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Jesus is NOT a copy from Pagan religions! Those are lies! Do research and do not believe!

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posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by jedi_hamster
reply to post by colbe

you're pretty fast to call people names, yet you're trying hard to make them join you on your crusade of spreading "the one and only true religion, christianity".

guess what. you're not doing a good job. at all.

and guess what. we're all part of your god. we're all One. we're all one Soul, one Universe, one Will, separated in the multitude of beings, to experience it ALL. if you think people that aren't christians, will join you after reading your rants, you're naive. if you think you have the right to bash them for not doing so, you're also stupid.

and if you still don't get it what people other than christian extremists and bible thumpers like you are thinking after reading your posts, here's a clue.

Go read your post. You flamed me and then asked why people are allowed to do such a thing.

Not very loving....Christilike. Another negative, name calling..."bible thumper." The persecution of the true
faith, there's proof enough. You gotta change, you can't make it through what is coming on your own.

Jesus Christ loves you more than anyone on this earth. Please realize. to Our Lord, the Father
and God the Holy Spirit jedi.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by LunaKat

Hi LunaKat. I learn a little more each day it seems when I come on here. In the begining I came herce out of curiosity now it is actually helping me understand the world a little better. I am very drawn to Paganism at this point and the opposit can be said for Christianity. After reading the banter between Colbe and yourself I have never been so turned away from someting that I can remember. He seems to be a very vile person unworthy of your attention or any others. If he represents Catholic's then its no wonder they had to threaten, mame, and kill to become so powerfull. Who in there right mind would follow such filth.

Sorry he is being such a pain but I do appreciate your honest conversation.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

WarminIndy, I do not dispute you, there are good Goddesses and bad Goddesses, just like there are good Gods and bad Gods. I have shown the God of the Bible, Yahweh, to be a Leviathan, or Dragon, and I highly suspect he is in fact a Draconian from the Draco System, the Royal race of the Reptilians. The only graven image/idol Yahweh ever permits is that of a "fiery flying serpent", obviously his personal image, This image has supernatural powers, and Yahweh allows it to be freely worshiped in Solomon's temple. As soon as the idol is broken, disaster befalls Israel. He is specifically described spewing fire from his mouth and smoke from his nostrils, exactly like the dragon like Leviathan that the Bible states he "plays" with. (A female dragon?) Yahweh occasionally "consumes" humans as well, to include two of Aaron's sons who prepared a sacrifice wrong.

Now we have Jehovah, one of the "other Gods" in the Bible. And please, don't argue about the other Gods in there, I have a list handy. The position of the Pleiades at about the time of the completion of the Great Pyramid of Egypt "God's Stone Witness," is a very prominent feature of that building in the midst of the land of Egypt. For these and other reasons Bible Students have good cause to believe that in the region of the Pleiades is located the throne of Jehovah God. The Pleiadian star system has been one of the most revered cosmic objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures. According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Flock of Doves, Hens, Virgins of Spring, Sailor's Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. 'The Pleiades were known as Seven Sisters by indigenous people in North America, Siberia and Australia and this common heritage means they were described more than 40,000 years ago.'

Now I am not much on JW people, but check this:

I found an intriguing article by ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades' Apparently for 62 years, 1891 - 1953, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads, 'And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.' Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.

Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades?

So, here we are, If Jesus was/is the true "son of God," as stated by the Christians, then Jesus was either the son of a Dragon, or the son of an ET from the Pleiades. From what I know of Jesus, and his book that some insist he wrote himself, I would have to say the latter, simply because I have some experience with the Pleiads, and they are all about love and peace, unlike the Draco, who are all about control and slaves.

So there it is, we have two Extraterrestrial races, whom have been at war for longer than humankind can remember. Neither are God. Oh, to us lowly humans, anyone from the 5th dimension, a Being of Light, would be seen as a Godly persona,, especially by a backward people from biblical Times, with no modern frame of reference.

