The video below needs to be watched first. I will post this initial video to set the rest of my context that Creation is universal to the God of the
Bible and evidenced by our current understanding of physics.
Light is both a particle and a wave. All life on earth is a product of this duality. Additionally, consciousness animates the forms that substance
takes. These forms are primarily matter and energy animated in time and space.
To admit intelligent design is to admit consciousness preexisting matter. In this thread, I will show that a complete outline of evidence is
currently available to prove this correct.
First, let me show a simple proof for the pre-existence of consciousness. Forms of substance and matter are in motion. This motion is governed by
law and seem to gravitate toward predetermined purpose. When conscious life is examined, it can be show that there are two dimensions above the third
dimension of form. Consciousness has the ability to collapse the indeterminate wave of probability. This means that a conscious being can move in
the fourth dimension of time by choosing from all possible outcomes. All possible outcomes are selected from the fifth dimension of infinity to
produce a changed state in matter. A change in motion is a changed state in matter. Matter can be show to be the constant changes of states produced
by consciousness. In other words, consciousness is a prerequisite for matter to change states toward purpose and away from chaos.
At the heart of a choice resides information. Ultimately, consciousness calculates probability and determines an indeterminate outcome for the
future. Indeterminate means not yet determined. In nature, we have a reasonable assumption that bits of information will suffer entropy. This is
the simple idea that information degrades over time. For more on this concept, see Information
Entropy. A reasonable view of matter and consciousness will be revealed when you realize that information within consciousness defies
information entropy. In other words, consciousness constantly moves form a less order to greater order. Along with this understanding, information
can be show to be digital and holographic in nature. The brain can best be described as a holographic quantum computer. For more on this, see the
holographic brain research done by Karl H. Pribram. LINK
Above all, realize that DNA is digital. Digital information is only found as programming for purpose.
So far, I have covered the fundamental process of light, form, space, time, matter and energy. These fundamentals of reality are animated by
consciousness and cannot be shown to be otherwise. When all sources of information are examined, the Bible holds the key to unifying time, space,
matter and energy as paired with consciousness and information. Consider these verses.
Genesis 1
Genesis 1:1
In the Beginning (Time), God created the heavens (Space) and the earth (Matter). Let there be light (Energy).
The very first verse of the Bible defies the odds of information entropy by revealing the central truth of physics as its opening statement. The odds
of this are too great to calculate as an accidental occurrence. The very next verse declares, "Let there be light." Light is the primary means for
consciousness to reflect on form. Light is also the prima materia of matter. The only missing aspect of this puzzle is to understand consciousness
and information.
In John 1, we read this statement:
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were
made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the
darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Ask yourself this question: What is a word? A word is the light of consciousness. It is the primary means of programming a computer and the
information needed to reflect enlightenment to the brain. A Word is also a wave of information traveling a distance. We have now traveled full
circle back to the duality of light, both particle and wave. Physics reveals to us that light is changed by the collapsing wave function of
consciousness. In other words, the observer is a quantum entangled element in the duality of light. Consciousness determines the form light takes,
either a particle or a wave. Light can now be seen as a projection of consciousness from information acting on the states of light. Light then
changes the states of matter by the conscious observer.
When all things are examined, what is seen (light) is produced by information and consciousness (what is unseen). This marriage of light and
information creates matter. Matter is the opposite reflection of light in frequency. Light is unseen until it is reflected to consciousness in the
correctly tuned frequency for reflection. Light can be seen as the primary means for judging opposites. Remember what I said in the beginning of
this paragraph. When all things are examined, what is seen (light) is produced by information and consciousness (what is unseen).
Hebrews 11
3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
Consciousness is not visible. Information is the essence of consciousness. Faith is the confidence in what is not seen. The first verse of Hebrews
11 states it this way:
1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.
