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Occupy LA deadline comes, many say they won't go.

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posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:04 AM

(AP) LOS ANGELES — The protesters whose tents line the lawn of Los Angeles City Hall made it clear that they received the eviction notice issued by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Whether they'll heed it is much less certain. With hours left before the Monday at 12:01 a.m. deadline the mayor and the police chief gave for Occupy LA, very few of the occupiers were packing, and many were instead were making plans for what to do when they stay. Some handed out signs Saturday mocked up to look like the city's notices to vacate, advertising a Monday morning "eviction block party." Dozens attended a teach-in on resistance tactics, including how stay safe in the face of rubber bullets, tear gas canisters and pepper spray. Police gave few specifics about what tactics they would use if protesters ignored the deadline. Chief Charlie Beck said at Friday's news conference that officers would definitely not be sweeping through the camp and arresting everyone just after midnight. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times published Sunday, Beck said that despite the lack of confrontations in the camp's two-month run, he's realistic about what might happen. "I have no illusions that everybody is going to leave," Beck said. "We anticipate that we will have to make arrests." But he added, "We certainly will not be the first ones to apply force." Villaraigosa announced Friday that despite his sympathy for the protesters' cause, it was time for the camp of nearly 500 tents to leave for the sake of public health and safety. The mayor said the movement is at a "crossroads," and it must "move from holding a particular patch of park to spreading the message of economic justice." But occupiers showed no signs of giving up the patch of park too easily. Will Picard, who sat Saturday in a tent amid his artwork with a "notice of eviction" sign posted outside, said the main organizers and most occupiers he knows intend to stay. "Their plan is to resist the closure of this encampment and if that means getting arrested so be it," Picard said. "I think they just want to make the police tear it down rather than tear it down themselves." But some agreed with the mayor that the protest had run its course. "I'm going," said Luke Hagerman, who sat looking sad and resigned in the tent he's stayed in for a month. "I wish we could have got more done." Villaraigosa expressed pride that Los Angeles has lacked the tension, confrontation and violence seen at similar protests in other cities. But that peace was likely to get its biggest test on Monday. Ue Daniels, 21, said as an artist he's "as nonviolent as they come" but he planned on resisting removal any way he could. "I think we'll comply as far as putting our tents on the sidewalk maybe, that's something that's been going around." But as far as leaving altogether? "They would probably have to drag me away," he said.

Occupy LA Deadline

I really want to believe in the OWS protest and what it stands for, but these folks a missing the point of what peaceful protest is all about.

Peaceful protesting does not need to break the law (such as camping in an area that does not allow camping) which is exactly what is happening here.

These people have been given notice to stop camping in this area for some time now, but they are still refusing to leave, and I hope no more blood will be shed in the name of "peaceful protesting".

I am really confused as to how many time here in the US at least people are told that they can protest, but they can not break the local laws....and yet they continue to do so expecting to be treated as if they are not doing so.
edit on 27-11-2011 by mileysubet because: to add info link

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:15 AM
Let them learn the hard way then.

They were given a choice and chose not to comply.

Maybe then in future they will think first rather than acting like idiots and being a threat to public health and safety.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:30 AM
So its ok to indebt nations, enslave 3rd world nations, poison the public, scam the public, wage wars for no reason but a corporate agenda and slaughter millions of innocent people etc..

But it’s not ok to camp?

The law defeats its purpose if it escalates a 'crime' like camping to a violent crime like beating the public and using potentially lethal force?

Camping is not the issue, it’s just the excuse.
It we bow down to a law about camping we will never stand up

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp
So its ok to indebt nations, enslave 3rd world nations, poison the public, scam the public, wage wars for no reason but a corporate agenda and slaughter millions of innocent people etc..

But it’s not ok to camp?

The law defeats its purpose if it escalates a 'crime' like camping to a violent crime like beating the public and using potentially lethal force?

Camping is not the issue, it’s just the excuse.
It we bow down to a law about camping we will never stand up

Of course it is OK to "camp" as long as it is in a designated camping area.

If like you say and they give an OK to camping here then we should allow all the homeless people to camp any where they like right (I know most of these people in the OWS movement are not homeless). So you wont mind if they turn your front yard into a camping spot right?

This isn't about our right to protest, you obviously missed the point. There is a very easy way to protest and not camp out in places that do not allow camping, simply go home at night or share a hotel room with people and come back in the morning, or find an area that does allow camping. There is not that much protesting going on in the middle of the night anyways, just do it during the hours that it will be most noticed.