Now on to the Goddess. I first heard the story I will relate from my Great Grandmother, she was in her 80s at the time, and very regal with her snow white hair. I was about 9 at the time. she told me that in "Olden Times" there was a race of Titans. These Titans were really mean to humans, and had been all killed off but seven, the last of them. They gathered on top of a mountain, far away from those who were hunting them, and discussed how they were near death, and how bad they felt for their deeds. so, they all came together, and raised their vibrations to their highest degree, then they became Spirit, and then they descended into Earth, forming a Womb. From this womb, everything is born.

I know the story probably isn't true, but hey, it is a good story. Planet Earth is alive and sentient, she breathes, and she hurts. And there comes a time when She reacts to what humanity has done to Her, and she goes through a process the Native Americans call the
"Purification." That time is near.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by LunaKat

Hi LunaKat. I learn a little more each day it seems when I come on here. In the begining I came herce out of curiosity now it is actually helping me understand the world a little better. I am very drawn to Paganism at this point and the opposit can be said for Christianity. After reading the banter between Colbe and yourself I have never been so turned away from someting that I can remember. He seems to be a very vile person unworthy of your attention or any others. If he represents Catholic's then its no wonder they had to threaten, mame, and kill to become so powerfull. Who in there right mind would follow such filth.

Sorry he is being such a pain but I do appreciate your honest conversation.

What are you talking about Grim, a bit biased aren't you?

LunaKat couldn't answer a simple question so she returned time after time to
call me ignorant, the faith vile and wrong and she told me to go to XXX while
she professes a mix of Protestant Christianity and her God is a woman and a
pagan God and a third, New Age. Luna, is a fallen away Catholic, what do you
expect? The times too...

The persecution should be a hint to you. It's going to get worse for the true

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by LunaKat

I hear that, LunaCat, here is what he said that gets me:

Grimpachi said:

Spirituality is a good thing but organized religion is destructive with all its dogma. Mankind would be so much further today if churches did not exist. Search for truth and harmany, peace and wellbeing don't put your faith and life into dogma and fear of damnation by a church. They can not save you or fullfill you only a well lived life in service of bettering yourself and those around you can bring true peace.

I too wholeheartedly agree here. Many thousands, probably millions, place all of their hope and faith in what a preacher tells them is the truth, instead of seeking that truth themselves. I have yet to meet a Christian, even a preacher, who has researched the Bible. When you get it out and show them things, they hang their heads in shame.

Humanity must save themselves. There is no Savior coming down on a cloud to pick you up, and if you had read the Bible you would know he said he would come with a sword, if he comes at all.

A very wise Woman once said to me, "If that which you seek cannot be found within, then you will never find it."
I found the Divine within, has anyone else?

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by colbe

The problem is that you don't even realize how vile you have been and there for do not deserve our attention any longer. Have fun.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by colbe

The problem is that you don't even realize how vile you have been and there for do not deserve our attention any longer. Have fun.

The problem is you are using a strong word once again and give no proof. You
want to remain in your disbelief of the true God. Do you realize how close
we are to utter destruction? You need Christ.

Your two sentences show....your prejudice. Might be you don't want to hear God's revelation about certain abominable "acts."

I'll remain a "bible thumping" Roman Catholic because there is God. He lets you
know who He is.... The world has evidence for 2000 years of His divinity.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by colbe

How come you can't give her name?

On that same exact note, colbe, name your God, and we will be happy to show you the truth of it. But as I know you will say the nice tanned man with the straight brown hair and beard, you no doubt even have a picture of him in your home, and probably an Idol
of him on the cross in your Church. Am I right? A little light reading for you, before you reply:

Was there a Jesus? Of course there was a Jesus – many!

Titanic find: 'Christ's coffin'

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:31 PM
There is one Truth, one plan, one God. Read the pain in Our Lord's words. This
message is so sad. Don't go to the end of your life denying who made you.

