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Benjamin Solari Parravicini's Prophecies

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posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:09 AM
Well I don't think I'm as bad as I thought. I found some others worth checking out and translated:

"El hombre volará los espacios siderales, vencerá el sonido, conocerá los astros y sabrá que el mundo es inferior planeta y de castigo". Año 1937
Man will fly in spaceships, break the sound, will know the cosmos and will know that the world is an inferior planet because of punishment.

"Duelo de poderes entre yanquis y rusos. Duelo de conquista espacial y terreno. Aunque no parezca, América llevará el cetro". (1941).
Dual of powers between the yanks and the russians. Dual of space and land conquests. Although it doesn't look like it, America will take the scepter.

Norte América recibirá el tiro certero, Hará un crimen político en cambio de dirección- Se resentirá- Peligrara su estabilidad y libertad.
North America will receive a direct blow. Will make a political crime in exchange for direction. It will resent. It will endanger its stability and liberty.

"La intuición no será ya y el hombre conocerá la tribulación. El hombre soberbio e hipócrita que destrozó el sendero, mató al hermano, relajó el sexo, envileció al menor y corrió anhelante tras el oro. El hombre que abandonó ¡el amor!" (1938)…..
Intuition will be no more and man will know the tribulation. Man arrogant and a hypocrite who destroyed the path, killed the brother, relaxed sex, perverted the youth and ran ahead after the gold. Man who abandoned love.

1938 - Visión doméstica, por pequeña pantalla se verá en domicilio propio los sucesos externos.
Domestic vision, through a small screen you will see one's outside events.

1938 - El Mundo llegará a ser desnaturalizado por el poder de la pantalla doméstica . Toda mala influencia será desparramada groseramente sobre todo hogar y será impuesta por el comercio avisador que busca la masa. La masa embrutecerá dominada por las órdenes disfrazadas de paraísos fáciles y superiores, contemplará la estupidez y la inmoralidad con ficción. Llegará el día en que el grueso popular será manejando como aprisco.

The world will come to be denaturalized through the power of the domestic screen. All bad influence will be perversely dispersed throughout the household and it will be imposed by the commercial advertiser who is looking for the masses. The masses will be brutally dominated by the disguised orders of easy parasites and superiors, contemplate stupidity and immorality with fiction. The day will come when the masses will be driven like sheep.
edit on 3-12-2011 by conspiracy88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 06:40 AM
Here's a couple more:

1954 - En la hora de la hora, el mundo será tomado por el pornográfico poder de la pantalla televisiva y cinematográfica, además por el teatro y la literatura. Causará esta causa relajamiento en la enceguecida masa, la que abandonará principios de bien.
In the hour of the hour, the world will be taken by the pornographic power of the television screen and cinemas, as well as theater and literature. This cause will cause the relaxation of the blind masses, the one who abandoned the principles of good.

1939 - El Teatro será desteatro, será psíquico, material, irreverente, sucio. Impondrá el desnudo, la aberración sexual, homosexo, lesbianismo y drogados, en crímenes. La masa aplaudirá, corrompida, sin saberlo.

The theater will be no theater, will be psychic, material, irreverent, dirty. It will impose the nude, twisted sexuality, homosexuals, lesbianism, druggies and criminals. The mass will applaud, corrupted, without knowing. (Not sure on exact translation of first sentence up to theater)

"Miseria asolará y hará al hombre languidecer de dolor y hambre desesperada. Animales serán desgarrados y mujeres serán desesperadas con náuseas de parto" (08/1940)
Poverty will destroy and man will wane from desperation from pain and hunger. Animals will be torn and women will be in desperation with sickness from childbirth.