Now that we see that the image that light projects is a construct of consciousness and information, consider this: The oak tree is enfolded into
the acorn. If it gains union with the soil around it, it unfolds by design to become the mighty oak. At our essence, we are the information of our
designer. We express this body by this essence to form. The essence can be saved or lost. As you look out across the ocean of reality, realize that
you are only seeing the surface and the waves.
The essence produces the image. What is the image?
1 Colossians 1:
15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all
things, and in him all things hold together.
The Son is the image of what is not seen. God has no opposite, so light is the means of projecting Himself into reality in an image. What is the
image made of?
Father (prima materia / Light)
Son (Word / Wave / Laws / Cosmos)
Holy Spirit (Consciousness)
God is one. He projects Himself in image to our reality of the Cosmos. We are one person, a product of the projection. We are animated matter
(light, both particle and wave) and consciousness. The Son comes in our form to be the example of things to come.
Fiat Lux!
edit on 2-12-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)
I thought light was produced by heat? Come to find out it's just God.
Geometry exists as intelligent design because your brain recognizes these patterns.
Originally posted by samlf3rd
I thought light was produced by heat? Come to find out it's just God.
Geometry exists as intelligent design because your brain recognizes these patterns.
Light is better seen as a field of energy. Heat depends on frequency and energy release by the wave of electromagnetic motion. Visible light is only
a frequency we see. We see the surface and the waves, but light is the ocean below and above.
This guy calls it wave packets. Like I said, "information."
edit on 2-12-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)
Physics reveals to us that light is changed by the collapsing wave function of consciousness. In other words, the observer is a quantum
entangled element in the duality of light.
I would re-word that to say "collapsing wave function with consciousness". The wave-function
of particle-waves is collapsed by conscious observers. That's probably what you meant but I thought I would make that clear. As for your argument
concerning light, I don't really see your point, or how it really ties into quantum mechanics.
In the beginning | God created the heavens | and the earth.
Lets start at the beginning...the beginning of what exactly? The moment at which God acquired the power/knowledge to create our Universe, or the
moment God decided to create our Universe, or perhaps the moment at which God did create our Universe, or maybe it's referring to the moment instantly
proceeding the creation of our Universe. Ok, so the first thing created is space (the Heavens), that's reasonable. But the next thing is "the earth".
That would imply to me that God created just our Earth next, but it could be referring to the "matter" in the Universe. Now here is exactly where the
problem is, the Universe is made up of much more than just 'physical matter'. Some one who understood physics might have written 'energy' or
'wave-particles' or something that conveys a more realistic notion of matter/energy in the Universe. Because you see matter is energy, that's exactly
what Einsteins most famous equation says. The amount of energy contained in a piece of 'matter' is equal to the mass times the speed of light squared,
or E=mc^2. Light is energy too, at the most fundamental levels light isn't really made of anything different than normal matter.
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
So now here we have God not only creating light as a separate substance from the rest of the Universe, we have him creating all the light [energy]
AFTER he has already created space and matter. But as we know: matter and energy are simply two different ways of representing the same thing. This
shows to me that the writers of the bible lacked this fundamental understanding, and wrote about these two things as if they were completely different
and incompatible. It showed that they lacked a deeper understanding of the Universe. To them, 'physical matter', the things that they could touch and
feel, were absolutely different from the other more subtle forms of energy which are not so easy to examine and 'touch'. Therefore when the bible
describes the creation of the Universe it talks about matter and energy being created as separate things at two different moments. Now look at what
science says, the most famous theory, the Big Bang, describes a Universe where all the energy initially exploded/expanded from one single point and
some of that energy eventually 'condensed' into matter over time.
edit on 3-12-2011 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)
In the beginning | God created the heavens | and the earth.
Lets start at the beginning...the beginning of what exactly?
The beginning in Genesis 1 is the beginning of time. This is the marking of movement and the separation of light from darkness. We see evidence for
this in the cosmic background radiation measured by the Infrared Astronomical Satellites.
