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Watch A Bunch Of Dogs Experience Sunlight And Grass For The First Time

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posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Komod0Dragon

I'll disagree with your last point here. When "we", The People, demand it stops, it will. Nothing good ever came from it. Please understand that. A poem by an intelligent (not me) man.

A baby rabbit
With eyes full of pus
This is the work
Of scientific us

PS Why should emotion be taken out of the equation? Are you a cold, unfeeling person with no emotions?
edit on 30/11/11 by LightSpeedDriver because: Added a PS

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by The Old American

I'm a forty year old man who lost his beloved "Buddy" to cancer. She was thirteen and I loved her like a daughter. She had the same eyes as all those beagles. I miss you Buddy.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:14 PM
Yeah, I was shown this yesterday by a friend just yesterday. What it reminded me was the video if the lab chimps that were locked up for 30 years and never saw sun. They were hugging and everything.

For some reason it did not make me tear up or anything. This is going to sound awful, I admit it. But I was just thinking about how many human lives have been saved over the years thanks to studying lab animals and doing research on them.

How many medical advancements, cures, etc came about because of studying lab animals?

Do not get me wrong though, I HATE that we have to use animals...I know a lot of them are treated poorly, even hurt/abused.... THAT breaks my heart.

But I don't know... I am more impressed with the advancements in medicine, the cures for illlness and the treatments for disease that studying these lab animals produced.

Does that make me a bad person? I hope not.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
Yeah, I was shown this yesterday by a friend just yesterday. What it reminded me was the video if the lab chimps that were locked up for 30 years and never saw sun. They were hugging and everything.

For some reason it did not make me tear up or anything. This is going to sound awful, I admit it. But I was just thinking about how many human lives have been saved over the years thanks to studying lab animals and doing research on them.

How many medical advancements, cures, etc came about because of studying lab animals?

Do not get me wrong though, I HATE that we have to use animals...I know a lot of them are treated poorly, even hurt/abused.... THAT breaks my heart.

But I don't know... I am more impressed with the advancements in medicine, the cures for illlness and the treatments for disease that studying these lab animals produced.

Does that make me a bad person? I hope not.

They don't need to be permanently locked up in cages, never seeing the sun, grass, or tree's!!!!! Never to run and play, to experience happiness and freedom... What we are currently doing to animals is cruel and selfish, they give us their undying loyalty and we toss them in cages and deny them freedom!! Cruelty at it's worst.

If a corporation is allowed to experiment on animals, then they should be made to pay to have proper area's set up for them to socialize and run around.

edit on 30-11-2011 by L00kingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

You have a source for that wonderful claim friend? I'm not attacking you, just the idea that animal testing is in ANY WAY useful to humans.

Example, give a human aspirin and it might cure our headache. Give it to a lab rat/mouse and it will die.
I won't even mention the LD50 tests....


To expand on your post. We don't "have" to use animals at all. In fact, not so long ago "science" was claiming that we could study most things in a lab using "artificially grown" tissue. (Excuse my lack of medical terminology, I am not a professional and wouldn't want to be...)

E.g., skin, cells, etc. Now science wants to take a step backwards? Oh right, we need luminescent pigs...

I hate science now. I'm growing to hate the arrogant scientists that see fit to perform worthless experiments and genetically change things due to arrogance, stupidity and cruelty.

/rant off
edit on 30/11/11 by LightSpeedDriver because: ETA

ETA2 The argument that studying lab animals to help humans is also flawed in my humble opinion. Please tell me what we cured that we couldn't have done, without using lab animals. Small pox, polio, diptheria, typhoid, bubonic plague...all required no animal cruelty to overcome. Now, what are we really doing?

edit on 30/11/11 by LightSpeedDriver because: ETA2

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Rockstrongo37

Surely, you can tell they have never been outside? Under law the animals have to be taken care of, but does not express the animals having pet-like freedom. A lot of them spend pretty much their whole existence in cages, under demand of what tests are being done. Mentally they are different from your pet dogs because of how they are raised(considering they were not bought later in life). Watching the Dog Whisperer's video on rescued lab dogs, opened my eyes to how the "frightened" state of some of these dogs in some cases of abuse and neglect...

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by The Old American

I wept. Thanks.

Sorry I made it 2 lines.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by SavannahCat

Otherwise known as ethics. Something that all too many, not just in science, are willing to forgo these days.

I so want to adopt all those adorable little puppies... I love beagles. Those chimps, too...and I don't even like chimps.

I despise wanton cruelty...

