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The danger of the belief in Ron Paul.

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posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
Ron Paul may not be the best for foreign affairs but he would be good for America.

What's not to like about his foreign policy? I'd say a good majority of his supporters support him because of his views on foreign policy and his economic policy, which in America's situation, go hand in hand. Until the massive amount of spending overseas stops and the government starts minding it's own business, there's no way the debt crisis will be averted.

None of these problems would exist if the government had just stuck to the Constitution, and that's precisely what Ron Paul aims to do.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 03:31 AM
I wish you were wrong. Operation Paperclip says no chance though. Good luck.

Originally posted by Anoynymoose
I've said it once before in a different thread I'll say it again...

Nothing is going to change with an election! You people seem to forget what has just happened with our current President. NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE. Except your physical appearance, that will change dramatically once the police have their way with you.

I believe were in a process this very moment where the government is figuring out who exactly is on their side. The people who oppose them will most likely be thrown in jail or killed. Its only a matter of time before they have half the nation in prison and the rest will be tagged and assigned their new life.

It all reality it is the peoples fault for letting it come this far.

Accept it or ...

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by BeyondPerception

What you say is mostly true but don't give me that bull# that the system isn't rigged. You really believe Bush got elected twice with no strings attached. You really think the country is so closely divided that every election in the past 30+ years has always been so close to 50/50.

If I were to vote I would vote Ron Paul I have made it clear that he is the only choice to VOTE for in a system that is completely out of the hands of the people. So honestly if Ron Paul doesn't win it's probably because the system is rigged.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by WienelPistor

Exactly! You understand exactly! I mean Obama campaigned on his voting track record. I really honestly hope that Ron Paul is legit, but people need to expect to be disapointed and be aware of what might happen. I mean regardless of who is elected the plans by the powers that be are going to be carried forth! You people need to stop being so blind! I mean it's been more than 10 years since 9-11 and the steamroller that is the evil that currently dominates this planet is meeting little resistance, but its there and it's getting harder for them to stamp flat. Just look at the movie The Matrix for example when he meets the architect. They've been doing this for a very long time and have learned to be quite good at it.

reply to post by ILikeStars

Thanks. Nice website there btw.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Navieko

The Americans need someone to actually run the USA, not the Globalists and other countries. This could be the turning point voting someone like Ron Paul in.

But us foreigners know the Americans so well, we already know who a majority of you will vote for.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:10 PM
There is nothing wrong with Ron Paul, he is a good guy and he stands firm on his beliefs.

He didn't even accept medicare or medicaid at his personal medical practice and didn't charge his patients if they couldn't afford it, for heavens sake. With Ron Paul, what you see is what you get and I understand that some people are being extra cautious about a 12 term congressman running for president, especially after Obama (broken promises, I know) but I think its starting to sound extremely insane when you start saying that the media is ignoring him on purpose so that everybody would support the underdog. That is not how this is all playing out and you would see it clearly if you were really following his campaign and grassroots movement and not just standing on the sidelines making things up to support your new conspiracy theory.

Watch this documentary on how the Ron Paul Revolution came to be. You really think this grassroots effort was pre-planned by the globalists? come on guys...get real.

Lastly, the campaign would be absolutely nothing without the grassroots dotting the nation, being Ron's microphones. The fact that the so called 'globalists' are relying on RANDOM PEOPLE SCATTERED ACROSS THE NATION is extremely risky and if they are as evil and organized as you say they are, they would not be risking this entire 80 year plan (Ron's age + 4 year presidency term) on random people.
edit on 27-11-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

I'm sorry, who is making things up?

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by GenLo

true, Ron Paul could always become president and do exactly the opposite of everything he said he was going to do before he was president, much like many past presidents have done.. however, my respectful following of Ron Paul shows that his opinions on matters does not change regardless of their popularity, and that his judgement is soundly based on common sense and inquery into what justly represents 'the people' ..

everyone should study every candidate and vote for whom they truely feel will lead their country in the direction they want or think is best.. that's possibly all one can do.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by indigothefish

Thanks for being civil Indigo. I mean I even donated like $200 or $300 to his 2008 campaign if that would appease people into calming down a bit.

Now I am just going to throw this out there to see how well educated our the members of this forum are.

Judge Napolitano:

What is Napolitano saying? My god, sounds pretty honest to me!
edit on 27-11-2011 by GenLo because: something wrong with the youtube number

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by GenLo
reply to post by eLPresidente

I'm sorry, who is making things up?

Is this not you making things up in the OP?

