posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 05:24 PM
So this means that those that approve this action...
Taking a child from the parents home without immediate danger to the child is ok... even though the law says otherwise...
This also means the tone of the points is that what ever a 'reasonable Person' decides constitutes a threat to health and welfare allows the
government regardless of civil rights to behave in a manner deemed ok in the name of protecting the individual and society
So everyone of you who agree with this action can be deemed mentally unhealthy and due to the fact that you are contributing to the decline of civil
liberties can be deemed a threat to national security...
This means If I was in charge you would approve of me arresting you to protect the rest of society from you and your delusions...
You agree that if because those in power decide you are insane you should be sterilized so that you do not pass this trait on to any offspring... any
children you have should be taken from you immediately and sterilized ... this is to protect future generations from a potential danger your genes
pose to the freedom of americans everywhere?
I just want to make sure I understand where you are coming from....
Just change the nouns in the above sentences with weight , fat, obesity,
wow sounds cool to me
report to your nearest dark alley with your cash and bank cards... A patriotic free merchant will assist you in the culling process....
Great Day my fellow American your loyalty to your country is appreciated...