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"Human Resources" Full Length HQ Film on education and mind control (NOT 4 the faint of heart)

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posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Thurisaz

I rang a Govt dept the other day and was put through to 'human services' ! thought that was unusual

Getting put through to the non human services would be more unusual and revealing..

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:51 PM
Hello interesting video we are all brought up on propaganda to serve as slaves with out even realizing we are not free but yet we are property of the Gov/Corporations most of America is asleep and does not see what the Elite are doing to control us WAKE UP stand up and the truth will set us free

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by seachange
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

The movie really highlights a lot that is wrong with the world. I knew unethical government-funded mind experiments went on, but didn't realize the large scope of them and just how many there were. We're all left wondering just how many of them the public was never informed about.

It was rich in allegations which I tend to believe, but I wish it would have cited sources as it went along for further research.

My only negative impression was that the first half of the movie was complaining about capitalism, the private use of property, while the entire movie highlighted how the collective public government was mis-using public property. If collective control of property is so great and private ownership of property was so terrible, then the government would not have been using its property to conduct such unethical experiments!

Capitalism, the ability for a private individual to own things, is good. Collectivism (and some types of socialism), the ability for the government to take property without permission of the individual, is bad. The two basic options are private ownership or public ownership. And yes there are shades of grey where the government has some control and the individual has some control. But the index of economic freedom which lists Hong Kong and Singapore at the top proves well that the poor get an advantage under capitalism when compared to more collective economies.

The first quarter of the video mentions "capitalists" many times and claims the Rockefellers are capitalists. Laughable. The Rockefellers are Fascists. I wish people could read the dictionary every once in a while to sort out what is what. The Federal Reserve Bank is a private company BUT it is granted a special government monopoly designed to serve the elite. Such a thing is fascism and is an opposite of capitalism. The banking class have almost zero attachment to free markets of any sort!

And yes working for a factory is monotonous and just plain bad in many respects but something tells me GM (Government Motors) was just as boring and monotonous under anti-capitalist(Fascist) controls after it was taken over by the government. So capitalism clearly isn't the problem when it comes to figuring out the cause and solutions for mind-numbing low-pay monotonous labor. Last time I checked the government jobs out there are champions of the most monotonous mind-numbering jobs in existence! So again, capitalism is good because individuals owning things is good and leads to better financial well-being for all classes.

thats good stuff right their its dead on and very observant people like you make me feel proud as their maybe hope afterall, no matter how savvy you are with definitions or politricks it really doesnt matter some things are just plain old common sense

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:44 PM
yes i know my enemies
they're the teachers who taught me to fight me
compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission
Ignorance, hypocrisy, the elite
all of which are american dreams

so clear the lane
the finger to the land of the chains
What? the land of the free?
whoever told you that is your enemy.

written by RATM (rage aginst the machine)

i ignore all i was taught in public school they tried to fail me for it sure is funny how when i got to college i made a 3.7 gpa. a college professor taught us thats what the govt is doing to us and she also told us it makes her sad to see the youth of america just take it instead of standing up and shouting out aginst it.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:51 PM
if you take a wolf pup and raise it as your own it will not have the desire to be a wild wolf
our mastors have done this same thing to us

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:11 PM
It was an interesting film, haven't watched it all as my internet cut out.. I have to say though, most of it I already had prior knowledge of. Aren't most of us aware by now that governments see us as pawns? I didn't realise that John Watson was quite that evil though, with his desires for baby farms; I should have figured. If I had known I would have dropped out of my Psych degree a lot earlier.. All I can think of now is how controlled I actually am? As in, I may not realise just how 'conditioned' my behaviour is. Are there ways of telling? I like to think that I stand far enough away to have a fairly broad perspective on what's going on (within my own life, as well as everything beyond that), but maybe I am very much under their thumb and just don't realise it.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by pretty_vacant

we all are under their thumb but the fact that you ackowlegde it means you are aware of it and to be aware of it means that you my friend are free, only thing holding you back is other humans who love being under this mass manipulation, they are 90% of the problem those who cannot see the big picture

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:29 PM
A lot of the things covered in this film I have read about but it still unsettles my stomach at the thought of how far certain agencies (and certain "professionals") would go to push the limit. Disgusting and yet at the same time empowering to be aware of the methods used in subliminal training and brainwashing, particularly media and government. I say empowering because if you are unaware of what goes behind the scenes then you are at the mercy of those trying their agenda. Propaganda coupled with fear is the main tool used today, it is important that we realize that things like the "war on terror" is really a war on the mind. Star and flag.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 10:02 PM
Thank you for posting this! It truly is disturbing, but knowledge of this is necessary for us as a whole to change together. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the ethical choice of researching and speaking out about these systems of control over a population, with the amount of information and the amount of people sharing history.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

Thank you for posting your discovery. As a Teacher this documentary is of great interest to me.
It is very tough to watch - I had to watch in segments as it is disturbing to say the least.
Who - what parents would allow anyone to inject their Child with '___' let alone keep their Child on '___' for extended periods of time??!!