“ LUZ. AMOR. PAZ. El ateo marcha, grita, destroza, mata, envicia al joven, entorpece a la mujer, la maternidad se niega, y la virilidad se arroja. El caos es, en este imperio de males aceptados y aplaudidos, el Todo de Todos y Todos en el Todo, son ellos barro, pestilencia. ¡Asco! Mas todos en lo íntimo escuchan su voz interior que les dice: apartáos, lloraréis, abrazad la cruz. ¡Ya ella llega! El mundo será en luz.”
Light, Love, Peace. The atheist marches, yells, destroys, kills, corrupts the youth, hinders the woman, maternity is neglected, and manhood tossed aside. The chaos is, in this empire of evils accepted and applauded, the everything in all things and all the things in everything, they are mud, pestilence. Gross. Most everybody in the most intimate hear their inner voices which say: apparatuses, you will cry, embrace the cross. Now she comes! The world shall be in light.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 08:50 AM
Very well done! Real or not its been the most entertaining read in awhile!

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy88

1938 - Visión doméstica, por pequeña pantalla se verá en domicilio propio los sucesos externos.
Domestic vision, through a small screen you will see one's outside events.

1938 - El Mundo llegará a ser desnaturalizado por el poder de la pantalla doméstica . Toda mala influencia será desparramada groseramente sobre todo hogar y será impuesta por el comercio avisador que busca la masa. La masa embrutecerá dominada por las órdenes disfrazadas de paraísos fáciles y superiores, contemplará la estupidez y la inmoralidad con ficción. Llegará el día en que el grueso popular será manejando como aprisco.

The world will come to be denaturalized through the power of the domestic screen. All bad influence will be perversely dispersed throughout the household and it will be imposed by the commercial advertiser who is looking for the masses. The masses will be brutally dominated by the disguised orders of easy parasites and superiors, contemplate stupidity and immorality with fiction. The day will come when the masses will be driven like sheep.

Wow, is this for real?
This quote only and the guy is a real prophet in my book. It can't get any obvious than this.
Is there a time-line for his prophecies?

S&F, and thank you for posting this great discovery.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Ironclad

I think that interpretation of the final hours is a little off. 2010, 2011, 2012.

Sorry, but his prophecies actually streatch into the third millenium.

A Catatstropy may happen around this time, but by his prophesies, humankind will endure and actually things are sposed to be looking up for us by the year 3000.

Still it means that those of us around today and the next 899 years are gunna be retty

Why do you think that his prophecies stretch into the third millenium?

Where does he say any of his prophecies will occur around the year 3,000?

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by conspiracy88
Well I don't think I'm as bad as I thought. I found some others worth checking out and translated:

"El hombre volará los espacios siderales, vencerá el sonido, conocerá los astros y sabrá que el mundo es inferior planeta y de castigo". Año 1937
Man will fly in spaceships, break the sound, will know the cosmos and will know that the world is an inferior planet because of punishment.

You got the translation of the last part of the above prophecy wrong. He doesn't say "the world is an inferior planet because of punishment" but rather "the world is an inferior planet, and one of punishment"

Some of the others you posted I think I also posted. He has many drawings/predictions, and I couldn't post them all because it would take several pages of postings and it would break the TOS of ATS.

Anyway, you can find many references to his prophecies online, and even wikipedia has a couple of sections on him.

The following has many of his predictions.

Some of note from the following link include.

"El mundo se dividirá en dos, izquierda y derecha. Una tercera postura será en abrazo se dirá; pero el abrazo será de castigo. El uno por ambición, el otro por traidor. Rusia avanzará, China será tras él. Abrazo de extremos".

(my translation) The world will be divided in two, left, and right. The posture of one third would be in embrace and they will say; but the embrace will be in punishment. One for ambition, the other for traitor. Rusia will advance, China will be behind them. Embrace of the extremes.

"¡Hombres meditad! El mundo se apresta a experimentar una nueva fuerza que hará el mal y el bien. Que llevará al hombre a otros planetas, o desintegrará el mundo; en este caso el caos salvará la total destrucción".

(my translation)"Men meditate! the world lends itself to experiement in a new force that will do evil and good. It will take men to other planets, or it will desintegrate the world; in this case caos will save the total destruction".

