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Ask a nurse anything.

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posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by bussoboy
Could you please elaborate on code words nurses use to hint to patients and fmaily that they need to look deeper into answers or issues, or that they should find another doctor or hospital etc.

When I used to use the medical industry, I noticed good-hearted doctors would always hint at what I should do. It annoyed me greatly that although they had a wealth of experience, they weren't allowed to use it because of the people above them.

So my first question is: Does this annoy a lot of doctors that they can't speak their mind?

Even a friend of mine who recently went to a dental hygenist lost confidence in the dental industry when the hygenist told him how they are obliged to tell their clients that oral sex causes cancer. He said that he could see in her eyes that she didn't believe it herself, and was disgusted that he was paying top dollar for advice that the professional he was paying didn't believe.

I personally lost confidence in the medical industry years ago when I was being hammered by child support repayments and ended up seeing a psychiatrist. She told me the reason I was feeling depressed was because of a "chemical imbalance in my brain", although never conducted a single test, and recommended antidepressants. When I told her I was certain that if my child support problems would disappear overnight this "chemical imbalance" would instantly rectify itself, she became annoyed and told me that she couldn't help me if I thought like that.

So my second question is: Given that antidepressants are something you are supposed to take for the rest of your life, do you think that big pharma are manipulating doctors (kickbacks etc) to sell their products at any cost?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

You mean all the really cool Mont Blanc pens, Littman stethoscopes, ultra high tech pen lights, dinner vouchers, and free rounds of golf passed out by the drug reps? Nah, doesn't happen, trust me.

I think the whole depression/chemical imbalance issue is an argument of chicken, or the egg first. Of course brain chemistry changes when we are depressed, and chemical changes can make us feel depressed like a vicious cycle. I think that medication should be tried as a later resort after cognitive, and behavioral efforts have not been totally effective. Yes I believe many meds are over prescribed, and polypharmacy is a big issue.

Caveat: If you are currently on an anti-depressant DO NOT just stop taking it cold turkey. Tell your doc you want off, and let them wean you. Then seek the professional guidance you feel appropriate. Don't be afraid to try the meds again maybe if that doesn't work though. It's hard to tell sometimes if it is the chicken or the egg. Although child support is a huge bummer, and that would cause some anxiety, and depression for sure.

Yes it does annoy the heck out of doctors, and dentists, and nurses, and pharmacists etc.... This also depends on where they work; in what setting. Ok it annoys the heck out of the honest ones that care. One of the great benefits of being a nurse is that you get to know the doctors really well, and you can pretty much get your pick of the litter for your personal doctor. Mine is awesome, he is a great doctor, a good friend, and all around a stellar guy. I have literally put my life in his hands, and he came through with shining colors. He's one of the rare breeds though that like myself would lay my license down, and give up the career if it meant making a real positive difference in someones life. Fortunately chance, and favor seem to smile on those of our ilk, and it seldom comes to that. I have been to deposition, and to court before over telling someone the way it was. My defense was that I did it in the best interest of my patient, I was being their advocate, and TPTB didn't like it. Guess what?! I still have my license, and that particular CFO is in jail for embezzlement(unrelated). Karma, gotta love it.

My advice would be to get to know a doctor real well. They're just people, they don't bite. If they do, bite back!
Seriously, a doc will tell a "friend" a ton of stuff they can't tell a "patient."
edit on 22-12-2011 by Binder because: Finish thought.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Trexter Ziam
But to Mr. What's His Name ... you said (off topic)

Yes, you have insurance, I know. But remember, THEY are the ones paying most of your bill. So, the insurance company gets the bigger say in what happens to you.

Now THAT is totally unethical in my books.

That is exactly why I refuse to get any type of health insurance. Eventually they will dictate what you eat, when you sleep and how much exercise you must do.

Also, if the insurance companies are in bed with the pharmaceutical companies, you are in big, big trouble for obvious reasons.

If health insurance becomes compulsory, my wife and daughter know what that means. It's time for me to leave the system and find somewhere else to live. They can come with me if they choose but that is their own decision that they must think carefully about. I will not be manipulated into purchasing insurance and they know that is non-negotiable.

On a good note though, knowing this may happen in the future has motovated me to become fit and to watch carefully what I put into my body.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by Binder
Caveat: If you are currently on an anti-depressant DO NOT just stop taking it cold turkey. Tell your doc you want off, and let them wean you.

