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Russia Arms Syria With Missiles To Defend Against NATO Attack

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posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by stevcolx
We now know what those six Russian warships that reportedly entered Syrian territorial waters last week were carrying.

What Russian warships?

See post
edit on 25-11-2011 by tommyjo because: Malformed link corrected

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by stevcolx

the cynic in me must point out that russia is not providing them with missiles for syria`s protection - but for russia testing

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 07:28 PM
Syrias problem is not NATO its that the Syrian military is joining the rebels instead of killing them.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by stevcolx

the cynic in me must point out that russia is not providing them with missiles for syria`s protection - but for russia testing

And cash.. Don't forget cash

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by stevcolx
Hundreds of thousands of innocent people being killed and lots and lots of lies from our so called News Outlets!!

YEAH MAN - WE are mad as hell and arent going to take it anymore. Syria doesnt need the help of the west to slaughter a few hundred thousand Syrians - They have Russia and China helping them do it.

/end sarcasm

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by stevcolx

Originally posted by Wolvo
Are you sane? You are Happy about Russia arming the opposition? And your from the UK.

You are a patriotic, clever man arnt you...

Patriotic? How in the hell can u say that? How can I support a government that is controlled by the Rothschilds. The same family who created and controlled the Nazi's?

The same people that are the New World Order that are creating mass genocide around the world and are also plotting to kill 90% of the worlds population to create their One World Government.


Or the same people who finance and control russia and china and tell them to pretend "they are fighting imperialists" while new russian and chinesse capitalists make a good buck "on the side".

For any conflict to form there needs to be at least two sides. So we have nato on one side and the EX-communists(but still pretending to be communists) on the other side. One blames the other and BOTH make huge profits.

You and USAisDevil are being played for fools or worst are part of the massive disinfo campaign!

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Russia has a on off relationship with Rothschild.

Stalin-Dedicated Anti-Rothschild(turned to ritual sacrifice on Purim ,he died on purim)
Khrushchev-on off relationship
Brezhnev-on off relationship(he was terminated too)
Gorbachev-Total puppet.He gave away 60% of the research on torsion and psychotronics to CIA and the chinese.
Yeltsin-total puppet(deliberately sabotaged russian industry and economy)
Putin-on off relationship (partial restoration)

I am not BAMBOOZLED that I will state.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by USAisdevil

That is good to hear. At this point of the game I strongely doubt there is any resistance to the NWO run by the rothschilds, because the rothschilds have way more than enough money to buy the opposition into submission.

The international bankers, european nobility and the vatican are the enemy. All these sides combined form the babylonian brotherhood that goes back to the great flood of the old testament when god tried to get rid of the nephelim giants. From that point the summerian leaders chose to side with evil and were given secret technological advances in relation to everyone else.

It is a long story which I cannot possibly explain in detail. David Icke knows more, so do some internet research if you are really interested.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

don't underestimate Putin.There is a ancient slavic prophecy that a Vladimir will destroy a world empire controlled by demons in the end of the ages.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by USAisdevil

The only way to destroy evil is to expose it. Putin is just as much a puppet as obama is. World wars only depopulate civilians and keep the elite strong hiding in underground bunkers. The forbidden city in china(peking) is full of dragons, snakes, lions to show the bond between royalty and reptiles.

Or the dinasours that once ruled earth? Or the grey aliens that abduct people and conduct research on them? Or area 51? Or the secret catacombs in rome? Or the secret library at the vatican that is off-limits to everyone? Or the destroyed library of alexandria? ...............................................

There is much evidence and people are lazy to the truth. This needs to change fast!

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Itop1

Originally posted by John0Doe

Originally posted by Itop1
You're miss informed, as we speak, the syrian government are killing innocent people including children, a big majority of Syrian people want him to go, he doesn't want to go so he sends his military to stamp down the revolution, some times a cake is just a cake.

I have a friend in syria and he confirms everything about how the government are trying to squash the revolution with brute force.
i have a friend in Syria who tells me the oposite of your info,and russian tv reporters have been there and recorded peaceful streets in most of cities, That is a fact. U can lie someone else.

Please can you give a source to your "fact" that russia has reported peaceful streets? because that is the complete opposite to what i have been seeing and hearing, you need to get your head out the clouds

Russia condemns "terrorist" acts against Syrian civilians and urges the opposition to abandon the tactics of violence and open negotiations with the authorities, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.


If u speak russian or arabic,i can give u some of sources.

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