I think he is talking about atomic energy. So far it is the one source of power used to take satellites into the farthest reaches of the Solar System, and we know what evil it has brought. However, the part that has me thinking is about chaos saving us from total destruction. Will the world get into chaos and that is what will save us from not destroying each other?

"2do. Diluvio. Noche de la noche llega ante las aguas y el fuego. [...] Hombres meditad. El mar avanzará, inundará en diluvio, se derretirán los cascos polares. El eje de la Tierra regresará y el ecuador será polos. El mar será sangre. Final de finales".

(my translation)"Second deluge. Night of night will arrive before the rains and the fire. [...] Men meditate. The sea will advance, it will inundate in deluge, the poles will melt. The Earth's axis will turn back and the Ecuator will be the poles. The sea will be blood. The end of ends".

"Argentina creará el comunismo cristiano. Meditad, argentinos: llega ya la era de las cosas. Meditad, observad y veréis".

(my translation) "Argentina will believe in the christian communism. Meditate, argentines: the age of things will arrive. Meditate, observe and you will see"

"Las familias tradicionales rodarán y se hundirán en causas criminales. Los nuevos ricos caerán en crímenes espectaculares, más no serán hundidos. El oro salva. Los humildes serán desalojados, despreciados, olvidados. Ellos serán motivo de vejámenes".

(my translation)" Traditional families will be involved, and will sink in criminal causes. The new rich people will fall in spectacular crimes, but they won't sink. Gold will save. The humble ones will be evicted, despised, and forgotten. They will be motive of mockery".

"La música eléctrica será en conjunción con la negra. Ambas asolarán el mundo y con ella marchará esclavo el mundo hacia el Caos final".

(my translation)"electric music will be in conjunction with black music. Both will destroy the world and with it the world will march slave to the final chaos".

I think he is talking about rap music.

"Llegará la hora de las horas y en su oscuridad recibirá el choque del gran planeta. Trastocada así la tierra todo caerá".
Ransacked in this manner the Earth everything will fall.

(my translation) "The hour of the hours will arrive, and in it's darkness will receive the crash of the great planet. Ransacked in this manner the Earth, everything will fall.

"Últimas noticias anuncian el arribo de los invisibles en masa".

(my translation)"The last news will announce the arrival of the invisibles en mass"

Some type of transdimensional et arrival?

There are many more and can be found in the following link.

edit on 4-12-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 12:40 AM
Here are three more predictions he made in 1968.

En 1968
"Comenzará ya la Tierra en destemplar en tormentas eléctricas, ciclones bravos, aluviones, maremotos, terremotos, hundimientos de regiones, florecimientos de desconocidas tierras, trombas trasladoras, océanos desbordados y aguas tonantes en block. Será el caos en su hora y su hora se cumplirá".

The Earth will begin to distemper in electrical storms, strong cyclones, deluges, seaquakes, earthquakes, regions will sink, new lands will appear, hurricanes/tornadoes, oceans will spill, and water(no idea what "tonante en block" means. It is some old Argentinian slang) It will be chaos on it's hour and it's hour will occur.

"En la grande prueba. Humanos seres el oro cae, se derrumba, nada será en el mañana. Más valor tendrá un vegetal comestible que un dólar. Abrid los ojos y aprended a mirar. El oro rueda, se desfigura y se anulará. Será el caos, más será bien".

In the great trial. Human beings gold falls, it will slide down, nothing will be in the morning. A vegetable will be more valuable than a dollar. Open your eyes and learn to see. Gold will tumble, it will be disfigured and null. It will be chaos, but it will be good.

Could very well be talking about the current worldwide economic crisis.

"Llega la voz de Oriente. Llega el Occidente en habla, llega la hecatombe con la muerte del oro y el encumbramiento del hambre. ¡Llega el fin!".

The light of the Orient arrives. The Orient arrives in voice, arrives the hecatombe (? no idea what hecatombe means) with the death of gold and the complete starvation.