I've never taken them and yes, I've seen someone suddenly stop taking them.

Very frightening.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by brilab45
There is nothing worse than less accredited individuals giving us medical information. Follow your doctors orders. That is how it is in your business.

I think it's great having them here. They are free to speak their minds here.

As I have said, I no longer trust doctors because they are not allowed to speak freely without severe repercussions.

I know "that is how it is in their business", but that is the biggest problem. Money tends to come first to those at the top..

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:20 PM
Bless alllll you nurses out there: Hats off to ya and a gr8 big thank you!

This is a marvelous thread OP and I can tell you are a very caring and dedicated nurse at that. Now if allll nurses were like you...

My question is: Have you ever seen or heard of a patient having Shingles AND Chicken Pox at the same time? I understand it is caused by the same virus.

I also have a family member who had CP bad 3x - and "they" say once you've have it , you are imune to CP and will lie dormant until triggered - emerging as shingles.....- well, I totally disagree .

Guess what? I have Shingles AND CP. Leave it to me and my Wish it were the lotto or something

So I understand this to be very rare. Folk would say it NOT possible. BUt If i must, I can take pics and show you the proof.

Wondered if you knew of this. Hmmm I may make a thread just to see if anyone else here has had it out of curiousity.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Actually the worst thing is highly "accredited" individuals giving bad information. Following a doctors orders blindly can get you sealed bids for a granite vault, and that is most certainly NOT "the way it is" in the business.

A nurse can put a doctor in the hurt locker in a big way for malpractice. The 1950s image of the demure little underling that just says "Yes, doctor." all the time is a myth. Nurses serve a different role from doctors. Not lesser, or subjugated. That's why some nurses make just as much money as some doctors.

Think of it like engineers, and mechanics. Doctors are the engineers, and nurses are the mechanics. Engineers are great at designing things, and coming up with ideas to begin with. They usually suck at implementing those designs or trying to repair them. Usually not always. Same with doctors , and nurses. Doctors design the plan of care, and nurses execute the plan. A nurse has a lot of latitude in successfully executing that plan.

The engineer that designed your car would be terrible at making routine repairs on it. The grease monkey mechanic down the street is adept at it because he has the experience of doing it so many times. Put another way, would you want to learn self defense from an intelligence operative, or a combat veteran?

I know doctors that were nurses first, and can attest that their doctorate in medicine was a breeze after the nightmare of nursing school. Doctors can make mistakes because the nurse will catch it. Pharmacists can make mistakes because the nurse will catch it. A nurse can't make mistakes. We are the last line of defense. This is what nursing school is geared towards to prepare you for the task of critical thinking, and applied science. Anything below 85% is failing, and you get 3 minor mistakes in your entire 4 years of clinical. More than that, and you are out. You can start over, but the instructors will remember you, and you won't make it the next time through.

I work in a teaching hospital, and I'll tell you that nurses build good doctors. The attending physician is just there to sign stuff off, play golf, and yell real loud when somebody screws up bad. The nurses show the residents what is s#it, and what is shineola. Baby docs that disrespect nurses usually don't make it, because we save their bacon constantly. That's "the way it is." in the business.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by SeekerLou

Yes chicken pox, and shingles are both cause by vericella zoster virus. I wouldn't say anything is "impossible." It does concern me though that you have had familial recurrence of both. That sounds like a congenital incompetency in the immune system. I'd go talk to an immunologist. That's kinda wierd. That's OK though I like wierd!

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Shingles and Bell's Palsy have anything in common? can one cause other? since both are nerve related.

Thanks in Advance.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Binder

Thank you Binder. Glad you have the open mindedness about you. Guess there are exceptions to the rule eh? Maybe genetic?

And yeah I like weird too lmao but I don't want to be weird like THIs and especially at Christmas time. I can't Shingle all the Way and spread this type of cheer .
- I'm contagious so I won't expose myself to anyone.

I wish for eVERYone's Christmas to be bright and cheery!
Merry Christmas!
edit on 22-12-2011 by SeekerLou because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by luciddream

Just helping the good nurse
til he gets back.