Now here is exactly where the problem is, the Universe is made up of much more than just 'physical matter'. Some one who understood physics might have
written 'energy' or 'wave-particles' or something that conveys a more realistic notion of matter/energy in the Universe.
A more reasonable approach for the minds of men would be to designate earth as all the elements necessary for life on a planet. This covers a wide
variety of basic starting substance. Hebrews 11:3, as quoted in the OP, already covers what is unseen as the building blocks of matter. Also
consider another feature of Genesis. Genesis 1 is the image of creation by the Elohim. Genesis 2 and the rest of the Bible is the creation of
reality from the image. Genesis 2 starts out with the Lord (YHWH). Some people call this the second creation account.
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
So now here we have God not only creating light as a separate substance from the rest of the Universe, we have him creating all the light [energy]
AFTER he has already created space and matter.
This is still the setup of the image for the other part of creation. As stated by Paul Dirac's relativistic quantum mechanical wave equation, our
universe is parallel to another universe in opposite. Our matter is anti-matter to this mirrored universe. The event horizon between these two
universes represents the projection point of both.
We are not, as of yet, able to see this parallel existence. We are the image.
But as we know: matter and energy are simply two different ways of representing the same thing. This shows to me that the writers of the bible lacked
this fundamental understanding, and wrote about these two things as if they were completely different and incompatible. It showed that they lacked a
deeper understanding of the Universe. To them, 'physical matter', the things that they could touch and feel, were absolutely different from the other
more subtle forms of energy which are not so easy to examine and 'touch'. Therefore when the bible describes the creation of the Universe it talks
about matter and energy being created as separate things at two different moments. Now look at what science says, the most famous theory, the Big
Bang, describes a Universe where all the energy initially exploded/expanded from one single point and some of that energy eventually 'condensed' into
matter over time.
In Genesis 1, it speaks of the formless void. In science, we would call this a high state of order and low entropy. In other words, a wash of
formless energy in all directions. This is where science knows the universe started. God separated the light from the darkness. Again, remember
that Genesis 1 was the setup of the image. Genesis 2 is the formation of the image. "The waters" that God was hovering over is a sea of energy
energy. There are other references within the linguistics of the Ancient Hebrew that reveal that water is an allusion to energy, blood and the basic
substance for life. The material world is represented by the baptism into the water of the body and of the physical reality. Spirit is used to
designate our union with God and our transposition from material to true reality. Spirit is consciousness.
edit on 3-12-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Astyanax
You’ve got it all wrong. God is not a particle or a wave. Besides, you haven’t explained phlogiston.
Correct. God is not represented in opposite in the material world. Reality is the image. This keeps Him hidden as we have nothing to reflect on Him
in opposite. God is revealed through nature, as in a story. We read the story to reflect on truth only.
"Phlogiston remained the dominant theory until Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier showed that combustion requires a gas that has weight (oxygen) and could be
measured by means of weighing closed vessels. The use of closed vessels also negated the buoyancy which had disguised the weight of the gases of
combustion. These observations solved the weight paradox and set the stage for the new caloric theory of combustion."
edit on 3-12-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)
I showed this to my brother who has a PHD in physics - he laughed, it's completely inaccurate. Everything isn't made up of light, thats just wrong.
Besides how do you know this isn't proof of Brahma, Allah, or The great Sky Father.
You can't 'separate' light from darkness, because darkness is simply a lack of light.
"The waters" that God was hovering over is a sea of energy energy.
But he was 'hovering over is a sea of energy' immediately after
he created space and matter, so it clearly wasn't a formless void.
edit on 3-12-2011 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)
It's an allusion to what light represents. We see by the light and cannot see by the darkness. There is no understanding in darkness.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things
were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the
darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Light is a duality of wave / force and particle, acted on my consciousness.
I showed this to my brother who has a PHD in physics - he laughed, it's completely inaccurate.
This is right. SuperiorEd’s says God is not a particle but I know phsyics say there is a God particle in the CERN only they haven’t found it yet.