Those are some very dark prophecies unfortunately.

edit on 4-12-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 12:49 AM
Wow, this is quite a find. S & F.

According to trustworthy sources (even the well known Antonio Rivera, Spaniard researcher, referred to the subject in his books) had been abducted, carried inside a spacecraft, in heart of Buenos Aires city center, quite near the Buenos Aires Obelisk. The researcher, Robert Anderson, cites in his book "Mysterious appearances and disappearances", the interview given by the humanities professor in La Plata University and secretary of the Argentinean Parapsychology Institute Alejandro Erú to the newspaper "La Razón". Although the full name of the protagonist was not revealed by Erú, his initials, BSP, correspond to our prophet.
"BSP assured to have been contacted by a blond hair guy - wrote Anderson - with a Nordic look, whose eyes were so light that appeared to be blind. The blond hair man talked to him with a guttural voice and in an incomprehensible language although his manners were friendly. The artist perceived only watching of the craft insides before to suffer a sort of faint.

When regained consciousness, BSP saw that he was flying with three blonds blond hair men just like the first one. One of them, politely, questioned him in a language also incomprehensible, but BSP thought to have understood to the man, or, unless caught his ideas, by telepathic communication. BSP was suggested not to be afraid, that he would be back in the earth, just in the same place where he had been took. BSP swore that during the all flight he was in a sort of faintness, but perceiving the lands of Japan, France, and afterwards Chile. When he recovered from his particular trance he was right in the same place where he had meet the blond hair man".

Perhaps because of this reason, many of Parravicini’s prophecies refer to the contact with extraterrestrial beings, which he names "astronavigator" (astronavego), "the Blue Beings" from the planet "KI--EN-KI", which have already been in the earth thousands of years ago and will be back "in their enormous fish shape red ships":

- The astronavigator from the planet KI--EN-KI which arrived in the earth in the hour of the creation, which contributed in the Egyptian construction, Greek and Roman, which helped in the wars of Europe and guided the lasts constructions, tries again to fortify the man in his mind and to avoid the atomic disaster. It is in mission! (year 1960)

- The astral astronavigator which lived in the earth during the Caldean civilization brought then big fish shaped red ships and used them to take human beings to the planet KI--EN-KI. Today, he is bringing again his giant red ships to rescue from the three smokes to the earthly beings and to take them to the planet "KI--EN-KI". He will bring them back in the 2000! (year 1960)

- The big firefish shaped starships from the "KI--EN-KI" will travel to the earth in a high mission for assistance. They will travel over their already familiar South Pole. They will dwell in the ices until the hour of the hour. Then they will be. (year 1960)

Better u2u Undo - she will be interested in this connection to EN-KI!

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by Julie Washington

Yeah, he was abducted according to his friends as well. There is a prophecy where he says that some of these extra-terrestrials will show that there are livable tunnels inside the Earth, and with their arrival we will know about these tunnels, and that these tunnels interconnect with each other, or something like that. Will have to look for it.

He also talks about several lifeforms of extraterrestrials existing, and that the ugliness believed by humans in ets is not real.

edit on 4-12-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:40 AM
BTW, the "Christian communism" that Parravicini was warning Argentina about is Chavez's communism.

Today I just saw in the news that in some "pueblos" (small towns) in Venezuela they are adding Chavez to Nativity scenes.

Chavez has also been trying to convince castro, and the other communist officials in Cuba to accept, for now, Christianity/Catholicism...

After Chavez spoke with castro in a private meeting castro began to ease more on religion in Cuba.

IMO Chavez knows that a majority of hispanics are religious, and he is claiming he is bringing a Christian/Catholic socialism/communism so that more hispanics will accept his ideology, but he is doing almost the same thing castro did before he took control of Cuba, except that chavez is using also religion to lure more people.