All this type of activity is doing is shedding an unfavorable light on the OWS movement.

We need the OWS idea to be heard or this country will fail I believe, but doing it in a bad light is turning too many people away from it. They have stopped paying attention to the facts of why you are doing it, and have focused on the negative aspects of what they see on the news. Lets face it that is a majority of the people here in the US see is the MSM version of the truth, and they (the MSM are sensationalizing the negative) because it gets ratings.

It is time to turn it around and make the people notice the reason this is happening not the actions you are taking while doing so.
edit on 27-11-2011 by mileysubet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:45 AM
What exactly are they hurting except standing tall and making the powers look is bad press to have them camped on your front lawn.....There is a law for everything, you cannot protest without breaking one. Ask the women's lib movement or the civil rights movement. If a woman can sue for damages caused by hot coffee, then literally everything we do is against the law, it is whether someone chooses to enforce it........They have chosen to enforce this, it makes their cause no less relevant.

The easiest way for this to be addressed is for the government to actually listen to what is being said, and address it. This is something that the a few of the big businesses have learned along time ago. A consumer has a complaint, instead of putting up a wall, listen, and evaluate....If fast food can master that, why can't our government? Considering that like fast food, the government does rely on our money to function.

The sign of a weak stance is to use cheap shots to win, anyone else see using a camping law as a cheap shot?.....
edit on 27-11-2011 by pointr97 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by pointr97
What exactly are they hurting except standing tall and making the powers look is bad press to have them camped on your front lawn.....There is a law for everything, you cannot protest without breaking one. Ask the women's lib movement or the civil rights movement. If a woman can sue for damages caused by hot coffee, then literally everything we do is against the law, it is whether someone chooses to enforce it........They have chosen to enforce this, it makes their cause no less relevant.

When theres a disease outbreak due to no proper facilities or disposal of waste and lack of hygiene..
ows will whinge again and claim they're victims of a bioweapon attack by TPTB rather than the truth they brought it upon themselves for failing to plan and have proper support structure in place choosing instead to wallow around in filth.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by Expat888

Originally posted by pointr97
What exactly are they hurting except standing tall and making the powers look is bad press to have them camped on your front lawn.....There is a law for everything, you cannot protest without breaking one. Ask the women's lib movement or the civil rights movement. If a woman can sue for damages caused by hot coffee, then literally everything we do is against the law, it is whether someone chooses to enforce it........They have chosen to enforce this, it makes their cause no less relevant.

When theres a disease outbreak due to no proper facilities or disposal of waste and lack of hygiene..
ows will whinge again and claim they're victims of a bioweapon attack by TPTB rather than the truth they brought it upon themselves for failing to plan and have proper support structure in place choosing instead to wallow around in filth.

Seriously? That is the retort you all accounts, the police are nastier with regards to hygiene than the protesters. Try again, because you just used the camping law on us to support ousting the protesters.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by pointr97

No one is saying that the protesters can't protest.

I am totally baffled by this, I want and the US needs the protests.

What we don't need is a bunch of protesters #ting on some ones lawn, irregardless of who it belongs to. It is not needed to prove a point, it simply distracts from the message we are tying to deliver.
edit on 27-11-2011 by mileysubet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by pointr97

Im opposed to that unwashed mindless mass that has no clue what life is like in the real world and neither them nor anyone else speak for me.
I live my life on my terms.

As to the sanitation and health issue am just stating fact its a disease outbreak waiting to happen in the ows camps due to their lack of proper sanitation and hygiene.

Oh well maybe it would be better leave ows where they're camped - cordon off the area and let the ensuing disease outbreak solve the problem of ows.
Cheaper to post quarantine signs than it would be to arrest them for tresspassing..

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by mileysubet
reply to post by pointr97

No one is saying that the protesters can't protest.

I am totally baffled by this, I want and the US needs the protests.

What we don't need is a bunch of protesters #ting on some ones lawn, irregardless of who it belongs to. It is not needed to prove a point, it simply distracts from the message we are tying to deliver.
edit on 27-11-2011 by mileysubet because: (no reason given)

Actually have to respectfully disagree with you on most of that. Clean, easy, painless protest are aesthetic, but name one scenario in which that has worked and gotten the message across.....

I can however think of numerous situations in which bystanders watching start siding with the protesting side because of what the protesters are willing to endure to get their message across......You said it yourself, the message needs to be passed along, well at the moment, OWS is being ridiculed. Well, why is that, because they are nice and polite and haven't really done anything to upset anyone.........If it stops now it will be nothing more than a footnote.

