posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 09:41 AM
Despite all the rhetoric of the armchair warriors on here decrying Russia and Putin, how many wars has he started? How many people has he droned to
death or maimed for life, how many countries has he invaded...etc....etc? Overall, when compared with successive US Presidents, he is a complete
non-starter when it comes to dealing mass death.
For all of the talk about Russia "Invading" the Ukraine, where are the tank battalions crushing all in their paths, where are the bomber blitzes of
cities and towns across the country, where are the mass troop movements? I'd say the word "Invasion" was perhaps more than a little bit of
The situation in Georgia was a response to US and Israeli instigated action by their leadership. Who were then hung out to dry when the gig was up.
Chechnya, an interesting one and the Muslims there largely supported and funded by outsiders from Saudi Arabia and even the US. Would any US
president allow it to happen in any of their troublesome states? I think not!
Sure, we all know these sorts of prizes are political these days and have little to do with actual behaviour or actions, but please, making Putin out
to be some crazy wild card actor threatening the world peace is laughable when you look at the facts and other players on the world stage.