posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:44 AM
This is a rant for sure!!!!
Every morning I watch the news, specifically "The Today Show", just to see and listen to the lies they are told to feed the gullable zombies.
For example, this morning on "The Today Show" they open up with the top story that the Dow had a record day gaining 480 points due to the EU
bailout, consumer shopping is up, and unemployment is down. This is ABSOLUTE BS!!!
The EU bailout is exactly how the collapse started in 2008.
Consumer shopping is up because it's Christmas...what about the other 11 months when no one is spending??
Unemployment is down?? There are a minimum of 27 million Americans unemployed collecting unemployment checks(and at least another 15 million whose
benefits ran out). 45 million Americans are on Food Stamps!!
What PISSES me off even more is when the market is in the toilet bowl the MSM sweeps it under the rug, pulls the wool over their viewers eyes, and
PRETENDS everything is ok. Why aren't they covering MF Global's scam, but plaster that Kim broad divorcing Frankenstein?? Why aren't they
covering the treasonous National Defense Authorization Act??
I just had to get this off my chest...just upsets me that the MSM is nothing but a spoon full of sugar and makes the medicine go down!!!