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Originally posted by jedi_hamster
reply to post by colbe
you're pretty fast to call people names, yet you're trying hard to make them join you on your crusade of spreading "the one and only true religion, christianity".
guess what. you're not doing a good job. at all.
and guess what. we're all part of your god. we're all One. we're all one Soul, one Universe, one Will, separated in the multitude of beings, to experience it ALL. if you think people that aren't christians, will join you after reading your rants, you're naive. if you think you have the right to bash them for not doing so, you're also stupid.
and if you still don't get it what people other than christian extremists and bible thumpers like you are thinking after reading your posts, here's a clue.
I found an intriguing article by ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades' Apparently for 62 years, 1891 - 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads, 'And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.' Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.
Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by LunaKat
Hi LunaKat. I learn a little more each day it seems when I come on here. In the begining I came herce out of curiosity now it is actually helping me understand the world a little better. I am very drawn to Paganism at this point and the opposit can be said for Christianity. After reading the banter between Colbe and yourself I have never been so turned away from someting that I can remember. He seems to be a very vile person unworthy of your attention or any others. If he represents Catholic's then its no wonder they had to threaten, mame, and kill to become so powerfull. Who in there right mind would follow such filth.
Sorry he is being such a pain but I do appreciate your honest conversation.
Spirituality is a good thing but organized religion is destructive with all its dogma. Mankind would be so much further today if churches did not exist. Search for truth and harmany, peace and wellbeing don't put your faith and life into dogma and fear of damnation by a church. They can not save you or fullfill you only a well lived life in service of bettering yourself and those around you can bring true peace.
Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by colbe
The problem is that you don't even realize how vile you have been and there for do not deserve our attention any longer. Have fun.
How come you can't give her name?
Your worshipful attitude toward the mother (lower case for her, because she is not God or Jesus, Lord or Saviour) of Jesus, marks you as a heretic.
Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by colbe
How come you can't give her name?
On that same exact note, colbe, name your God, and we will be happy to show you the truth of it. But as I know you will say the nice tanned man with the straight brown hair and beard, you no doubt even have a picture of him in your home, and probably an Idol
of him on the cross in your Church. Am I right? A little light reading for you, before you reply:
Was there a Jesus? Of course there was a Jesus – many!
Titanic find: 'Christ's coffin'
Originally posted by LunaKat
reply to post by colbe
Colbe you have a saying in your faith (if you can whatever it is you follow a faith?) "don't cast your pearls before swine." I'm done answering your questions. I've been more than fair with you. You have never answered mine.
You say whatever you want to say against homosexuals Colbe..its just more of your hate talk. All that church or those channeled messages you follow are teaching you is to HATE. First it was Pagans and Wiccans, next it was women, now its homosexuals, tomorrow it will be something else with you.
You want answers to anything. GO FIND IT YOURSELF. That is if you can tear yourself away from visions of lesbians long enough.
also created a caste system that relegated people to be dalits. It is apparent then, that historically, Christianity cannot be solely blamed for the concept of cruelty of humans toward others.
Shaktism (Sanskrit: Śāktaṃ, शाक्तं; lit., 'doctrine of power' or 'doctrine of the Goddess') is a denomination of Hinduism that focuses worship upon Shakti or Devi – the Hindu Divine Mother – as the absolute, ultimate Godhead. It is, along with Shaivism and Vaisnavism, one of the primary schools of devotional Hinduism. Shaktism regards Devī (lit., 'the Goddess') as the Supreme Brahman itself, the "one without a second", with all other forms of divinity, female or male, considered to be merely her diverse manifestations. In the details of its philosophy and practice, Shaktism resembles Shaivism. However, Shaktas (Sanskrit: Śākta, शाक्त), practitioners of Shaktism, focus most or all worship on Shakti, as the dynamic feminine aspect of the Supreme Divine. Shiva, the masculine aspect of divinity, is considered solely transcendent, and his worship is usually relegated to an auxiliary role.[1]
The Prevention of Atrocities Act (POA) is a tacit acknowledgement by the Indian government that caste relations are defined by violence, both incidental and systemic.[45] In 1989, the Government of India passed the Prevention of Atrocities Act (POA), which clarified specific crimes against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (the Dalits) as “atrocities,” and created strategies and punishments to counter these acts. The purpose of The Act was to curb and punish violence against Dalits. Firstly, it clarified what the atrocities were: both particular incidents of harm and humiliation, such as the forced consumption of noxious substances, and systemic violence still faced by many Dalits, especially in rural areas. Such systemic violence includes forced labor, denial of access to water and other public amenities, and sexual abuse of Dalit women. Secondly, the Act created Special Courts to try cases registered under the POA. Thirdly, the Act called on states with high levels of caste violence (said to be “atrocity-prone”) to appoint qualified officers to monitor and maintain law and order. The POA gave legal redress to Dalits, but only two states have created separate Special Courts in accordance with the law. In practice the Act has suffered from a near-complete failure in implementation. Policemen have displayed a consistent unwillingness to register offenses under the act. This reluctance stems partially from ignorance and also from peer protection. According to a 1999 study, nearly a quarter of those government officials charged with enforcing the Act are unaware of its existence
Nike assumed the role of the divine charioteer, a role in which she often is portrayed in Classical Greek art. Nike flew around battlefields rewarding the victors with glory and fame.
