As a follow up to this post about the often seen Red Sky and history of Nibiru:
Wanted to mention some more dreams I've had, that have been cross referenced with others dreams and various sources...into a composite vision. This
has to do with supernova precursor phenomena and how it affects the earth. Even though it is a seamless event I have broken it into 3 stages:
I see sunspots migrating to the poles of the sun, snapping field lines, producing CMEs, and on earth auroras are created, earthquakes due to contorted
The poles of the sun are now two large black spots, this corresponds to "SKY CLEFTS" on earth. Sky clefts are physical manifestations of the earth
grid, what we call ley lines. In my dreams they are invisible antigravity walls that extend below ground up to the sky, splitting overcast cloud cover
with a strip of blue, weird vertical striations of vapor, and when in/over water, actually lifting a wall of water up.
The black spots on the sun's poles now grow large and extend down to the equator so that the sun now looks like a bar instead of a circle, this
corresponds to NEW JERUSALEM or the amped/stellated earth grid:
Revelation 6:12
I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned
blood red,
I'm telling you people, eschatology is all about ASTRO-QUANTUM PHYSICS, but good luck getting astronomers, cosmologists, and quantum people together
with spun out new agers to reach a consensus. I know what's going on so f it.
And all of that is governed, HOLOFRACTALLY SPEAKING, by the change in local aether density from the galactic cross/superwave...
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30-11-2011 by Kalki11 because: more to add