posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Munro_DreadGod
Thinking long and hard on the subject I have come to a point where the Idea of a US / China cold war could happen soon or is currently on the go.
- I think Bush and Co were all for it in the early days of this administration but realised China alone just wasn't in the same league as the old
Soviet Union/WARPAC and wasn't going to convince anyone bar their own narrow zealot 'believe anything they say' support.
Certainly it had zero international support.....and for those who now utterly dismiss this that includes even from countries like the UK.
Now? Who knows?
Some will buy into all that paranoia, wrap it in the flag sufficiently, say 'God bless America' often enough and invoke 'the spirit and memory of
9/11' regularly enough and claim the threat 'we' all face is big enough and some folks can't get enough of it.
.....and the military suppliers laugh all the way to the bank.
Imagine a league table of military spending. I had thought the USA was number one and outspent the next 25 nations
combined! Some guy here told
me it was 35.
Be afraid, be very afraid. LMAO.
[edit on 6-9-2004 by sminkeypinkey]