Originally posted by WarminIndy
reply to post by LunaKat
While there are Christians who speak against human atrocities and say that the violence and subjugation is evil, those Christians are not heard. The focus again is solely on the attributes of God, and the denial of Jesus as the Son of God, but when people worship other myths, no one challenges them. Those myths are very old and very well documented.
If I were to ask you, if I were going to choose to worship the Goddess, which particular aspect of her would you advise me on? As a neophyte, would you only present to me those aspects which are good, or would you gloss over the more sinister aspects?
Herod Antipas was ruler at the time of Jesus. He was the son of Herod the Great.
Luke 1:5 THERE was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea...
Herod Antipas was the king, not Herod the Great.
The myths of Lilith and her vengeful actions against men show her to be full of anger, rage and resentment at the idea that she could not be wild and free and still remain in the favor of God. She represents the darkest facets of femininity; the opposite os the maternal and nurturing instinct which seeks to be sexually indiscriminate, wild and self-sufficient. While the maternal instinct causes one to desire to bear and protect infants, the qualities which Lilith represents are evident when one wishes to abandon her children, motherly and wifely duties. Women possess both maternal and dark feminine qualities and it is natural that they have both, because they are in persistent struggle to be both independent and nurturing at once. Feelings associated with Lilith may come before and during menstruation when a woman may feel compelled to speak her mind, be isolated and ride the waves of her emotions. Masculine and Feminine energies are both extremely powerful, but significantly different in their qualities. When viewed through the myths of masculine heroes, masculine energy is a force with strategy and purpose. It is represented by the hero who plans his actions and takes a logical and rational progression towards his goal. Feminine energy differs in that as seen through the myths of the Crone Goddesses, it is often intensely emotional and chaotic. Kali dances the wild Dance of Death without logical reason and Lilith mates and murders often indiscriminately. The Crone is instinctual in her actions, but this does not mean that they have a lesser purpose than those of the male gods. It is because she is instinctual and emotional that she is able to guide us through the mysteries which may not be fully understood and yet can still be known. The realm of dead, magic and the unknown can best be known by one who does not rationally think of them but instead allows them to be revealed without conscious thought with the aid of the Goddess.
Originally posted by WarminIndy
reply to post by LunaKat
I do realize that not all gods and goddesses were all good and that we can find that many were indeed very evil. But it seems that some people worship those gods and goddesses without accepting the historical understanding of them. However, the Christian is always confronted with the accusation of our God being the evil one. We know though, that women in Greek and Roman times were considered second-class citizens even as the rest of the populace of men worshiped the goddesses. This is an historically accurate portrayal.
And we know that even within Hinduism, those worshipers of Shakti,also created a caste system that relegated people to be dalits. It is apparent then, that historically, Christianity cannot be solely blamed for the concept of cruelty of humans toward others.
Shaktism (Sanskrit: Śāktaṃ, शाक्तं; lit., 'doctrine of power' or 'doctrine of the Goddess') is a denomination of Hinduism that focuses worship upon Shakti or Devi – the Hindu Divine Mother – as the absolute, ultimate Godhead. It is, along with Shaivism and Vaisnavism, one of the primary schools of devotional Hinduism. Shaktism regards Devī (lit., 'the Goddess') as the Supreme Brahman itself, the "one without a second", with all other forms of divinity, female or male, considered to be merely her diverse manifestations. In the details of its philosophy and practice, Shaktism resembles Shaivism. However, Shaktas (Sanskrit: Śākta, शाक्त), practitioners of Shaktism, focus most or all worship on Shakti, as the dynamic feminine aspect of the Supreme Divine. Shiva, the masculine aspect of divinity, is considered solely transcendent, and his worship is usually relegated to an auxiliary role.[1]
The Prevention of Atrocities Act (POA) is a tacit acknowledgement by the Indian government that caste relations are defined by violence, both incidental and systemic.[45] In 1989, the Government of India passed the Prevention of Atrocities Act (POA), which clarified specific crimes against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (the Dalits) as “atrocities,” and created strategies and punishments to counter these acts. The purpose of The Act was to curb and punish violence against Dalits. Firstly, it clarified what the atrocities were: both particular incidents of harm and humiliation, such as the forced consumption of noxious substances, and systemic violence still faced by many Dalits, especially in rural areas. Such systemic violence includes forced labor, denial of access to water and other public amenities, and sexual abuse of Dalit women. Secondly, the Act created Special Courts to try cases registered under the POA. Thirdly, the Act called on states with high levels of caste violence (said to be “atrocity-prone”) to appoint qualified officers to monitor and maintain law and order. The POA gave legal redress to Dalits, but only two states have created separate Special Courts in accordance with the law. In practice the Act has suffered from a near-complete failure in implementation. Policemen have displayed a consistent unwillingness to register offenses under the act. This reluctance stems partially from ignorance and also from peer protection. According to a 1999 study, nearly a quarter of those government officials charged with enforcing the Act are unaware of its existence