According to Inteliheath:

The nerve inflammation of Bell's palsy usually is caused by a viral infection. The most common viral infection that causes Bell's palsy is herpes simplex, the same virus that causes cold sores (fever blisters). A variant of Bell's palsy, called Ramsay-Hunt syndrome, is caused by the herpes zoster virus, the virus that causes chickenpox and shingles. A less common cause of Bell's palsy is Lyme disease. People with diabetes are more likely to develop Bell's palsy.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Binder

I have had only a few bad nurses. But I have had plenty of bad doctors.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by brilab45

I appologize for my rough tone in my last response to you. It is not my place to judge where you are at, and sometimes snap decisions are just wrong. See, nurses do make mistakes, however I always try to set mine right. My tone, and aggression was out of line. I am sorry.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Sometimes nurses get down on doctors because it seems we are always doing their job. But I will be the first to tell you I have met some awesome doctors that are absolutely the salt of the earth. I know of one that lives far below his means because he gives away over half of his earnings just because he wants to, just sincerely wants to. I'll be honest, to me that is crazy, I couldn't do it. I have kids, and a mortgage. I do give back into the community, and volunteer etc... but not HALF my earnings. Their are still doctors out there with the heart, and soul of a true holistic healer. You just need to find them. When you find them, keep them forever. When a physician with a true gift, and a great heart get together with a like minded team of nurses, aids, etc.... miracles happen literally. It is rare, but I have seen it happen, and I wish that it was the status quo of the health care system. If it was all of our healthcare problems would disappear overnight. If you are a doc, and you truely have a heart for healing, and a soul that yearns for the betterment of the human condition, you guys are my heroes.

Nurses, and ancilliary staff want leaders. We're tired of having to set our standards higher than our leadership. We don't mind the "God" complex if you have earned it, but too many docs now days think that MD behind their names gives them the right to always be right. Not true. When you are right I'll defend you to the end. I challenge any doctor reading this to become that great physician you set out to be in the beginning. We want you, we need you, and we will appreciate you.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by SeekerLou

Excellent work I have nothing to add except that I am praying for your speedy recovery. Shingles is a miserable condition, and especially at christmas time. Digital hugs my friend.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Binder

In regards to the $1000/night "rent" for the hospital bed. Okay, so you are in the hospital for a night.$1000 buys you three meals, cable, phone, and probably Wi-Fi. Oh yeah, don't forget as many bed changes as you would need or want. Warm blankets? Check. Electricity and water/sewer? Check. Security from danger (ie assault, etc)? Check. How about knowing that ANY question or concern you may have will be answered, by a human, usually within 30 minutes 24 hours a day. Oh yeah, your guests (family/friends, etc) get treated well, too.

Now, lets get involved with the "standby" care that is always there. If you have a breathing problem, chest pain, or your wound starts bleeding all over the place, Bam! You have a team of professionals in your room in less than five minutes. We don't make you call 911 (or other emergency number) and then you have to try and give directions to the ambulance driver while you gasp for breath or keep yourself from bleeding to death.

Or would you rather we not charge you anything until we actually do something?
"Oh, I am sorry, your having chest pain? Would you mind giving us your credit card information prior to us treating you."

Now, all of a sudden, $1000 doesn't seem so bad. And always remember, nobody said you HAD to go to the hospital. You could always try and treat yourself at home. Assuming you can fit the MRI machine and a Lab in your living room.

Remember, Doctors fix problems. Nurses fix people and fix the issues caused by the problems. We are the most trusted profession in the US for a reason.


posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:24 AM
Thanks Binder and Nursejr for re-inspiring me. I have spend two weeks decompressing from my last semester of my nursing program and I feel more human again, lol. Your words, especially Binder and your description of the holistic model of the doctor and nursing staff who treat the whole person, is the reason why I have taken on this tremendously hard task of becoming a nurse. Nursing school takes brilliance to get in (on avg a 3.85 GPA) and genius to graduate (anything below 78 is failing grade and it's nearly impossible to overcome failing a course). I have pushed myself harder in the last year than I knew I could take, and it has taken a toll on my family and relationships. I have two semesters to go and I pray nightly I make it. I am doing this because I truly care about people, their lives, families and helping to make them better, and have been involved in healing arts for years (massage, hypnotherapy, healing touch, reflexology and accupressure to name a few, I am certified in all of these). It would be a gfift to work with a doctor that you describe. I have kept it to myself but have had my personal dream job of using my nursing skills combined with my hypnotherapy skills to aid those who are in need the most, such as cancer patients, not just to help them with pain and the toxic effects of chemo, but also to help them find their source of strength within and actually fight off the cancer on mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Don't know if there are programs like this, but I can see myself doing that. Or working with critical patients, I believe in miracles too. Anyway, I won't go on but had to say thanks to you guys for helping me see the big picture again!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Binder
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Caveat: If you are currently on an anti-depressant DO NOT just stop taking it cold turkey. Tell your doc you want off, and let them wean you.