Come along, find the love of Christ, speak to Him in prayer every single day from
now on...alright?

_ _ _

October 21, 2011

Personal message to a visionary from Brazil, Light of Mary's a translation and still so powerful

Man has misused the means I gave to him for his survival, turning them into a means of self-destruction, not only physical, but moral and therefore spiritual.

The cloud of violence spreads throughout all the Nations. And these in turn, reject obedience and purity, carrying pain to every Region, through natural means. Water maintains a great significance in humanity’s history. Water purifies, and in this instant it also purifies humanity, so that once sin is washed as much as possible from the Earth and taking it to its core, the decisive events to which I am going to refer can gestate:

Humanity waits for a being that says: “I am the antichrist,” and that proclaims himself as the antichrist. They expect him to appear making miracles. But the miracles he is already carrying out little by little through all the modern methodologies, such as technology, misused science, nuclear energy, projects to destroy the earth and the alteration of human biology. He has used the powerful governments to create his nets and strategies to manipulate the masses, leading them closer to war every time. His greatest appearance has been to carry out his plan to annul Me from every place and close My Temples. The following strategy will be to close My Shrines and places where My Blessed Mother appeared.

Humanity has succumbed to spiritual denial, to the denial of My Surrender and of My Cross. The vices of this generation are not fought with physical weapons. They must be fought with prayer, penance, fasting, offering, the Sacraments and the Holy Rosary. In this instant the battle is spiritual, not one of arms.

The world will live from anguish to anguish, heat will be taken to where it was cold and the cold to where it was hot. The animals, upon changing their habits and dying suddenly, will make man think, but men will remain without seeing reality.

A great part of humanity will follow closely the events that evil will bring forth. In the fury of the instant they will find themselves wrapped up in the seductions, and like robots they will follow the masses, incorporating into their life the seal of the wicked one, in an unrecognizable humanity, worn and aged.

The contaminated wind will bring death. My children will suffer a shortage, which would not be as dire if more faith existed and you would open yourselves to the help of My House.

My Mother pilgrimages without rest, and Her calls are not heard, but mocked and persecuted. The announcement of the Warning causes some human beings laughter, but this, children, is a truth, as My Mother’s Word that proclaims the Trinitarian decrees is true. When this happens, those who mocked this Divine decree will feel themselves be consumed in their own sin. We have called you to be aware of the seriousness of the moment in which you live. But like those who mocked Noah, so they will groan.

The Warning, cosmic and spiritual, does not wait, and it will be fulfilled. I invite My faithful Priests to call their sheep to reconsider and to recognize and to carefully avoid the sin that sinks, enslaves an leads to eternal death.

How many will give very scientific explanations, once the Warning has passed… and will continue in evil! A new lesson will be necessary then so that man is not lost even more.

My children’s faith will be tested and My Angelic Legions will quickly go to rescue you. I will not leave you, I will not leave you alone, I will remain beside those who are Mine.

Every instant has been shortened, preparing My Second Coming. I will come with glory and majesty, with all My Power, with My Legions… The Heavens will shake, the earth will move, the waters will be agitated, announcing My Coming to all of Creation, to all of Humanity.

Everything that exists in the Heavens, in the earth and under the earth, in the sea and under the sea, the stars and everything seen and unseen: WILL KNOW THAT THE KING COMES.

I call you to proclaim My Name, to love My Mother, to be blessing on earth for your brothers and sisters and for all of creation.

Humanity does not persevere in faith or in towards neighbor and causes My Heart and My Mother’s Heart great pain.

My Holy Remnant will be victorious lead by My Mother. My Church will triumph and purified from top to bottom, it will be renewed. Evil will not prevail against My Church. The just one will live forever and will come to My Table to dine with Me.

You, My dear daughter, make reparation, make reparation and unite yourself to Me in My Passion so that united, we may be a single echo of Love for all of huma

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Your worshipful attitude toward the mother (lower case for her, because she is not God or Jesus, Lord or Saviour) of Jesus, marks you as a heretic.

