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Let Old Leaders Retire Please!!

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posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:37 AM
Let Old Leaders Retire Please!!

Every human will respect their aged. The old amongst us holds great accumulation of experiences, which can help the younger generations avoid pitfalls and mistakes.

However, there can be no denying the fact that cellular decay will do us all in when we start to age, espacially rapidly after our 50s, and with it, so too does our minds, which are made up of cellular matter as well.

The old had often claimed that they may be aged, but they are young at heart. Kudos to them, but no amount of reasoning can defy the reality of natural cellular decay. It becomes worse after the 60s.

Our scientific advances had not progressed to the level that we can reverse aging, but only to slow down the rate, and as such, more are living longer today, but it still does not mean cellular decay had stopped.

They may be young at heart, or wish simply to be, but age will ultimately catch up, along with diseases and senility. Therefore it is best that the old are allowed to retire, gracefully, and espacially if they hold critical functions of States such as leaders.

With their minds locked in a riggid and inflexible state, it will be difficult to administer to the human race whom have varying needs in various stages of developement. It may even bring disasters upon mankind espacially if those minds are too far gone and warped.

Better they ABSOLUTELY retire from the religio-socio-political and economic arenas, and let the younger ones (20s to 60), whom are far more flexible and have adroit minds, to administer to the human race.

Administrators such as those in Iran - the Ayatollah, China - its aged leadership council, Russia - Putin, etc, should step down totally before they wreck our world for the young.

May those youngsters (20s-60s) living there demand for change. It is one thing to respect the old, but quite another to let the frail and mentally physically weak to lead humanity, and be fooled into thinking that they are capable just because they can still mouth words some would love to hear. Even a parrot can do that, but certainly no one would elevate a parrot for leadership roles.

We must revere the old, and take care of them, but certainly not let them lead the nation anymore. They are a danger to the nation, more so if they are allowed to rule alone There are no lack of younger and healthy leaders with experiences for top posts in mankind.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Leaders and politcians at the age of 20+ ? Are you off your mind? The brains of a male is not fully developed until he reaches 25. Now by the age of 25, what life experience would he have by the time he completes university? 1 year, 2 years?

How about our leaders first be inducted in to the military and do a 4 year stint then go to university for 4-5 years and after that get a normal job for 5-10 years BEFORE they apply ? Sounds good to me.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:50 AM
Electing the young people into office is the reason why this country is in the shape it's in. Because they go into politics for the money not to help the country. Why would anyone vote for someone in their twenties anyway? They barely have any life experience I sure wouldn't trust them in office. And remember wisdom comes with age because you don't grow old acting like a fool.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 10:53 AM
It's not that I so much disagree with your sentiments about the elderly, because I do, being 65 myself. It's that I can't understand young people and their aversion for rising to the challenges which positions of power require.

Where is the youth vote in politics? Why can't they get interested in taking an hour out of 4 years to vote in elections? Run for election yourself?
Where's the fun in that?

As far as lofty positions within religions go... yeah, you're even less interested (for the most part) because most are followers and not leaders. Besides, getting an education in the religion of your choice means boring old seminary schools. Ugh, right?

Then there's industry leaders, where the youth really shines. It's all about the money, isn't it?

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Are you by chance planning on running for mayor of any town?
It is hard enough to get a 20 yr old kid off of the video game, how will you get one to run a gumment?

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:09 AM
Some say money is the root of all evil.

But without money, can anyone survive in this world? Greed is ok, and it lents one with ambition and drive. Only EXCESSIVE GREED will do mankind in. How much do we really need to survive anyway? Millions? Trillions? Heck! So long as our needs are met and are without wants, one can truly focus on their job on hand.

Why do we allow officers in their 20+ to lead companies and battalions of military men? The military is not just about fighting, but is a microscopic mirror of civil life at large. Many of its functions duplicate that of the civil roles. SO if a human is allow to lead men in his twenties, why not allow him to lead society as well, IF he had proven himself capable, more so in a civilised democratic society protected by systemic checks and balances?

I am not advocating for a man in his twenties to become the president of USA, but certainly not ruling it out IF he had proven abilities to lead. My post is about LIMITING and even abolishing the powers of senile old men leaders, whom are worse dangers to society than young men can ever be.