Parravicini's predictions are all occurring, except those about the arrival of ets.

edit on 10-12-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 12:59 PM
Googling, caught me my attention like that are the "command the floodgates" of the River Thames to the drawing of BSP of the psycho "London the island sinks", in addition to displaying this psycho a lines as symbolizing the "defence system" against the tides of about 300 kilometres of walls and Gates :shock: :shock:" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

And one fact more recently with the advent of satellites and support they provide for measurements, he could verify reliably that London is sinking, so BSP anticipated you in more than 20 years that London is sinking between 1 to 2 mm per year.



posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Argentina already this immersed in a process of communism with the latest measures of control of the press, inability to buy foreign currency, inability to export freely and more serious still armed popular organizations, mandated to exercise justice by their own hands in favour of the Government of Cristina Kirchner.

It is technically a monarchical Government that holds absolute power to issue or approve laws that Congress abides by without discussion their orders.

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 10:46 PM
Maybe it's time to revive this thread.

I hope by now it has been shown as proof that this man did indeed exist, and he did indeed made these prophesies.

posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 03:03 AM
Here are some of the predictions Parravicini made for North America.

His prophecies/paintings were written in Spanish so i will translate them.

The one above says.

"North America will lose her freedom, her torch will not light as it did in the past, and the monument will be attacked twice."

In the following one he talks about a One World Government taking control over all humanity.

The one above says:

"Social classes will rise up, they will mix in wars, the world will bleed and the dictators will dominate; but they will die. The world marches towards only one government."

The one above says:

"An American golfer will govern, and he will be killed young"

(Not sure exactly who he is talking about there. Could it be President Obama who plays more golf than any other President in the past?)

In the above it says:

"6-6-66 Chaos in Argentine. Rhapsody of the new tango will be in Argentine when the end of 66 starts and then will come back to literature and in the country won't be, later will come back with it's treaty and the country would be on triumph."

The above seems to also be referring to Obama who seems to be tied to the number 66. You can see in the drawing a black man dancing with a white woman.

Starring at 30 seconds on the video below you can see Obama dancing with a white Argentinian woman in a State dinner in Argentine which happened this year which is the end of 66. It seems that 66 is referring in specific to President Obama and his administration in all his prophecies.

That State dinner was done to try to get into an agreement with Argentine over the new free market in Argentine.

BTW, the mention of literature is used in another of Parrovinici's prophecies and he specifies that it refers to the Chinese. So it seems that this prophesy talks about Obama dancing tango, but also being there to try to get a deal with the new Argentine government before the Chinese try to take over the deal. It seems the new government might even try a deal with the Chinese government for a bit, but then the Argentine government will return with another treaty which will make the country triumph.

In the one above it says:

"The north American stove will be lighted by the new black(man)"

Some people might think this is a benevolent sign, but it actually isn't. If you look at the "American stove" it has the number 66, and Parravicini stated in many other prophecies the number 66 as a number that signals the beginning of the end for civilization. No to be confused with the end of the world.

Here is one of the prophecies that states the number 66 signals the start of the end for civilization.

In the one above it says: (this is a long one)

"It will come, the beginning of the end! Mankind annuls it's being (it's own self), biology will scream that it has discovered how to make lives without the male, and in this way, with the use of glycerine taken from cells, it will begin to make beings without heritage, more so with life completely unknown. They will arrive at that time the atomic explosions which will destroy every being. The radiation will kill and will make, of mothers, monsters of all classes of animal and vegetable, and the mineral will disperse. Since 66 men will be born with crystalized bones by strontium, and strontium will make it's life miserable, it will annul it's brain, it will alter the gene in it's sperm, and will kill red blood cells, cancer will increase so much that it will be generalized. The nucleic strength will dominate and the Chinese with the Russians will question profit of power in such a sense. The 666 will arrive, already, with the hands full of nuclear forces, of mysterious invisible rays that will paralyze. Of new germs and centrifugal electronics and artificial comets with the... (the periods indicate illegible text)"

Here is another one mentioning 66.