Not addressed to me, but I am sure LunaCat will not mind me taking this one?

Get your Bible out, colbe. Exodus, Chapter 20.

1. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.

Jesus did not yet exist when the God of the Bible said this to Moses. So, to hold up a MAN before your god, right in the face, as it were, is a direct affront to your God. This commandment you break.

2. 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth.'

A picture of, or a statue of Jesus is a carved likeness or an Idol.
This commandment you break.

5. 'Honor your Father and your Mother.'

When the God said this, he was not talking about your Earthly Father and Mother, he was talking about your Divine Father and Mother. How have you treated the Mother just in this thread alone?
Do you think for a second she isn't demanding justice from Her Consort?
This commandment you break.

Why do you disregard some Bible scriptures as impossible, but model you're view of life off of others? Why do you call anything unexplainable in the Bible evil? Why do you wrack your brains searching for reasons that blatant scientific facts are false, just to prove that your 2000 year old book written by an anonymous author is correct?

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:45 PM
Jesus words were from the heart, a heart that is broken.

I ran out of number of words... so the finish:

You, My dear daughter, make reparation, make reparation and unite yourself to Me in My Passion so that united, we may be a single echo of Love for all of humanity. Come to My Cross and in It let us make reparation for the sins of all men.


posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by colbe

How come you can't give her name?

On that same exact note, colbe, name your God, and we will be happy to show you the truth of it. But as I know you will say the nice tanned man with the straight brown hair and beard, you no doubt even have a picture of him in your home, and probably an Idol
of him on the cross in your Church. Am I right? A little light reading for you, before you reply:

Was there a Jesus? Of course there was a Jesus – many!

Titanic find: 'Christ's coffin'

A return to your mocking of Christ. That message of October 21, 2011 did not touch you. Prayers are the only thing....

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by LunaKat
reply to post by colbe

Colbe you have a saying in your faith (if you can whatever it is you follow a faith?) "don't cast your pearls before swine." I'm done answering your questions. I've been more than fair with you. You have never answered mine.

You say whatever you want to say against homosexuals Colbe..its just more of your hate talk. All that church or those channeled messages you follow are teaching you is to HATE. First it was Pagans and Wiccans, next it was women, now its homosexuals, tomorrow it will be something else with you.

You want answers to anything. GO FIND IT YOURSELF. That is if you can tear yourself away from visions of lesbians long enough.

Hear, hear!! Yes, we have all seen and heard the HATE coming from your fingertips, how you accuse us, berate us, bait us, but we have used your own Bible to prove you wrong, and you hate that too, don't you now? This thread has broken down to your insults about that which you know nothing. You might drive LC away, but not me. Others in here, others like you, have tried to debate me out, and I always get the final word. Unlike you, I have made the Bible a research project, and have read it through, colbe, something you have not done. I think it is time for a Mod to shut this mess down.
Trust me in this, there will come a day when you will have to look into the mirror of your soul, and then you will see what you, and your chosen people have done through history. You all have a heavy debt to pay, and I am glad it is not me in your shoes.
I truly hope you find you way to Truth, because you haven't come close to it as yet.

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by LunaKat

The site I sourced was I realize that those books in the middle-ages were destroyed, but many of the sources we have about Greek gods and goddesses come through the writings of Homer and are maintained by scholars. Not only that, there is much archeological evidence about the way the Greeks and Romans did worship.

We also know those worshipers were contemporaries of the ancient Hebrews and their writings about gods and goddesses are found all over antiquity, but accepted as historical by archeologists and anthropologists. What we do not know are the mysteries of religions that left no writings, such as the Polynesian cultures.