This documentary shows the insanity of scientists.
They should be forced to undergo the procedures and experiments they inflicted upon humans and animals.
I was only able to watch because I had one of my cats sitting with me - it was almost as if she knew I needed support to get trough it.

Thank you again - people need to watch this and learn learn learn.

Much all those who died at the hands of barbarians both Human and Animal...

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:40 PM
I just wanted to say thank you for the post. The documentary was very interesting and many of the facts pointed out in it are not common knowledge. Hopefully it will help many people to really wake up and start questioning and thinking more about our society as a whole and where we seem to be headed.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 03:53 AM
Very good indeed, S&F for you.

The sutff about the Allan Memorial Institute and the Taylorism stuff, fascinating and very scary.

Good old capitalism, it's done us proud. What with Iran, Syria, European and US economies, Afghanistan etc etc, they are upping the stakes on the fear front big time........

I've never been more convinced that some catastrophic lies round the corner and we'll all be affected. It's when the food trucks stop delivering to the stores that the reality of it will dawn for most.

Happy days.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:04 AM
'ever been in a situation where..

Someone says A, B springs to mind, & your thoughts race all the way to Z before it's your turn to chime in? And when you do, you forget what A was; or he looks at you like, "what's that got to do with it"; or you catch yourself & think, "wait, where was I going with this?" So .. you either redirect, try to save face by making a connection where there may or may not be one, or move on & hope he doesn't notice that you flaked out.

Or you send someone to buy groceries for dinner, & he comes home with bags of goodies, but no milk for the casserole. And you watch him squirm as he flounders about trying to come up with some rationale for having forgotten the whole point of the trip in the first place, "uhmm .. Mad Cow disease .. milk recall .. highway accidents .. Drinking milk causes traffic fatalities!"

Yah. That is exactly what this "documentary" does, repeatedly.

O.k. flick & well produced, but it seems they were so enamored with having cool footage, that they kept forgetting why they got it or how to tie it in. So they punt, & put in assumed experts who state opinions as fact, and assert cause/effect/results with no sourcing, or they take one part of a study result and apply it wholly to a completely different situation - and that's where it becomes propaganda.

Like these "facts" ..
"I've been arguing in my books, trying to make the point"
the acts of serial killers are insane, but they're not, they're just frustrated
"nowhere is frustration-aggression more apparent than today's military training" where the military "engenders hatred"
"excellence pulls us in one direction and competition pulls in the other"
"Competition creates neurosis"
"fear, not love, is the guiding force in our society"
"Fear-based conditioning is no longer theory, but our reality"

If you watched the flick, think about it, what substantiation or causal link did they make? Zippo.

Had they stuck to facts, or at least supported assertions, (& dumped 1/2 of Kohn), it could have been a good Psych/Industrial Psych 101 primer. Still maybe worth a watch, but if one walks away thinking about big brother, evil corporations screwing us, & bad military bad, me thinkst someone got snookered.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by AtlasShrugging

I dunno - I had to agree with the film insofar as governments are by far the biggest killers on the planet. Where's the causal link for that? WWI was never justifiable and the requirement for all those deaths has never been adequately explained to me.

Can you doubt that populations - especially relatively comfortable western populations have been kept quite deliberately uninformed as to how that relative comfort was achieved. 'People are more alike than different' so said Edward Bernays - and that psychological fact has been used to successfully treat us as a herd.

I think Bernays is correct - and I also think most people are decent and would be abhorred if they realised children were being exploited and killed so they could put a shiny stone on their finger. Keep us in the dark - and people keep buying diamonds.

When using hypnosis it is far more difficult to hypnotise one subject than it is to hypnotise the crowd....and that's what they've done.

So often you see on sites like this terms like 'Wake up people!' - and that's what they mean. Awaken from the propagandised trance into which you have been induced via the system you have been raised in. People in North Korea believe they live in Eden - that the rest of the world is hell and that they are the lucky ones. That's the same indoctrination used on people in the States - the people were told they were the most envied nation on earth - and it was never true. The were also told they were the free-ist people on earth - that was never true either.

edit on 29-11-2011 by christina-66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:56 AM
people get into a desperate situation when they cant wake up in time so they panic others sell out and go with the winning team its your choice to decide

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

Thank you for posting your discovery. As a Teacher this documentary is of great interest to me.
It is very tough to watch - I had to watch in segments as it is disturbing to say the least.
Who - what parents would allow anyone to inject their Child with '___' let alone keep their Child on '___' for extended periods of time??!!