In the above it says:

"The angel exterminator will arrive with it's trumpet the 66. The angel of evil will arrive to the world. Will arrive separating men in ideas, to the politician in parties, to religions in faith and even to the Catholic priest and reconcile to separate. God will be vigilant."

As we can see above the 66 is not a mention of the year 66, but of a time to come. Parravicini also spoke in other prophecies about China and Russia attacking together the North American continent mostly for a fight over resources in a third world war.

In the one above it says:

"The North American elephant will have black water in it's trunk, and will announce it's ill intent."

This could be a reference to oil. BTW, I painted part of that drawing in blue, originally it wasn't like that, and did that for a purpose.

If you look closely that part I painted in blue looks very similar to South America.

And the trunk of south America is composed of Argentine and Chile where the drawing says that there is oil.

This is a bit strange because it seems to tie with a recent visit Obama did to Argentine, at a time when the Argentinian country also announced a comeback to more free trade with north America, including oil. Could the visit of Obama be related to the intention of the Obama administration of getting in deals with Argentine, on oil, before other countries do it?

Parravicini also made another drawing which ties with the one above.

A video that shows many of his prophecies, and some of the drawings i showed above can be found below, although it is in Spanish.

There are many other prophecies he made. Too many to show. But he did say that the world will be dominated by communism. That the evil that will plague the world (communism) would take over Argentine only for a while, and will be stopped in Argentine with the advent of the "grey man". But that's another story.

edit on 19-6-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 03:31 PM

(If you are so great and so powerful? How come I just reached over and put an end to your life, and everything that you are?...............................Nothing I am reading matches the images people claim originated from Benjamin Solari Parravicini......................I see this same problem with a number of ancient civilizations and ancient artifacts. The images may infact be authentic, because it matches the last Son of Man God sent to give Testimony before the Wow Signal Event....................announcing the imminent arrival of the Antichrist)

(We will talk more about this soon...........................people claim that Nostradamus had many wives and played with the rich and the royals families, but in reality Nostradamus describes his own life as coming to a close between sewage and piles of trash, while people reviled him to death.........................this also appears to be the case with the author of the literature, he specifically describes his own death to invalidate any false claims by reasons of not properly understanding the material itself) (As I've stated, I don't want to say or do anything to stop these people from hurting me as their lives come to a close as they die peacefully). Love and Blessings. (All the Literature as ascribed to the images are false, most of the images are authentic).
edit on 26-6-2016 by jigglypuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:36 AM

"Three Days of Darkness" = Analemma intersection of Equinoctial Period (like September Solstice), the interpretation is also invalidated, the diagram shows a bleeding heart to the lower right, the Antichrist will experience a certain level of suffering and pain before God invalidates all mercy, that level could already be reached, and the Antichrist is just resolving suicide by providing a remedy (that is all force used against him to attack and kill).

The Giant Women is in the design of the 9/11/2001 Falling Man. The Mayan Calendar's Design with, Giant Head (Circled in Red) in center, and two arms below a pyramid is there. Also this is doubled, notice the Flag (Circled in Red) is in the shame of a Building.......................This indicates 9/11/2001 is doubled with 9/11/2016 when the 150 Days of Revelations Begins........................(First Two Twin Towers Fell, then "One World Trade Center" was built, the interpretation is clear, of what must happen).

"You cannot survive, You must Die, That is the Rule" ......................God removes all signs, all wonders, God invalidates all of Man's Work for challenging the authority of the Antichrist in using force and lethal force. (We will wait until 9/11/2016, if billions are not deceased, we will perhaps have a slightly longer wait until they are deceased). Love and Blessings. (We'll have a 10 hour walk on Thursday, if I'm convinced lethal force will be used before then, then we'll have a nightly walk also before this time).
edit on 27-6-2016 by jigglypuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

The light of the Orient arrives. The Orient arrives in voice, arrives the hecatombe (? no idea what hecatombe means) with the death of gold and the complete starvation.

Those are some very dark prophecies unfortunately.

