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An Opportunity For Change

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posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:45 PM
This isn't a new idea, it's been done many times before. However, in the past it has failed because of a lack of follow-through. If you wish to see the idea that follows become a reality then it will be because YOU made it so. You took responsibility, did one step at a time, and accomplished the goal.

The idea being proposed is to start a commune for like-minded individuals. What for? A simpler lifestyle, organic food, you know, the real food that you're actually supposed to put in your mouth hole, and a place for spiritual freedom is the desired goal. Where at? Peru, because the cost of living is cheap along with about everything else, but the major reasons beyond that I'll be going over in a minute.

This is a call to all the people who aren't satisfied with the American dream or the western way of life. Let it be understood that you do not have to participate in the aforementioned bull #. I repeat, no bueno. Let's face it, the world has become if not remained a place of eternal despair. This is the biblical hell folks.

You can watch documentary after documentary and keep piling up knowledge, but all your going to find is people suffering. That's what's being documented. Last night I was watching "Our America With Lisa Ling" and shed a tear over some black man that I didn't know who couldn't be with kids because he got caught up in a never ending cycle of the prison industrial complex. That man is my brother (no relation haha) and I don't want to see anyone suffer.

Seeing the same ole same ole over and over again is not filling me with hope (what happened Obama?). I have zero sympathy for the cops and other evil #s perpetuating this nonsense and would wish them only death. Allowing them to live and change (Obama...) is not realistic. However, I am not a one man army nor am I trying to organize any bloody revolution. Doing anything of the sort on my own would result in suicide and result in no change whatsoever.

So what's the alternative? Heaven. I questioned what Heaven was to me and came to find out it wasn't a very complicated concept. Tripping my ass off on the edge of the jungle with souls like Terrence McKenna or Timothy Leary is really all I need to sustain my bliss haha. But furthermore, let's get sidetracked and delve into the notion of inner peace for a minute.

In the western world, we hate boredom with a passion. People will come up with the craziest ideas ever just to escape it. This is in complete contrast to inner peace. Inner peace, simply said, is wanting nothing and having everything. Those who plug the holes of boredom with every form of short-lived entertainment they can conceive of are not going to accomplish this feat, period.

So, how would you find it? First, you might develop a little bit spiritually. Learn to want a little less through patience and the passing of time. Then, if you're really going for it, you might consider strapping on a blind fold, fasting, and sitting in silence with no external stimuli for a week. Sure enough, after a while you'll stop being bored, I assure you.

Back on topic after derailing to provide some clues as to what consists of being like-minded. For those who have ran like hell from religion and begun to find the answers inside themselves, you'll want to grab a sharpie and a map. On the map, locate Peru, and draw a line through the word, not the country. Now write in "Heaven". You're doing this because all things helpful to progress, cleansing your chakras, more specifically that third eye of yours can be found there.

Real medicine, not eat this pill and experience 20 side effects worse than the condition the pill was supposed to alleviate but not cure, can be found there, legally, in small quantities. I direct you to article 299 of Peru's penal code. Read it, shed a tear, and smile, you've earned it haha. For those of us who want to live a shaman style of life, this is home, and as good as it gets.

Goal one is to buy some land. With that land, depending on our pooled resources, we can build housing. Personally, I do not care whether I live in some variation of a tribal hut or a nice home (by most standards), being there alone is victory. Step two becomes farming the land and providing real food for the people living there. Step three is providing options for other people to come share in this lifestyle like that nice black man I saw in prison haha.

Step three is by far the easiest. Filming and uploading day to day life will provide all the advertising we could need. The right kind of people will come without much questioning and the fundamentalist Christian type will be scared to death tucked safely 3,000 miles away. So there it is, you have the idea.

This is the part that gets different from past experiences. You will not post, "oh, that sounds awesome, sign me up" and then forget about this a week later. Instead, we organize. We make a website, write articles on self-growth, get the word out. For the mean time, I will register a free forum were the ones interested can make their intentions known. You'll be able to discuss ideas and evolve this into something beautiful.