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

A terrible person? No, not really. Because you're right. Thousands have been saved by this sort of testing...but, there has to be a better way. Time and past to find it.


posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by DeepThoughtCriminal
reply to post by The Old American

The article really says not much. I mean, they were taken from science laboratory, where it means they must be kept in strictly controlled environments. I think animals are great and I care for them, but if we did not use them in research, where to go for our medical advances? Videos like this are bleeding hearts, and I hate that they enspire people to protest against all animal science use, including medical research. (I've met a few people like that). It implies of rampant cruelty and that's not the case.

That being said, it was nice seeing those dogs get out of there.

Why do we find it acceptable to use animals in this way, while killing people on death row?
If you want to know if a chemical harms a human or a medical product cures a disease, there are humans about to be killed by a state who would serve that purpose much more effectively.

Wait, would that be cruel?

How is murdering people by lethal injection perfectly fine but testing things on them for the advancement of science not okay?

The fact is, it all comes down to profit. People make money from supplying these animals, and those in positions of power have a lot invested in those companies.

Then you have those companies who want to create another pathetic chemical product to save you 0.00000006% of your precious time while cleaning your sink, but they need to test those acids on a dogs tongue first...
Some makeup company needs another shade of lipstick to sell to all those kids who look like hookers at the age of 14, but they need to make sure it won't blind a bunny first.

As a consumer of the s**t these companies produce, the public is responsible for this. And in the case of medicine, it's been widely known for decades that the results gained from animal testing are not a good return on investment. Check out who your leaders are invested in and then you'll find the reasons for the continuation of these barbaric practices.

Sorry friend I think you missed the point of this...occasionally you must let that anger go and experience empathy with the animals...could you imagine the feeling those animals had? Or the people who actually helped them? I wept from just witnessing... your message implies you overlooked the positive empathy and gravitated towards the negative emotions. Notice most people just commented how pleasant it was to empathize...yet you comment about contempt....

I, like most, share your anger often...but isn't it important to let it go...if even for a few mins while watching a video...and if it causes people to wake up and imply they should stay asleep and complacent...perhaps you should offer a few peaceful alternative instead of writing off the whole process

I suspect me saying these this will just trigger a defensive response from you....sorry if it does....but your response does imply a certain negative tendency....and man your sig almost made me scared to message you lol JK.....And sorry I am not intending to judge...its more like a mild retaliation for how your response made me feel less happy
And the idea was for this message to make us happy i think....
edit on 30-11-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Where is the evidence they were injected with diseases and the such? Their coats, eyes, and emotional state actually would give evidence to the contrary. I wish people like you would debate with objectivity and not merely on emotions.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Rockstrongo37

Well, the term animal testing led me to that conclusion. The previously posted chimp article concerning the same subject said they were involved in HIV and I think Hepatitis "research" cough cough. I would imagine these poor dogs have been used for similar purposes if not diseases.

ETA I wish people like you had a heart.

edit on 30/11/11 by LightSpeedDriver because: ETA

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

Proctor and Gamble uses volunteer employees as their product test subjects, to the point where the company collects and washes their laundry.
It cannot say it does not test on animals, because it sells dog food. Again, volunteer employees try the dog food in their homes. I'm sure the employees can eat the dog food first, to be the test subject. In my job, I've met many lab rats and their pets.
Clinique uses humans, also. The women in lab coats you see in the store? Lab rats.

The results of human testing are far superior to animal testing, for the reason listed above- the humans can communicate more easily.

I recall the head of a Scottish Terrier rescue say that a dog was 'puzzled by grass'. I couldn't understand it til now.
I recently saw the same dog at a picnic, not puzzled by grass.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by CosmicWaterGate

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by Domo1
Damnt I knew I should't have watched that. I teared up and want to go adopt every dog out there. Thanks for posting it.

Aaah you big softie.

me too.

... DAM IT!!!... Even with the complete annihilation
... of life on the surface of earth WW3 'allegedly' about to begin because of???
... I have to admit that this was a ' ' ' TEAR ' ' ' -JERKER

... I can also imagine now what it's going to be like in the D.U.M.B's after 7 years
... & feel sorry for the un-lucky humans that will have to live
... much like the dogs did.. In that way soon too

edit on 30-11-2011 by CosmicWaterGate because: CME flare static...