It is a very big particle.
Besides, he didn’t explain phlogiston correctly. That was a trick question and he failed.
Yesterday we finished Newton’s Laws in school so I know my phsyics.
Thanks for posting this. Yes, some of us have understood all this and we have not studied science, but we have this innate sense of knowing in our
Heart. But, besides that , I just thought of a few verses from Gospel of Thomas ( I consider Gospel According To Thomas a less 'edited /revised'
version of the things Jesus said).
Jesus said: If they say to you: “From where have you originated?,” say to them: “We have come from the Light, where the Light has originated
through itself. It stood and revealed itself in their image.” If they say to you: “Who are you?,” say: “We are His sons and we are the elect
of the Living Father.” If they ask you: “What is the sign of you Father in you?,” say to them: “It is a movement and a rest.”
Jesus said : "I am the Light that falls on all things. I am the All. From Me the All has gone out and to Me the All came back. Cleave a piece of
wood, and I am there. Lift up a stone, and You will find Me there.
There is an absolutely wonderful book that I want to recommend to you, I think you will just love this book:
It is called "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics" By William Samuel
You can find it on Amazon, it is the kind of book you will keep forever and read all the time. This author of the book is so kind and gentle and
gifted with prophecy too-- and his words reveal these newer and newer levels of understanding of who we are and God's Ineffable Being--- every time
I read just few a pages now, I get something wonderful and deeper from it.
So much in that book that explains all of this Quantum stuff and more-- And he does it in a way that just lifts us to new levels of seeing and being
here in the world, like it brings such peace when you start to feel the presence of God and God's glory in all things.
Anyway, thank you, I think it is important that we start to understand our true self and our soul and spirit and since many do not like religions
then maybe their conscious connection to God will happen through science.
If only the scientists will admit they are actually studying God's Mind using God's Mind to study It.
im all for theorizing about the origins of life and reality... but....
When your beliefs are something you would rather die than live without, thats a problem. Superior Ed i have seen all of the great things youve
contributed here at ATS but when i read you talk about your love for a imaginary deity that will shelter and guide you through the afterlife i begin
to fear that you would be unable to function should that belief die.
There are many scientists all pushing for the version of reality to be true... and i dont fault that. We all have to look at the things we believe and
imagine life without them..
If the day comes that you should lose your faith please lean on me. As i would hope you would do for me on the day i find your god.
edit on
3-12-2011 by Wertdagf because: (no reason given)
I think theists should leave the science to people who don't have pre-concieved ideas about why things work. It's a bit like getting Larry flynt in
to do a lecture on pornography.
For me the strongest evidence for the existense of a creator consiousness, is the plain fact there there IS some type of universal reality for all of
us to perceive, as opposed to there NOT being anything perceptable by any conciousness. What ever the 'truth' of this perceivable universe is, be it
'real' space time or some Matrix type mind trap or something in between, there is 'something' in place of 'nothing'. Then again it may just be
beyond my comprehension to understand why a material universe would spontaniously manifest.
Whatever I certainly doubt the answers can be found in set of archaic books, dubiously bound together and shamelessly exploited for political control
and the accumulation of material wealth. Not to mention heniously translated and edited many times over for similar ends.
God, if thats what one insists we call him, is merely that much observed and documented force we call life. Desparately trying to survive and prosper
in every available space the universe provides, expressing its nature in vastly complex universe like paint expresses the artist meaning on canvas.
The universe is a medium of expression for life, and this for me is very strong evidence of concious design or influence.
Or put more simply...Would the Universe exist if nobody/nothing was capable of percieving it....I would say no, therefore its purpose is the
expression of life forms capable of perception, ergo, that life force energy caused the universe to expand in its quest for continued
existense/expression. This desparate will to survive manifests itself in every life form that humans at least, have ever observed. This also
presuposes that the first life/conciousness in this universe was pure energy...which sounds alot like some peoples idea of God.