Now, you have it all. I will return with the free forum link once I get one set up and post it below. The next step of business might be to make a name for this movement because brand marketing as we all know works. No leaders, this is anarchy folks. Everybody gets a say. Get excited, get erected, do what it takes to make yourself feel better lol.

Oh, and before I forget, there's one last piece of business to discuss. 2012. Now I don't have a damn clue what's going to happen. I really don't. But the deemsters seem to be getting the same message that I can get behind. I've read at least 25 times, "my elves told me the world was ending in 2012" and half of those people didn't fully believe what they were told. Nonetheless, intervention on a mass scale is the only thing that's going to end this planetary suffering.

If that intervention is mass death, so be it, still did the job haha. Other theories consist of ideas like the planetary alignment causing everyone's calcified pineal glands to function again like it was originally designed to before we drank mass quantities of fluoride or breathed in aluminum dust being dumped on us from above (*shakes fist at sky). In either case, this becomes somewhat unimportant to say the least and we had fun for maybe a month.

But why give these deemsters any merit? Read trip reports. You'll learn that these people left logic behind to come to the same conclusions independently of one another. For instance, the idea that time does not exist or doesn't exist outside the individual is brought up a lot. This idea is in another place that is widely regarded as respectable, being quantum theory and other branches of science. If you look closely, you shall find that one psychedelic idea at a time is being validated in this field of science.

With that said, my work is done for now. This message of hope is going out to at least three places: Above Top Secret, Shroomery, and the David Icke boards. If you wish to repost it elsewhere with the forum link that will be provided later, you have my permission and then some.

Peace. Love. Anarchy.

edit on 28-11-2011 by Jwest06 because: Good vibrations of a fitting song

The forum is now up:
edit on 28-11-2011 by Jwest06 because: Added forums.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:03 PM
Well ive already obtained inner Nirvana/Bliss/Enlightenment, but id love to come for the ride

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Dillon123

You sir, are more than welcome to come

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:08 PM
Thoughtful and interesting diatribe. S+F for effort.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Jwest06

What about a Christian mystic, would one of those be welcome as the right kind of people?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Maybe, more details would be needed. I have my own understanding of Christianity such as the idea that the Garden of Eden story has been told 10x over in different cultures like the Sumerians and the story of Prometheus. I liked McKenna's idea that some of the stuff about "Jesus" happened in a different dimension and our dimension split with it with his emergence on our planet, but I have no way of knowing that.

As long as you're not pushing it on other people, it'll probably be fine haha.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:26 PM
Interesting post my friend.

You may be ready for the Plan.

Check it out, spread the message.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Jwest06

I would keep it a secret, but if anyone asked me to identify the source of my mirth, charm, presence, and overflowing love and compassion, I would have to tell them, because absent my appropriation or "grokking" of Jesus Christ, I, of myself, was just a complete jerk!

By "mystic" I mean experiencial, or what Terrance McKenna called "felt experience".

So while of course the student can never be as great as the master, there would be no need to "push" sell anything, since Jesus has no need to push Jesus, and even as he was first sent, so too am I sent, not to "convert" to a religious orthdoxy, but to sow the seeds of enlightenment and mutual understanding.

I tell you (said like Jesus) that if I am NOT there with you, all your efforts could very well be in vain!

Seriously, without a transcendant logos, a purely secular humanism will eventually fall apart amid competing self interests.

Think of me as the village Shaman, who can draw together a synthesis of the best of the best of all traditions and then communicate that in a meaningful way.

"Please do not assume" is what I would have to say right out of gate. I understand the negative bais and the reason for rejecting religious orthodoxy and literalist fundamentalism.

Trust me, you'll need a guy like me, as much as I'd need you, but I cannot hide the source of my influencial (inspirational) power and wisdom, and loving compassion for one and all.

edit on 28-11-2011 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I just don't quite know about you... haha.