I do realize that not all gods and goddesses were all good and that we can find that many were indeed very evil. But it seems that some people worship those gods and goddesses without accepting the historical understanding of them. However, the Christian is always confronted with the accusation of our God being the evil one. We know though, that women in Greek and Roman times were considered second-class citizens even as the rest of the populace of men worshiped the goddesses. This is an historically accurate portrayal.

And we know that even within Hinduism, those worshipers of Shakti,

Shaktism (Sanskrit: Śāktaṃ, शाक्तं; lit., 'doctrine of power' or 'doctrine of the Goddess') is a denomination of Hinduism that focuses worship upon Shakti or Devi – the Hindu Divine Mother – as the absolute, ultimate Godhead. It is, along with Shaivism and Vaisnavism, one of the primary schools of devotional Hinduism. Shaktism regards Devī (lit., 'the Goddess') as the Supreme Brahman itself, the "one without a second", with all other forms of divinity, female or male, considered to be merely her diverse manifestations. In the details of its philosophy and practice, Shaktism resembles Shaivism. However, Shaktas (Sanskrit: Śākta, शाक्त), practitioners of Shaktism, focus most or all worship on Shakti, as the dynamic feminine aspect of the Supreme Divine. Shiva, the masculine aspect of divinity, is considered solely transcendent, and his worship is usually relegated to an auxiliary role.[1]
also created a caste system that relegated people to be dalits. It is apparent then, that historically, Christianity cannot be solely blamed for the concept of cruelty of humans toward others.

The Prevention of Atrocities Act (POA) is a tacit acknowledgement by the Indian government that caste relations are defined by violence, both incidental and systemic.[45] In 1989, the Government of India passed the Prevention of Atrocities Act (POA), which clarified specific crimes against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (the Dalits) as “atrocities,” and created strategies and punishments to counter these acts. The purpose of The Act was to curb and punish violence against Dalits. Firstly, it clarified what the atrocities were: both particular incidents of harm and humiliation, such as the forced consumption of noxious substances, and systemic violence still faced by many Dalits, especially in rural areas. Such systemic violence includes forced labor, denial of access to water and other public amenities, and sexual abuse of Dalit women. Secondly, the Act created Special Courts to try cases registered under the POA. Thirdly, the Act called on states with high levels of caste violence (said to be “atrocity-prone”) to appoint qualified officers to monitor and maintain law and order. The POA gave legal redress to Dalits, but only two states have created separate Special Courts in accordance with the law. In practice the Act has suffered from a near-complete failure in implementation. Policemen have displayed a consistent unwillingness to register offenses under the act. This reluctance stems partially from ignorance and also from peer protection. According to a 1999 study, nearly a quarter of those government officials charged with enforcing the Act are unaware of its existence

While there are Christians who speak against human atrocities and say that the violence and subjugation is evil, those Christians are not heard. The focus again is solely on the attributes of God, and the denial of Jesus as the Son of God, but when people worship other myths, no one challenges them. Those myths are very old and very well documented.

If I were to ask you, if I were going to choose to worship the Goddess, which particular aspect of her would you advise me on? As a neophyte, would you only present to me those aspects which are good, or would you gloss over the more sinister aspects?

posted on Dec, 19 2011 @ 11:41 PM
Autowrench, I didn't quote your long post, but it just made me laugh thinking about the new movie about the Titans, or the immortals. I always wondered how if they were immortal, how could they just be killing each other like that in war?

Ah, Hollywood religion. But what is funny is this, we wear Nike brand shoes, without realizing there was a goddess also named Nike. We send valentines with cupids (not me though, it's too sweet and sappy), our months and days of the week are named for gods and goddesses but yet none of that is considered religious. Even Halloween is not celebrated as a religious day. I don't think this is a Christian thing, I just think that people don't recognize Nike anymore and the religious aspect was taken away.

But, 2,000 years ago, people worshiped Nike. And I found something interesting, Nike is the the source of the name Nicholas, and who else flies around the world?

Nike assumed the role of the divine charioteer, a role in which she often is portrayed in Classical Greek art. Nike flew around battlefields rewarding the victors with glory and fame.