Originally posted by GenLo
Then once this man gets into office. Wow what a celebration of victory! Just like Obama! He will win the hearts of the people then use this power to manipulate the world! He is the underdog! He will call for the New World Order when the crisis hits and then the people will applaud it! And it will be just as clear as that, of coure the NWO will come under the guise of something to save the planet from utter chaos or destruction, perhaps even alien invasion. I mean why not? Who is going to question the underdog? The man who is against the system but... works in the system. I mean you don't have a freakin clue who this man is going to assign as his cabinet or VP. I mean the only person you have in this picture is Ron Paul and that's it.

Get it together folks. Look at the big picture and don't ignore the small details!

How did you come to these conclusions that he will usher in the new world order? because he seems too good to be true? that is how you determine fact from fiction?

And yes, we'll know his VP choice when he wins the GOP nomination, that is how it works, there is no other way, nobody else chooses a running mate until after they've won the nomination.

edit on 27-11-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:26 PM
My brother was trying to convince me to vote for him. I don't trust any politician anymore. unfortunetly the rich rule the world.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by eLPresidente

Well I don't know what your idea of "making things up" is, if anything what can clearly be seen is sensationalism in which I am using to grab your attention.

The "New World Order" is already here, we're living in it if that isn't obvious enough the only thing is, is that it hasn't been completed which may still be several generations away that is if we don't stop them. What scenario I am actually considering for RP is the alien invasion false flag attack. It doesn't have to be "aliens" but by how it's being revved up I can only see it being as a matter of time. A new piece to be moved on the "grand chess board" to make a large sweep in the acquisition of a lot more power.

"...because he seems too good to be true? that is how you determine fact from fiction?" This doesn't make any sense.

"...we'll know his VP choice when he wins the GOP nomination..." So what you just admitted after this statement is that you have no idea who he could possibly choose not only for his cabinet but even for VP. I mean can not just you, but ANYONE just like name maybe just one person they would LIKE to see as RP's VP? I mean gee it was practically forecasted with previous nominees.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:45 AM

The only way John McCain will become the next US President, will be if something "happens" to Barack Obama before the election. If there even is an election. If a certain faction get their way, there will not be. Remember, behind the scenes, there is only One Party. Our Party. 'Democracy' is an illusion which is created to uphold your slavery. Whichever side 'wins'; the Family wins. There are many possibilities and alternative 'scripts'. All of them lead toward the ultimate implementation of the overall blueprint of our Creator, -The Hidden Hand

What say you?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by GenLo
reply to post by eLPresidente

Well I don't know what your idea of "making things up" is, if anything what can clearly be seen is sensationalism in which I am using to grab your attention.

The "New World Order" is already here, we're living in it if that isn't obvious enough the only thing is, is that it hasn't been completed which may still be several generations away that is if we don't stop them. What scenario I am actually considering for RP is the alien invasion false flag attack. It doesn't have to be "aliens" but by how it's being revved up I can only see it being as a matter of time. A new piece to be moved on the "grand chess board" to make a large sweep in the acquisition of a lot more power.

"...because he seems too good to be true? that is how you determine fact from fiction?" This doesn't make any sense.

"...we'll know his VP choice when he wins the GOP nomination..." So what you just admitted after this statement is that you have no idea who he could possibly choose not only for his cabinet but even for VP. I mean can not just you, but ANYONE just like name maybe just one person they would LIKE to see as RP's VP? I mean gee it was practically forecasted with previous nominees.

The more I read your posts the more I think they either belong in 'HIGHLY SPECULATIVE CONSPIRACIES FORUM' or 'ATS SKUNK WORKS'. Threads like this definitely don't belong here in this section and even the 'Ron Paul is the so called anti-Christ thread isn't here, because it isn't backed by any relatable facts, just pure speculation.

You may believe the NWO is going to be ushered in with an alien false flag attack or something like it but not everybody on ATS does and they have good reason, especially if you can't prove it or even link it to the accusation you're making about those you're making it against.

And about his VP. are you serious? choosing a VP before having the nomination is against party rules, there is no other way around this. We can speculate all day and night but what good is that going to do? If you want a hint on what Ron Paul is thinking in his brain, he would like to replace Bernanke with Jim Grant, a welll-known austrian economist (Austrian Economics is something that Ron Paul has favored as the best economic school of thought, and has given him the necessary knowledge to predict the housing bubble and crash).

@ 5:40

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

The more I read your replies the more I wonder if you're actually reading what I've stated or just skimming.

