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Can Ignorance Be Bliss?

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posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 11:02 PM
Think about it for a second. Then read on.

Ignorance is generally being uninformed and usually refusing to open your mind. Let me use the "box" as a metaphor for the human mind and reality. In the box you can create your own world, you can refuse to believe in terrorists, AIDS, cows, whatever. Outside of the box is the real world, where death terror and disease lay. People who are ignorant think inside the box, refusing to understand the truth and the world. People who are intelligent think outside the box and understand the world.

Millions of years ago when man first walked the earth and saw fire, each and every one of them probally had a differnt idea what fire was. Maybe a demon, a god, an animal etc, and that was molded into their "box". Someone eventually came along and knew that fire was'nt any of those thigns and was thinking outside of the box.

Now ignorance can be bliss using this theory. Inside of the box people are allowed to make their own answers and they do not have to understand the meaning of the world. They do not know the fear of terrorism,disease and whatever else there may be. They do not worry, we who are thinking outside the box know that unprotcted sex is bad and people are out there who want to destroy America and her allies.

There was a story I once read about a Chinese woman during WW II. Every day Japanese fighter jets flew over her village and she refused to believe they were the enemey and that a war was going on. The people in the village tried to tell her the truth yet she refused to understand or believ. One day one of them crashed and she took the man in and nursed him. The Chinese army later came to take the man away and she would'nt let them. Memory does not serve me correctly but I believe the man ended up being shot by a soldier.

The world is much more than shades of black and white. Inside of the box all you see is black and white, nothing more. Outisde, beyond the looking glass is what truly lies. People who see the world in black and white are ignorant.

Here at ATS we all try to open our box and learn the truth, opening our box may take time but once we open it we know the truth and we can deny ignorance. It is our duty to ensure that ignorance is destoyed, if people were able to think outside allot of hatred,stupidity and radical ideals would be destroyed. If the an Arab millitant took time to learn about the Jews and how they live, and he took that knowledge and spread it I belive that anti-Semitism would die down. Same in American, if we took time to learn about people with other politcal ideals alot of infighting in America would stop.

Right now the Arab zealots are the cause of ignorance amongst their people. They are corrupting the Koran, corrupting the minds of their youth to kill those who think outside of their box. They want everyone to think the same, and they kill those who refuse. Same with the Chinese government, they want their people to conform to their ideals. Look at Tinaminn Sqaure.

And America is not clean, ignorance lies in our media. Teaching our children that being a moron is "cool" and that using slang on a daily basis makes them look "cool", same with doing drugs. The US teen media has taken movies and music and transformed movies into 90 minute bodily fluid comedies and music into 2 minute songs about nothing.

Remember teach others to deny ignorance.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 11:20 PM

Here is a line of thought
When you are young you are in the box that was created for you and are blissfully unaware [as opposed to ignorant]
kind of like a puppy. As time passes you are forced by nature to leave the box. Then you grow and learn hopefully. As time passes the bliss also passes. And before you realize it you are an Old Dog shaking your head at all the puppies in their boxes and laughing in your not so blissful mind

Tut Tut

[edit on 5-9-2004 by tututkamen]

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 11:21 PM
That made slightly less sense than waht I posted.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 11:31 PM
Deny bliss.

To know not of evil does not mean that evil does not exist.

Tit for tat tut tut!

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by tututkamen

Here is a line of thought
When you are young you are in the box that was created for you and are blissfully unaware [as opposed to ignorant]
kind of like a puppy. As time passes you are forced by nature to leave the box. Then you grow and learn hopefully. As time passes the bliss also passes. And before you realize it you are an Old Dog shaking your head at all the puppies in their boxes and laughing in your not so blissful mind

Tut Tut

[edit on 5-9-2004 by tututkamen]

Somehow... that made a TON of sence.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 01:55 AM
Ignorance is bliss...
Until reality bites you in the rear-end.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 02:17 AM

People who are intelligent think outside the box and understand the world.

yes and intelligent people suffer more. do you think they sleep better at night?
they say 'the truth shall set u free'. i don't think so.