I am theorizing here (it's my theory, don't read anymore into it) that Nike was actually an early version of Santa Claus. I realize it is a stretch, but two coincidences can mean something.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by WarminIndy

I have had a talk with a couple people and I'm going to ignore the crazy psycho in the thread and try to still talk with others here. WarminIndy, there are several factors that go into beginning to answer your post. Some of it has to do with us in the West. I am not an archeologist or a scholar and its possible that the kind of answers you are looking for would be better coming from them. They can tell you exactly what writings and artifacts are still extant.

I checked your link. The reason I didn't know where that came from is because its part of Z. Budapest's teachings. She was not my main influence although she is very highly spoken of among the influences I did have. And she is considered the mother of the Dianic tradition. As I also mentioned way back, I don't do spells. Thats not why I'm in it. I'm in it because of my feelings for the Goddess. I don't think spells are wrong. I just don't really have a need for them.

Here in the West the image of the Goddess as Destroyer is an uncomfortable one. We like to pretend death doesn't exist. The Dark Goddess is the all taking Goddess. She is the Goddess taking back what is hers --whether that is plants, animals, nature, or us. There are 4 faces of the Goddess. The Maiden, the Mother, the Crone, and the Dark Goddess. Each one represents a stage of life. Each one has teachings for a particular stage. That last stage is the 4th Goddess, the one who Destroys to start a new cycle.

The difference between the Dark Goddess and the God of the OT is that the Dark Goddess handles these dark aspects of life herself. She doesn't have us do it to each other like the OT god. He is always pitting his believers against others. She doesn't do that. She strikes fear in all who are afraid of death. She is most terrifying to them. She is the Death Goddess leading us to next part of our journey or a new cycle.

And She helps us understand the dark times in our lives. Persephone who goes down into the Underworld is a story of descent. In our lives the descent might be depression. Persephone is with us in the darkest moments. She has been there herself and she will guide us through it. She's been there, she understands that particular journey and what is needed to come out of it.

Life and Death is a cycle. Its a circle. Where one begins another ends. New life springs out of the old. This is what the Dark Goddess is about. This is what her stories are about. They help us face the unknown. They help us face what even our culture denies.

In Christianity there is a total denial of God being the Destroyer. God is in one box and Satan in another. Christianity has taught people that God does not do the destroying. All that "negative" stuff is pushed off onto Satan. But thats not the truth. Its packaged to appeal to people who are afraid. Its packaged that way to convince people God is all good, all loving. Yet it peeks out all over the OT. But it is denied. Christians will say God is only love. And its that lie that angers other religions. And its a terrible kind of lie because it puts man vs. man. Faiths vs. other faiths. Countries vs. other countries. Men vs. women. It causes more separation. But the Bible and Christianity are all about separation. Thats the lie. The charge against your God is a just one.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by WarminIndy
reply to post by LunaKat

While there are Christians who speak against human atrocities and say that the violence and subjugation is evil, those Christians are not heard. The focus again is solely on the attributes of God, and the denial of Jesus as the Son of God, but when people worship other myths, no one challenges them. Those myths are very old and very well documented.

If I were to ask you, if I were going to choose to worship the Goddess, which particular aspect of her would you advise me on? As a neophyte, would you only present to me those aspects which are good, or would you gloss over the more sinister aspects?

You say that when people worship other myths no one challenges them. Do you mean in this thread? Pagans have been challenged plenty in this thread. Or do mean in the world? I disagree with this statement you make "those myths are very very old and well documented." Depends on the documentation. Thats not always true especially when for example Goddess stories have been rewritten or commented on by the Church. When you destroy everything or what is left is only what passes as being non-threatening to your belief system (Christianity) everyone is hurt. What survives is mostly what isn't gonna hurt the Church.

