sadly.. I think your right about that.. far too many of them blindly believe the propaganda they're beloved u.s government feeds them..
the ones most likely to resist will be the first ones taken out..
the rest will fall back in line and be good little citizens of the state..
Even so when they start after the first group it will be very bloody for awhile.. In the end wont matter the resisters will be dead and the rest will
carry on eating junkfood and watching the propaganda and usual mindless drivel on television thanking their god they live in a free country - amerika
with friedumb and dimocracy for all .. big brother will take care of everyone..
the whole government needs to go.....president...senators...all of them should be locked-up for war crimes, treason...and anything else they can be
fried for....this is going way too far...everyone in DC is out of their minds...seriously....what kinds of drugs are those people on, to be
considering this madness??? i knew they were out of control...i just didn't know to what i do.....this definitely isn't america,
anymore...things like this just show we're getting closer and closer to this whole country being turned into one giant prison.
Better yet, who exactly are they considering terrorists now?
Anyone that opposes their rules and agenda that's who.
Many (not all) of our government representatives have been bought out by the large corporations.
They now are beginning to try to use the military to enforce their laws - not the laws of The People.
Amendment [ I ] peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress
of grievances. --- Now you must obtain a permit and be prepared for rubber bullets, pepper spray, being beaten, threatened and tasered.
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases
arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for
the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be
deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein
the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the
accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.............Bradley Manning (We won't even get into how beat up his face looked which is against the Geneva
Convention concerning torture (oh and how about Guantanamo Bay detention camp.)
At this point our government has condoned and practiced the use of weapons of mass destruction (WWII - Hiroshima & Nagasaki) as well as torture.
With every decade, and every new President we are beginning to see more and more of our freedoms shredded.
Banks and corporations get bailed out while the working people that have one medical issue, one job outsourced (followed by foreclosure & being
homeless) are left to fend for themselves.
We had a President (Bush Jr.) that lied about WMD as well as (my own opinion) at least knew and maybe arranged 9/11 to manipulate us into a war
costing millions of lives and trillions of dollars.
The next President did not hold the previous administration accountable and that really ticked me off BIG TIME. I guess torture is okay and going
back on a signed agreement (The Geneva Convention) means America is a country that does not honor signed agreements.
Torture of said POW which means the previous administration as well as possibly the current one should be held accountable for war crimes.
On and on it goes and it just keeps getting worse with so many of you folks either in denial or asleep.
I'm no lawyer nor a wiz kid and even I can see that inch by inch our freedoms are being erased.
Well, wake up or you may find yourself and your loved ones "on the list" or in a detention camp.......remember the Japanese Citizens. Michio Kaku's
parents were two of them.
Naomi Wolf's two books should be read by every single one of you reading this thread.
"The End of America" and "Give Me Liberty"
You have been warned. This video is several years old, and Ms. Wolf explains how a modern Democracy is closed down. Every would be step (there are
10) that like a blue print are followed.........and we are dangerously following that blue print to the letter and it's well underway here in the USA
1 - Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2 - Create a gulag (Create a secret prison system that practices torture not accountable to the law)
This puts pressure on the society as a whole.......eventually turning against it's own citizens.
3 - Develop a thug caste
4 - Set up an internal surveillance system
5 - Harass citizens’ groups
6- Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7 - Target key individuals
8 - Control the press (Ours already is)
9 - Dissent equals treason (Bradley Manning)
10 - Suspend the rule of law (What this thread is about and go back to #2).
1. Question everything
Why do people still vote for Grahamnesty? They should have canned him after he called for letting the illegals stay.
Looks like they are opening up the FEMA Camps soon.
can anyone find anything where the ACLU may have deliberatly "swayed" a case in favor of a specific agenda that may still have, or have had, a
negative impact on the majority of American citizens?
The ACLU has a reputaion of leaning 'Left' while supporting 'Right' behind the scenes.
Didn't they learn anything from the Japanese internment camps of World War II. Apparently not.
Be seeing you...
Sure they did, hide the camps better and use intimidation to silence people. Ask the German American's that were rounded up and sent to internment
camps as well.
Ive probably been on their silly little list for years...
Bit flattering knowing that at my age am giving the corrupt bastards in dizzy city ulcers and grey hair...
will be around many more years just to annoy them..
Americians that outside the US become ENEMY BELLIGERENTS are traitors. and can and should be deal with by the military as by joining the forces of a
enemy country or group they have renounced citizenship by there actions.
What the US no longer does is strip citizenship before they go after a traitor.
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United
States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not
less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
This has always been the law.
As for in the US the military would have to deal with the oath keepers in and out side if there ranks
Man, i don't even know what to say, about all this.
I mean, i know it's all part of the desensitizing game, as it will probably not pass, just get us all riled up so they can turn up the heat.. a
little slower ..... the frog is getting pretty close to boiling...
Originally posted by ANNED
Americians that outside the US become ENEMY BELLIGERENTS are traitors. and can and should be deal with by the military as by joining the forces of a
enemy country or group they have renounced citizenship by there actions.
What the US no longer does is strip citizenship before they go after a traitor.
§ 2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United
States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not
less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
This has always been the law.
As for in the US the military would have to deal with the oath keepers in and out side if there ranks
It's an oath to the Constitution, though. NOT a political leader.
Well what would you suggest the american people do? If peace doesn't work, and violence doesn't work then we must be f**ked over and just gota roll
over and take it? I doubt it
Well what would you suggest the american people do? If peace doesn't work, and violence doesn't work then we must be f**ked over and just gota roll
over and take it? I doubt it
The only way anybody is going to make a difference is:
Make everything of value to TPTB worthless and useless.
Why would they come and get me? I have not done anything...I will not do anything...I color in the lines and allow other people to color in their
pictures as they see fit...When someone comes a callin' and says, "Worship me," that is when they can shoot...there is a difference between bowing
a knee and bowing in worship...
Originally posted by jeichelberg
Why would they come and get me? I have not done anything...I will not do anything...I color in the lines and allow other people to color in their
pictures as they see fit...When someone comes a callin' and says, "Worship me," that is when they can shoot...there is a difference between bowing
a knee and bowing in worship...
A person who stands for nothing, will fall for anything.
-Malcom X
T'is better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
They may never get you, my friend. But they may get your neighbors.
They are enacting a you or me agenda. Bush said those who are not for us are against us. Remember? How many people out there are in the us group?
Not very many. They are going to use the empty headed goons who think they can cooperate their ways out of this. With the please don't take me
mentality I will do what ever to whoever you say. Might buy them a little time but not much. What part of they want to eliminate over 80% of the
worlds population isn't understood? The last I heard that had been changed to they don't need any of us. That should be self explainatory. Them
100% us 0%. After doing their physical dirty work we will all meet again in the FEMA camps. That is if they let their goons live long enough.
REALITY BITES!!! Not long ago Obama was being blamed for every bad thing including depriving Americans of their rights. Now we see that the White
House and the Attorney General oppose this Bill. What? Hopefully everyone now will see who are their real enemy. Figured it out yet? Is this the
TEA PARTY CONGRESS the American people say they want?
Even if by some fleeting chance that this passes The House this will die in The Senate so that is that!
This law dies!
The enemy of America is now becoming more painfully obvious and it is The SCUM as they and them alone are completely, totally, unequivocally and
without a shadow of doubt shall now be more painfully obvious who is in fact causing this entire mess?
Now does everyone see what's good?
edit on 25-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)