Ok...so here is my final version. I decided not to mess with the "brilliance" of my first design...all I did today was insert some more tin foil
inside the hat so it fit me well...perfectly!!
This hat was a lot of fun to make and I have found out that the art of tin foil hat making is an adventure in itself.
Most of the materials used to make this were found around my house. I did have to borrow Stephie's hot glue gun, but she did make me buy the glue
sticks. :-( That thing is a wonder! You can simply touch this hot point to just about anything, pull a trigger and bam!!!!...stuck together! What
better tool to use for a tin foil hat!!!
She didn't appreciate me practicing on stuff though, and I'm obliged to say here, "Honey, I truly apologize for the cotton balls getting stuck to the
cat. I really don't know how that happened."
I did have to go out shopping for a few things for this hat. I found the central piece, the plastic pink colander, in our storage, and as soon as I
turned it over I thought, that looks like a UFO....and this colander has holes in it, like many theories here on ATS , LOL. Perfect for symbolism!
Now, my head isn't exactly colander sized so we went shopping for somethig that would be more of a fit.
Apparently, at the Dollar store, they don't take kindly to people trying on plastic bowls as hats. Let's just leave that there. I think I will stay
away from that store for a few months, perhaps they will forget about me.
So I went with the colander and bought the foam top cone and some silver star wire I found in a box out in the workshop. The plastic cups I had left
over from a party. Heck of a party that one was...but that is another post.
So, with all tools in hand I retreated to the workshop where I had previously stored a bottle or two of Merlot and proceeded to make this hat.
I just simply went to town on this hat....It just came to me like a vision....or maybe that was the Merlot.
While making this hat I did think about how it would fit into ATS...and realized that there are elements of it that fit the forums here....
The star themed wire : Aleins and UFO's
The Feather Hat Pin: Fragile Earth and the nature forums
The Trojan like face sheild: All the Military posts
The Circle on the top cone: Circle of Life, all of the Religious, Metaphysical posts.
The tin foil strips that hang down, a movable part to my hat, powered by the wind: Alternative Energy
The hat could mean many things or nothing at all, I guess I will leave that up to the believers and debunkers here on ATS.
edit on 18-12-2011 by tsawyer2 because: Gotta have the pics!! lol