I wouldn't advise you at all how to worship the Goddess. And please stop using words like sinister. Its not sinister. Its stories that cultures around the world hold or held dear. This was their truth in the way they could best express it. Its not evil. Its a natural part of life. You're just uncomfortable with it. Thats why you deny it in your God. Thats why your church denies those aspects of your God. Around the world people are more comfortable and more intelligent about admitting and attributing what they see all around them. Death happens. There are endings. The world is not just beginnings and middles.

I'm not here to write the book of the Goddess. I'm not the spokesperson for the Pagan community. I share what I am comfortable sharing with people I only know through here. But I'm not here to convert you to Paganism. No one handed me my beliefs on a silver platter. I had to search on my own for years. We all come to the Goddess on our own. And we take responsibility for our own spiritual path. Which means there is no one to blame. Its a big responsibility, lot easier to do what the priests or pastors tell you or what your church tells you.
edit on 20-12-2011 by LunaKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by WarminIndy

Herod Antipas was ruler at the time of Jesus. He was the son of Herod the Great.

Luke 1:5 THERE was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea...

Herod Antipas was the king, not Herod the Great.

Yes, and like I said, the story of Luke gives a different year of birth than the story of Matthew; how do you know which one is the correct one?

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by LunaKat

This is the first post on this thread that you referred to her as the Dark Goddess. I know that she then is called different names by different peoples as a way to explain death and to accept death. I know death and life are a cycle and that death is a part of life. I have been with those who were dying and know what it is. My grandmother was bed-ridden from liver cancer and we kept her home to take care of her. She was dying as the Hospice nurse came and when she died, I was the only one there besides the nurse and I had to help her clean the body. There are things we think we should not want to face, but to clean the body of someone whom you had taken care of for months, attending every need and being there to comfort them, is not something to forget.

I think though also, that the worship of the Dark Goddess has become mere symbolism. From all the sources I have read, it appears that she is merely a representation of an idea, and in her case, she represents aspects of life and death. That is a different worldview of people who believe in Jehova, we believe He is an actual being.

You can help me here if I am wrong. I think the Dark Goddess is a mere representation and not a being.
The Dark Goddess

The myths of Lilith and her vengeful actions against men show her to be full of anger, rage and resentment at the idea that she could not be wild and free and still remain in the favor of God. She represents the darkest facets of femininity; the opposite os the maternal and nurturing instinct which seeks to be sexually indiscriminate, wild and self-sufficient. While the maternal instinct causes one to desire to bear and protect infants, the qualities which Lilith represents are evident when one wishes to abandon her children, motherly and wifely duties. Women possess both maternal and dark feminine qualities and it is natural that they have both, because they are in persistent struggle to be both independent and nurturing at once. Feelings associated with Lilith may come before and during menstruation when a woman may feel compelled to speak her mind, be isolated and ride the waves of her emotions. Masculine and Feminine energies are both extremely powerful, but significantly different in their qualities. When viewed through the myths of masculine heroes, masculine energy is a force with strategy and purpose. It is represented by the hero who plans his actions and takes a logical and rational progression towards his goal. Feminine energy differs in that as seen through the myths of the Crone Goddesses, it is often intensely emotional and chaotic. Kali dances the wild Dance of Death without logical reason and Lilith mates and murders often indiscriminately. The Crone is instinctual in her actions, but this does not mean that they have a lesser purpose than those of the male gods. It is because she is instinctual and emotional that she is able to guide us through the mysteries which may not be fully understood and yet can still be known. The realm of dead, magic and the unknown can best be known by one who does not rationally think of them but instead allows them to be revealed without conscious thought with the aid of the Goddess.

If I understand this, it is not really worship but an acceptance of a definition of an attribute. Then I must ask, if it is a defined attribute, who defined it and what was the motivation for definition? We see that also in the modern acceptance of Nike, she represents victory and a shoe company borrowed that definition because it is symbolic and represents victory in sports competitions.