According to a quick google search, hecatomb is an ancient Greek and roman noun meaning a great public sacrifice. So, it seems with that something will effect the gold standard and the public will suffer via starvation.

Edit add: since it says the light of the Orient arrives, I would assume that they create this problem for another country or the rest of the world. Perhaps, this is also at the sacrifice of their own people too?
edit on 6 27 2016 by CynConcepts because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2016 @ 12:22 AM

The Large Women in the Center, is the focal point, not a women, "Joseph the Blessings". There is fist punching his neck, what appears as a giant foot print going across his body, in the shape of a multitude of people. At his very bottom it appears as if a person or peoples, are making the Antichrist suffer in great pain repeatedly. To the left and right of his waist, are symbols of torture perhaps, sexual and physical torture, like inces* and multiple rapes we discussed performed routinely by his relatives and various members of the public at large........................Dealing with the non-whit** and those under their influence, the interpretation is clear, God limits what they are capable of doing, but the goal is simply to solicit suicide. Recently I talked about being raped repeatedly by relatives, and yes, my relatives very recently tried to solicite relations, as well as members of the public, including the use of their children/babies, this is simply the motivation of these people. So I'm fortunate to to assist with their suicides in this capacities, as God stops those kinds of people from keep hurting me repeatedly............................There are no multiple time travelers, there is only the Antichrist.................most of the euthanasia God performs of the suicides, there simply is no record, no birth, no history they are simply written out of time, as God does this repeatedly, sometimes God gives mankind mercy by allowing the Antichrist to give testimony of this activities, as it is pleasing to God's Gospel Program, that is what we are witnessing nothing more.

God appears to invalidate the "Three Days of Darkness", because God has already used more than enough energy, performing the euthanasia of the Antichrist back in 9/11/2001.....................God has already stated that he would not kill the "Two Witnesses", in Revelation to bring a "Three Days of Darkness", like he had done at the crucifixion. The 10 Foolish Virgins that are outside of the Picture Frame, Seen as the Slothful Larger Fish, will simply die as most of mankind will, never having received a "Sign of Divorce", as the gospel indicates. While the Wise Virgins are receiving the Gospels Message from the I've stated, ethnic suicide is only verification that God has limited his mercy already nessitating the loss of life of those kinds of people, so I've suggested to use them that way, as you have done, as a Sign for the Faithful. (Coincidentally, back in 9/11/2013, I went to the River at Penns Landing and euthanized a good deals of the non-whi***, that is not typical behavior, all we need to do is get these people to use force against me, to complete their suicide, for some reason they began to simply kill themselves, so I did that specifically to keep their attention focused on me, as I've developed a pattern of assisted suicide that works for these kinds of people, one I can expand to the media and the authorities with very little effort, when I decide that is necessary)

The Women's Head that is above the Book, not a women, "Joseph the Blessings"..............God explains at a certain level of suffering and pain, mankind will simply end its life as the law affords with the full knowledge that the Antichrist has sentenced them to death, with no recourse. As I've explains the amount of suffering and pain, you will cause yourselves will be used for God's Glory, so we won't have much time if you don't use enough force soon.........................back in 9/11/2013 I used suicide to euthanize those non-whi*** of genetic Dan to set an example of what I'm capable of having done, regardless of the amount of witnesses or implications................however that was necessary, right now we have enough momentum, as I demonstrate weekly, to simply have these people take their lives. Love and Blessings. (The level of force used against tonight was good, Thursday we have 10 hour walk, keep these people on the attack, we'll see if enough bodies are produced to involve the media and the authorities in a larger scale).
edit on 28-6-2016 by jigglypuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: jigglypuff

What are you talking about?

A lot of these drawing from Parravicini were published decades ago by friends.

One of those friends is Silvia Landrock, assistant to professor Eru who received a great part of the drawings from Parravicini days before he died in 1969.

Parravicini's brother Justino, has testified that his brother did indeed give drawings to his friends, including to Silvia Landrock.

