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Strange And Sometimes Terrifying Things Have Always Happened To Me And Here Is What Some Of Them Are

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by WatchRider
"Phone calls from the dead" is a book from around the early 80's that i own and have read at least three times and its filled with many examples like the ones i encountered and described...

These things,these paranormal manifestations of demonic activity,ghosts and poltergeists,unearthly sounds and disembodied voices are somehow passing in and out of our world,or being allowed to pass,or are being projected from some other reality,alternate dimensions that are around us all the time,but our limited five senses are mostly unable to perceive of them...

What do they think of our world?

What do they think of us?

Are we the spirit world that exists near the boundaries of their real world?

Picture the older style "dial turn radios" and remember how we would be tuned into one station,but under certain conditions,like during a storm,another station would be able to be heard over it as it entered into and then left the other stations frequency,something like that is what i think is going on...

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:32 AM
Spooky experiences. Man, that must have been scary all this time.
Yeah, it sounds like either someone really does not like you or really likes you but not in a good way.
I've heard about the demons on the waters things before too.
I've noticed that the more tired I am (physically and mentally) the more likely I am to have a "bad night." But it seems to have to be physically and mentally not just one or the other.
Good luck and "May the Force be with you."

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by tinfoilsrule
Beings and entities of unknown origins,wether they are good,evil,or both,have made me well aware of so many unearthly aspects of this life.Strange and bizzare realities that most people remain hushed up about, people who would rather ridicule,ignore and deny,instead of facing the overwhelming evidence which represents so many truths about whats actually going on in this world...

"Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality,but,there is unseen by most,an underworld,a place that is just as real,but not as brightly lit,a darkside" < Tales From The Darkside,Opening Narration.

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:12 PM
very interesting stuff. lemme ask you this.

do you feel close to god?... or that you want to be close to god and what would that god be in your opinion?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by BlackSatinDancer
This is who i think god is...

If there is a god,then he/she/it must have originated from somewhere and if there is a god,then he/she/it must look like something,must be something real.So what does god look like? He/she/it has to look like something,if not,god doesnt exist...

Is god a cardboard box?...No

Is god a tree?...I dont think so...

Is god an orb of plasma?...Probably not...

Is god an invisible person that lives in the sky?...I seriously doubt it...

Is god super intelligent and highly advanced,beings from a class-three alien civilization who evolved within another galaxy or within some other dimension,who designed our holographic reality?...Most likely...

They were the original species of beings who evolved into virtual super men and super women and they seeded the stars,terraformed barren worlds and filled some of them with water,with light and with life...

Their technological advancements and psychological developements would be so incredibly far beyond our own that we would perceive some of them as our rain,wind and snow...

They would be able to travel backwards and forwards anywhere within the past,present and future...

They would be able to harvest suns and place them near the event horizons of super massive black holes and channel the energies those interactions would produce...

They created a race of bi-pedal humanoids who eventually evolved into who and what we are upon a planet we call earth...

They endowed our living,breathing bodies with five senses of awareness that allow us to perceive of illusions we call eternity,infinity and forever...

They are god...imo...

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:31 AM
hmmm... interesting reply. maybe you are right. i do believe they must be connected with the divine somehow... and that they may very well be angels of the lord and do his work.

I, myself, am not even sure if i can fully comprehend what god is... except god in the flesh of course, jesus...and even jesus i am sure there is much more there than what i could know in my present state.

i guess I was kind of wondering if any of your experiences lead you to seek god more... which if done on purpose, would seem like a nasty trick... unless of course you liked being scared and stuff, like into horror flicks like some young people.

then angels or aliens might do some of those things to screw with you just a little... but that would seem weird.

maybe it was demonic and trying to scare you for fear of things you would go on to do.

32 quarts aye?

did he say it like a drinking bet of sorts? kinda sounds that way.

32 quarts says it's the devil... like he is challenging you to question him.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:36 AM
I think the bottom line is to determine whether it is internal or external. If you cannot record it in some way then it is all internal and our brains can make anything seem real.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by blocula

Is god a cardboard box?...No

Is god a tree?...I dont think so...

Is god an orb of plasma?...Probably not...

Is god an invisible person that lives in the sky?...I seriously doubt it...

Is god super intelligent and highly advanced,beings from a class-three alien civilization who evolved within another galaxy or within some other dimension,who designed our holographic reality?...Most likely...

I pick a cardboard box....I bet I'm closer than you...
edit on 6-1-2012 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 02:38 AM
Hi... sorry you had to experience these horrible things. I have had the same thing happen to me with the phone, demonic voices coming through it... completely terrifying. There was a thread on another website talking about the "phone-demons" and it seems like a fairly common phenomena. When I heard the "demon" it was during a conversation in which I was sharing EVP (electronic voice phenomena) recordings from the Internet through the phone with one of my friends, I was about 12 at the time. Also what you said about the presence in your room, I've had that too. I was five and I was having a horrible nightmare that was very real, and all throughout this nightmare I felt something breathing on my cheek. I squinted my eyes open and saw a bull with red eyes watching over me as I had this nightmare. I think these things exist but I don't like to think about it as I'm afraid I'll invite them into my life. You need some protection from these things, I hope they stop bothering you.