Were these goddesses real entities, or mere representations? The Christians look at them as though they were real beings, because the spiritual realm is real. That is how we believe in God, He is real and an entity, but not a representation of something.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by WarminIndy
reply to post by LunaKat

I do realize that not all gods and goddesses were all good and that we can find that many were indeed very evil. But it seems that some people worship those gods and goddesses without accepting the historical understanding of them. However, the Christian is always confronted with the accusation of our God being the evil one. We know though, that women in Greek and Roman times were considered second-class citizens even as the rest of the populace of men worshiped the goddesses. This is an historically accurate portrayal.

And we know that even within Hinduism, those worshipers of Shakti,

Shaktism (Sanskrit: Śāktaṃ, शाक्तं; lit., 'doctrine of power' or 'doctrine of the Goddess') is a denomination of Hinduism that focuses worship upon Shakti or Devi – the Hindu Divine Mother – as the absolute, ultimate Godhead. It is, along with Shaivism and Vaisnavism, one of the primary schools of devotional Hinduism. Shaktism regards Devī (lit., 'the Goddess') as the Supreme Brahman itself, the "one without a second", with all other forms of divinity, female or male, considered to be merely her diverse manifestations. In the details of its philosophy and practice, Shaktism resembles Shaivism. However, Shaktas (Sanskrit: Śākta, शाक्त), practitioners of Shaktism, focus most or all worship on Shakti, as the dynamic feminine aspect of the Supreme Divine. Shiva, the masculine aspect of divinity, is considered solely transcendent, and his worship is usually relegated to an auxiliary role.[1]
also created a caste system that relegated people to be dalits. It is apparent then, that historically, Christianity cannot be solely blamed for the concept of cruelty of humans toward others.

The Prevention of Atrocities Act (POA) is a tacit acknowledgement by the Indian government that caste relations are defined by violence, both incidental and systemic.[45] In 1989, the Government of India passed the Prevention of Atrocities Act (POA), which clarified specific crimes against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (the Dalits) as “atrocities,” and created strategies and punishments to counter these acts. The purpose of The Act was to curb and punish violence against Dalits. Firstly, it clarified what the atrocities were: both particular incidents of harm and humiliation, such as the forced consumption of noxious substances, and systemic violence still faced by many Dalits, especially in rural areas. Such systemic violence includes forced labor, denial of access to water and other public amenities, and sexual abuse of Dalit women. Secondly, the Act created Special Courts to try cases registered under the POA. Thirdly, the Act called on states with high levels of caste violence (said to be “atrocity-prone”) to appoint qualified officers to monitor and maintain law and order. The POA gave legal redress to Dalits, but only two states have created separate Special Courts in accordance with the law. In practice the Act has suffered from a near-complete failure in implementation. Policemen have displayed a consistent unwillingness to register offenses under the act. This reluctance stems partially from ignorance and also from peer protection. According to a 1999 study, nearly a quarter of those government officials charged with enforcing the Act are unaware of its existence

Good Morning WarminIndy
It was after midnight here when I signed out and I didn't comment at all on what you wrote about women in India. The main reason being I don't live there. We need somebody who does and who understands how that caste system originated. What people do socially is not necessarily a reflection on their gods. Man creates these systems. Your god actually stated in the Bible who to war with, that women and children were treated as spoils of war to be divided among his conquerors, he ordered sacrifices so many unnecessary and brutal sacrifices that Jesus spoke out against it. These things were God's word. I don't know that that is or isn't true in the Hindu religion which another organized religion. Also when I was looking to find out about the caste system for you it was mentioned that the Roman Catholic worked within the caste system and respected it in India and there was even a branch of Christianity that had its own caste system there.

These are social structures. And whether or not they got the original ideas from their religions, religion and social structures evolve. Normally. Christianity wants to remain fixed and unchanging. But usually we evolve. If you are looking to state that the God of the Old Testament --the one Jesus is leading you to-- did not do these things you would be very wrong.

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