Originally posted by StealthyKat
Yet....after all they have been through, they are loving and respond to love..... We humans could learn a lot from "dumb" animals, don't you think? *wipes away a tear**

... So does giving catnip to Ur pussy Kat
... & watching it play with itself

... ATS Class dismissed

... & don't forget to do Ur research on
... "Animals Have Souls Too"... in the NIV under title... Ecclesiastes 3
... Butt lateX fetish... Love Conquers All... Of course

edit on 30-11-2011 by CosmicWaterGate because: ... Chasing my topic quote tails... from other doggie threads

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by The Old American

Originally posted by DeepThoughtCriminal
reply to post by The Old American

The article really says not much. I mean, they were taken from science laboratory, where it means they must be kept in strictly controlled environments. I think animals are great and I care for them, but if we did not use them in research, where to go for our medical advances? Videos like this are bleeding hearts, and I hate that they enspire people to protest against all animal science use, including medical research. (I've met a few people like that). It implies of rampant cruelty and that's not the case.

That being said, it was nice seeing those dogs get out of there.

If humans need medicine, let's test the medicine on human volunteers that can speak up for themselves. If humans need cosmetics, let's test the cosmetics on human volunteers that can speak up for themselves. Seeing a trend here?


We do already test medicines on humans. Quite frequently and in large numbers actually.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 02:21 PM
There is nothing wrong with eating meat but some things you shouldn't be eating. Such as dog, cat, humans. There are ways of killing an animal for food that will not cause the animal to suffer. Such as a skilled hunter killing deer or another animal. You respect the animal, it's not about cold blooded killing of animals. At least it shouldn't be.

You anti-hunters live in such a pre-made, ready to eat, sheltered world. Your food comes from farms. Your meats come from an animal that gave its life for your health. Living in a vegetable,fruit only world is not realistic at all and not possible for everyone. I agree that humans and animal were created as non-meat eaters. Eating fruits, nuts, plants, etc. But after the fall we began eating meat.

Death comes to us all but man is not an animal and man has dominion over all animals. Man should respect and not abuse the creation of God but to enjoy what God has made and give thanks. Animals are killed by other animals and you don't say a word about it. There's no difference in a hunter killing an animal or an animal killing an animal.

You are being unfair and unrealistic. Some meat is good for us like chicken breast, salmon, fish, venison. As long as you eat in moderation. A man has to provide for his family and being able to take care of yourself is I feel very important. We all should learn how to be self sufficient.

Being able to hunt if you need to, grow your own food if you need to. You can't put your trust in your local grocery store because something can happen that would prevent you from shopping there. It's not all black & white as you anti hunters and completely anti animal eaters would like it to be. Eating vegetables and fruits are not going to keep you healthy and warm as you need to be if you were a native American living off the land. You can't clothe yourself in vegetable skins. So yeah, you people need to wake up and use your head ok.
edit on 30-11-2011 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 02:29 PM
Why is animal cruelty a crime but scientists can put hair dye in rabbits eyes and its not illegal?

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by soaringhawk
There is nothing wrong with eating meat but some things you shouldn't be eating. Such as dog, cat, humans. There are ways of killing an animal for food that will not cause the animal to suffer. Such as a skilled hunter killing deer or another animal. You respect the animal, it's not about cold blooded killing of animals. At least it shouldn't be.

You anti-hunters live in such a pre-made, ready to eat, sheltered world. Your food comes from farms. Your meats come from an animal that gave its life for your health. Living in a vegetable,fruit only world is not realistic at all and not possible for everyone. I agree that humans and animal were created as non-meat eaters. Eating fruits, nuts, plants, etc. But after the fall we began eating meat.

Death comes to us all but man is not an animal and man has dominion over all animals. Man should respect and not abuse the creation of God but to enjoy what God has made and give thanks. Animals are killed by other animals and you don't say a word about it. There's no difference in a hunter killing an animal or an animal killing an animal.

You are being unfair and unrealistic. Some meat is good for us like chicken breast, salmon, fish, venison. As long as you eat in moderation. A man has to provide for his family and being able to take care of yourself is I feel very important. We all should learn how to be self sufficient.

Being able to hunt if you need to, grow your own food if you need to. You can't put your trust in your local grocery store because something can happen that would prevent you from shopping there. It's not all black & white as you anti hunters and completely anti animal eaters would like it to be. Eating vegetables and fruits are not going to keep you healthy and warm as you need to be if you were a native American living off the land. You can't clothe yourself in vegetable skins. So yeah, you people need to wake up and use your head ok.
edit on 30-11-2011 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

I agree with the majority of what you say, but how do you figure man wasn't made to eat meat?

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by mnmcandiez

Well that depends on the effect it has on the eye I guess.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by capone1

I'm a Christian and I'm going with the account in Genesis.
So there was no death before the fall. The first sacrifice being the Lord made Adam & Eve clothing from animal skin since they were then aware of their nakedness. As a result of this change, I think we adapted to eat meat. Makes sense to me.

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