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Originally posted by conspiracy88
1938 - Visión doméstica, por pequeña pantalla se verá en domicilio propio los sucesos externos.
Domestic vision, through a small screen you will see one's outside events.
1938 - El Mundo llegará a ser desnaturalizado por el poder de la pantalla doméstica . Toda mala influencia será desparramada groseramente sobre todo hogar y será impuesta por el comercio avisador que busca la masa. La masa embrutecerá dominada por las órdenes disfrazadas de paraísos fáciles y superiores, contemplará la estupidez y la inmoralidad con ficción. Llegará el día en que el grueso popular será manejando como aprisco.
The world will come to be denaturalized through the power of the domestic screen. All bad influence will be perversely dispersed throughout the household and it will be imposed by the commercial advertiser who is looking for the masses. The masses will be brutally dominated by the disguised orders of easy parasites and superiors, contemplate stupidity and immorality with fiction. The day will come when the masses will be driven like sheep.
Originally posted by Ironclad
I think that interpretation of the final hours is a little off. 2010, 2011, 2012.
Sorry, but his prophecies actually streatch into the third millenium.
A Catatstropy may happen around this time, but by his prophesies, humankind will endure and actually things are sposed to be looking up for us by the year 3000.
Still it means that those of us around today and the next 899 years are gunna be retty
Originally posted by conspiracy88
Well I don't think I'm as bad as I thought. I found some others worth checking out and translated:
"El hombre volará los espacios siderales, vencerá el sonido, conocerá los astros y sabrá que el mundo es inferior planeta y de castigo". Año 1937
Man will fly in spaceships, break the sound, will know the cosmos and will know that the world is an inferior planet because of punishment.
"El mundo se dividirá en dos, izquierda y derecha. Una tercera postura será en abrazo se dirá; pero el abrazo será de castigo. El uno por ambición, el otro por traidor. Rusia avanzará, China será tras él. Abrazo de extremos".
"¡Hombres meditad! El mundo se apresta a experimentar una nueva fuerza que hará el mal y el bien. Que llevará al hombre a otros planetas, o desintegrará el mundo; en este caso el caos salvará la total destrucción".
"2do. Diluvio. Noche de la noche llega ante las aguas y el fuego. [...] Hombres meditad. El mar avanzará, inundará en diluvio, se derretirán los cascos polares. El eje de la Tierra regresará y el ecuador será polos. El mar será sangre. Final de finales".
"Argentina creará el comunismo cristiano. Meditad, argentinos: llega ya la era de las cosas. Meditad, observad y veréis".
"Las familias tradicionales rodarán y se hundirán en causas criminales. Los nuevos ricos caerán en crímenes espectaculares, más no serán hundidos. El oro salva. Los humildes serán desalojados, despreciados, olvidados. Ellos serán motivo de vejámenes".
"La música eléctrica será en conjunción con la negra. Ambas asolarán el mundo y con ella marchará esclavo el mundo hacia el Caos final".
Ransacked in this manner the Earth everything will fall.
"Llegará la hora de las horas y en su oscuridad recibirá el choque del gran planeta. Trastocada así la tierra todo caerá".
"Últimas noticias anuncian el arribo de los invisibles en masa".
En 1968
"Comenzará ya la Tierra en destemplar en tormentas eléctricas, ciclones bravos, aluviones, maremotos, terremotos, hundimientos de regiones, florecimientos de desconocidas tierras, trombas trasladoras, océanos desbordados y aguas tonantes en block. Será el caos en su hora y su hora se cumplirá".
"En la grande prueba. Humanos seres el oro cae, se derrumba, nada será en el mañana. Más valor tendrá un vegetal comestible que un dólar. Abrid los ojos y aprended a mirar. El oro rueda, se desfigura y se anulará. Será el caos, más será bien".
"Llega la voz de Oriente. Llega el Occidente en habla, llega la hecatombe con la muerte del oro y el encumbramiento del hambre. ¡Llega el fin!".
According to trustworthy sources (even the well known Antonio Rivera, Spaniard researcher, referred to the subject in his books) had been abducted, carried inside a spacecraft, in heart of Buenos Aires city center, quite near the Buenos Aires Obelisk. The researcher, Robert Anderson, cites in his book "Mysterious appearances and disappearances", the interview given by the humanities professor in La Plata University and secretary of the Argentinean Parapsychology Institute Alejandro Erú to the newspaper "La Razón". Although the full name of the protagonist was not revealed by Erú, his initials, BSP, correspond to our prophet.
"BSP assured to have been contacted by a blond hair guy - wrote Anderson - with a Nordic look, whose eyes were so light that appeared to be blind. The blond hair man talked to him with a guttural voice and in an incomprehensible language although his manners were friendly. The artist perceived only watching of the craft insides before to suffer a sort of faint.
When regained consciousness, BSP saw that he was flying with three blonds blond hair men just like the first one. One of them, politely, questioned him in a language also incomprehensible, but BSP thought to have understood to the man, or, unless caught his ideas, by telepathic communication. BSP was suggested not to be afraid, that he would be back in the earth, just in the same place where he had been took. BSP swore that during the all flight he was in a sort of faintness, but perceiving the lands of Japan, France, and afterwards Chile. When he recovered from his particular trance he was right in the same place where he had meet the blond hair man".
Perhaps because of this reason, many of Parravicini’s prophecies refer to the contact with extraterrestrial beings, which he names "astronavigator" (astronavego), "the Blue Beings" from the planet "KI--EN-KI", which have already been in the earth thousands of years ago and will be back "in their enormous fish shape red ships":
- The astronavigator from the planet KI--EN-KI which arrived in the earth in the hour of the creation, which contributed in the Egyptian construction, Greek and Roman, which helped in the wars of Europe and guided the lasts constructions, tries again to fortify the man in his mind and to avoid the atomic disaster. It is in mission! (year 1960)
- The astral astronavigator which lived in the earth during the Caldean civilization brought then big fish shaped red ships and used them to take human beings to the planet KI--EN-KI. Today, he is bringing again his giant red ships to rescue from the three smokes to the earthly beings and to take them to the planet "KI--EN-KI". He will bring them back in the 2000! (year 1960)
- The big firefish shaped starships from the "KI--EN-KI" will travel to the earth in a high mission for assistance. They will travel over their already familiar South Pole. They will dwell in the ices until the hour of the hour. Then they will be. (year 1960)
The light of the Orient arrives. The Orient arrives in voice, arrives the hecatombe (? no idea what hecatombe means) with the death of gold and the complete starvation.
Those are some very dark prophecies unfortunately.
originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
One of those friends is Silvia Landrock, assistant to professor Eru who received a great part of the drawings from Parravicini days before he died in 1969.
Parravicini's brother Justino, has testified that his brother did indeed give drawings to his friends, including to Silvia Landrock.