Neo says " i can only give you the truth. i never said it would be easy"

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 07:38 AM
Its an awfull truth, I can understand some people dont want to know it.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 02:36 PM
If Ignorance truly is "Bliss", then The Bush administration (namely Bush himself) must be the Happiest people on the planet.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by iceTman
Neo says " i can only give you the truth. i never said it would be easy"

Didn't Morpheus say that to Neo?

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by thethrall_nb
If Ignorance truly is "Bliss", then The Bush administration (namely Bush himself) must be the Happiest people on the planet.

They'll probably have alot of voters, because americans like optimism.

[edit on 6-9-2004 by Ice^^Heat]

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Ice^^Heat

Originally posted by thethrall_nb
If Ignorance truly is "Bliss", then The Bush administration (namely Bush himself) must be the Happiest people on the planet.

They'll probably have alot of voters, because americans like optimism.

[edit on 6-9-2004 by Ice^^Heat]

Unfortunatly , you are probably correct... The Majority of Americans are just as Ignorant and Stupid as the Bush Administration.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 09:25 PM
That is a cool article, JediMaster. Thinking outside the box does a lot of good for a person and a people. Like myself, if I work and think outside my own box, I find there are new things to learn, which in turn helps to erase that ignorance which is prevalent in those who refuse to think outside the box.

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:49 PM
the truth is only as benificial as your fellow man will lead you to believe. ignorance has consumed the many, thus leaving the truth bewildered and bitter. as a cooperative and constructive society we humans are outstanding achievers, and can only be held down by our own faults. this mighty nation we live in seems adept at understanding very little about each other and makes a great deal of effort to point out each others flaws. understanding each other will abolish ignorance! unfortunatly it is considered uncool to do so. i cant believe all the people content inside their boxes. it as if apathy is the complete outcome of being brought up in this nation called the US. ignorance is as blissful as you are stupid! our society makes no effort to cease the stupidity. the vigilant person will be the one to break free from the cycle, and ultimatly end up on this webpage

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 11:52 PM
i dont tink it can but it can become it if u want it to
*thinks*oh yea im not sure...

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by thethrall_nb
Unfortunatly , you are probably correct... The Majority of Americans are just as Ignorant and Stupid as the Bush Administration.

CAN'T argue with that statement.
unfortunately i don't believe Bush and his buddies are stoopid. me thinks they re extremely clever, cunning and full of guile

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 11:03 AM
If I stayed in the box I would never have discovered the unlimited possibilities.

If I stayed in the box I would not get the wonderful surprise gifts.

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by iceTman

Originally posted by thethrall_nb
Unfortunatly , you are probably correct... The Majority of Americans are just as Ignorant and Stupid as the Bush Administration.

CAN'T argue with that statement.
unfortunately i don't believe Bush and his buddies are stoopid. me thinks they re extremely clever, cunning and full of guile

Yup, they play the american people, just like Micheal Moore. But Micheal Moore does it openly, while Bush does it secretly.

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 11:07 AM
I don't think that is is necessarily deemed or portrayed as ignorance is bliss. Its more like willed ignorance and as such, I'm sure it can be quite blissful......

As for those feeling that they have all rights to judge and then judge American's.....tell you what.....(bends over) kiss this, k?

You stereotypical jack-arses.....


[edit on 8-9-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 11:29 AM
I understand what youre saying JediMaster, but we're pretty much powerless to do anything for 'boxed people'. As the old saying goes: You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink, which was pretty much the case with you're poor chinese woman. All the facts were there, but the desire to recognise them was not.

The same with Arab zealots, their close minded beliefs cause destruction and anguish wherever they go, but they trick themselves and their people into thinking that they're doing it for their religion or country.

A conscience was given to us for a reason. I wonder what theirs would say if they stopped to listen to it for a while instead of simply taking everything they're spoon fed at face value.

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