make their lives a true living hell...and in the start of the true election season too. Nothing wrong with advanced notice.....unless of course Occupy plans to offer themselves up as juicy targets to take out on a regular basis between now and then. Expect the feds to take you up on your offer of being the Turkey for their table and don't be surprised when they make a point of destroying OWS before that march 30 date. Now both sides have a deadline to work toward......Please don't give the Feds the easy route for removing Occupy as any form of challenge.

Well most of us have already been evicted, and are staging local acts of activism such as helping the homeless, rallying, and getting the word out. I know here in Atlanta and in some other cities they are planning transportation en mass.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by

Well, I'll tell ya what. If Occupy is still able to constitute a force worthy of a major march in Washington come the end of March (4 months is a long time with events THIS year, of all times)..I'll not only support the D.C. side of the protests, I may very well drive out myself to join it. I've protested once with Occupy with everything I had to give at the time. I'm not opposed to supporting the movment again and at the same level.

I won't lift one finger or give one dime to support an Occupy homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Absolutely 100% NO. However, if a protest is what people want to do instead...
....I welcome the relocation to D.C. where this really belongs. Egypt didn't fall by protests in every backwater Village in the nation. Egypt's regime under Mubarak fell from Cairo.

So it shall be here. IF Occupy brings major change in policy OR..dare we hope...Government itself, it'll come from and within Washington. Not Oakland, Portland or Atlanta. When Occupy transitions to that phase of operations...I'll be cheering with enthusiasm, even if the specific flavor of change being sought isn't entirely to my liking. We can work those details out between right and left IF we ever get far enough for that to be a consideration.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:16 PM

Update: At least 10 tents up already. "This tent is my voice," says one woman.

We have an update folks

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:40 PM
I was just watching the stream and it sounds like a bunch of drunken college frat kids.

I have never seen anything like this. I hope it's just a few bad apples and not a group thing.

ETA: Now it seems like it was just some people passing through.
edit on 3-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Expat888
save tax dollars..
let them set up then cordon off the area put up quarantine signs.. wait and let the inevitable disease outbreak due to poor sanitation and hygiene take them out.

that way we wont have to listen to them whinge that their rights are being violated and that the police are bullying them..
the police would then be able to do their job and make their routine patrols. everyone wins...

Lucky the The United Nations envoy for freedom of expression mob don't agree with you....

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Expat888
save tax dollars..
let them set up then cordon off the area put up quarantine signs.. wait and let the inevitable disease outbreak due to poor sanitation and hygiene take them out.

that way we wont have to listen to them whinge that their rights are being violated and that the police are bullying them..
the police would then be able to do their job and make their routine patrols. everyone wins...

Why do you care? You're not an American.

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