If I cannot prove? Listen bud, 9-11 was spelled out in black and white before it even happened and an alien invasion is exactly what has been spelled out, not only with t.v. shows (most incredibly Discover Channel with the bull# "When Aliens Attack") and movies but also, of course, the main stream media! I mean they have been all over UFO sitings and all that garbage and it has hugely intensified over the past 5 years. I wouldn't be surprised if news media started broadcasting siting like they did in the movie, "Signs" with Mel Gibson.

"And about his VP. are you serious? choosing a VP before having the nomination is against party rules, there is no other way around this." See, this is where you obviously aren't reading my responses but here I am wasting my time with yours because of other readers out there who do exactly the same. I never asked, "Show me Ron Paul's official nominee for VP!" "I mean can not just you, but ANYONE, just like name maybe just one person they would LIKE to see as RP's VP?" I don't know why you are having difficulty interpreting this. "I'd like to hear some reasonable responses about who RP most likely running mate is and who do you think he would possibly appoint as cabinet members during his term in office?" Guess I should have place "think" after "who", but seriously stop skimming what I type and making some ridiculous response or I'm just going to ignore you.

The last bit of your post, beautiful, just beautiful. If that was your post I would have starred you myself. See the who thing is when looking at past candidates everyone practically already knew or had an idea of who these candidates were going to take to office with them before they even finished nominations. I don't know why everyone just forgets that.

Really wish you would read that quote from the Hidden Hand though. Unless you're one of those who think that thread should be just thrown into the hoax section.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by GenLo

Yes, you talk more about the new world order, that is fine (for conspiracy theories forums), but you have not been able to link them to Ron Paul, yet that is the premise of this thread. That is my point, if you're going to make the accusations on him, have the facts to back it up. Also, you have not provided proof of a false flag alien attack, only your opinions of what can be construed as possible clues of one, nothing definite and purely speculative.

I have told you, we can sit here all day speculating on who he'll choose as VP but at the end of the day, I honestly have no idea who he can trust, I'm not him. I can tell you the people that I personally trust but I'm not running for President with a huge target on my back. I know this much, if anything were to happen to a President Paul, the VP has to have the backbone and not waver to corruption and influences of the special interests. I leave this discretion up to Ron Paul, he has earned my trust.
edit on 28-11-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:41 AM
I'm so tired of this argument. Anyone who truly believes this (OP's argument) hasn't really looked into Ron Paul's history or what he has to say, or has a warped perspective, or is a noob to the conspiracy world. Stop thinking you're one step ahead of everybody.

Look, I understand your sentiments to a certain extent.. and I know that after things going wrong so many times it seems like it can never go right.. and I can't really prove that what you're saying won't happen. But again, like so many other times on this site, along with so many other people, I will ask: what else do you propose we do? Should we vote for another candidate? It's obvious that Ron Paul at least has the smallest likelihood of going back on his promises... so my slogan is "Ron Paul 2012: Hey it's worth a shot"

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by eLPresidente

You're ignored. I'm tired of your feeble attempts to be intellectual about this.

To kill two birds with one stone (or rather the two responses I just got), the whole 'premise' of my argument is that you all appear to be ignoring the FACT that the system is CONTROLLED. I don't need to start spout links and this and that to prove so much if you just opened your eyes!

I already told you, BY ALL MEANS, VOTE FOR RON PAUL! If it gives you that little magical feeling of happiness to do so then do it! However you are only placing the veil back over your eyes believing that, "OH this time! This time the system is going to work for me!" Put that warm fuzzy delusional feeling into your heart. May the best man win! It doesn't make a difference or does it? We see president after president carrying out the same agenda that has been set in place just as the last! Just do some inquiries into Jimmy Carter! Or do you people even remember who Jimmy Carter is. Great guy right? Still carried out the agenda set by the evil forces that be.

On the lighter side, your decision does make a difference. When people like Jimmy Carter are put into office the shadows behind the government have to be a lot more clandestine about things which means putting a whole lot more effort and time into everything they do, which in effect, slows them down. Like I said, I support Ron Paul if only for this reason alone. All I want you people to do is realize the same.

This is the last time I repeat myself, probably to your ignorant joy, since after 122112 #s not even going to matter. Just thought I would find more like minded people.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 12:51 PM
Anyone taking notice of the new swing in the media and endorsements to Ron Paul... This is most likely to increase quickly as the year comes to a close.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by GenLo

what? I asked you to prove Ron's connection to your theories and you get all crazy and defensive. You started the thread and was asked to prove it. But you couldn't.

Now you want to blame me and other ATS members for not 'seeing' it?

You haven't provided the proof. How can we 'see' with absolutely no proof?

So I ask again. Where is the connection between your conspiracy theory to Ron Paul?

I hope you actually answer it directly this time.

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