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Quantum Entanglement extends FURTHER than the quantum world. Article: Two Diamonds Linked by Strange

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posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:43 PM
I found a bit more about it. The scientists entangled phonons (a vibrational state) within the diamonds by impacting them with a photon(s) from a laser. The entanglement occurs because the photon is sent through a beam splitter. Sometimes, instead of taking one path or the other, the photon does a photon thing and takes both paths and thus creates an entangled state. Because of this entanglement, the phonons (if they are created) within the diamonds are also entangled. No small feat and a lot of work.

To verify that the state has been made, the researchers fire a second laser pulse into the two crystals to 'read out' the phonon, from which the laser photon draws extra energy. All the necessary conditions are satisfied only very rarely during the experiment. "They have to perform an astronomical number of attempts to get a very finite number of desired outcomes," says Cleland.

What is it good for? At this point not much other than a very esoteric experiment. But perhaps more work could lead to quantum computing applications.

He doubts that there will be any immediate applications for the technique, partly because the entanglement is very short-lived. "I am not sure where this particular work will go from here," says Cleland. "I can't think of a particular use for entanglement that lasts for only a few picoseconds" (10^-12 seconds).

edit on 12/2/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

This is quite true. However if you can use the states to represent simple on and off or bit type functions. and if it's fast enough.
You can certainly use the entanglement state to communicate.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
So far, no communication has ever been demonstrated at faster than light speeds. Quantum entanglement is not communication.

And even if it were to be shown, no laws are broken since the original system must be entangled and then moved to other locations at < C. So if I could somehow build a set it entangled radios, I can't entangle them 'remotely' faster than C. If I entangled a radio and (say) flew it to Mars and then communicated 'instantly' once there no fundemental laws are broken.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 03:20 PM
A few analogies by physicists to make sure we all are talking about the same entanglement.

Physicist Mark Saffman, University of Wisconsin-Madison:

Imagine a dime sliced down the middle, into a heads half and a tails half. One half goes to a person who then flies to the moon, and you keep the other half here on Earth. When you look at your half, and see that it is heads, there is no need for you to talk to your moon-bound friend to know she has tails. But here's the startling difference between two halves of a dime and two quantum particles. In the moment before you look at a quantum particle, it is neither heads nor tails. Rather, it is both at once. When you look, it becomes one or the other. Your mere curiosity has changed its condition.

Dr. Brian Greene, of Columbia University:

Pretend that you and a friend buy a pair of gloves. You place one glove inside one box and the other glove inside another box. You take one box and travel to one side of the universe. Your friend takes the other box and travels to the other side. You open your box, and find the left glove. You know immediately that your friend is going to open the box and find the right glove. You don’t need to call your friend on the telephone. Nor do you need to see inside the second box to confirm this fact. The gloves are, in a sense, entangled. One glove can tell you all you need to know about the other.

The strange part about quantum entanglement:

Now imagine once again that you and your friend travel to opposite sides of the universe. When you reach your destination, you stop, open your box and a trillion of gloves fly out and swirl around you in a cloud. You reach up into the cloud and pick one glove and it fits on your right hand. Because the clouds of gloves are entangled, because they’re connected in some spooky but nonetheless real way, you know for certain that on the other side of the universe, at the very moment you’re flexing your fingers in your glove, admiring the back and front of your hand, your friend has just slipped a glove onto his left hand.

Entanglement means that measurements are correlated. But no, it can not be used for instantaneous communication.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 03:31 PM
So, what is the value of a quantum computer if communication can not occur? Do Q.C.s use entanglement? If they do, how does it apply to their function?

Quantum Mechanics goes way over my head.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by moebius
Entanglement means that measurements are correlated. But no, it can not be used for instantaneous communication.

First off, great examples.

Second, Steven Weinberg doesn't agree with you ,)

Some background on the classical qft which agress with you:

And some that disagrees:

Lastly, I only link to the following since it is ATS. The below claims that we've already cracked entanglement for communications (no causality violation since the radios were moved at less than light speed). I will state up front, I am not claiming the below to be true. But unlike most stories, enough rings true (at least to me) that it is one of rare conspiracy theories I give more than 0% (call it 4%) credit to. My official opinion is we will know with much more certainty how entanglement works in the next decade and things have changed so much that I simply don't know which theory is correct and can not do the math at the level required to verify each myself ,)
edit on 2-12-2011 by Zaphod because: Fixed link

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 04:08 PM
The reason so many "armchair skeptics" refute the claims that this will lead to FTL communication and also that neutrinos can't travel FTL is because you are challenging their world view. In their world there is no possibility for such things because it will lead to questions about traveling among the stars which will lead to questions about other civilizations.