This documentary shows the insanity of scientists.
They should be forced to undergo the procedures and experiments they inflicted upon humans and animals.
I was only able to watch because I had one of my cats sitting with me - it was almost as if she knew I needed support to get trough it.

Thank you again - people need to watch this and learn learn learn.

Much all those who died at the hands of barbarians both Human and Animal...

Most parents don't allow such testing. I can bet the majority of those infants and children are either in the foster care system or the case of older children, juvenile delinquency programs/detention centers. As far as the grown adults are concern most are from prisions or mental institutions. They tested unproven drugs with unknown side effects on thousands of HIV infected babies (mostly poor and minority) in the 90's. As much as I think science is a great tool for the advancement of the human race, I believe most put too much faith (funny word isn't it?) into it. Science (or better put those that practice it) can be rather disconnected from emotion and empathy (by necessity) and think of living breathing things as something that can be dissected and broken down.
edit on 29-11-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:04 PM
Chewingonmushrooms - your last line sums it up;
...and they think of living breathing things as something that can be dissected and broken down.

The part that says broken down sums it up - after the psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists are done dissecting what they have is a 'broken down' living sentient being.

Psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists are incapable of empathy and that is the only reason they do what they do - because they lack the empathetic component they need to survive. When everyone is awakened from their induced slumber it is the psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists who will need to hide. People will recall the actions of those who murdered and tortured humans and animals and will be in a position to object and protect.

There are many ways to learn and playing God is not one of them - humility is a very becoming attribute - there are many on this planet who may never learn to succumb to the Grace of God by being humble. In the last shot where the guinea pig is walking down the hallway I was sooooo upset - I just wanted the device removed from the poor little animal. The filmmaker knew exactly what to say with the defenceless guinea pig. Excellent documentary and one that should be seen by everyone.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 03:59 PM

Psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists are incapable of empathy and that is the only reason they do what they do - because they lack the empathetic component they need to survive. When everyone is awakened from their induced slumber it is the psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists who will need to hide. People will recall the actions of those who murdered and tortured humans and animals and will be in a position to object and protect.

See that's the problem, scientists condition themselves to be as objective and uninvolved as possible which is necessary in their line of work. But they take that scientific approach and apply it towards sentient beings (a large part of the documentary is about the behavorial school of psychology). So it's a conditioned sociopathy and actually encouraged. It's the ol' crack a few eggs to make an omelette line of thinking.

Doctors need to do the same thing and rather than seeing a human being as mind, body, and spirit (or X variable -non-explained for atheists hehe), they see them as case studies or patient medical record number xyz. They are thought in medical school that a patient is a combination of race, gender, high risk behavior (or none), and past medical history (including family history). They are required to diagnose (or better put find a diagnosis) for that way they match proper protocol for curing that specific diagnosis (rather than finding the source, or finding out the cause). Diagnoses - cure, no room for prevention. It's left brain analytical logic based thinking not held in check with right-brain creative intuition and connection. But it's a western approach form of thinking, which has both pros and cons. Unfortunately one of the major cons is disconnection (like gray aliens if you like UFOS lol) and lack of empathy.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Amanda5

I sent the link to my 'teacher' friends.....its REALLY GREAT to see teachers involved with ATS.........GOOD ON YOU!!!

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 10:09 PM
Although I expected to find a lot of previous knowledge in this film, I went ahead and watched it anyway. I'm an information junkie and I hoped to find a few new things to add to my mental encyclopedia. The film did not disappoint.

I agree with others, that this film may be a good one to show those you trust, but who are not yet aware of how the world operates. But, before I do that, I do want to check up on the sources (hopefully they're provided on their website) so that I know this is well researched and not too much opinion based.

The main message I got from this film was a re-enforcement of the idea that fear is our greatest enemy. Knowledge of a thing helps to decrease fear of it and changes the fear into awareness. Awareness leads to caution, which is extremely helpful as opposed to fear which is extremely dangerous. Caution allows one to investigate danger and if possible find a way to negate it. I have known this for some time now and I like to repeat this mantra from whenever I recognize a fear based behavior in myself:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing......Only I will remain

(Yeah, it's from Dune.)

Use this as a litany/meditation. It will help inoculate you against the power that fear holds over you.

edit on 29-11-2011 by ShockTruther because: (no reason given)

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