I could give you video links, but they are in Spanish. As for the "psicografias"/drawings from Parravicini that I posted, they are originals and were made by BSP.

posted on Jul, 4 2016 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
One of those friends is Silvia Landrock, assistant to professor Eru who received a great part of the drawings from Parravicini days before he died in 1969.

Parravicini's brother Justino, has testified that his brother did indeed give drawings to his friends, including to Silvia Landrock.

(That explains only that we have a confession, Nguyen Van Lem's Testimony after his 1968 death, was simply passed off as Benjamin Parravicini's work as quickly as possible before his natural death in far from what I've read, nothing these people are talking about matches specific drawing sets, neither are these descriptions prophetic, completely illustrating the lack of authorship.................this is what happened with the Mesoamerican Calendars, they adopted a culture, and built it around materials that were provided to them or they just discovered them.............(a spanish website called "", had ripped most of Nostradamus Lost Plates, and provided some erroneous descriptions, they have since removed most of them, now of you go there now, you'll see a lot of bogus statements that discredit, prophecy and revelation, in the pattern of the worthless statements written in spanish on the Plates attributed to Benjamin.................I see a pattern of Genetic Dan, having a very low "Spiritual Intelligence", on full display matching several patterns they've displayed see one video linked in this discussion, I'll make a few references to that)

Left Plate: No Pen*s Used by the Antichrist, as an indication of his authority, we have inc***, rap*, and murder by certain races of people desperate to kill the Antichrist to illustrate their authority as their lives come to a close. (Male Rape, by 4 Genetic Lines called the Father, for the unidentified 4 Kings of Rev. 17:10, matching solomon's contradiction)
Right Plate: We have God Performing the Work of Translating Earth's Moon into Star Wormwood, the Sign of Revelation is not dependent on a work from anyone and especially not the Antichrist (42 Days and 3 Days of Darkness before 150 Days, not dependent of a work, either good or bad is a logical statement, that cannot be invalidated until we pass the length of its viable expression, as we've discussed) (God calls the Antichrist a Daughter not a "Son", God eliminates the cruelty of what constitutes Genetic Dan, by invalidating any work on the part of the Antichrist to solicit the events of revelation, God does the work accordingly, not a gospel for pet people, not dependent on man's work)

Left Plate: Periodic Discharges of "Joseph the Blessing" visible from Space, using force against the Antichrist to eliminate his Testimony, either force directed at what he is teaching if he is faithful, or force directed as killing his body will produce "Joseph the Blessings" in some capacity as a reproof.
Right Plate: 4 Genetic Lines of Genetic Dan + Skin color and Geography, are compared to the Separatist Inheritors* of the Gospel's Program of a New Planet of their Own (5 Fingers, 5 Toes, Thumb is Aaron the Separatist Inheritor* that is cut with the 4 Genetic Lines of Genetic Dan)

Left Plate: God calls the Length of the Antichrist's Lifespan Significant Point of Discernment for Revelation. (Three Days of Darkness, with a Blade Pointed at his Neck).
Right Plate: God calls the Length of the Antichrist's Lifespan a series of Parallels with Creation Based Alignments. (Nose of the Antichrist, is compared to the Planet Earth's Journey against the Center of the Galaxy, Solstice Precessional Alignment of 1980, 1998, 2012, 2016).

(12210 + 42 + 3 + 150, not a direct measurement of the Antichrist Lifespan (34 Years Relative) = 12/21/2012 to 9/11/2016 = 42 Days at End of July, Beginning of August, 153 days beginning 9/11/2016) (1335 Days Spacing to 153 Days of Revelation from 12/21/2012, these are relative parabolic figures, that is the argument we are presented) Love and Blessings (Most of the Detailed Illustrations are Authentic, lots of other impressions based off these, attempting to establish authenticity..........some of or most of the originals were left to complete the forgery) (nightly walk tonight, if the force is good in terms of euthanasia, then 10 hour walk on friday).
edit on 4-7-2016 by jigglypuff because: (no reason given)

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