Back on topic. The main thing holding back FTL quantum communication is the lack of a communication protocol and the lack of a method to entangle large objects for more than a wink in time. Once they tackle the first step which is to entangle a larger more complex set of objects, the next step is to build a communication protocol. I believe the communication protocol will be the most difficult part because it will have to calculate possibilities of random occurrences vs. outside intervention. The other problem is how do you induce a detectable state without losing the entanglement. I think it will be extremely lossy at first but it will work. I imagine the first incarnation will operate at with a poor bandwidth of 9kbps but that will be plenty to have realtime control of a space probe.

Lets be honest, they are selling the practical implementation as being used for quantum computing but this opens the door to realtime space probe control which is VERY exciting. Imagine being able to control a Mars rover realtime with a realtime data feedback.

EDIT - Here is some reading for you to peruse.

At the AQRTP Workshop we considered the question of whether quantum nonlocality was a possible medium for FTL communication. In the context of standard quantum mechanics there is good reason for believing that it is not. Eberhard has proved a theorem demonstrating that the outcomes of separated measurements of the same quantum system, correlated by nonlocality though they are, cannot be used for FTL observer-to-observer communication. A possible loophole in Eberhard's theorem could arise if, following the work of Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg, one modifies conventional quantum mechanics by introducing a small non-linear element into the standard QM formalism. It has been shown that in slightly non-linear quantum mechanics, the observable nonlinear effects that would arise would make possible FTL communication through nonlocality.

Source -
edit on 2-12-2011 by BIGPoJo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 04:25 PM
I would think that the ability to communicate instantly through entanglement could explain why the sky isn't full of radio signals from other civilizations; why bother with "slow" speed of light methods, when you can send data instantly anywhere.

I still don't understand quantum computers however

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 04:32 PM
I finished the astroengineer's story. If true, it's groundbreaking. However, I think there are some gaps in logic in the story. It was a good read, very Michael Crichton'y'.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Vandettas

he can do what he likes . please dont tell people what to write or not

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Although upon first glance, it would appear that this has no relationship, I think something called parallel tag clouding may be somewhat related to what is described with qbits and quantum entanglement. Macrocosm to microcosm on neural networks via an AI type of thing. We always see the science appear with big words, first, and then its assessments applied on a universal, more useable and more infectious, via the public, level

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 04:55 PM
..there's an old Yorkshire saying'' codswallop???????!?????!''
Entangled my arsenals. If its not in laymens terms its not relevant.

We all can understand everything , there is no special scientists.
the indigenous did not, did never need not , scientists.
Scientists can not answer what religion can not answer.
Scientists are born to deceive.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by NuminousCosmos

Quantum computers are not about communication. A classical Byte can hold a number 0-255. A byte of entangled bits is a superposition of all possible numbers 0-255, can hold 256 numbers in the most extreme case. By applying an operation to this quantum byte you are manipulating all this numbers at once. Entanglement allows to operate on multiple states simultaneously.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 05:04 PM
we are all entangled, you can not seperate any part of the universe from any other bit. Your sub- consciousness creates, your consciousness reflects. We are in the middle between the atom and the stars and there is no getting away from the facts, just like my signature, pure facts.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Phage

Yep..we use entanglement and superposition of quantum states to progress quantum computers.

It's a shame it only lasts for a few picoseconds....if we did make this a longer and more grand scale thing, people could be using this to relay messages from one side to the another for many purposes among transport, spy stuffez...and much more.

Bye bye wave duality...halloz real world.

Here's an interesting article for everyone to read on entanglement (and how it affects when measuring e.g. when a photon/electron tries to go through both slits..collapsing wave functions causing it to act like a particle rather a wave and what not)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Actually, just wanted to take the emphasis off any culture or religion, there by your quote, which may be seen as stirring up can find the same type of philosophy evident in valentinian gnosis, with regards to pairs and the descriptions of the Aeons

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 05:15 PM
scientists say frack the earth, scientists say pay me and I will be like a lawyer, scientists beleive
What they are told.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by allintoaccount
scientists say frack the earth, scientists say pay me and I will be like a lawyer, scientists beleive
What they are told.

Scientists make theories and verify them using experiments, repeating them several times.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Zaphod
Thanks for the link. Btw are you aware of any experiments confirming nonlinear quantum mechanics, something tangible?
edit on 2-12-2011 by moebius because: typo

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by BlackPoison94

Originally posted by allintoaccount
scientists say frack the earth, scientists say pay me and I will be like a lawyer, scientists beleive
What they are told.

Scientists make theories and verify them using experiments, repeating them several times.

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