PS I didn't read the entire thread yet so sorry if I'm straying from the conversation.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by blocula

And hello again

No matter what you do,you won't keep them satisfied.They are negative entities and the part of their existence is to be angry.But we don't have to keep up with them.By fighting i didn't mean it like in the movies.First step is to be calm and have positive thoughts.You are light,they are darkness.If you let them they will drag you into darkness.There is a reason why they attack you.Your light bother them.Make sure you won't let the light go out.(I hope i make sense...
Second step is protection.
I was digging through my books and i found some protection rituals originated from the ancient world.I hope that they will work and that you will find some peace.

Backwards candles:
1.Light a white candle after dark
2.Carry it in your right hand,while holding a handful of saltin your left.
3.Walk backwards through eevery room of the house from bottom to top,springling salt through your fingers.(keep additional salt in your pockets for refill.DO NOT BACKTRACK.)
Simultaneously tell the spirit to get lost,aloud or silently as you deem appropriate.
4.At the topmost,furthest point of your home,extinguish the candle.

Scatter beans around your property to deny entry to spirits for a year.If plants result,this banishing effect may last longer.
To prevent hauntings,surround your home with living bean plants.

1.Burn bistort,waft the fragrance through the home and reserve the ashes.
2.Create a strong infusionby pouring boilinng water over the powedered herb.
3.Springle the bistort infusion throughout the home.
4.Springle the ashes over the thresholds.
5.Repeat regularly,at least once a week.

Juno's brew:
1.Cover half a cup of vervain leaves with boiling water.
2.Let it steep for 10 minutes,then strain it.
3.add the liquid to a bucket of wash water,together with some white vinegar.
4.Wash your floors and thresholds,wipe up the walls and window areas.Concentrate on sending strong mental messages:This is your home-You choose who stays within its walls.
5.When cleansing is complete,leave doors and windows open for thirty minutes.

Boundary line:
1.Place 3 peeled cloves of garlic in a bowl,together with a handful of sea salt an one handful of rosemary leaves.
2.Grind and mash the ingredients together.
3.Sprinkle them to create a boundary as needed.

Some plants that spirits hate,you can keep some fresh on or around your house and allegedly it will keep them away:
Pine trees
Tiger lilies
rowan trees
Angelica root

They also hate salt and iron.

There are many more,but those are the most easy to accomplish.If they want to bother you they will keep doing it,but at least they won't be able to enter your home.You will have a sanctuary.

Don't give up friend.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by LinaMaria
I have been waiting a long time to talk with someone whos experienced diabolical voices and evil sounds over their telephone...

As i said earlier,one time this sinister entities voice was disguised as my grandmother who had just recently died...

I wonder if it happens to people on their cell phones? has anyone ever received evil texts or images from an unknown origin?

How the hell are these things able to manipulate the inner mechanisms of telephpones anyways?

And from where are they doing it?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by blocula

I have heard of people hearing the screams and groans on their cellphones, but not images or texts. I'd say the screams are more likely to be technical glitches on cellphones. In both our cases the voices were actually speaking to us/answering intelligently so no glitches there. I have no idea what it is about phones. Something about them is easy for the extra-dimensional beings to tap into for whatever reason. I'm just glad it hasn't happened more than once to me and hope it never happens to me again. Around that time my friend and I were really into the paranormal, playing ouija board, going to graveyards and watching horror movies - we were children, it was just fun to us. Seems like alot of these types of things happen to people when they are either in dark places or open the dark up to themselves. This phone thing though, I have no real answers. It remains a mystery.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:07 AM
I'm sorry, but if I heard evil demonic shrieks, I would have died of fright much like in the Ring. I looooove horror movies, especially possession movies, but theres always that unexpected moment when a demonic voice screams, and it gets me everytime. If I heard that in real life, i'd be done for.

S&F for being brave enough to put up with that shizzle

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:56 AM
Oh Dear, that should have been horrible !

But now you seem to be more lucid ( If can employ the term, though, you are extra lucid hum)than afraid. Oh mon Dieu I admire your courage, now you can report us all these manifestations of the other worlds. Yes, because much thant everybody, you experience it daily I guess ? We are not alone, and I do not reference only to the sky. The 'veil' between the worlds seem to be more and more fine, don't you think ?
I agree with you with your conception of God. I usually call him 'The Great Architect' in this optic !

Thank you for the share !

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by domasio
I'm sorry, but if I heard evil demonic shrieks, I would have died of fright much like in the Ring. I looooove horror movies, especially possession movies, but theres always that unexpected moment when a demonic voice screams, and it gets me everytime. If I heard that in real life, i'd be done for.

S&F for being brave enough to put up with that shizzle
Watching a horror movie play out upon a screen and living through real horror thats happening right in front of you,are very different experiences and its especially difficult trying to comprehend and understand the paranormal occurrences that i know are real and the strange and often terrifying entities that i know exist,when the majority of mainstream society refuses to believe in their reality,because denying whats going on within this world is easier for most people to live with...
edit on 25-6-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

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