I had to chuckle at this. I was unaware that the medication given to me for restless leg syndrome (Clonazepam) was also an antidepressant. We were switching pharmacies and the new one was absolutely clueless and couldn't seem to get its act together. Since I'd been sleeping better, I thought that I could do without the Clonazepam for a month or so.

After a few panic attacks and some other stuff, a casual comment by someone led me to look up Clonazepam and lo and behold there were all sorts of warnings about DO NOT SUDDENLY STOP TAKING THIS DRUG!


Explained a lot.

I went into the pharmacy and growled (nicely) at them until a kindhearted tech took pity on me, hustled through the meds (with phone calls) and got me my pills.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by justsaying
Thanks Binder and Nursejr for re-inspiring me. I have spend two weeks decompressing from my last semester of my nursing program and I feel more human again, lol. Your words, especially Binder and your description of the holistic model of the doctor and nursing staff who treat the whole person, is the reason why I have taken on this tremendously hard task of becoming a nurse. Nursing school takes brilliance to get in (on avg a 3.85 GPA) and genius to graduate (anything below 78 is failing grade and it's nearly impossible to overcome failing a course).

Not much to add here other than some huzzahs and encouraging words. I was a teaching assistant in the Preventive medicine department at Texas Tech University, and for my Masters' had to take a number of courses that physicians take.

My PCP for the birth of my son very graciously allowed me to use a medical hypnotherapist (I clear drugs rather quickly and woke up during a C section and an appendectomy) -- unusual for the time, but she helped keep me under and I was actually in better shape after that Csection than after the first one.

Hang in there! We all need you!

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 09:24 PM
A BIG thank you to Binder for starting this thread and to the other participating healthcare professionals!!!! I have a three part post and I'll try to be brief with each....

Part 1: around this time last year I went to visit the doc for my annual physical. (I should mention I had recently moved and this was the 1st time I have seen this doc ) I made a list of various symptoms I had been having for about 6 months. I made the list for 2 reasons, first to be considerate of his time and second so I wouldn't forget to tell him anything. (I am a busy working mom of three and I can forget things When I took the list out of my purse he actually chuckled and said, "go ahead" in a tone that implied I had really annoyed the sh** out of him. I would just like your opinion on why you think he reacted that way...still bugs me. I thought I was doing us both a favor??? Was my list a bad idea???

Part 2: I have suffered with TMJ - Temporomandibular joint disorder...(I'm sure you knew this but I included it for the benefit of others) since I was a teenager (I'm 40 now) It's an amazingly painful disorder that offers all kinds of neat symptoms for me to deal with: popping sound when opening my mouth; earache (particularly in the morning) headaches; occasional migraines; reduced ability to open my mouth; tinnitus; neck and shoulder pain (sometimes unbearable) dizziness. I have been to several dentists and a few doctors and it always boils down one really knows whether to consider this a dental or medical issue. Any ideas which path I should take for treatment?

Part 3: My precious little late-in-life baby girl that just turned 2 at the end of August has severe asthma. Unfortunately, my fiancee (her daddy) has a long family history of asthma, as well as being a severe asthmatic himself. She has had two hospitalizations at Children's Hospital in two years because sickness is one of her triggers and her asthma goes nuts. I just wanted to mention that every one of the staff from the Doctors to the custodial crew were AMAZING. It takes a very special person to be a nurse to begin with....but an extra gold star from me for the medical staff that work with our precious children. I would also like to mention that I thanked our nurses constantly for EVERYTHING they did and kept apologizing to them because they were getting us coffee in the wee hours because the cafeteria was (we were not allowed to access the "family room" to get our own coffee because we were in a droplet precaution room)

So I do not keep droning on...."Part 3" is just to say thank you for what you do everyday; sharing your knowledge and taking your personal time to answer our questions!

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