Iam, I checked out your plan. Not a bad idea if people will actually go through with it.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:59 PM
Running away from the problems of the world will not make them go away. If you grasp the concept that we are all one, that ultimately there is only one consciousness, that every star, every planet, every rock and every tree is just an extension of your universal body, then all you are doing is running away from yourself.

You may be able to ignore the problems of the world for one lifetime, but they will still be there when you return. You are merely treating the symptoms, but doing nothing about the cure. You can dose yourself up on all the morphine you want but dis-ease will still ravage the body, and ultimately you will succumb no matter how hard you try and ignore it.

We are all in this together, the sooner you grasp this the better your life and everyone else’s will be. Gandhi said 'be the change you wish to see in the world'. By all means live well, grow organic vegies, have a little bit of land in the wilderness and share it with like minded individuals. But you cannot ignore the world completely. You are the world and everyone in it.

But know this also, nothing happens that is not meant to happen. Everything you see around, as f#*ked up as it may seem, is all part of a necessary process which will lead us all back to the Source one day. And then do you know what will happen? It will begin all over again........

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Trust me, you'll need a guy like me, as much as I'd need you, but I cannot hide the source of my influencial (inspirational) power and wisdom, and loving compassion for one and all.

Damn I like the way you talk!

With Love,

Your Bro

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I love you TOO!

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

I would love to have a chat with you sometime, everything you put in this post is true and exactly how i have felt. I'm only 17(in this body and lifetime) and i have already found my way to the light.

The time is near my friend, i cant almost taste it

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

I honestly don't know how you interpretted running out of that. The goal is to make a heaven on earth that could have the potential to develop into a town and into something larger from that. There isn't a hell of a lot I can do within the United States except lead by example while also running the risk of having my life ended early.

Morphine was the wrong drug friend. I was leaning more towards the one thats are known for causing ego death and experiences of oneness, the plant allies.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

You two get a room. I'll invite Jesus

*Picks up phone

Hold on, it's ringing...

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Jwest06
reply to post by NewAgeMan

You two get a room. I'll invite Jesus

*Picks up phone

Hold on, it's ringing...

You don't have to call him my friend. Where ever two or more...

Oh never mind. Tell him to bring pizza when you get an answer.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:45 PM
Alright, I now have a working forum up at:

I'll improve upon it later when I'm not so tired, but for now, this will do

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Jwest06
reply to post by 1littlewolf

I honestly don't know how you interpretted running out of that. The goal is to make a heaven on earth that could have the potential to develop into a town and into something larger from that. There isn't a hell of a lot I can do within the United States except lead by example while also running the risk of having my life ended early.

Morphine was the wrong drug friend. I was leaning more towards the one thats are known for causing ego death and experiences of oneness, the plant allies.

Okay maybe I mis-interpreted you but everytime I hear the word 'commune' I get an image of a group of hippies who are pissed off with the world attempting to escape it by living a simple life. If you are doing it to try and be an example to the world (which in re-reading your post maybe you are) then this would be truly beneficial. But I still get the feeling you are turning ones back on a changing world instead of being the change you want in the world.

The following are a group of people who attempting to start the kind of change which may one day actually make some sort of difference. They are embracing the technology which we can no longer get away from, nor should we, and also thinking about what kind of socio-political changes will be needed when one day hopefully we live in a cashless society where most of the menial tasks are done by machines. And it has been going since the mid 70's which gives you an indicator of its actual success.

As for the morphine, that is exactly what I meant insomuch as I meant ignoring the greater reality. As for the herb you refer to I am with you there 100%.

Originally posted by Dillon123
reply to post by 1littlewolf

I would love to have a chat with you sometime, everything you put in this post is true and exactly how i have felt. I'm only 17(in this body and lifetime) and i have already found my way to the light.

The time is near my friend, i cant almost taste it

I am 28, and I still have a long way to go but pm me if ever you want to know my advice on something. There are far more enlightened people on this forum than I, but while my head is in the clouds, my feet are still firmly planted on the ground. This is something which seems to be lacking both here and in the greater world. People on the whole are far to one way or the other, but I guess that is overall nature of the world.

