posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:37 AM
Just thought I'd share this story.
I currently live in a built-up urban area that, at nightfall especially has a serious dog problem.
The locals will not address the situation so you're on your own when the dogs run loose!
I was setting out this night into the heart of the city to meet an old friend who was flying out to Europe the following morning.
Anyway, at dusk on leaving the apartment, which is nearly a kilometer from the main road, up some quiet and deserted side-streets the dog pack are out
and about.
The night previous I'd heard them tearing into a cat (I think the cat got away).
Anyway I'm turning the corner and there's about 5 of them.
Not massive, nor tiny. They are the feral dog size and the pack leader is a brown mutt that's mean and arrogant.
It's barking like crazy at a gateway which has another dog behind it, barking like mad at each other.
I see this and think 'I'll use that as a distraction' and increase my pace.
As I do so two of the top-dog's underlings (some white-greyish mutts) wander over towards me.
By now the pepper spray I bought at a local market is out of the EDC and in my hand with my thumb on the trigger.
I'm not out for spraying whilly nilly so let them pass by as they don't pose a threat.
So far so good.
Then, maybe out of scent, who knows, the top dog turns from it's bark-competition with the gate dog and heads over to me.
It's obviously trying to look good and fancy's a piece.
Instead of standing off and barking it closes the range down to about 4 feet and makes for an attack.
I'm ready and it get's a blast!
Now, even though this is the tropic's I'm in, the wind was breezy and took the bite out of the spray jet.
Meaning only the fringes of it caught the head area. Also the spray was weak only 4 feet if that. (partly why it didn't strike the creature full on
too I'd say)
I'm walking on by as I do this btw.
It's barking dropped off dramatically, almost to whimpers.
I sprayed again, once out of range, worrying I'd bought a deficient canister This time it managed about 6-8 feet.
Meanwhile the top dog is sneezing and very much confused with what's just buzzed it's nose and face!
I continued up the side-street and make the main road without issue and go meet up with my buddy
A bit of the residue from the nozzle had dripped onto my right hand and despite my best efforts I got a bit on me, which was quite irritating, but
nowhere near that which the dog's getting I'll wager.
After some drinks in the city centre I tell my tale to my friend, imagining that's the end of it.
Well, how wrong I was, on my return, several drinks later, the dog pack is waiting!
They'd managed to chase out one of the nice guard dogs and isolate it at my end of the side-street (main road side). It's tail is up but it's
unfazed. Neither was I that much (thanks to the pepper spray).
This dog's ok and I pass it by, facing me is brown top-dog from before.
It's a bit wary now and I give it some shouts and harsh words.
As I move nearer I give it a little false rush and it scuttles away a bit then stops before doing the same.
I make my left turn towards the apartment and now all four of it's cohorts are there lined up on one side of the street.
It wasn't the brown-mutt that made the charge but one of the white dogs.
It obviously fancied it's chances of becoming the new leader.
The peppers-spray was out again by now of course I gave it a burst. Wisely it scuttled back before it could reach, these things learn fast folks
So that's my first time of using a pepper spray in anger. It probably won't be the last. I can hear the mangy mutt's barking around outside two
floors below as I type.
Lesson's learned:
On buying pepper spray give it a shake and a test spray, just to get it 'primed'. For some reason mine wasn't at full 'performance' on initial
Just after spraying be aware of the residue / drips that trickle down the canister.
It's not a big deal but might irritate you if you touch your skin with your spray hand.
Oh and I'm glad I was carrying something.
I've been bitten before by a dog out in Asia and ended up having to get Rabipure vaccination's over the course of a month.
Not very nice and the dog doesn't pay for the treatment.