However, every protest that actually mattered got dirty, dirty in various different ways.....the dirt was what got the message spread, 'Oh my God, look at what is going on, they must really feel strongly about this, why?' and that is what gets not just the message but the rational behind the message passed along.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by Expat888
reply to post by pointr97

Im opposed to that unwashed mindless mass that has no clue what life is like in the real world and neither them nor anyone else speak for me.
I live my life on my terms.

As to the sanitation and health issue am just stating fact its a disease outbreak waiting to happen in the ows camps due to their lack of proper sanitation and hygiene.

Oh well maybe it would be better leave ows where they're camped - cordon off the area and let the ensuing disease outbreak solve the problem of ows.
Cheaper to post quarantine signs than it would be to arrest them for tresspassing..

what would be cheaper, our government of elected representatives actually listening to the populace......guess none of this would then be necessary.....but that would just be too logical....And please don't come back with OWS doesn't represent everyone, that is just a shallow argument. At the moment, numerous surveys have been done to show that both congress and the administration have all time low approval ratings....That means that A LOT of people are not happy with what is going on, they just can't take the time off work or away from the kids to go and protest.......But hey, that is just my thoughts.....yet if OWS wasn't on the right track, maybe you could find one US congressman or woman that has a higher than 50% approval rating, which would mean that they are doing their job by representing the majority of their constituents.....isn't that the point of their position?, OWS is an effect....instead of complaining about what bandaid to use on the gushing chest wound, lets start talking about the chest wound and why it is there.

You guys that are supporting the removal of the occupy camps should actually be ashamed that you are...'I agree with them, but they shouldn't do it dirty, or in my front lawn'....Well, if someone camped in my front lawn, my first response as the Lawn Owner, 'Excuse me, is there something I can help you with?' followed by LISTENING.

Next, If a group of people across the country are outraged enough to go and spend TWO MONTHS in the cold and crappy areas of town to make a point....LISTEN to the point, and focus not that they are there, but WHY they are there....You guys are all saying the message needs to get out, but the reason you are saying that is because they are there NOW....if they go away, the message will die. period. You don't want them to be violent...well, sorry folks, but violence is the only way to change something fast, you want non-violence, then this is the way it is....that is it.

Oh look at that poor man sitting there, what is his name....Ghandi? never heard of him, how long has he been there?
edit on 27-11-2011 by pointr97 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by pointr97

I have neither a need nor a use for any damn governments, leaders, groups , religions or self-appointed busybodies. They all can go to hell.
In the long run of history they're all meaningless nations and governments rise and fall all the time because people are too damn stupid , lazy and unwilling to be responsible for their actions as human beings thus they blindly follow the fools and idiots adding to the misery in the world.
Its long past time humanity grew up and stopped acting like a bunch of primitives squabling over everything ...

I live my life on my terms and do what can to make the world a bit better place along the way using my knowledge and skill as a physician.

Now if you will excuse me I have to check on a patient and after that grab something to eat. Conversation over end of. Good day.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by Expat888
reply to post by pointr97

I have neither a need nor a use for any damn governments, leaders, groups , religions or self-appointed busybodies. They all can go to hell.
In the long run of history they're all meaningless nations and governments rise and fall all the time because people are too damn stupid , lazy and unwilling to be responsible for their actions as human beings thus they blindly follow the fools and idiots adding to the misery in the world.
Its long past time humanity grew up and stopped acting like a bunch of primitives squabling over everything ...

I live my life on my terms and do what can to make the world a bit better place along the way using my knowledge and skill as a physician.

Now if you will excuse me I have to check on a patient and after that grab something to eat. Conversation over end of. Good day.

Isn't that what these folks are doing, standing up and taking ownership? As a health care professional, you should understand that governments have done more harm than good throughout the world and history than these few souls camping out ever will do. What is your point with your ramble except to tout your position? You said a lot, but not a single point of it was actually applicable to what I said.

As an engineer, I try to build not destroy.....See, I can do it too, and with far fewer words.
edit on 27-11-2011 by pointr97 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:06 AM
Looking at the responses to this thread all I can say is.

Wow the slaves just love their shackles. What wassat massa we can't camp its against the lawee. well guess us good house negros will move along and let you continue the business of destroying this country.