The young (20s-60) can adapt to changes or change easily, but the old often finds it hard to change, even when proven necessary. As the saying goes - you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Wisdom is over-rated. Some old men just simply grow old, and not grow UP. Look around you and you will be able to see old fools around. The Iranian Ayatollah is the best example of such fools. Italy's Berlusconi is another. US Scott Walker...need i say more?
edit on 3-12-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:26 AM
I tend to agree, in broad terms, with the OP.

The Boomer generation has exploited society. They (as a whole) have, for the past 40 or fifty years, tended to put their own immediate needs and desires before that of their families and society at large. Their problem solving solutions tend to offer short term satisfaction to themselves with little thought of future generations.In contrast, their own parents often sacrificed everything to afford their Boomer children the best of what America had to offer and to make the U.S. the strongest, most capable nation.

I'm not saying they haven't contributed some good things - like pushing for civil rights in the sixties but then it has been primarily Boomers who have stomped on our liberties post-9/11. Of course it was boomers who gave us the tech boom, so I guess thanks for that.

Every hallmark of American society has suffered during the Boomer's heyday - families, education, healthcare, infrastructure, politics, the economy. The only thing that hasn't suffered is Corporate profits and Boomers hold most of the positions of power on Wall St. and in corporate America at large. And, funny... look how many of the hallmarks of society I mentioned which have been privatized and are now managed or heavily influenced by Corporations - run by Boomers.

So, you'll parden me if I have no more confidence left in their ideas and methods.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:44 AM
Ron Paul is 76 years old.

OP might have a point.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by masqua

Where is the youth vote in politics? Why can't they get interested in taking an hour out of 4 years to vote in elections? Run for election yourself?
Where's the fun in that?

Good sir, nobody can make an informed choice in only one hour.

Last election I began studying to understand the verbiage of each proposition. After several hours of reading I learned it was a fools errand. Many critical elements were discretely labeled as: "to be defined".

How absurd it is that we voters should pass legislation only to have it later be written!

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 12:24 PM
Sorry to Mr Ron Paul. He is a good man, and I would have voted him if he had even been a decade or more younger. Nothing personal towards him, but only a medical issue.

Today he may seem lucid, but down the months ahead, who's to know when senility would strike? More so if in a middle of crisis when critical decisions are necessary, and should a wrong one be made, many will suffer and years to rectify.

What the senile old iranian ayatollah had done over the past few months brought out such worries and concerns, along with several other aged leaders around the world still clinging on to power making dubious decisions.

Leadership is a vital role for societies to progress and evolve. Why take chances? It's not like men, like Mr. Paul, is unique and only one. Plenty more younger ones out there if we give them the chance and opportunity to prove themselves.

It will also give the younger ones confidence that they too can aspire for leadership roles. But if the aged continues to hog the limelight, the young ones will be put off and not bother, for they will feel that they are not given the chance to shine. More so when CONFIDENCE is sorely needed in this hour of need.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Ron Paul is 76 years old.

OP might have a point.

1. Term limits to stop entrenched earmarks setup and paybacks.
2. If you can't run for office being too young because of lack of mental capacities, you should be prevented from running for offices being too old because of lack of mental capacities.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
Some say money is the root of all evil.

But without money, can anyone survive in this world? Greed is ok, and it lents one with ambition and drive. Only EXCESSIVE GREED will do mankind in. How much do we really need to survive anyway? Millions? Trillions? Heck! So long as our needs are met and are without wants, one can truly focus on their job on hand.

Why do we allow officers in their 20+ to lead companies and battalions of military men? The military is not just about fighting, but is a microscopic mirror of civil life at large. Many of its functions duplicate that of the civil roles. SO if a human is allow to lead men in his twenties, why not allow him to lead society as well, IF he had proven himself capable, more so in a civilised democratic society protected by systemic checks and balances?

I am not advocating for a man in his twenties to become the president of USA, but certainly not ruling it out IF he had proven abilities to lead. My post is about LIMITING and even abolishing the powers of senile old men leaders, whom are worse dangers to society than young men can ever be.

