posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:59 PM
Oh gee great. Now all they have to do is make a vaccine for and only the ELITES get the cure. WHILE we run around like ZOMBIES infecting the populous.
They made several movies about this exact sceanario. What better way to get the fema camps/martial law up and rolling, while they are in thier bunkers
safe. This would cause utter disaster even to the ones who do not get sick from it. I wonder if this virus is picky as to who it infects. I mean, what
if they altered it to only kill off certain blood types or something like that. This is chaos. A violation to all humanity, Like the gas chambers. The
gas chambers were more humane than this virus, at least you didn't go out in pain. How sick, the whole thing is just sick. To kill people, just to
kill. What is wrong with people.
sick f#'s. Maybe the people who get infected come after the people who made it. SICK, REALLY SICK F# PEOPLE.
The mentally ill at large creating this thing, really. What person in their right mind would think of such a thing. Complete and utter lack of life
of humanity as a whole. Now what does that say about that person. This is a lame horse and needs to be put down. Did these idiots ever think of this
thing mutating and killing them in the process. This kind of activity makes my blood boil. STUPID. IDIOTS.