This is the frontline our only shot to change things and all you people who don't support it need to shut up and continue your useless voting maybe Ron Paul your Messiah will singlehandedly save the world right after God kisses my ring.

You cannot change the system from inside the system. They will pass every law imaginable to make all types of resistence illegal and impotent. The sheep will follow reluctantly as they always have. True change only comes from sacrifice and these people are doing the hard work. You don't think they'd rather be at home.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by Expat888
reply to post by pointr97

I have neither a need nor a use for any damn governments, leaders, groups , religions or self-appointed busybodies. They all can go to hell.

I love when people like you use the government funded infrastructure and a government funded invention to excercise a freedom you only have because a government protects it for you. Go to somalia, invent and build your own internet then say that crap.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by ISHAMAGI
Looking at the responses to this thread all I can say is.

Wow the slaves just love their shackles. What wassat massa we can't camp its against the lawee. well guess us good house negros will move along and let you continue the business of destroying this country.

This is the frontline our only shot to change things and all you people who don't support it need to shut up and continue your useless voting maybe Ron Paul your Messiah will singlehandedly save the world right after God kisses my ring.

You cannot change the system from inside the system. They will pass every law imaginable to make all types of resistence illegal and impotent. The sheep will follow reluctantly as they always have. True change only comes from sacrifice and these people are doing the hard work. You don't think they'd rather be at home.

I am sure they wouold rather be at home, for those who actually have homes.

The problem here, as I see it, is that Occupy is going about it all wrong. If they are protesting economic injustices, what exactly is the City of LA supposed to do about it? Do you think the Mayor can do anything? Of course he can't!!

And that is where the problem is. These Occupy protest are putting a burden on local Governments who can do nothing to address the movement's complaints. Which is why I came up with my own idea to Occupy Capitol Hill.

Let us imagine for a moment what would happen if all these Occupy Protest came together and met in Washington DC and occupied the offices of the Congress and Senate, the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court Building. How much sympathy do you think the average Joe and Jane will have when Nancy Pelosi is on TV complaining that she cant get into her Office? I sure as hell wont feel sorry for her one bit, or for any other member of the Federal Government and their over paid Aides and Assistants. Are you going to feel sorry for Lobbyist who can not go about their day to day business? I'm not.

This should be the target. These are the people who should be coming up with the solutions to address the complaints of the Occupy Movement. These are the people who created this mess. These are the people who can change it. Not your local Mayor. It is tough to defend a Park, it is much easier to Defend a building.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by pointr97

I am sorry but the message is dieing anyway. That is because there is no clear message. I wish the movement would focus on some solid solutions they want inacted but I haveen't heard any.


posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal

Originally posted by ISHAMAGI
Looking at the responses to this thread all I can say is.

Wow the slaves just love their shackles. What wassat massa we can't camp its against the lawee. well guess us good house negros will move along and let you continue the business of destroying this country.

This is the frontline our only shot to change things and all you people who don't support it need to shut up and continue your useless voting maybe Ron Paul your Messiah will singlehandedly save the world right after God kisses my ring.

You cannot change the system from inside the system. They will pass every law imaginable to make all types of resistence illegal and impotent. The sheep will follow reluctantly as they always have. True change only comes from sacrifice and these people are doing the hard work. You don't think they'd rather be at home.

I am sure they wouold rather be at home, for those who actually have homes.

The problem here, as I see it, is that Occupy is going about it all wrong. If they are protesting economic injustices, what exactly is the City of LA supposed to do about it? Do you think the Mayor can do anything? Of course he can't!!

And that is where the problem is. These Occupy protest are putting a burden on local Governments who can do nothing to address the movement's complaints. Which is why I came up with my own idea to Occupy Capitol Hill.

Let us imagine for a moment what would happen if all these Occupy Protest came together and met in Washington DC and occupied the offices of the Congress and Senate, the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court Building. How much sympathy do you think the average Joe and Jane will have when Nancy Pelosi is on TV complaining that she cant get into her Office? I sure as hell wont feel sorry for her one bit, or for any other member of the Federal Government and their over paid Aides and Assistants. Are you going to feel sorry for Lobbyist who can not go about their day to day business? I'm not.

This should be the target. These are the people who should be coming up with the solutions to address the complaints of the Occupy Movement. These are the people who created this mess. These are the people who can change it. Not your local Mayor. It is tough to defend a Park, it is much easier to Defend a building.

I agree completly with your post but to add to that if they were to go to DC they would need to come up with a solid list of demands. That is something I could get behind.


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