The young (20s-60) can adapt to changes or change easily, but the old often finds it hard to change, even when proven necessary. As the saying goes - you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Wisdom is over-rated. Some old men just simply grow old, and not grow UP. Look around you and you will be able to see old fools around. The Iranian Ayatollah is the best example of such fools. Italy's Berlusconi is another. US Scott Walker...need i say more?
edit on 3-12-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

Did you know that in the Coast Guard, a 26-28 year old is about always the CO of every 87' patrol boat and XO of about every 110' patrol boat? But after 30 years of service you are drummed out with some exceptions for needs of the service. Too young and too old is not acceptable.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Double post.
edit on 3-12-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 12:48 PM
My generation will probably abolish many freedoms, except the right to be morally corrupt--those types of freedoms are the only ones that matter to them. They've been brainwashed by the academics. They know almost nothing about the cold war. Unless they suffer much in life and start thinking, they should not be in power. They need the school of hard knocks first.
edit on 3-12-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by tkwasny
Did you know that in the Coast Guard, a 26-28 year old is about always the CO of every 87' patrol boat and XO of about every 110' patrol boat? But after 30 years of service you are drummed out with some exceptions for needs of the service. Too young and too old is not acceptable.

That's the reason why we need leadership renewal often, not just in US, but every nation on Earth, regardless if democracy or totalitarian. We are the human race, no matter our difference, bleed and aspire the same. It's about medical and opportunity issues. Every human should be given a chance to move up where there is an opportunity to do so.

Although the old are placed to the pastures, it is not like humanity is leaving them to die off while they still breathe, but only to let them enjoy their old age - go on vacations, rest and recuperate, with at least some funds by society headed by the new younger leaders to take society to higher levels and higher prosperity that can trickle down to the old whom had once led the way and contributed.

The baby boomer generation is indeed to be blame for our ills today. Best they retire and let the younger ones adapt to new changes and new realities in our ever changing world, for peace, progress and prosperity, rather than the old ways of self interest whom will only doom us all if those already old baby boomers still hold on to power today.
edit on 3-12-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 08:15 PM
So, you never did tell us.
Are you running or planning on running for an office?

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Leaders and politcians at the age of 20+ ? Are you off your mind? The brains of a male is not fully developed until he reaches 25. Now by the age of 25, what life experience would he have by the time he completes university? 1 year, 2 years?

How about our leaders first be inducted in to the military and do a 4 year stint then go to university for 4-5 years and after that get a normal job for 5-10 years BEFORE they apply ? Sounds good to me.

Well, let em give you an example.

Honestly I know more about the issues than Herman Cain. When he was faltering on Libya, I was watching the screen trying not to yell at my computer my much more educated opinion on the issue.

I struggled with drug addiction and won. That struggled including going to jail, a week in the psych unit, and rehab:

I spent about 71 days in a therapy treatment program. The program literally took place in the wilderness of Colorado, all outdoors (no beds, indoors anything, showers etc) with just basic supplies and a small group of people. We didn't even use lighters, we used "bow drills" to make fires, we drank dirty water and hiked all day regardless of aches and blisters, we used string and tarps not tents, we set up and took down camp everyday. If you throw up, have diarrhea from the water, fall down and scrape yourself, you had to keep hiking. So, I know hard work and self discipline first hand. Also living outside of civilization that long gives you a more advanced perspective on life than anyone who has never experienced that.

I am self employed and own an online business, I am doing well for myself.

I am well traveled. I spent about a year living in France, I was at a boarding school there. I've spent a few days to a few weeks in the following: Italy, Greece, Hungary, UK, Germany, Spain, Canada, Mexico, Porto Rico, Cayman Islands, most US states. Three weeks in China. One month in Morocco (which is a Muslim country btw). Over this past summer I spent month and half between Mozambique and South Africa. I did a lot community service there and met many people suffering some of the worst poverty our planet has to offer. (if you want any proof of my travels go to my website cashma -I added a space so this doesn't show up on google for my site, which is still under construction btw)

I have fallen and love as well as had my heart broken.

I spend about an hour or more a day on ATS and elsewhere reading up on current events, politics, religion, and philosophy.

I am also 19.

" what life experience would he have by the time he completes university?"

The life experiences and perspective of young people is not trivial.

We are also affected by our government. That's all I have to say.
edit on 3-12-2011 by CREAM because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-12-2011 by CREAM because: (no reason given)


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