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ATS: Our Political system needs an Enema...

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posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

That says it for me, as well. I'm disgusted with the whole political process at this point. I guess, as they say, I'm awake now.

I've always been such an I'm starting to realize that maybe my pessimistic husband has been right all along.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:04 PM
Count me in! ATS Occupy!


posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I'm tired of our political system too! Not only does is need an enema, it needs to be reamed out.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by speculativeoptimist
reply to post by neo96

But the left is out to get you that is my story and i am sticking to it.

See, just as I was considering this, I saw Neo's avatar and wondered if I wanted to belong to anything with him in it, then, I scroll to his post and booya. How can a group unite when members of that group broad stroke anyone holding a position left of them?

There are now seven billion people on this planet.

Every single one of them is to the left of me.

I am the single most rightward individual on Earth currently, and throughout history comparatively. From my perspective, Atilla the Hun was a burning, raging, commie.

I am so far right that I wrap back around to the left.

Even I can get behind this movement (after a day of rest, that is).

Anything for a big-assed block party involving the whole planet!

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:16 PM
ACK..LMFAO... choked and spit my morning coffee across the garden scaring the monkeys that were playing at the edge of my yard..

ta for a good laugh..

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:19 PM
I believe in Slayers plan..

I think all replies to this thread MUST have the HAND in them..

It can be the ATS hand...

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by neo96

In our history long ago there was a time where the individual asked for nothing and wanted nothing from them now that is all they can do What can Government give me,

Not so long ago. I'm still here. I'm OLD, but I'm not THAT old!

The haven't created those and they are all sacred cows that can't not be touched because those congressman value their jobs more than doing the right thing.

*Scratches head*

See, now you've gone and said THAT, and I've got to reassess all my priorities. Their jobs wouldn't be in danger if that wasn't what voters wanted.

Voters WANT self-destruction. They prove that by voting for it, and threatening jobs if they don't get it.

We're doomed, man. I got some spare room in the bunker, but you'll have to bring your own bullets - I can't stock up on EVERY caliber!

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl

Originally posted by sonnny1

That says it for me, as well. I'm disgusted with the whole political process at this point. I guess, as they say, I'm awake now.

I've always been such an I'm starting to realize that maybe my pessimistic husband has been right all along.

I've already determined my strategy for this election cycle. I'm going to crunch the numbers, and vote for whoever spends the least on their campaign. My theory is that they spend less because they have less to spend, and that means they have less corporate donations - and influence....

Jeez, I hope it doesn't turn out to be Commie Gus, but then again, he COULDN'T be any worse that Obama or Romney, who will be the main choices, and he will at least be more obvious in his agenda!

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Benjamin Franklin once said the death of the "democracy" is when the citizen started voting themselves money.

Think we are long past that.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by baddmove
I believe in Slayers plan..

I think all replies to this thread MUST have the HAND in them..

It can be the ATS hand...

No doubt!

We can gain more converts with the ATS hand:

than the one the opposition uses:

Ours looks so much friendlier!

edit on 2011/12/3 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:50 PM
Personally I have been inspired to run for "office". Not ready to make any announcement yet, as I am currently investigating the "running for office rules".

And yes, I am serious. I'm praying for the time I need to devote to this, as it will take me away from my family. But my country's calling and I have a plan. But this plan is dependant on other "like minded" candidates in other States running as well.

You might call it the "occupy the White House plan",
I say vote "em all out".

The platform is easy - basically the Ron Paul platform.

Keep it simple.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by nenothtu

Benjamin Franklin once said the death of the "democracy" is when the citizen started voting themselves money.

Think we are long past that.

Aye, We're DOOMED, I tell ya!

That might never have been possible, or it would have at least taken a lot longer to accomplish the destruction, if the legislative balance of power between the states and the people had not been destroyed by constitutional amendment, and the STATES were still selecting senators instead of popular vote.

That was the beginning of democracy and the end of freedom in America.

Yes, I said that just like I meant to. The beginning of democracy marks the END of freedom. It's just another form of self-destructive collectivism. I'm not any bigger a fan of democracy than I am communism or any of the other "isms".

I TOLD you I was way to the right of Atilla the Hun! I believe in Freedom... Liberty... Individuality... to HELL with collectives!

No earthly reason the people should have representatives in BOTH houses of the national legislature and the state have NONE. That's not the way it was meant to be. Balance was destroyed, and we got what we have now - an accelerating destruction.

We, the People, will EAT OUR YOUNG if given half a chance, as recent history proves.

edit on 2011/12/3 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by GeorgiaGirl

That says it for me, as well. I'm disgusted with the whole political process at this point. I guess, as they say, I'm awake now.

I've always been such an I'm starting to realize that maybe my pessimistic husband has been right all along.

This thread should actually be mandatory,for anyone who believes that our political system is working A-OK.

Make your Vote count this time,is my motto. Don't fall for rhetoric,dreams,or hopes.

America is a great country,with crappy politicians. Slayer is 1000% right.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 07:39 PM
You are inspiration, thank you.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 08:41 PM
Well thanks everybody for the feedback.
This has been entertaining, educational and interesting.

Glad I'm not alone

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I promise FREE BEER (or choice of poison) during my Reign...

I promise to put all the PTB under our swards

My Duke Sir Camillo di Lombardi with Governor Kenny Guinn on his knees...

Already have my own army
Even have a contingency on the USS Nemitz

We will have feasts for all...

The poor Monk's table

Presenting me the Roast Beast...

Too much of a good time...

and dancing girls around the camp fires..

Yes and for the ladies

edit on 3-12-2011 by zorgon because: Wasn't me it was..... GREMLINS

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Druid42
You've done it now, Slayer, as I've made a thread on your very beef. You just had to start the movement.

Here ya go.

What liquid would you use for the enema? Warm water with Epsom, or perhaps a statistical analysis of people's opinions?

I think the latter fits.

It's all fun and games until reality sets in.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 09:36 PM
I am searching for e thread, Skeptic Overlord posted once, about his personal experience in Washington DC (couple/few years back)........that was VERY telling as to MANY problems within the current seems apropos to this thread here. One of the most enlightening threads I ever read on ATS to be it was a first hand account of what he saw going on all around him.......but Im not locating it (thus far)
edit on 3-12-2011 by theRiverGoddess because: LOOKING

cant FIND IT for nuttin' man........I suck at finding 'way back machine' type threads, MAYBE I will get lucky and he will see this post and give a link??

If he does, Im just 'wet blanketing' the fun in this thread here, but I DO think we all handle the stress of whats REALLY going on very well via humor.......and within ALLLL this funniness is a real seed of an 'idea'.....
edit on 3-12-2011 by theRiverGoddess because: (LOOKING DANGIT)
anyhow he was fresh back from his visit and chilled by his new insights..........
I think a CHANGE I want to see is NO MORE LOBBYISTS .........just a few 'normal' aides to help in sorting out the what and where of questions.......NO MORE CORPORATE MONEY IN WASHINGTON, for ANY reason PERIOD.......
edit on 3-12-2011 by theRiverGoddess because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:22 PM
Great animations Slayer and a pretty funny post.

But something did occur to me, after reading the posts, almost every single person who posted here has a right wing perspective - I just wanted to point out that this group so far isn't as representative of ATS's as much as it is disgruntled conservatives.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by freethinker123

Anybody and everybody is welcomed to post.

There is nothing preventing anybody from running their fingers across the keyboard

As always, all opinions are welcomed.

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