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Highly probable scenario.

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posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 06:55 AM
I'm basing this scenario off of information I have learned from my teacher whom was a body guard for mark koernke from the Michigan militia. Also I'm basing this scenario from author and radio host Milton William Cooper RIP! And also information I have learned along my path of education.

William Cooper predicted that the next major event to take place in America wold be some kind of nuclear bomb being used within the united states in order to justify a national emergency and suspending the constitution declaring martial law and FEMA taking over government duties. He also stated that if you live in a major city and you see tanks or apc's facing away from the major city, that that is where a catastrophe will most likely take place.

FEMA, whom has their own constitution, will be justified in declaring martial law. The united states armed forces, which already are stretched thin, will be abound from the country, so most of the armed forces will not participate in the policing of America. Instead, the united nations will be called in to enforce the martial law as well as a curfew. They will use united nations troops because if the people begin to resist, a foreigner will not have a problem blowing the head off of an American citizen considering all the bullying that America has done throughout the world.

The united nations, with their monument of a revolver with the barrell tied into a knot in front of their world HQ, will then begin to perform gun sweeps, door to door. Any resistors will be dragged into the middle of the street and have their heads blown off to prove a point to the rest of the neighborhood. They will most likely shut down civilian communications, and begin the task of loading you and your neighbors onto busses or chanooks to be transported to a FEMA facility where the separation of men, women and children will take place. People will be categorized either for termination, which a vast majority will be, or slave labor, not that your not already a slave. Your land will be taken as well as your possessions. Your rights as a citizen under martial law are non-existent. I'm sure many of you have seen the video of rep. Jack Brooks questioning Oliver north on his role in the Iran affair as well as FEMA. If not I strongly suggest you watch it.

Now of course there will be resistance. I have heard many of you say, as well as myself, I'd rather die than give in to the forces that be. Or I have many guns and I'll be killing as many as I can, which is good, however, have you asked yourself, if you were caught off guard, how you plan on dealing with a couple of armored personal carriers along with a couple of hundred troops sitting down your block? Sure I myself if cornered will try and take out as many as possible and also I will make sure to save a bullet for myself.

I'm sure many of you have thought about this, or how they would go about doing it. Call it crazy, call it an absurd assumption, call it what you will, however this is a REAL threat. I was taught that when the blue helmets begin marching into our neighborhoods, to kill them, strip them naked and leave them in the middle of the streets in order to demoralize their comrades.

Now, here is a question for all of you.

If you were with a group of armed individuals and your watching these troops pull your family out from your house, into the street, and blow their brains out, what would you do at that moment?
Would you ...
A. Suppress your emotions and wait for a better opportunity to strike back?
B. Seek revenge right then and there?

Think about it for a second before you read further.

Because if you chose B... You would not only get yourself killed, but you would probably get your buddies killed as well, and then what good would you be to the resistance. Comments welcome.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 07:00 AM
sadly i dont see any of this happening

think about it...

you are a farmer, you own cattle and they make you money...

why would you want to slaughter all of them at once? and remove your only source of income and livelyhood...

same goes for the beings that control this realm or planet, why would they want to kill off the slaves that keep them happy?

instead i think our way of life will get worse, i keep picturing doomsday's underworld from superman, a miserable dark world where people are forced to do miserable tasks to survive

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by k1k1to
sadly i dont see any of this happening

think about it...

you are a farmer, you own cattle and they make you money...

why would you want to slaughter all of them at once? and remove your only source of income and livelyhood...

same goes for the beings that control this realm or planet, why would they want to kill off the slaves that keep them happy?

instead i think our way of life will get worse, i keep picturing doomsday's underworld from superman, a miserable dark world where people are forced to do miserable tasks to survive

What he said. If you already run the country and have everybody lined up to make you richer, why would you need to topple what you control? The only need for a false flag I see is to get the population behind a war.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:21 AM
I see some of this happening on a local level. No media coverage, no reporters allowed in. Just rumors circulating and videos posted on ATS.
Sort of like what is happening now with OWS, but worse. Boiling the frog, S L O W L Y, one city/state at a time.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 03:28 PM
If this scenario was in fact accurate, which I am not in a position to judge, there might be a very valid reason for decreasing the population. It may be that there are just too many "cattle" to be profitable. Once the population reaches a certain level there are more workers than are necessary to maintain the system. These extra mouths begin to tax the system. The expense is greater than the benefit. It's harsh but economics doesn't have a heart.

Edit: I do have a heart however. I DO NOT condone mass murder.
edit on 11/30/2011 by GeistMelange because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Enemyc0mbatant

So my question is:

Who would execute this plan of FEMAs? It would take a few hundred thousand if not a million people to quarantine, enslave, and execute American citizens at the level that you explain. Do you honestly think that many Americans would listen to the Goverment and do this to the American people? I know a large number would; but that many?

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by CORN IS NUTS

I think you are right. They just don't have the manpower. A disease would probably be the way to go. You would need almost no manpower. the disease would do all of the work and then you could swoop in like some kind of savior. The people who were left would do anything for normalcy and stability.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 04:00 AM
The united nations army would be used to gather and cattle the citizens.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 04:55 AM
I also believe there will be a horrible false flag attack after thr SOPA bill is passed. If the SOPA bill fails then the false flag will be used to bring it into play.

My family are going to another location when TSHTF, I am staying behind for obvious reasons. I will never, ever capitulate to tyranical laws introduced to quell us. I will indeed fight to the death. But I will be going underground to do it.

I will never agree to allow a Nazi Eugenics Globalist system in my country. Period. Without freedom life isnt worth living. If the globalists have freedom then so do we. If the bankers are not bought to justice then I believe that then gives me the right to do what they have done by stealing peoples money (not that I would). I would steal from the rothechilds or rockerfellers though. If these people arw above the law and too big to fail then SO AM I !!!

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by Enemyc0mbatant

William Cooper predicted that the next major event to take place in America wold be some kind of nuclear bomb being used within the united states in order to justify a national emergency and suspending the constitution declaring martial law and FEMA taking over government duties.


well, well, well.....such is the righteous fate for the end-times Babylon
which the USA and the City of NY are

just what nation or forces are the ones that Nuke an American City?
al Qaida, Taliban, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, N Korea...did your Bill Cooper ever spell it out?

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 05:38 AM

Whatever EPA does with its suggestions, the study emphasizes, will be "discretionary." But the study urges EPA to "create a new culture among all EPA employees," and hire an array of new experts in order to bring the sustainability focus to every corner of the agency and its operations. Changes will move faster "as EPA's intentions and goals in sustainability become clear to employees," the study says. The international "sustainable development" freaks want to do stuff like control the size of populations, minimize industrial activity, destroy the corporation, make governments responsible for literally everything, and give the UN a bigger role in economic activity.

They believe that a "sustainable" world population is about 900 million. What their plans are for the other 6 billion of us have not been announced. This has to be nipped in the bud. Ordinarily, congress would bring the EPA administrator in for a tongue lashing. But as long as Obama is president, the EPA will have carte blanche to gather as much power as they can and traditional American liberties be damned. Read more:

As for the real reason for all this 'sustainability' stuff - that the elites are pushing. It is probably about needing to control a' smart monkey' population approaching a technological singularity.

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