All I post is the truth as I see it. I am trying to be less snarky with idiots but at the moment it seems to be an uphill battle..............
(Not referring to the OP or his thread at all when I say this

I guess this shows how the 'we are all one' concept is quite easily grasped intellectually, but actuallly putting it into practise is a whole new ball game. But to put anything into practice one must first grasp the concept, so at least that's half the battle done...... for me that is

edit on 28/11/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

One way or another, I'm going with at least one of my mates. I just thought I'd give the opportunity for others to have a better life, and something I did not mention but meant to was the idea of paying for people to be able to leave if they don't have that luxury.

My reasons for leaving are pretty simple, and maybe this can be inferred as running but I see it as bettering myself. In the current situation, I always have to look over my shoulder. My daydreams are not happy thoughts of unicorns and rainbows, but how to successfully defend myself from cops (terrorists) in a method that's probably going to kill them haha. Then there's the other daydream of defending myself in court with the "I will not be accepting any offers to contract with the court" which will probably lead to violence since most courts don't believe in real law.

It's all just so much of a hassle when there could be peace. I have no way to fix these problems here either. I've given up on trying to help humanity deal with their issues, in a kind way mind you, because no one really wants to look in a mirror and I'm tired of seeing the crazy in 7 or 8 out of 10 people's eyes. If moving to Peru to enjoy the last little bit of my life while also maintaining a near constant connection to the spirit world can be considered running, then I'll gladly be a runner haha.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Jwest06
reply to post by 1littlewolf

One way or another, I'm going with at least one of my mates. I just thought I'd give the opportunity for others to have a better life, and something I did not mention but meant to was the idea of paying for people to be able to leave if they don't have that luxury.

My reasons for leaving are pretty simple, and maybe this can be inferred as running but I see it as bettering myself. In the current situation, I always have to look over my shoulder. My daydreams are not happy thoughts of unicorns and rainbows, but how to successfully defend myself from cops (terrorists) in a method that's probably going to kill them haha. Then there's the other daydream of defending myself in court with the "I will not be accepting any offers to contract with the court" which will probably lead to violence since most courts don't believe in real law.

It's all just so much of a hassle when there could be peace. I have no way to fix these problems here either. I've given up on trying to help humanity deal with their issues, in a kind way mind you, because no one really wants to look in a mirror and I'm tired of seeing the crazy in 7 or 8 out of 10 people's eyes. If moving to Peru to enjoy the last little bit of my life while also maintaining a near constant connection to the spirit world can be considered running, then I'll gladly be a runner haha.

Yeah fair call man. Sometimes I let my thoughts run away with me, although everything I stated is true.

At least you've realised some aspects of the ugly truth of how the world today works and as opposed to accepting it and just moving on. You've chosen to jump off the treadmill of the human rat race and lead a different life. It will still be there when you inevitably return, but at least you will have seen how much better life can be.

But I cannot help but sense though there is a gradual shift of consciousness occurring. And this shift coincides with a number of other events. The rise of the internet (we now have more access to other’s information and ideas than ever before), the rise of a generation of people who for the first time have been raised to care for the planet, the fact that our now planet is on the brink of collapse due to the activities of our forebears, an increase in violence everywhere ideas and freedom of expression are still (openly) oppressed.

It is it as if both the progression of technology and thought has just been slowly rising and now everything has taken off exponentially. It is make or break time for the world today but it is my thought (as I think I mentioned above) that everything in this world is unfolding exactly how it is meant to. This which gives me hope that everything will turn out okay. I don't buy into this negativity which seems to pervade society today and to tell you the truth I suspect this is part of the problem

I feel very lucky to be born into this time period so that I may to bear witness to it all.

But save some of your herbal wares for me. If it all works out I will definitely be dropping round for an extended holiday

edit on 30/11/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

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